Supreme Stock God

C836 Dismissed on Bad Terms

C836 Dismissed on Bad Terms

Dismissed on bad terms.    


In 1997, Ma Dateng first came into contact with ICQ and became its user. He also personally felt the charm of ICQ, but there was a huge limitation to it, which was its English interface and difficult operations. This made it so that it was never popular, and most of it was only limited to professional experts.    


At that time, Ma Dateng, Zhang Shidong, and their companions developed a CQQ software in Mandarin. Then, they would sell it to those capable companies. They did not think that they would need to invest a large amount of money to run this business, but they would not be able to make money from it. At this time, there was a powerful company that wanted to step into the field of China's ICQ. Ma Dateng and the others wrote a project proposal and started to develop the design. However, when they were bidding, Ma Dateng and the others didn't win the bid, so they decided to do it themselves.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao knew that it was a coincidence that Tencent introduced OCQ. If the big company did not intend to set foot in the field of Mandarin ICQ at that time, If Ma Dateng and the others had won the bid. . . Therefore, to a certain extent, Tencent's success later on was half luck and half strength.    


Zhao Zebang's information had detailed information about OCQ, as well as market analysis. Zhao Zebang's market analysis was very accurate. Zhou Hao knew about the future of QQ because he knew about the development of the Internet. However, Zhao Zebang had written about the future of this market, which showed how sharp his eyes were.    


"Mr. Ma. " After reading the plan, Zhou Hao looked up at Ma Dateng, who was sitting in front of him with a nervous look on his face. He said, "Use this software. If you really want to set up a company, At most, the registered funds are one million RMB, but we have two million. Why are you still unwilling to give up your controlling shares and only willing to give me 45% of the shares? "    


When Zhou Hao was reading the proposal, Ma Dateng and Zhang Shidong had rushed over very nervously. After all, Zhou Hao was famous. If they could get Zhou Hao's investment, they would no longer need to beg their grandpa and grandma to sell their shares to other companies like before.    


Now that he heard Zhou Hao's words, Ma Dateng calmed down. He said, "Mr Zhou, in my opinion, You and Mr. Zhao are not in the IT industry, right? The reason why I am unwilling to give up my controlling stake. . . Under such circumstances, If you make decisions for the company because you do not understand the situation, it will not be beneficial to everyone.    


If we, as insiders who know everything, come up with development plans, we will be able to give the company the most suitable direction. "    


"To put it bluntly, it's to prevent outsiders from directing insiders. " Zhou Hao sneered. "That's right. We are not the IT industry insiders, but even if we do not understand, we have funds and outsiders are willing to be our insiders. Therefore, you do not have to worry about the company's development strategy. "    


Zhou Hao was very clear about Ma Dateng's intentions. Ma Dateng was not a technician who only knew how to work hard. He had the ambition to become the head of the company, and he also had the ability. Otherwise, he would not be able to turn Tencent into a giant with a market value of over 40 billion USD in the future.    


Indeed, Ma Dateng did not want that kind of situation where outsiders blindly gave orders, but at the bottom of it all, it was still a matter of profit distribution. Since even Zhou Hao, this "Stock God" was interested in this project, then the market prospects of this project would be very broad. Ma Dateng had seen this point and knew how big the profits were, so he was unwilling to let go of such a large piece of cake.    


If it was Ma Dateng ten years later, Zhou Hao would still value him a little. However, the current Ma Dateng, especially Zhou Hao, was very clear about the future development of the domestic network. There was no need to accommodate Ma Dateng's request at all.    


Zhou Hao sneered and said, "Mr. Ma, this kind of network communication software can be written by any programming team in the United States. Humph, humph, humph. . . This is not some innovative technology development. Do you really think we can't do it without you? You are overestimating yourself. "    


Just like what Zhou Hao had said, this OCQ developed by Ma Dateng, which was QQ, was not some revolutionary technology. As long as a programming team had some ability, it was not difficult to write it out. Therefore, Ma Dateng and the rest did not even have the qualifications to invest in technology, let alone try to control the shares.    


In the original history, the reason why Tencent could develop so quickly was because no one had thought of the future prospects of China's ICQ software at that time. Ma Dateng and the others happened to find this business opportunity and successfully accumulated a large number of users, which created their glorious career.    


In fact, Ma Dateng's success was due to his innovative thinking, commercial touch, and luck. The technical factors took up a small proportion of the success.    


