Supreme Stock God

C716 A Grim Situation

C716 A Grim Situation

Putin held Zhou Hao's hand. Although he had always been a person who did not show his emotions, Zhou Hao's "Mr. President" made him feel comfortable. In front of Zhou Hao, he did not hesitate to admit his identity.    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Previously, you said that I am the Crown Prince of some red family. In fact, you are the real Crown Prince. I also believe that Russia will be able to get rid of its declining trend under your lead and regain its glory. "    


Putin nodded his head deeply, "I accept your words. " Then he smiled again. "I am very curious. How did you know about me?"    


"Actually, it's not hard to guess. Think about it, since the last time you appeared on the Russia's television, how long has it been since you showed your face in public?    


Also. . . Now that Russia is in a period of power transition, the Federal Security Bureau's activities around the world should be much more cautious and restrained, so as to avoid unnecessary complications. However, you have brought your team to Hong Kong to chase after William. Rashid.    


You have to know, once this matter is discovered. . . Even if China and your country are allies. . . Your country will probably fall into a passive position, and the western countries like the United States will take the opportunity to sow discord.    


This responsibility is too great, Thus, I think that the other people in the Federal Security Bureau shouldn't be so bold, unless their president personally takes action.    


And the benefits of doing so are also very easy to guess, Moscow is currently in the most intense period of power struggle.    


Although you are the focus of all the forces and the key figure in this storm, it is not good for you to be in the center of the whirlpool. It is like you are dancing on the tip of a blade.    


If you are not careful, you will be doomed.    


If you are pulled out, not only will you be able to relieve the pressure on you, but you will also be able to see the situation clearly.    


Just like what I said earlier, William. Since Rashid is so important to your country, if you can capture him and save your country's losses as much as possible, you will be even more confident when you return with this achievement.    


There is another one, I think. . . The matter of you leaving Moscow should have been ordered by Yeltsin. He also doesn't want you to be in the center of the storm. You are the successor he personally chose. He wants to personally take on the most intense attack for you. "    


Putin looked at Zhou Hao in a daze. In his life, whether he was working as a special agent in KGB or rising from the top in politics, he had seen countless people.    


He had seen a lot of sly and cunning people, but he had never seen Zhou Hao in front of him make him so shocked, especially when Zhou Hao looked so young.    


What Zhou Hao said was true. Putin even suspected that there were spies in China in the power center of Moscow, which allowed Zhou Hao to know the situation so clearly.    


Putin was more willing to believe that this was the case. Because, if all of these were speculated by Zhou Hao himself, then Zhou Hao was really too scary.    


He said sincerely: "To be honest, I'm glad that you didn't work in politics. With your talent and the Zhao Family's power, it's not surprising that you will reach the peak of power in China in the future. "    


Putin stared at Zhou Hao and said, "If you are in charge of China, not to mention America, I am afraid even Russia will be restless. "    


Zhou Hao smiled. "You flatter me too much. I am just a smart businessman. My godfather, the chairman, and the prime minister are the people with great wisdom. Compared to them, I am still too young. "    


Putin shook his head and smiled. "No matter what, it is good to know you. "    


He held Zhou Hao's hand even harder. At this moment, Putin really wanted to befriend Zhou Hao.    


"By the way, what do you think about the financial market in Russia?" Zhou Hao suddenly asked. In this kind of harmonious atmosphere, the best choice was to slowly introduce the topic to himself.    


"What do you think? What else can I think of?" Putin shook his head in annoyance. "A large part of our financial market is controlled by those financial magnates.    


Even several national banks during the Soviet era fell into the hands of those wolves who did not know how to satisfy. These wolves are the most detestable enemy of Russia! "    


Putin deeply hated those unfulfilled magnates in Russia who absorbed the blood of the people of the country. Zhou Hao also knew about this in the original history.    


After Putin became the president, he dealt a heavy and ruthless blow to those magnates. Those magnates who had become the kings of a region had mostly suffered a miserable end because of Putin's blow.    


When Zhou Hao asked this question, Putin raised his eyebrows and looked at him. "What? Are you also interested in our domestic financial market?"    


Zhou Hao's heart skipped a beat when he saw Putin's vigilant and somewhat cold gaze. He secretly thought that it would be better not to let this Iron Blood President be hostile to him. Otherwise, it would be endless trouble for him.    


