Supreme Stock God

C703 She Won't Get the Approval of the Higher-ups

C703 She Won't Get the Approval of the Higher-ups

Although Old Master Zhao said "stability and unity," Zhou Hao knew that in the political world of the country, at least the Zhao Faction had set a good example for the He Family.    


That's right, the He Family was the true number one family in the Macau. It controlled almost all of the economy of the Macau.    


However, that was the situation before the Macau returned. The Macau was a colony of Jamaica, and since the Macau was located on the continent of China, most of its population was also Chinese.    


Therefore, it was impossible for Greece to settle too many of their people in Macau. As a result, in order to rule Macau, they had to use "ruling Hua. "    


He Family, on the other hand, was the best tool to manage Macau. He Hongsen's development depended on the support of the Jamaican government.    


However, after the return of Macau, the central government would never allow such a situation to continue. No matter where it was, the central government was most afraid of the local powers. This would cause the government's policies to not be effective.    


At this time, Zhou Hao already knew why the He Family couldn't obtain the approval of the higher ups no matter how hard they tried. Because the He Family's roots in the Macau were too deep, it had a considerable influence on the central government. Therefore, the He Family had become a hindrance in the central government's eyes.    


The emergence of such a situation was also because the Macau was too small. Although Hong Kong also had local powers, as the space in Hong Kong was much larger than the Macau, there were far more than one local power. It created a relatively balanced situation, and instead, it allowed Hong Kong to maintain stability.    


"The current Macau is one of the three biggest gambling cities in the world, and also the biggest and most famous gambling place in Asia. "    


Old Master Zhao's voice came again, "Since the late 1980s and early 1990s, many people in our country have been attracted to the Macau. The whole world knows that the people of China are good at gambling. This bad habit has caused a lot of problems. "    


Zhou Hao was quite surprised, but he did not interrupt Old Master Zhao's words.    


Old Master Zhao continued, "Especially after the Hong Kong businessmen come to invest in the mainland, in order to open up the market in the mainland more smoothly, those businessmen bring local officials to Macau to gamble. They use gambling to corrode those local officials and make them walk on the road of no return. "    


It could be heard that although Old Master Zhao's tone was as calm as water, there was quite a bit of anger in it. "At that time, we once looked for He Hongsen and discussed with him to see if he could cooperate with us to drag out those evil horses and transfer the money that originally belonged to the people of our country to us to a certain extent. "    


Now that Old Master Zhao had mentioned this matter, Zhou Hao knew that He Hongsen and the central government had such a setback.    


Even without needing Old Master Zhao to say it, Zhou Hao could guess that He Hongsen definitely would not be willing to let go of those "big clients" from the country and the rich profits brought to the casino, thus rejecting the Central Government's request.    


Sure enough, Old Master Zhao sighed and said, "If a businessman only knows how to seek profits and is unable to differentiate between the big and the big, and even unscrupulously exploit the interests of the people, in the end, it will be hard to have a good result. "    


Zhou Hao was slightly shocked. Old Master Zhao's words had almost determined the outcome of He Family.    


Zhou Hao finally knew why the special regional government would immediately open the gambling rights after Macau's return in his previous life. Apart from breaking the He Family's monopoly, it also had the intention of suppressing the He Family.    


After figuring this out, Zhou Hao pushed the boat along with the current and said to Old Master Zhao, "Godfather, I think the reason why those people from He Family are so arrogant is because they have the only gambling rights in Macau, and they have a monopoly over it. I think if the Macau government wants to get a room for the gambling rights. . . "    


Before Zhou Hao could finish, Old Master Zhao interrupted him with a smile. Hehehe, it's still too early to talk about this now. Nian, you should take care of your business first.    


Also, don't jump too high. It's not good to attract too much attention. "    


Zhou Hao immediately reacted. It was very sensitive for him to talk about opening the gambling rights with Old Master Zhao, especially since Macau had yet to return. Even if the central government had already decided on a way to open the gambling rights and break the monopoly, it would still be a top secret and couldn't be leaked.    


He believed that some people in the central government had also noticed the matter of the He Family in Zhou Hao's mind. Before this, Old Master Zhao had used the Asia Television Limited as a warning to Zhou Hao to keep a low profile. Who would have thought that Zhou Hao would stir up such a thing again? It would be impossible for him not to make a name for himself.    


However, Zhou Hao could also tell that Old Master Zhao did not seem to be blaming him, so he felt slightly relieved.    


After chatting with the old man for a while, Zhou Hao ended the call. He Xueyun, who was sitting next to him, also asked nervously, "Yes, it's Old Master Zhao?"    


