Supreme Stock God

C736 Once Again Huang Wanke Made His Debut

C736 Once Again Huang Wanke Made His Debut

It was already late at night after they left Ocean Park. Zhou Hao and the other two obviously wouldn't go home just like that. Instead, they went to the precious seafood boat in Hong Kong Zai Bay for dinner and then went to the Central Square to shop.    


Shopping and shopping had almost become a common hobby of girls. Even Wang Xijun, who was pure and innocent, was no exception. She held hands with Situ Jianying and went to various clothing stores.    


The Central Square was one of the shopping malls in Hong Kong, where the most international stores gathered. Take clothing as an example, there were many stores that cost as much as a million HKD per piece.    


Although Zhou Hao was so rich that he could buy the entire Central Square at any time, Wang Xijun and Situ Jianying would not buy all the expensive things like the upstarts. The most important thing was to see if it was suitable for them and whether it was practical.    


Looking at the guards carrying big and small bags behind them, Zhou Hao was secretly glad that he had stayed enough people out. Otherwise, this physical work would have fallen on him.    


After these two little girls satisfied his shopping desire, the three of them went to a branded jewelry store in the plaza.    


They wanted to buy a handwritten letter for Wang Xijun, Li Ruolan, Yan Tong, Lu Shiping and Situ Jianying's parents. The guards took Wang Xijun and Situ Jianying's things to the car in the parking lot downstairs.    


Only two people were left outside pretending to be looking at jewelry from the window, secretly guarding Zhou Hao and the others.    


Although the headquarters of Galaxy was on the square, Zhou Hao rarely went shopping here and had never been to this luxurious jewelry store.    


Because He Xueyun and Su Lin helped him buy everything he needed, including clothes, toothbrushes, razor and so on. He did not need to worry about it himself.    


Seeing Zhou Hao and the other two come in, The tall female manager in the black dress uniform at the front smiled professionally and said, "Welcome. May I ask what jewelry the three guests want to buy?    


We happen to have quite a few new models today. They are all top-notch brands designed by master teachers. They are definitely worth the price. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and nodded at him. "Let's take a look first. "    


Situ Jianying often followed her mother to the jewelry store, so she was not unfamiliar with it. The moment she entered, she pulled Wang Xijun to the counter over there.    


Zhou Hao was not in a hurry. He just strolled leisurely in the store. No matter how much the manager behind him tried to persuade him, he still smiled and nodded, but did not have any intention of buying.    


Perhaps it was not because he was an expert, but in Zhou Hao's eyes, there was no big difference between the golden jewels around him.    


The female manager was at her wit's end. She forced a smile and said to Zhou Hao, "Take a look at that guest. If you need anything, you can come to me immediately. " Then she no longer cared about Zhou Hao, this "iron rooster. "    


Looking at the tall figure of the female manager, Zhou Hao shook his head slightly. He had clearly seen the disdain in the female manager's eyes.    


Although Zhou Hao and the other two Cantonese people spoke Cantonese and there was no communication problem in Hong Kong, these people who worked in the service industry were usually very sharp. With just a little trace, they could tell whether you were a local or a person from the mainland.    


Although Hong Kong had returned and there were more and more rich people in the country, there were still many people in Hong Kong who looked at their fellow countrymen with discrimination and rejection.    


Actually, this was not discrimination. It was more a conflict caused by the difference in local culture. This situation was very common in the country. For example, people in the north and south looked down on each other.    


However, Zhou Hao felt that Hong Kong, as an international metropolis where Eastern and Western cultures intersect, should have a better understanding of culture compared to other places.    


The moral conduct and culture of Hong Kong citizens should be more open and tolerant compared to other isolated and undeveloped cities, but the actual situation was often disappointing.    


Zhou Hao could only shake his head at this. The people in Hong Kong still had a sense of superiority.    


A large portion of the people in Hong Kong still did not realize that Hong Kong's economy was becoming more and more dependent on the country.    


Before returning, as China's trade barrier was still relatively stable, many foreign merchants who wanted to enter the China market needed to use Hong Kong as a transfer hub, and Hong Kong benefited greatly from it.    


However, now that China was becoming more and more open, Hong Kong was no longer the only choice for foreign merchants. When the advantages in this area were gradually reduced or even disappeared, Hong Kong had no choice but to change its development strategy to seek a way out. This could not be done without the support of China.    


The situation was just like Hong Kong's movie market, which was now developing more and more towards China.    


"Why are you all like this? Is this your Hong Kong service attitude?"    


Zhou Hao was deep in thought when he was attracted by the argument.    


He looked over and saw Situ Jianying arguing with a salesperson at the counter.    


Situ Jianying was originally a bit hot-tempered. Now that she was angered, her body emitted a faint aura. What made Zhou Hao smile was.    