Not only was Putin a financial magnate in his own country, but he also hated those international speculators who coveted the financial market in Russia and had the support of America, England, and other western countries.    


Russia's finance and state-owned assets, which fell into the hands of gnolls because of the collapse of the Soviet Union, had always been Putin's bottom line. Once someone crossed the line, he would immediately give the most ruthless attack.    


Zhou Hao knew that he could not lose his momentum at this time. He nodded calmly. "Yes, I am very interested in your financial market. I just said that I am a businessman who only cares about profits. I am interested in places with profits. "    


Almost at the same time, Zhou Hao acutely felt Putin's aura turning cold. However, Zhou Hao did not panic at all.    


He continued to smile and said, "I know you are determined to reorganize the financial market in Russia, and also want to take back the state-owned assets that fell into our hands. "    


Putin's face relaxed: "Since you already know that I want to reorganize the financial market, you should know that for speculators like you, the risk is very high. "    


"Hehehehe, a crisis, only when there's danger can there be an opportunity" Zhou Hao smiled and said, "With you, the President, looking after me, it will be very difficult for me to lose money. "    


Putin held his hands against the wall and looked at Zhou Hao with interest. "Tell me, why should I look after you?"    


"Because I can help you deal with those financial magnates in Russia. I can also help those international financial magnates who want to take advantage of the situation in Russia to take advantage of the situation and make them retreat in defeat. " Zhou Hao said confidently.    


"Oh?" Sure enough, Putin was interested in what Zhou Hao said, but he still didn't believe it. "Zhou Hao, although I have already regarded you as a friend, you better not joke with me. I do not like to joke around. "    


Putin was very clear about the financial magnates in Russia. Those wolves not only controlled the financial economy of their respective "territories. "    


The strongest few could even control the central bank of Russia to a certain extent. Overall, it had a great influence on the economy of Russia.    


The share market in Russia was similar to China. It was independent and not internationally linked. Although this reduced the impact of Russia's share market being affected by the international financial turbulence, it also increased the difficulty of the government to deal with those financial magnates.    


If it was connected to the international financial market, they could use the fluctuations of the international financial market to weaken those financial magnates' funds. However, in the independent financial structure of Russia, even the rules of the game were decided by those magnates.    


Moreover, those magnates used their own money to build a huge network of connections in Russia. Almost all the officials in the Russian government had nothing to do with them.    


With their influence in the government, some of the magnates with great influence even obtained gold mines, iron mines, oil fields, and other important mines to further expand their financial resources.    


Due to the world-shaking turmoil caused by the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Russians, who were originally loyal to the Soviet Union and were as united as iron, gradually developed a thirst for money and material resources in the long period of turmoil and poverty. Thus, those magnates took advantage of the opportunity to corrode them.    


This situation was especially serious for the military. Before and after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, large amounts of Russian firearms flowed into the world's arms black market. There were even nuclear warheads appearing in the black market auction. These firearms were sold out by the Russia military for money.    


This situation was similar to the feudal state of the Tang Dynasty in the history of China. Although Yeltsin used tough methods and courage to make the situation better, the Russia had a severe regeneration. Putin, the successor, still needed to work hard.    


It was precisely because Putin knew that those magnates were difficult to deal with that he was suspicious of Zhou Hao's words.    


Zhou Hao said, "You know about the financial storm in Asia this time, right? Although the share market in Russia is not linked to the international market, it will still be affected more or less. The most important thing is that the tree wants peace, but the wind keeps blowing. If you don't want to move, those financial tycoons won't let you go.    


I think you have already noticed that a large number of financial tycoons have invested their funds into the financial market of Russia. Also, those financial tycoons of yours have also participated in this event. They want to get a share of the profits from this banquet. "    


Actually, it was quite sad to think about it. Just like Xu Jianming and the others in Hong Kong, when faced with George Soros and the other tycoons, not only did they not help their own country, but they also secretly participated in the splitting of the money of their own country. It was really hard to redeem their crimes even if they died ten thousand times.    


Putin was also shocked when he heard that. He did indeed find a large amount of hot money surging into the financial market of Russia.    


However, on one hand, he was caught in the storm of power struggle and had no time to care about it. On the other hand, he felt that the hot money might be a normal investment, so he did not pay enough attention to it.    


Now that he heard what Zhou Hao said, he realized the severity of the situation.    


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