Supreme Stock God

C704 Meeting the Russians Again

C704 Meeting the Russians Again

"In the general manager's office of the Galaxy, He Xueyun was sitting in front of her desk reading the information about the Galaxy attentively. She operated the computer and quickly browsed the relevant data. She also flipped through the large stack of information on the table.    


Song Jiahao and Willie Worth, the two stewards of the Galaxy, also stood respectfully opposite of her. They were ready to answer He Xueyun's questions at any time to help her understand the situation of the Galaxy.    


Zhou Hao sat on the sofa over there and quietly admired He Xueyun's charming intellectual temperament when she worked seriously.    


When Zhou Hao said he wanted her to manage the Galaxy Investment company, He Xueyun did not reject him. Instead, she confidently accepted the challenge and immediately went into work mode. The first step was to understand the specific situation of the Galaxy.    


The more she understood the situation of the Galaxy, the more shocked He Xueyun became. She used her professional knowledge to make a preliminary estimation of the capital of the Galaxy.    


She found that the unknown "Galaxy" actually controlled nearly 16 billion USD of capital, and it continued to grow in the financial market. It was like a snowball rolling on a snowball, and it formed a hidden and powerful capital force in the financial market.    


Including the major tycoons of the Li Family, the country, Xu Family, and other Hong Kong and Australia, no one knew that there was a financial investment company hidden in the square that controlled such a huge amount of capital.    


It was not inferior to any of the wealthy families in Hong Kong and Macau, or even more!    


"This is unbelievable. Since the establishment of the Galaxy in 1997, the investment made by the Galaxy has never failed. Even gold, oil, steel, aluminum and other kinds of fluctuating futures were predicted so accurately. This is unbelievable!"    


He Xueyun's bright eyes reflected the ever-changing data and she could not help but exclaim.    


Willie Worth said, "It's all because the investment plan of the boss is very accurate. We old employees watched the development of the Galaxy until now, so we know very well that the Galaxy's performance today was all thanks to the boss. "    


He Xueyun looked up at Zhou Hao, who was sitting leisurely on the sofa, and asked, "Hao, is what he said true? He's not flattering you?"    


"Miss He, although you are now our general manager, we do not like to hear what you say. "    


Song Jiahao said very seriously, "When the boss was our boss, all the employees in our company admired our idol. This is not to please the boss, but the boss's talent in financial investment is a rare genius that only appears once in a hundred years.    


In our opinion, even those big shots like Soros can't be compared to our boss.    


Miss He, you can take a look at the information. During the first and second wave of Asian financial storms, how much money did our company make under the boss's lead?"    


He Xueyun saw the serious expressions on Song Jiahao and Willie Worth's faces and knew that they were not lying.    


However, He Xueyun did not expect Zhou Hao to have such outstanding talent in finance. Furthermore, Zhou Hao had never mentioned it to her before.    


He Xueyun had always thought that although Zhou Hao had the Zhao Family as his backing, he probably only wanted to monopolize the business like the other "red second generations" in order to make a profit.    


As for the financial market, especially the international financial market outside of China, it was not something that the red families in the country could influence. Therefore, Zhou Hao's achievement depended entirely on his own strength.    


She knew that Zhou Hao was only 18 years old this year, but he had already controlled more than 100 billion HKD worth of assets. It was all thanks to her own ability, the "White Hand Xingjia. "    


No one would believe what she said. She had always loved Zhou Hao so much that she could not extricate herself. Now that she knew Zhou Hao had such outstanding talent, she felt even more fortunate that she had met a good person.    


As for the fact that Zhou Hao had never told her before, to He Xueyun, it was also because of Zhou Hao's honesty that he did not like to brag. She did not blame him at all, but it was like "love comes from the eyes of a lover. "    


"How is it? Do you have the confidence to help me manage this business?" Zhou Hao smiled warmly.    


He Xueyun hesitated for a moment. After all, this was a huge asset comparable to the gambling kingdom of He Family.    


But very quickly, she nodded confidently. This was not only because she was confident in her ability, but also because she did not want to disappoint Zhou Hao's trust in her.    


"Jiahao, go out and look at those people. There are some fluctuations in Hong Kong's stock market today. Keep a close eye on it. Just let Willie Worth stay here and help Xueyun. "    


Zhou Hao said.    


"Got it, boss. " Song Jiahao turned around and left the office.    


Willie Worth knew what Zhou Hao meant. He took out a disk from his pocket and gave it to He Xueyun. He Xueyun looked at the disk in confusion. She saw Zhou Hao nod at her, so she inserted the disk into the computer. A series of data immediately appeared on the monitor.    


"This is. . . " He Xueyun looked at the data on the monitor in confusion. "Roble (Ruble)? This is the Russian currency market transaction data? Hao, you are. . . ?"    