Zhou Hao nodded. He Xueyun said anxiously, "He knows about what happened between you and me? Him, did he blame you?"    


"No, my godfather still loves me very much. " Zhou Hao hugged He Xueyun on his lap and supported her by her waist with both hands.    


He smiled and said, "You don't have to be afraid that my godfather will have any problems with you. I heard from my brother that my godfather was very dissolute when he was young. He won't blame me for this kind of thing. "    


Although he said that, Zhou Hao was actually a little worried in his heart.    


Indeed, the old man had no objections to his fickleness. After all, this was a common problem for men. The only difference was whether they had the ability or not.    


However, this was also under the circumstances that the old man did not know about the relationship between Zhou Hao and Zhao Yuqin. If the old man knew that his beloved daughter was also Zhou Hao's pillow, he was afraid that he would not indulge Zhou Hao like this.    


And these concerns, Zhou Hao naturally would not tell He Xueyun, lest she let her imagination run wild.    


As expected, after He Xueyun heard Zhou Hao say that the old man did not care about these, she let out a long sigh of relief. She also moved closer to Zhou Hao and rubbed his ears and hair gently. The tenderness in her eyes was enough to make any stone-hearted man turn into a gentle pinkie.    


"En. . . Hao. . . Stop messing around. This is still. . . It is still daytime. . . " When she noticed Zhou Hao's hand drilling into her shirt from under her clothes to directly touch the softness on her chest, He Xueyun twitched her mouth and said.    


"By the way, Xueyun, what plans do you have in the future? You can't really be the kind of yellow-faced woman who stays at home cooking and washing clothes every day, right?"    


He Xueyun leaned her head against Zhou Hao's chest and said gently, "I will be your yellow-faced woman. Don't you like it?"    


"I like it, I like it. But I don't want to bury your talent like this. "    


Zhou Hao held the jade man in his arms and said, "I know that your talent is no worse than any man's. If I really trap you at home and make you a yellow-faced woman, I'm afraid I will be punished by the heavens. "    


He Xueyun was touched by Zhou Hao's words because most men, especially those successful men, did not like their women appearing in front of them.    


To them, women should stay at home and cook and take care of their children. If their wives were more capable than her, those men would be jealous and force their wives to stay at home.    


He Xueyun smiled at Zhou Hao and asked, "Then what do you want me to do? Tell me, I will do whatever you want me to do. "    


"I remember you studied financial analysis and statistics in London. " Zhou Hao said.    


"Yes. " He Xueyun nodded. "Mainly economics, capital market, and other economics subjects. What? You want me to help you do financial accounting?"    


Zhou Hao smiled and shook his head. "Isn't it a waste to let you be a financial accountant? I want to show off your talent. "    


After that, Zhou Hao brought He Xueyun to the headquarters of "Galaxy Investment" in the central square.    


He Xueyun often came to the square to shop, but she never knew that there was such an investment company in the square. At the same time, she was shocked.    


Because the office of "Galaxy" occupied an entire floor, the rent of the office buildings in the Land Plaza was famous for being expensive. Every year, it was hundreds of millions. An investment company of this scale could not be unknown in Hong Kong.    


Especially when He Xueyun went in and saw the analysts of different nationalities and races, she was even more surprised. She knew how much money was needed to recruit so many foreign employees, and it was necessary to have connections in the government.    


Furthermore, as a professional in finance, she observed that these analysts were all industry elites. Any employee here would be a top talent in the investment company if they were placed outside.    


Behind one of the female analysts, He Xueyun saw the data on the computer screen in front of her. She could not help but exclaim, "One person can operate a deal worth more than 600 million USD?"    


After walking around a few more rounds, He Xueyun saw that each operator controlled hundreds of millions of transactions. He Xueyun had only done simulations to control such a scale of financial transactions.    


Only now did she know that the scale of this "Galaxy Investment" was far larger than the surface.    


"Hao, here. . . This is. . . " He Xueyun was so shocked that she could not close her mouth. She looked at Zhou Hao in a daze.    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "This is one of the companies under me. It is also my biggest source of funds. "    


"What?" He Xueyun was even more surprised. She originally thought that Zhou Hao was at most one of the shareholders of this investment company.    


"The investments of my Galaxy are mostly in the financial aspect, including the stock market, futures index, petroleum, gold crops, and other futures. They are not limited to a certain region. "    


Zhou Hao smiled at He Xueyun and said, "But I have more things to deal with. I cannot manage the Galaxy all the time.    


In the past, it was sister who helped me look after it, but now she wants to help me look after the Heavenly River Drink Group in the country and it is difficult for her to split up. So I want you to help me manage this Galaxy. "    


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