Supreme Stock God

C730 The First Contact Between the Big Crocodiles

C730 The First Contact Between the Big Crocodiles

During this period of time, besides helping Zhou Hao manage the Galaxy, He Xueyun had also been busy with the divorce procedures with Xu Jinsheng. Now, He Xueyun's divorce with Xu Jinsheng was known to everyone in the city.    


The storm of Xu Jinsheng waking up naked with a prostitute on the street had not yet subsided, causing everyone to support He Xueyun.    


At first, Xu Jinsheng did not agree to divorce He Xueyun, but he immediately felt the pressure from the public.    


Some people even went to the front door of the Xu Family mansion to protest. Some even threw rotten eggs and tomatoes into the mansion. The female nurses who were in charge of taking care of Xu Jinsheng in the hospital also looked at him coldly.    


The family court considered the impact of this matter in society, and the fact that Xu Jinsheng was disloyal to his marriage was conclusive. In addition, the lawyer of "Imperial Great Lawyer" Alexander helped He Xueyun handle legal matters.    


Therefore, the family court finally approved He Xueyun's divorce application and determined that Xu Jinsheng needed to pay the alimony for He Xueyun to attack 480 million HKD.    


Naturally, the father and son of Xu Family were not convinced and repeatedly appeal to the court, but the court maintained the original judgment and ordered Xu Jinsheng to pay a alimony to He Xueyun within a limited period of time. Otherwise, his bank account would be forcefully frozen.    


After a tug-of-war, the father and son of the Xu Family were still unable to fight against the laws of Hong Kong. Today, the court took forceful measures to freeze Xu Jinsheng's bank account and transferred 480 million HKD to He Xueyun's account.    


Although the final divorce approval order between He Xueyun and Xu Jinsheng still needed a few months to be officially issued, legally, He Xueyun and Xu Jinsheng were no longer husband and wife.    


In order to celebrate that they had finally broken away from the Xu Family, Zhou Hao brought He Xueyun to the Peninsula Hotel to share a candlelight dinner and experience the romance between the two of them.    


Ever since He Xueyun officially got together with Zhou Hao, due to the attention of the media and the paparazzi, she rarely went out with Zhou Hao. So when she came out for dinner with Zhou Hao tonight, she was very excited all day long.    


The guards of "Pluto" behind them also looked around vigilantly, guarding against the reporters or paparazzi's sneak attack.    


However, just as Zhou Hao and He Xueyun arrived at the balcony restaurant of the Peninsula Hotel, they saw more than ten burly men in suits and suits surrounding the railing.    


The dozen or so tables there were all empty, and just like that, the two foreigner occupied a large area.    


Although there were still empty seats in the other places, The tables surrounded by those burly men were the best seats. Zhou Hao and He Xueyun were here to enjoy the night view of the Tsui Tsui with their romantic feelings. Of course, he hoped to sit in a place where he could see the beautiful scenery.    


Zhou Hao had even specially asked the staff of the Peninsula Hotel if they had booked the place, but he got a negative answer.    


So Zhou Hao made those big men, who were obviously bodyguards, move aside. The two big men in front of Zhou Hao only glanced at him, and did not even bother to say a word.    


"Chief, these are all Americans. They seem to be soldiers of the United States Marine Corps. I just don't know if they are active or retired. "    


A guard behind Zhou Hao reminded him.    


Zhou Hao looked coldly at the two American soldiers and said in English, "If you don't want to be disturbed, then just take care of the entire restaurant. Otherwise, you don't seem to have the right to stop us from spending money here. "    


Since these people came from the United States Marine Corps, the two foreign men there were enjoying the delicious food. They were no longer ordinary people. They were either government officials or billionaires.    


Zhou Hao, on the other hand, could not stand them. What they did was just as he had said earlier. If they did not want to be disturbed, they could have booked the entire restaurant. Otherwise, blocking other customers like this would be an extremely rude and uncivilized act.    


When the two foreign men turned around to look, Zhou Hao was stunned for a moment. He Xueyun, who was beside him, also widened her eyes in surprise.    


Both of them could be said to be experts in economic management. Naturally, they were very familiar with those international economic celebrities. That was why they recognized the two people on the other side at a glance. They were the bosses of the Quantum Fund.    


They would also be called "financial tycoons" in the future. George Soros, and also the CEO of the Quantum Fund, Christopher Agins, who was also very famous in the international financial world.    


Compared to Zhou Hao's "unknown," Soros and Agins were world-shaking big shots in the financial world, especially Wall Street in the United States. Every year, they controlled billions of funds, and their influence was enough to topple a country's economy.    