She still did not change her big sister's character and did not forget to protect Wang Xijun, who had a weak personality, behind her when she quarreled with others.    


However, when Zhou Hao saw the salesperson in the specialty cabinet, he frowned.    


The salesperson put her hands on her hips and turned her face sideways. She glanced at Situ Jianying with the corner of her eye. Her sharp and mean expression was clearly shown. Moreover, her words actually included Situ Jianying's mother.    


Regardless of who was right and who was wrong, aunt. . . But to treat customers with this kind of attitude, first of all, there was a problem with her professional ethics.    


Furthermore, the other employees, including the female manager, did not have any intention of stopping the salesperson. Instead, they held their hands and watched coldly from the sidelines, as if they were holding Situ Jianying and the other two girls.    


"What's going on?" Zhou Hao walked over and said a plain sentence, but it naturally made people feel a kind of pressure. The salesperson who originally had his hands on his waist and scolded Situ Jianying and Wang Xijun also could not help but shut his mouth.    


Situ Jianying and Wang Xijun immediately returned to Zhou Hao's side. Situ Jianying still had an indignant look on her face, "Hao, we want her to take out those watches from the special case and take a look.    


But we only saw two of them and she became impatient. She said that if we don't buy them, then don't bother them to bring the watches over. "    


After taking a breath, she said again, "Xijun whispered to me that her attitude was bad and she called Xijun a sister of the mainland. She even said that we shouldn't dirty the things in their store. This is ridiculous!"    


It seemed that most of her anger came from Wang Xijun being humiliated. Although they were the same year, due to the difference in personality, Situ Jianying saw Wang Xijun as her younger sister and the plot of protecting her young was very strong.    


Seeing Wang Xijun frown and look like she was wronged but did not want to cause trouble for Zhou Hao, Zhou Hao loved her dearly. He frowned and looked at her. The salesperson and the female manager in the cabinet asked in a plain tone, "Is that so?"    


He saw that Zhou Hao's temperament was different from ordinary people. The female manager with good eyesight realized that something was wrong and wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere.    


However, the salesperson did not know what to say and said: "So what if it is? One look and I can tell that you are the kind of Ah Can who slaps his face to make himself look fat. You clearly don't have money, yet you are pretending to be rich.    


It seems like you are really rich. This is not a place for you to come. You should go down to the street and take a look at the counterfeits that are worth dozens of dollars each. "    


Situ Jianying and Wang Xijun were stunned by the salesperson's words. Because their impression of Hong Kong had always been that of Hong Kong. Very good, the last time they came to Hong Kong to play.    


The Hong Kong citizens they met were all kind and kind people. Who would have thought that they would meet such a salesperson in such a high-end jewelry store?    


Zhou Hao was very calm and even very polite to the female manager beside him. He smiled and said, "Please call the person in charge here. I want to talk to him. "    


After saying that, Zhou Hao casually sat on the chair behind him. His actions and attitude were very calm, but it made the female manager even more uneasy.    


Because Zhou Hao and the other two clearly did not want to lower themselves to the level of that salesman. This was not something that Zhou Hao and the others could easily bully. It was because of the level of the salesperson. With the level of the salesperson, Zhou Hao did not want to get entangled with her at all.    


In this way, Zhou Hao might be some big shot. This female manager was very knowledgeable. However, she knew that there were many big shots from China coming to Hong Kong.    


Even the high ranking officials of the Government of Hong Kong had to be polite to those big shots, not daring to offend them.    


Thinking of this, the female manager started to hate the salesperson, because the salesperson relied on her looks to work here. Usually, she would be rude to the other salespeople because she had the backing of the salesperson.    


Just as she was thinking about how to save the situation, a voice came from behind her and made her despair.    


"What is it? Eh? Zhou, Mr Zhou Hao?" The person who walked in was a man in a well-ironed suit. He was in his early thirties and looked handsome. One look and one could tell that he was a typical successful person.    


Zhou Hao was startled when he saw the man who came in. There was a flash of gloominess between his brows. There was even a trace of killing intent in his eyes, but it was immediately restrained by him.    


The reason why Zhou Hao could arouse killing intent with just a glance was because this man was Huang Wanke.    


If one were to say who Zhou Hao hated the most, it would definitely be Huang Wanke and Zeng Ying. Zhou Hao hated them.    


It was so deep that he didn't want to kill them immediately. Instead, he wanted to give them the greatest help. He wanted to raise them up high and kick them down when they were the proudest in their lives. He wanted them to live a life worse than death.    


Zhou Hao had already decided to wait until Huang Wanke officially took over the Yellowstone Group and Zeng Ying finished her college entrance exam before planning how to deal with them. He didn't expect to meet Huang Wanke here in Hong Kong.    


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