Willie Worth handed another file to He Xueyun, and He Xueyun immediately started flipping through it. The more she read, the more surprised she became. " Hao, will the stock market collapse in Russia?    


How, how is that possible? The Russian government is currently working hard to stabilize their financial market. Moreover, they are about to change the term, so how can they allow the financial market to be in turmoil?"    


Zhou Hao did not need to say anything about these reasons. Willie Worth immediately explained to He Xueyun in detail. His point of view was what Zhou Hao had told him before.    


After He Xueyun heard it, she admired and admired Zhou Hao's bold prediction and his sharp and terrifying deduction ability even more.    


"Willie Worth and I are the only ones who know the details of this investment plan. Even Jiahao knows nothing about it. "    


Zhou Hao said, "As I am also a member of Zhao Family, I have a very close relationship with the Central Government. The relationship between the Central Government and Russia is very delicate, so my investment in Russia will become sensitive. If I am not careful, I will be caught.    


Since you want to help me manage Galaxy in the future, I can't hide this from you. I also need your professional knowledge to help me share my worries. "    


He Xueyun hurriedly nodded her head. To be able to share Zhou Hao's secrets and share his worries, He Xueyun was very willing.    


He Xueyun was busy at the office until six o'clock in the evening. Only then did He Xueyun stop working under Zhou Hao's advice and agree to come back tomorrow. Otherwise, with the effort that she had held back for more than ten years, she would probably spend the whole night eating all the information about the Galaxy.    


"Hao, look, the employees of the company haven't gotten off work yet. It's not good for us to leave just like that, right?" When He Xueyun walked out of the office, she saw that none of the employees had gotten off work. All of them stayed and continued to struggle.    


Willie Worth, who was beside her, smiled and said, "Miss He, we are used to this. Once we start working, we will forget about time.    


It is also because the boss sympathizes with us and doesn't want us to go too far. He forcefully stipulates that we must leave the company before seven o'clock at night. These employees will probably do it day and night. "    


Zhou Hao also said to He Xueyun, "In the future, when you work here, you can't be associated with this kind of bad habit of theirs. Every day at five o'clock in the afternoon, you must get off work on time. Otherwise, I will withdraw your position as general manager. "    


He Xueyun understood that Zhou Hao was concerned about her own health. After all, it would hurt to work too hard, so she nodded sweetly.    


After leaving the square, He Xueyun sat in Zhou Hao's Maserati. Seeing that there were no outsiders present, she immediately got into Zhou Hao's arms and said with a red face, "Hao, thank you. "    


She was grateful that Zhou Hao gave her the opportunity to show off his talent. Zhou Hao also asked her to help with the investment in Russia. He Xueyun also felt that she knew Zhou Hao's secret and was closer to him than other women.    


"I am just trying my best. " Zhou Hao laughed. "To be honest, I am exploiting a rare talent like you, but you still say thank you to me. You are such a fool. "    


"I will be your fool. " He Xueyun's smile suddenly became naive. She now had a completely different kind of beauty from her usual self.    


In order to completely get rid of the ties between the He Family and the Xu Family, He Xueyun, with Zhou Hao's help, made a statement to the media the next day. She officially went through the divorce procedures with Xu Jinsheng and passed through the representative, Andrew. Alexander asked Xu Jinsheng for one billion yuan of alimony.    


In regards to this, the He Family rarely kept silent and did not express any opinions. It could be considered as acquiescence to He Xueyun's actions.    


He Xueyun's actions were like throwing a heavyweight bomb in Hong Kong's public opinion, setting off a storm. Most of the public opinion leaned towards supporting He Xueyun. Xu Jinsheng's reputation was really too bad, almost becoming synonymous with men being scum.    


As for the case of Xu Jianming suing Zhou Hao for hurting him, it was difficult for him to take a step forward because Ni Yongxiao and others were his witnesses. Instead, he was sued for defamation by the grand group of lawyers behind Zhou Hao.    


On this day, Zhou Hao brought He Xueyun and Su Lin to the Jun Yue Hotel for dinner. He wanted to bring Liang Xiaobing along, but the movie "Love Have a Next Life" played by Liang Xiaobing needed to be filmed in the area of Yun Gui in China. Yesterday, the staff of North Pole Star took a plane and left Hong Kong.    


Su Lin and He Xueyun were both outstanding beauties and had more contact, so with Zhou Hao's matchmaking, they quickly became good friends. They were not like He Hongsen's aunt who schemed against each other, which made He Xueyun feel relieved.    


In the top floor restaurant of the Junyue Hotel, Zhou Hao saw a person he was interested in. It was a Russian who he had met once at Ni Yongxiao's "Moonlight Club. " Zhou Hao could tell at a glance that this person was not an ordinary Russian.    


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