Supreme Stock God

C712 It Really Is the Russians

C712 It Really Is the Russians

Jonathan had never encountered such an unbelievable situation in his life. First, William, whom he thought he was very familiar with, suddenly became a very powerful agent.    


Then, he used legal businessmen to cover up his criminals. Then, he used armed soldiers. Now, there was even a "green giant" that only existed in science fiction movies.    


This series of unexpected situations even made Jonathan suspect that he had overdosed on drugs previously, causing hallucinations to appear now.    


When those "green giants" rushed over, he took advantage of the chaos to hide completely. He hid there shivering and mumbled, "It's just an illusion, it's just an illusion. It can't scare me, it can't scare me. . . "    


When the "green giant" was kicked away by Zhou Hao and fell beside the car, the huge force shook the ground. Jonathan was even more frightened, especially when he heard the "green giants" roaring like wild beasts.    


The "green giant" who was kicked by Zhou Hao accidentally saw Jonathan's exposed leg. The intense pain made him furious, and she had lost her rationality.    


She only wanted to tear apart everything she saw. At this moment, she saw someone hiding under the car. She grabbed Jonathan's ankle and pulled him out from the bottom of the car.    


"Ah! No! No! Help! Help! Find someone to save me!" Jonathan shouted and grabbed onto the concrete floor, leaving ten bloody marks on the ground. Even his nails were pulled out.    


At the same time, he saw a black handgun on the ground beside him. It was not just someone who had fallen there during the fierce battle.    


Jonathan gritted his teeth and quickly picked up the pistol. At this time, he was pulled out by the "Green Giant. " He was hanging upside down. When he saw the ferocious face of the "Green Giant," he was even more scared.    


"Wuwaa! Monster, go to hell!" He shouted loudly as he aimed his gun at the head of the "green giant" and fired several shots in succession.    


Due to the lax management of firearms in the United States, legal citizens like Jonathan could own guns, so Jonathan was very familiar with the use of pistols.    


Jonathan was very close to the "green giant. " In addition, the gun that Jonathan picked up belonged to the mysterious organization from before. It was a bullet with a strong penetrating power. It hit one of the bullets in the "green giant's" eyes.    


The skin and flesh of the other parts of the "green giant" were much tougher than that of a normal person, but the toughness of the eye could not be strengthened. It was still the most vulnerable part of the body.    


Therefore, under the shot of the steel core bullet, the right eye of the "green giant" was immediately blown up. However, it did not continue to pierce through its head. It only caused the "green giant" great pain and even more violent anger.    


"F * ck you monster! Go to hell!" Jonathan kept pulling the trigger, and bullets shot onto the green giant's body one after another. However, they could not cause any more damage to the green giant, but only made him even more furious.    


"Roar!" The giant roared again. The giant wanted to kill Jonathan, who had brought him great pain. He grabbed Jonathan's ankle with one hand and his chest with the other. Then he roared and tore him apart.    


"Argh!" Jonathan let out a heart-wrenching scream.    


Then he saw blood sprinkling down from the sky. Jonathan's entire body was torn in half by the "green giant" and from his waist.    


He threw the two halves of Jonathan's body onto the ground. The "green giant" still wanted to lick the blood that splashed on his face.    


Jonathan, who fell to the ground, did not stop breathing. He looked at his lower body not far away from him, and the intestines that leaked out from his abdomen. He was covered in the fear of death, and his face was full of tears.    


At this time, he saw Zhou Hao, who had just knocked down another "green giant" in the distance. He shouted miserably, "Zhou Hao, save me. . . Save me. . . Please, save me. . . "    


Zhou Hao also saw Jonathan's miserable condition. He had never thought that Jonathan would suffer such misfortune the moment he knocked down the other "green giant. "    


He looked at Jonathan's organs that were scattered all over the floor. Zhou Hao shook his head. Even if he used his Genuine Aura, he wouldn't be able to save Jonathan. After all, that wasn't an internal injury.    


Although Zhou Hao didn't have a good impression of Jonathan, he couldn't help feeling pity when he saw Jonathan's ending.    


The green giant whose right eye had been blown up and became even more violent because of Jonathan's blood also rushed towards Zhou Hao again.    


Zhou Hao let out a cold snort. In a flash, he had already appeared in front of the 'green giant'. " In front of him, the index and middle fingers of his right hand suddenly pointed, and a sharp force shot out toward the throat of the "green giant. "    




Zhou Hao shot out the finger Qi that was shot out by the powerful Genuine Aura. Its strength was far from what a bullet could compare with. It directly pierced through the body of the 'Green Giant'.    


