Supreme Stock God

C708 The Heavenly Network

C708 The Heavenly Network

After a period of surveillance, Dong Chunlin and the others were sure of William. Rashid was a spy sent by the United States, which also proved Zhou Hao's intuition was right.    


Zhou Hao was even more curious about the other mysterious organization that closely monitored William Rashid.    


Because of William. If Rashid was a spy in the United States, the organization that monitored him was unlikely to be sent by the United States or other western countries that were close to the United States. It was most likely a country in the same socialist faction as China.    


And those who had hostile attitudes towards the United States, such as Russia or North Korea, or the armed organizations in the Middle East that were hostile to the United States.    


"Chief, take a look, William. Rashid is packing his things. " Ge Pingan was watching William through the lens in front of the infrared telescope. Rashid said to Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao quickly went over to the camera and saw William in the guest room of the wealthy Eastern Hotel. Rashid was using some kind of instrument to scan the tapes, TV, telephone, faxed machine and computer.    


Dong Chunlin, who was next to him, explained to Zhou Hao, "It is an instrument that can release strong electromagnetic forces. It can completely destroy computers, phones, and other electronic devices.    


Also, he just used the diluted liquid from the sky to wipe away the tea cups, rinsing cups, razor knives, clothes and even toilets that he had used before. He destroyed all the organic materials that he had left behind.    


William Rashid is destroying all traces so that I can leave without any worries. "    


Zhou Hao said, "Those videos hide the password of their American intelligence organization. If we can get it back, we can crack it. It's very important to the national intelligence collection. It's such a pity to let him destroy it just like that. "    


The team member who had explained the videos to Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Chief, don't worry. We used a special material with lead to process the videos in his room.    


We will wait for William to protect the tapes from the electromagnetic pulse. After Rashid left, we can find an opportunity to bring those tapes back to study and crack them. "    


Zhou Hao was also very excited when he heard that. He thought that Dong Chunlin and the other scouts were really useful. He was also very glad that he could recruit such talents.    


Although Zhou Hao had invested hundreds of millions of dollars on Pluto every year to buy weapons and other high-end instruments, it seemed that all these investments were worth it.    


He also planned to merge Pluto with Rat's internal investigation department. One of them was very talented in military intelligence, and the other was very experienced in commercial intelligence. If they worked together, they would complement each other.    


He looked at William again. In fact, Rashid did not pack anything. He only took a bag with him and a set of clothes with him. He also divided the cash of more than 100,000 dollars into his wallet, belt, socks, underwear and the bag in his arms. Then he went out.    


One of the members in charge of monitoring the other mysterious organization said at this time, "Chief, team leader, there's movement over there too. They want to follow William. Rashid. "    


Dong Chunlin immediately looked at Zhou Hao and waited for his order. Zhou Hao said, "With the ability of that mysterious organization, they should not be followed by William. If Rashid is lost, we will just hang behind them. "    


At this time, Zhou Hao saw William through the infrared camera. Rashid had just left the house when he ran into a person. It was Jonathan, the lead singer of the Love Orchestra.    


Jonathan obviously knew nothing about William Rashid's work as a spy. He looked at him and William. Rashid's expression when he spoke clearly showed his disdain towards William Rashid, the drummer of the band.    


"That guy should think that William. . . Rashid went out to the nightclub. " Ge Pingan sneered. "That Jonathan is really an ignorant guy. He brings women back every day to hang around, or he just takes drugs with others in his room. "    


The others also revealed looks of disdain. It seemed like Ge Pingan and the others looked down on Jonathan.    


Zhou Hao saw William Rashid chatting with Jonathan for a while and then went to the elevator with him. Obviously, they were going to go out together, because Jonathan should think of William as Ge Pingan had said. Rashid wanted to go out and play, so he insisted on going with them.    


Zhou Hao saw William. Rashid's expression was somewhat gloomy. When he looked at Jonathan, his dark blue eyes even flashed with a cold killing intent. After all, with Jonathan around, the risk of him escaping Hong Kong would be much higher.    


"Humph, humph, humph. With Jonathan as a burden, William. I'm afraid that it will be even harder for Rashid to escape. " Zhou Hao sneered and asked the person in charge of monitoring the other organization, "How is it? Did that group of people take action?"    


"They have already made their move. Only three of them are left there. The rest of them will follow William. Rashid said. "    


Zhou Hao nodded. " Alright, let's go too. Chun Lin, you will be in charge of commanding. "    


"Yes!" Dong Chunlin answered properly, then decisively and skillfully commanded the team members to move out.    


