Supreme Stock God

C850 Who Is the Traitor?

C850 Who Is the Traitor?

I'm sorry. . .    


Who was the traitor?    


The number 17-17 had a very solemn expression. Li Shuihan also had a bad feeling in her heart. Big Boss could be said to be an existence that nurtured her into an adult father, and Dr. Li Wenhe was a meritorious person who had made a great contribution to the country. There were also other special service personnel who had made great sacrifices for the country. The country could not abandon them.    


But now, even the branch members in the United States had not found any news about Big Boss and Dr. Li Wenhe. It really made people feel uneasy.    


"Sir, what should we do next?" Number 176 and 170 asked Li Shuihan, "We all listen to your orders, sir. As long as you give the order, we can immediately take action to find Big Boss and Dr. Li Wenhe!"    


Li Shuihan frowned and said, "Big Boss and the others must be found, but the most important thing now is to know where they are. Big Boss is very careful. Even if there is any danger, he will definitely leave some clues for us to know. "    


" Sir, should I inform the other members of San Diego and pass on your orders now? " Number 176 and 170 said.    


Li Shuihan nodded slightly and saw Number 176 and 170 take out a phone that was much smaller than the one on the market. She dialed the number in front of Li Shuihan and Zhou Hao because the rules of the First Army were: During the mission, the subordinate had to contact other members. They had to get permission from the superior commander and complete the contact in person. He said to the person on the other side: "One, six, seven to one, six to seven to one, one, six to five, Inform the other members immediately to gather at the one, six, and seven strongholds! "    


"Sir, you guys take a seat first. They'll be here soon. " Number 17th and 17th said.    


At this moment, Zhou Hao suddenly felt a sense of danger. He grabbed Number 176's right wrist at lightning speed. With a little strength, Number 176 and Number 170 groaned. The joints of the wrist were opened by Zhou Hao. He opened his palm, revealing a flat box the size of a thumb.    


Li Shuihan's face changed drastically. At the same time, she felt dizzy. It was as if all the strength in her body was being pulled out bit by bit. It was obvious that she was poisoned. However, Li Shuihan's heart was still filled with shock and anger. She stared at Number 170 and 170 and said while gnashing her teeth. "You actually betrayed the organization!"    


She saw that Zhou Hao had tightly restrained Number 176 and 170 and glared at Li Shuihan. "Pui! You also dare to mention the organization? We did this precisely because we were loyal to the organization. It was you who betrayed the organization! "    


" What did you say? " Although Li Shuihan was very angry, she was confused by Number 17-17's words. This person who betrayed the organization actually said that he was the traitor. It was completely inverted.    


And looking at Number 170 and 170's expression and tone, it did not seem like they were pretending. It was as if Li Shuihan really betrayed the organization. Li Shuihan said, "What nonsense are you saying? You are even calling me a thief?"    


Number One, Six, and Seven sneered. "You know best what you have done. The organization already knows about you and will punish you very soon. Just wait and see!"    


Seeing that this fellow spoke righteously and without falsehood, Li Shuihan almost suspected that she had really betrayed the organization. At this moment, Zhou Hao said: "This place is not suitable to stay for long. They are rushing over here. Let's hurry up and leave. "    


After saying that, Zhou Hao tapped the back of the neck of Number 176 and 170 with two fingers. With a sound of "Chi," Zhou Hao's sharp Qi immediately penetrated Number 176 and 170's neck, causing her to die on the spot.    


Although he didn't know if there were any other insider information, in order to minimize the risk of this operation, Zhou Hao decisively became ruthless.    


After dealing with Number 176 and 170, Zhou Hao's six senses, which were much more sensitive than ordinary people, discovered that there were actually quite a number of people quietly surrounding and approaching this place. He knew that this must be the people that Number 176 and 170 had secretly informed. He and Li Shuihan also needed to leave this place immediately.    


"Come, let's leave quickly!" Zhou Hao went forward to support Li Shuihan who was on the verge of collapse.    


The small box numbered 17-17-palm was a kind of gas release device, and it should be colorless and odorless nerve gas. No one would notice that it was poisoned, and the poison was spreading very quickly. Even an inner circle expert like Li Shuihan was poisoned. It was only because Zhou Hao's physique was immune to all poisons that he was not affected.    


When he supported Li Shuihan, Zhou Hao had already poured a trace of strong Genuine Aura into her body to help her resist the poison.    


He saw Zhou Hao holding Li Shuihan up with one hand and paying attention to the movements outside. Although the footsteps and movements of those people outside were light, they could not hide from Zhou Hao's six senses at all. Zhou Hao knew that they were quickly pulling back the encirclement, wanting to trap him and Li Shuihan here to death.    