"Gu. . . Gu. . . Gu. . . " The "green giant" covered its throat with both hands. After making a few "Gu Gu" sounds, it fell straight to the ground. Its body slowly shrank because of the loss of its life force and finally returned to its original form.    


Among the five 'green giants', Zhou Hao only killed one of them. The other four were only knocked out.    


Zhou Hao knew how important these five "green giants" that were suspected to be Biochemical Warriors were for the military in the country. He had purposely left a few "living" for research purposes.    


When he came to Jonathan's side, Jonathan only had one breath left. Lying on the ground, he looked at Zhou Hao, who was beside him, and said weakly, "Save. . . Save. . . I. . . "    


Zhou Hao shook his head and sighed. "I didn't think that you would end up like this in the end. I am also very sorry. I don't want to lie to you. With your current condition, there's no point in saving you anymore. What I can do is to give you a quick death and free you from this pain. "    


"Save. . . Save me. . . I. . . Don't want to die. . . "Jonathan said stubbornly, but his voice was getting weaker and weaker. In the end, he didn't even need to do anything before his life came to an abrupt end.    


Zhou Hao secretly sighed and looked at the American special forces. He saw that their original 20 plus people, excluding the five "Hulk" and the few people who were killed by Ge Pingan and the others' sneak attack.    


Now, half of them had died under the joint attack of Dong Chunlin and the mysterious organization. There were only four or five of them left.    


From these American troops, he should be able to obtain a lot of useful information. Therefore, Zhou Hao did not want to kill them all, so he quickly rushed over.    


While the few special forces soldiers who stubbornly resisted were busy dealing with Dong Chunlin and the others' firepower, he knocked them out with a few moves.    


Dong Chunlin saw that the enemy had been subdued, so he ordered them to stop attacking. At the same time, he felt that Zhou Hao's strength was beyond his imagination.    


When he saw Zhou Hao easily knock down those monstrous "green giants," Dong Chunlin rubbed his eyes in disbelief, thinking that he was dreaming.    


Now that Zhou Hao had subdued those few American special forces soldiers with his bare hands, Dong Chunlin and the other members of "Pluto" admired Zhou Hao even more.    


Dong Chunlin also thought in his heart that if Zhou Hao went to scout or assassinate the enemy leader, it would definitely be beneficial.    


Dong Chunlin thought. Taking the lead of a million troops was like taking something out of a bag. He was talking about strong people like Zhou Hao.    


He quickly cast these distracting thoughts aside and immediately understood Zhou Hao's intention to knock out the special forces soldiers and not kill them. He ordered his men to catch the unconscious special forces soldiers.    


At this time, Zhou Hao also contacted him through the walkie-talkie. "Chunlin, these Americans should have come from the harbor. Send some men to see if there is a landing boat there. Also, help me inform Brother Lu.    


At this point, it is not suitable for us to deal with it privately. "    


" I understand, Chief. " Dong Chunlin immediately responded. Now, he was completely loyal to Zhou Hao, because worshipping the strong had always been the style of their soldiers.    


Zhou Hao's performance just now had shocked Dong Chunlin and the others, and they couldn't help but feel a deep respect for him.    


"Also, let's see if we can contact the people of that organization. After all, they just joined us to deal with those Americans. It's not right for us to not greet them. "    


However, Zhou Hao and the others did not need to take the initiative to contact the mysterious organization. When Zhou Hao's men grabbed those ordinary special forces soldiers and the Biochemical Warriors that could transform into 'green giants' and were about to take them away, the people from the mysterious organization appeared on their own.    


What surprised Zhou Hao was that the commander of the mysterious organization at the scene was actually that bodyguard of Flamikiel.    


"It's you?" Zhou Hao frowned and looked at the "bodyguard. "    


However, the "bodyguard," acted very calm and even smiled in English. "I didn't expect to see you in such a situation. "    


"You guys are from the Russia Federal Security Bureau?" Zhou Hao ignored his enthusiasm and asked with a frown.    


In fact, he had already guessed that these people might be from the Federal Security Bureau of Russia. Because they used Russian VSK-94 sniper rifles and were hostile to American intelligence organizations, there were not many countries in this area.    


Now that this "bodyguard" of Flamikier showed up, Zhou Hao immediately knew that they wanted to "divide the loot" with him because they saw that they had spent so much effort to spy on William. Rashid.    


He knew William. Rashid was very important to them, and those "green giants" that were obviously researched by the United States were very important to their Russia.    


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