Especially to people like Zhou Hao who specialized in economics, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Julian Robert and others were all legendary figures.    


They were Divine level existences in the modern financial market, just like Michael Jackson's position in the music industry, or even higher.    


However, Zhou Hao was still someone who had reincarnated. He had experienced so many things that ordinary people could not even dream of in his life. He was someone who had seen "big scenes. "    


Therefore, even though he had seen his idol in his previous life, he wasn't as excited as he had imagined. Instead, he quickly calmed down.    


When he saw Soros in person, Zhou Hao even found it funny in his heart. He was also a person with eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. What was there to be surprised about?    


Therefore, when faced with Soros's gaze, which was as sharp as a sword, and Agins's sharp gaze, Zhou Hao was able to face it without fear. He was even sharper than them.    


Soros suddenly smiled. Like an ordinary and kind old man, he waved at the sturdy bodyguards. "Move aside. We really don't have the right to stop others from eating. "    


Then he smiled at Zhou Hao and said, "Young man, are you interested in enjoying this delicious Chinese food with us?"    


"It's an honor. " Zhou Hao smiled neither servile nor overbearing. He held He Xueyun's hand and walked over.    


The staff in the distance saw that Zhou Hao and Soros had resolved the conflict and heaved a huge sigh of relief.    


They, who were in the hotel service industry, had good judgment of people. One look and they could tell that they were following Zhou Hao. Those two followers and the big men around Soros were not ordinary people. If there was any physical conflict between them, things would be difficult.    


Most of the guests who came to the Peninsula Hotel were not rich, but expensive. They hated the police the most, so the hotel would not call the police unless it was necessary to avoid disturbing other guests.    


Seeing that Zhou Hao and the others had settled their differences, the restaurant manager hurriedly walked over and personally pulled a chair for He Xueyun. He also attentively helped Zhou Hao and the others prepare the utensils while asking Zhou Hao and the others what dishes they needed to add.    


Zhou Hao looked at the dishes that Soros and the others had ordered and found that all the dishes on the table were filled with abalone ginseng wings, belly duck, and fish.    


Furthermore, Soros and Agins did not manage to eat much, so he shook his head at the manager. "You don't need to eat. Can you get me a glass of Sprite and a glass of warm milk?"    


He liked Sprite, while He Xueyun loved milk. They did not have the habit of drinking high-end liquor to put on an act, so they just did whatever they wanted.    


"Hello, I am George Soros, and that is my friend and colleague Christopher. Agins, nice to meet you. " Soros smiled at Zhou Hao and Agins.    


Zhou Hao also smiled. "George Soros, I know you. You are a famous person. If the people from Thailand or Indonesia knew you were here, they would probably tear down this Peninsula Hotel. "    


He did not pretend not to know Soros. Soros had been in the unpredictable financial market for decades.    


He was already a cunning old fox. He should have been able to guess that Zhou Hao knew him from the look in Zhou Hao's eyes the moment he looked at him. Therefore, Zhou Hao didn't need to do anything unnecessary. Otherwise, it would arouse Soros's suspicion.    


"Hahahahaha. . . Indeed, I am not very popular in Southeast Asia. " Soros said with a smile.    


This guy knew his own limitations. Zhou Hao extended his right hand to him. "My name is Zhou Hao. She is my girlfriend. Her surname is He. "    


"Mr Zhou Hao, Miss He, nice to meet you. " Soros held Zhou Hao's hand and shook it hard.    


Agins looked at He Xueyun, who was next to Zhou Hao, and smiled like a gentleman. He said in English with a strong French accent, "Miss He, Miss He. Hello, my name is Christopher. Agins, it is my honor to meet you. "    


After saying that, Agins grabbed He Xueyun's hand and lowered his head, wanting to kiss the back of He Xueyun's hand.    


Zhou Hao frowned slightly. At the same time, He Xueyun also pulled her hand back before Agins kissed the back of her hand. She said very politely, "Sorry, Mr. Agins. I respect your western meeting etiquette, but I cannot accept it. Please forgive me. "    


Agins was stunned. He keenly noticed that He Xueyun had glanced at Zhou Hao when she said this. His heart sank, and a trace of gloominess disappeared from between his brows.    


But he still smiled and said, "It's alright. I was abrupt. I didn't take into account the difference in culture between Miss He and us. Please accept my apology. "    


He Xueyun smiled and frowned. That reserved and noble temperament made Agins's heart tremble. Especially when he saw the snow white skin under He Xueyun's neck and that pair of delicate collarbones, ripples immediately appeared.    


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