Supreme Stock God

C645 Gorgeous China

C645 Gorgeous China

Wang Mingquan had a complicated look on his face, and before that, he had never thought of leaving the wireless, In her opinion, Wireless was the Shaolin Temple in Hong Kong Television. Its status was unshakable, and the Asia Television Limited's "Wu Dang" was just a fake.    


In the past, the Asia Television Limited had never been a match for Wireless even before Zhou Hao took over. In fact, the Asia Television Limited was the number one television station in Hong Kong, but at that time, Hong Kong still treated charging television as the mainstream.    


After the government launched the free TV, Wi-Fi took the opportunity to rise up and reinstall the wireless reception system for a month. From then on, Li-Fi's position with Wi-Fi was completely reversed, and Li-Fi did not turn the tables again.    


After that, Li Li, who had changed her name to Asia Television Limited, changed her hand a few times. When Lin Baixin took over and obtained the support of a large amount of funds, she was still struggling under the shadow of Wi-Fi.    


At that time, in order to defeat the wireless, the Asia Television Limited had poached a lot of producers, directors, and actors over and over again from the wireless, using a high salary and a high salary to poach a large number of supervisors, directors, and actors.    


However, in the end, they did not achieve their intended goal. The people who had transferred to Asia Television Limited finally returned to Wi-Fi due to limited development. Even the original people of Asia Television Limited had switched jobs to Wi-Fi.    


Therefore, in recent years, if it wasn't for the fact that life was really difficult, Wireless people would never go to the Asia Television Limited to make a living. Even if they decided to leave Wireless, they wouldn't treat the Asia Television Limited as their own way out.    


In the eyes of Wang Mingquan, Zheng Yuling and a few other seniors, the Asia Television Limited was like a crow's nest. As a phoenix, how could he live in a crow's nest?    


This situation had completely changed after Zhou Hao entered the Asia Television Limited. The wireless employees who had looked down on the Asia Television Limited were now rushing over to the Asia Television Limited like a flock of ducks, and they were doing very well.    


For example, the Liang Jiashu in front of her. As one of the three treasures of the wireless town, Wang Mingquan knew a lot of insider information. She was very clear about Liang Jiashu's situation in the wireless town.    


After Fang Yihua gained power, Liang Jiashu, who was one of the senior elders, was greatly ostracized. Ceng Lizhen, who quickly got to her position with Fang Yihua's support, opposed him and forced him to the edge of the cliff time and time again.    


Shao Yifu, on the other hand, did not care about his situation. It finally led to Liang Jiashu leaving the Asia Television Limited with many people.    


In Wang Mingquan's opinion, Liang Jiashu was already at the end of his life. She was more optimistic about Zeng Lizhen, who was from the youth faction. She believed that Zeng Lizhen could bring new vitality and competition to Wireless.    


However, Traversing Four Seas, which had previously been broadcasted by Asia Television Limited, was very popular in Hong Kong. Tao Dayu and Tan Yaowen, who had originally been marginalized and left early on, had also made a big turnaround with this movie.    


Tao Dayu had even become the "milk killer" that the married women madly loved.    


Liang Jiashu and Li Zhaoxi, who were responsible for the production of Traversing Four Seas, had become the most popular producers in Hong Kong, especially Liang Jiashu, who had completely recovered his former glory and glory. He was no longer comparable to when he was on the wireless.    


Looking at Wang Mingquan's constantly changing expression, Liang Jiashu was filled with the demeanor of an expert. He smiled faintly. "Sister, I know what Sixth Uncle and Aunt are. You are still at the scene. Of course, everything will be fine, but if one day you. . . "    


Before Liang Jiashu could finish, Fang Yihua gritted her teeth and whispered to Zhou Hao, "Mr Zhou, your men are poaching wireless employees in front of me. This is too unreasonable. Don't tell me you don't care?"    


Zhou Hao smiled and did not say anything. Su Lin, on the other hand, smiled reservedly at Fang Yihua. "What Madam Shao said is not right. If Elder Liang is talking to Sister about the company's interests, we naturally have to take care of it.    


But as you can see, Elder Liang and Elder Sister's words just now were clearly just a conversation between friends. How can we interfere with their private lives? "    


Wang Mingquan immediately woke up when he heard the conversation between Fang Yihua and Su Lin. Even if he really had any intentions, he definitely could not reveal it in front of the boss. This would only make him suffer even more.    


So she quickly scolded Liang Jiashu, "I don't want to work with a person with low moral character like you. I have been on the wireless for decades, and I will retire here in the future! This is worthy of Sixth Uncle's appreciation for me! "    


Regardless of whether Wang Mingquan's words were sincere or not, at least he expressed his attitude to Fang Yihua, so Fang Yihua's expression eased up a little.    


Liang Jiashu knew that he had achieved his goal, so he did not continue to pester her. He tactfully retreated behind Zhou Hao and was willing to be Zhou Hao's follower. He had grasped the right path of retreat and retreat.    


He had become the pawn of the boss once, and he could also adjust his position as his subordinate in time. He did not want to steal the boss's limelight at all.    


He silently saw Liang Jiashu's action of advancing and retreating.    