However, these people clearly estimated Zhou Hao's strength wrongly. Perhaps the person who came to No. 176. Was just an ordinary spy from the First Army.    


Zhou Hao secretly heaved a sigh of relief, then pushed out his right palm and hit the iron door of this small warehouse. His fist and palm, which he used all his strength, could even penetrate the thick armor of the tank. Its strength was enormous. Under Zhou Hao's immense strength, the metal door immediately flew out. Even half of the walls on both sides of the door collapsed, and the sand and stones scattered in all directions. It also rolled up a lot of dust.    


Exclamations and screams immediately rang out from outside. Because the iron door that had been sent flying by the tremendous force was like a steel cannonball, sweeping away a large area of the people outside the encirclement. The flying sand and sand also caused them to fall into temporary chaos.    


This short period of chaos had already given Zhou Hao enough time. He held Li Shuihan with one hand, and his figure instantly passed through the layers of smoke and dust like a ghost. There was a whirlwind on the ground, and those people outside could not even see his back.    


"Quick, put on the infrared! To prevent the target from escaping in the chaos!" Amidst the chaos, a strong voice suddenly sounded.    


The others reacted and immediately put on infrared cameras. However, Zhou Hao's speed was not something that could be seen with the naked eye. Even if he wore infrared cameras, he would not be able to see Zhou Hao's shadow.    


Instead, it was the person who gave the order that exposed his position. Zhou Hao flew over like the wind and saw that the person was fully armed. Even his face was covered with a mask and helmet.    


This person suddenly saw a dark red mass in front of him. He was stunned for a moment before he reacted. He knew that this was a human figure, but before he could do anything, Zhou Hao had already pointed at his chest. His finger Qi directly pierced through the bulletproof vest on his body and pierced through his heart.    


Before this person fell, Zhou Hao had already brought Li Shuihan over everyone's heads and walked out from the back door of this furniture store.    


The outside of the furniture store was also surrounded by American authorities. Police cars and CIA cars were parked all over the place, and even two armored vehicles were deployed, blocking off the entire street.    


The back door was one of the main entrances and exits of the furniture store. After coming out, it was a long alley. The American authorities had also sent enough people to guard it, but Zhou Hao was not the target they had dealt with before. As soon as Zhou Hao came out, before the fully armed combat troops outside the back door moved, he slammed his palm on the wall beside him.    


The strong force penetrated through the entire wall, and the bricks and sand immediately shattered and fell down, making those people confused. Zhou Hao also took the opportunity to kick a few large garbage cans next to him, sending them flying towards those people, making the chaos even more intense.    


Taking advantage of these people's attention being diverted, Zhou Hao used the tip of his foot to lift the iron cover of the sewers not far in front of him. He hugged Li Shuihan and jumped down. That iron cover also steadily landed back to its original position. Those people around actually did not notice it for a moment.    


These cities in the United States, their drainage facilities were very complete. Especially since San Diego was adjacent to the Pacific Ocean, there was a lot of rain. The requirements for city drainage planning were even higher. The underground drainage system was huge and long. It was like a subway tunnel, but the smell in the sewer was too unpleasant. Zhou Hao, who was used to luxury food, could not adapt for a moment.    


Li Shuihan, on the other hand, became even weaker due to the poison acting up just now. She leaned into Zhou Hao's arms.    


"What kind of poisonous gas is that? It can't even expel my Genuine Aura?" Zhou Hao simply picked Li Shuihan up and asked.    


Li Shuihan had lost her ability to move, but she could still speak. She said, "It is a kind of nerve poison. Strictly speaking, it is not a poison. Because it will only make you lose your ability to move for a few hours. It will not affect your body or mind. Moreover, after being sucked into your body, it will act up very quickly. Even inner force experts won't be able to escape from it "    


Zhou Hao did not say anything. He carried Li Shuihan and quickly left this area, in case those Americans find out that he escaped from the sewers and opened the water gate to flood Dragon City.    


The effects of the drug had caused Li Shuihan's entire body to go limp. She could not even move a finger. It was rare for someone like her to be held in Zhou Hao's arms obediently. Originally, Zhou Hao's physique was immune to this kind of nerve poison. His blood should be able to help Li Shuihan detoxify the poison. However, Zhou Hao knew that Li Shuihan was stubborn. Usually, whenever she encountered any difficulties, she would solve them by herself. Such a "hero saving the beauty" scenario was very difficult to appear on her, so Zhou Hao did not help her detoxify the poison. He wanted to let her experience the feeling of being protected.    


"Oh right. I think what he said just now didn't seem to be a lie. " Zhou Hao said.    


Li Shuihan also frowned. "I don't think he was lying, but do you think I really betrayed the organization?"    


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