Most of the time, innovative thinking and commercial touch were the key to success. It was also the absolute advantage of successful people compared to mediocre people. But now, the key was that this commercial touch was no longer limited to Ma Dateng. Zhou Hao was even more clear about the prospects and development path of this market than the current Ma Dateng, so Ma Dateng did not have any advantages in front of Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao narrowed his eyes and looked at Ma Dateng. He smiled and said, "Don't talk about using two million to buy 45% of the shares. I won't even give you a piece. Listen to me. "    


Undeniably, Ma Dateng and Zhang Shidong were both rare talents. If they were just ordinary technical talents and didn't have management skills, they wouldn't be able to do that to Tencent.    


However, under the circumstances of having a choice, Zhou Hao would definitely not cooperate with these two people, because Zhou Hao did not have any good impression of them.    


That's right. Zhou Hao had once regarded Ma Dateng and Zhang Shidong, the top figures in the new industry, as idols, but later on, he hated them very much. The reason was that in his previous life, Tencent and 360 had an online war.    


In that incident, it was meaningless to know who was right and who was wrong. Because when things developed to the end, it had a very deep impact on the vast number of users, causing the impression of domestic users of these two companies to drop to the lowest.    


Especially "Tencent. " He complained as he seized users and used his monopoly in the domestic online chat market to threaten users. If he didn't give up on using "360," he would be banned from using "Tencent QQ. " This was just like how that thief stole your money while saying that he was forced to be shameless.    


In Zhou Hao's previous life, his monopoly on the domestic online chat market had caused Ma Dateng and Zhang Shidong to become spoiled. His arrogance was known to the public, to the point that he didn't even pay attention to the government's requests.    


In that incident, it would have been better if it had been an ordinary user, but for those who used QQ to contact their customers, Tencent's shameless actions would have caused them to suffer heavy losses.    


For example, Zhou Hao had used QQ to contact his colleagues and some staff members who were familiar with the tax bureau when he was working in Yellowstone Group's finance department. In that incident, he had used QQ to contact his colleagues and some staff members who were familiar with the tax bureau. In that incident, Zhou Hao was unable to contact the tax bureau staff in time, which resulted in a problem with the tax reporting procedure. His salary was deducted by the Yellowstone Group for three months.    


With such an experience, how could Zhou Hao have a good impression of Ma Dateng, Zhang Shidong, and the others?    


When Ma Dateng and Zhang Shidong heard Zhou Hao's words, their expressions changed. They originally wanted to use the OCQ technology to gain Zhou Hao's recognition. Even if they could not control the shares in the end, they could still fight for more benefits. They never thought that Zhou Hao would completely abandon them because of a disagreement.    


Even Zhao Zebang was stunned. Of course, he did not know about Zhou Hao's past life. He only thought that Ma Dateng and Zhang Shidong were rare talents. Unexpectedly, Zhou Hao ignored them. When he saw Ma Dateng's excessive request, he immediately rejected them.    


But Zhao Zebang would not object because Zhou Hao was not only his uncle, but also the biggest supporter of his investment, not to mention that Zhao Zebang admired Zhou Hao from the bottom of his heart.    


"Zhou, Mr Zhou. This, this. . . " Ma Dateng had been highly praised by Zhao Zebang. He even said that he would bring him to see the "big boss. " At that time, he was already full of confidence. After coming here and seeing Zhou Hao, Ma Dateng became even more confident in his future. He had never thought that he would be rejected by Zhou Hao so decisively. He almost begged, "Mr Zhou. If you are not satisfied with those conditions, we. . . We can still discuss it. We can also give way to the controlling stake. We just need a portion of the shares. "    


Zhou Hao waved his hand. "You don't have to say anymore. I have made up my mind. Please leave. "    


After saying that, Zhou Hao handed the proposal back to Zhao Zebang. Zhao Zebang did not say anything and directly returned the document to Ma Dateng and Zhang Shidong.    


When Ma Dateng and Zhang Shidong saw that the situation was settled, they were both disappointed and at the same time, angry from embarrassment. Ma Dateng stood up and said to Zhou Hao, "Mr Zhou, I know that you really want to step into this field, but you gave up on us like this. Aren't you afraid that we will throw in someone else and fight you?"    


Zhou Hao looked at Ma Dateng with interest. He narrowed his eyes and sneered, "The thing that I am least afraid of is others fighting against me, Shao Yifu, and Soros. I have a lot of experience fighting against each other. You must not disappoint me. "    


Ma Dateng's expression changed again. He did not know that Zhou Hao had competed with Shao Yifu, but the battle between Zhou Hao and George Soros was the focus of the world. Ma Dateng did not dare to compare himself with Soros and other big shots.    


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