Zhou Hao sighed with emotion in his heart. This Liang Jiashu was really a rare talent. If he couldn't suppress him, he would be able to make a name for himself. However, if he used it well, he would definitely be a talented general. Shao Yifu, that old man, really didn't know what was good for him. Even such a talented man was chased away.    


Fang Yihua naturally had a deep understanding of Liang Jiashu. It was because she was afraid that Liang Jiashu would be difficult to control and that he would one day threaten her authority over the Wireless World. That was why she allowed her subordinate Zeng Lizhen to push Liang Jiashu aside and drive him out of the Wireless World.    


But now she saw that Liang Jiashu was so respectful and obedient to Zhou Hao and Su Lin, the two young men. He did not act like he was taking advantage of his seniority on Wireless and did not seem to be faking it. She could not help but feel shocked and afraid of Zhou Hao and Su Lin's way of controlling their subordinates.    


"Sigh, actually, when it comes to 'Doo Doo', we are also very sad. " Fang Yihua adjusted her emotions and said, "Because of her misleading, we accidentally stole Millionaire and hurt the relationship between our two TV stations. It is really not right.    


It's also fortunate that you can take her in. After all, we have been friends for many years. I will thank you on behalf of Sixth Uncle here. "    


When Zhou Hao and the others heard Fang Yihua's words, they could not help but admire the thickness of this woman's skin. Back then, it was clearly her and Shao Yifu who deliberately wanted the copyright of Millionaire that fell into Zhou Hao's trap.    


In the end, she used Zheng Yuling as a scapegoat. Now with just a few words from her, it was as if the matter was completely Zheng Yuling's fault. It had nothing to do with them being wireless.    


Zhou Hao thought to himself, if Zheng Yuling heard Fang Yihua's words, she would probably strangle her to death even in front of so many people.    


Then he heard Fang Yihua ask with a smile, "Oh right, ever since Du Du left us, other than being a guest host in your Asia Television Limited's Millionaire, we haven't seen her in front of the camera for more than a year.    


Mr Zhou, don't tell me you intentionally let her do the chores behind the scenes because she used to be on our side?    


That won't do. When it comes to television, you must have the capacity to accommodate people. Otherwise, it won't be a big deal. "    


Zhou Hao was really going to laugh this time. Discribing celebrities and employees transferred from other television stations had always been a bad habit on the wireless side.    


Fang Yihua, on the other hand, put Dai Li in her shoes. She had played the dark art to such an extent. Zhou Hao did not know whether he should look down on her or admire her.    


"Hmm? Mr Zhou, you are still young. This kind of problem cannot be ignored. You have to know that this minute will affect the morale of the entire company. "    


Fang Yihua saw that Zhou Hao was only blindly following the small details, so she "kindly" reminded him.    


In fact, on the wireless side, she had repeatedly used the matter of Zheng Yuling not being put in an important position by the Asia Television Limited to warn the employees and artistes below to prevent them from thinking of changing jobs.    


Su Lin answered Fang Yihua on Zhou Hao's behalf. "Actually, Madam Shao, you are right. We really transferred Sister Dudu away. Last year at the end of the year, we sent her to the Galaxy Satellite TV network in our country. "    


" Oh? " Fang Yihua smiled sarcastically. "That's hard. She is not good at speaking the national language. It will be hard for her to perform on the mainland. "    


"Actually, Sister Du Du doesn't need to deliberately learn Mandarin when she's there. Even if she shows up on the show, she can still speak in Cantonese. " Su Lin replied with a smile.    


This time Fang Yihua's interest was really piqued. A sense of vigilance arose in her heart but she smiled and said: "Oh? Looks like Mr Zhou and the rest have made a big move again?    


What program are you planning to make Du Du produce?"    


Su Lin did not directly answer her question and instead asked back: "Your Wireless Hong Kong Miss election this year has already been completed, right?"    


"Yes, the quota has already been filled. " Fang Yihua smiled and said, "I have personally gone to take a look. This year's candidate is Jiali. Her quality is very good, and her appearance and temperament are generally higher than the previous election.    


Oh, right. Doesn't your Asia Television Limited also have the election of the young miss of Asia?    


Will it be held this year? If you need help, we can send some people to help you. After all, we have a lot of experience in this field. "    


Due to the weakness of Asia Television Limited in the past, the "Asian Miss Election" was different from the wireless "Hong Kong Miss Election. " It was not held every year, and its influence was far inferior to the "Hong Kong Miss Election. "    


Sensing the ridicule in Fang Yihua's words, Su Lin did not get angry and smiled. "This beauty pageant, we will still hold it this year. But it is not done by ourselves, and it is not only held in Hong Kong. "    


Seeing Fang Yihua and Wang Mingquan's puzzled expressions, Su Lin smiled faintly and said: "This year, our Asia Television Limited will be collaborating with the domestic Galaxy Satellite TV to hold the first 'Gorgeous China' beauty contest.    


In the face of the nationwide registration, all unmarried women under the age of 35 with legal nationalities of China can participate. "    


Fang Yihua's expression changed when she heard Su Lin's words. Su Lin saw her reaction.    


But she remained unmoved and said, "We originally wanted to reorganize the Asian Miss election, but Hong Kong is too small and Hong Kong has already returned to the motherland.    


Therefore, we decided to collaborate with Galaxy Satellite TV to host this national large-scale beauty pageant. "    


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