He left five people here to monitor the organization and find an opportunity to go to William. He took the videos from Rashid's room, and the others followed him to follow William. Rashid and that organization, Zhou Hao, were also on this trip.    


In order to not let the target discover that they were being followed, Dong Chunlin's group had a variety of means of transportation. There were ordinary private cars, trucks disguised as logistics companies' transport vehicles, motorcycles, taxis, and so on. There was even a red 16 small buses.    


Zhou Hao and Dong Chunlin sat on a taxi together. The driver was in charge of driving. He was one of the team members, and his driving skills were very good. Other than following the mysterious organization, the rest of the people followed him.    


Some of them were following William. Rashid and Jonathan were there to prevent anything unexpected from happening to William. Rashid got rid of the tracking.    


According to Dong Chunlin's explanation, Zhou Hao found out that the yellow noble sports car in front of him was one of the tracking team members of the mysterious organization.    


Zhou Hao originally thought that the organization wouldn't use such eye-catching means of transportation like branded sports cars in order to hide their whereabouts.    


Dong Chunlin said, "It is because sports cars are eye-catching that most people think that the intelligence organization would not use them. That is why they went the opposite way.    


Moreover, sports cars are not only excellent in performance, they can also follow the target for a long time. Even if the target finds out, most people will think that they are in the sports car. It's the kind of rich kid who makes trouble out of nothing and likes to provoke others. He won't be too suspicious. "    


"So that's how it is. " Zhou Hao finally understood. He thought that these intelligence officers were really good at psychology.    


"They pretended to be rich people who liked to cause trouble and could 'legally' hang behind the target. But this is a taxi. I don't think any taxi driver would deliberately provoke a sports car.    


So if we follow behind the sports car for a long time, they will definitely notice us. " Dong Chunlin pointed at the noble sports car in front of him and said with a smile.    


Zhou Hao could not help smiling. He saw the team in front of him drive the two taxis to the bridge in front of them. The team members who drove the other cars continued to follow the noble sports car. This way, they took turns to minimize the chances of being discovered.    


Dong Chunlin and Zhou Hao didn't continue to follow the mysterious organization or William. Rashid went straight to the Sunflower Pond to wait for the rabbit, because of William. As long as it was not an accident, Rashid would definitely come to the Sunflower Surge Pier.    


Dong Chunlin and the others had obviously made preparations at the Sunflower Surge Pier. They actually used the highest pile of containers in the east as a monitoring point.    


After waiting here for half an hour, they finally saw William Rashid and the others.    


According to the normal route, it would take too long to come from the Rich Eastern Hotel. Obviously, it was William. In order to get rid of being followed, Rashid deliberately circled around and came here because he thought he was safe.    


William. Rashid drove an old Lincoln Travel Carriage, and Jonathan was with him.    


He saw William. When Rashid came to Sunflower Surge Pier, Jonathan said unhappily, "Hey, William, aren't you going to the Langui Workshop?    


Why did you come to such a dull place? Don't tell me you're doing some kind of smuggling business. "    


William. Rashid ignored him. He pressed the button on the headlights of the vehicle and made a secret signal using the length of the lights. He only got out of the vehicle when the indicator lights on the other side of the loading table also sent him a secret signal.    


Jonathan felt that William Rashid's actions were very strange. He also got out of the car and scolded him, "William, what the hell are you doing? What are you doing here at the dock?"    


"Mr. William. " At this time, a man's voice came from not far away. More than ten people walked out from behind the container. The leader was a middle-aged man with a cane in his hand. He limped over.    


"Hello, Mr. Ouyang. " William. Rashid nodded slightly at the middle-aged man.    


Mr. Ouyang came to William and shook hands with him. He smiled and said, "The boat is ready. Let's go to Taiwan first, then to Japan. Hehe, our journey is about to begin. Mr. William, have you brought the ticket?"    


William took out a long rectangular wrapped in newspaper from his bag and threw it to Mr. Ouyang, who then handed it over to his subordinates behind him.    


The subordinate opened the newspaper and saw a thick stack of US dollars inside. They were all worth 100 dollars. It looked like there were no less than 200,000 dollars inside.    


Mister Ouyang narrowed his eyes and looked at Jonathan. His tone became gloomy. "Mister William, you didn't say that there were two passengers. "    


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