Supreme Stock God

C854 The Devil's Smile

C854 The Devil's Smile

The devil's smile.    


"Fourth Boss, I have thought of a way to find Big Boss and the others as soon as possible. " Zhou Hao said to Li Shuihan.    


"Hmm? You have an idea? Hurry up and say it. " Hearing Zhou Hao say that he had a solution, Li Shuihan did not care about shyness and immediately asked.    


She heard Zhou Hao say again, "But before implementing this method, we need to leave San Diego first. "    


Not long after, Zhou Hao and Li Shuihan left the room. They saw that Tres was still sleeping on the sofa. Zhou Hao carefully covered her with a blanket so that she wouldn't catch a cold at night.    


After coming to Tres' side and undoing her acupuncture points, she slowly woke up. However, when she saw Zhou Hao and Li Shuihan, who was disguised as a man, fear appeared in her eyes again. Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Miss Tres, can you ask your father Andrea to come here now? We want to meet him. "    


Tres' expression suddenly became alert. "You, you are not my father's enemies, and you want to use me as bait to harm him?" Although she didn't like being the father of a gang leader, blood was thicker than water between father and daughter. If others wanted to harm her father, she wouldn't give in.    


"You can rest assured, we didn't mean to hurt your father. We just need his help with something. " Li Shuihan said coldly, "Of course. If you do as we say, We also have ways to find your father. But at that time, no one can guarantee that we will not hurt him. "    


After weighing the pros and cons, Tres still decided to call her father, Ander, according to Zhou Hao's words. He tried his best to invite Ander over with a normal tone. It had been a long time since Ander had received a call from his daughter, even though he knew that his daughter was in San Diego. But in order to reduce her disgust, Andre did not even dare to let his hand go down to protect her. . . In any case, this San Diego underground world was dominated by him, so no one dared to do anything.    


Tres had actually taken the initiative to invite him over. This made him feel that the relationship between him and his daughter could be thawed. So he agreed without hesitation and immediately got his subordinates to carry him to the building Tres lived in.    


In order to not make his daughter dislike him, Andre also rejected the suggestion of his subordinates to accompany him, and went to Tres' door alone.    


Seeing Tres open the door for him, Andre happily hugged him and sighed: "Tres, count the days. How long has it been since Dad hugged you like this?"    


Feeling Ander's strong fatherly love, Tres felt even more uncomfortable. He sobbed: "Dad, I'm sorry. "    


Ander thought that his daughter was apologizing to him for their past relationship. Before he could say anything to comfort her, he heard a man's voice suddenly say, "Mr. Ander, I think we should talk about serious matters first, then you can get together with your daughter. "    


Andrew was stunned. He looked up and saw Zhou Hao and Li Shuihan. Then he looked at his daughter. "Tres, is this your friend? Is there a boyfriend inside? " Because he knew that his daughter was not that kind of slut. She would definitely not let strangers enter her room.    


"None of us are your daughter's boyfriend" Li Shuihan, who had disguised herself as a man, snorted. She even glanced at Zhou Hao, as if she was doubting him. Did Zhou Hao do something that made others think he was her boyfriend?    


Tres looked at Zhou Hao and Andrea and said, "Dad, they. . . They. . . "    


Zhou Hao nodded to Ander and smiled. "Mr. Ander, this is what happened. We have some things we need your help with, but your benefactor is busy. We might need to spend a lot of time and effort to find you, and we happen to know that your daughter lives here. So I'll have to trouble her to invite you here. "    


Andre immediately understood that these two men were clearly not friends of his daughter. Instead, they were malicious "criminals," so he didn't think too much about it. He immediately protected his daughter behind him and took out a gun to aim at Zhou Hao and Andrew. He sneered and said, "You are Chinese, right? Hehe, how dare you! You actually dare to plot against my daughter? You have found the wrong target!"    


Zhou Hao was not surprised or flustered by Andrew's sudden attack. Instead, he shook his head and smiled. " Mr. Andrew, don't be so impulsive. Otherwise, it will lead to an irreparable outcome. "    


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Shuihan turned her right hand. Andrew only had time to see a flash of silver light on Li Shuihan's right hand before he heard a "chirp. " His hand shook and the gun fell to the ground. He quickly bent down to pick it up, but he heard two "chirp. " The pistol on the ground was knocked away again. It was clearly deflected by a bullet!    


He looked up and saw Li Shuihan holding a silver pistol in her hand. She even installed a silencer.    


Li Shuihan stared at Andrew with a cold gaze and said coldly: "If you move again, I will beat you and your daughter to death here!"    


Zhou Hao also made an inviting gesture to Andrea, "Mr. Andrea, please take a seat first. You can rest assured that as long as you do not do anything stupid, we will not hurt you and your daughter. "    


Now Andrew really regretted not bringing his subordinates up. But looking at Li Shuihan's shooting just now, And Zhou Hao's calm expression, Andrew estimated that he had brought his subordinates along. Furthermore, the current situation was much better than him. He was at a disadvantage, so he had no choice but to give in. Therefore, he held his daughter's hand and sat on the sofa under Zhou Hao's instructions. But his face was still very ugly. He said to Zhou Hao, "What do you want me to do?"    


Zhou Hao also sat on the wooden chair opposite them, and Li Shuihan stood behind him. Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Mr. Andrea. You are the boss of the biggest gang in San Diego, and you can even control the Admission Department. You can travel between the United States and Mexico, smuggle illegal immigrants or drugs, firearms, etc. In San Diego's underground world, the rules are set by you. You can play the game however you want, and what you say is even more influential than the mayor of San Diego. We all admire these things. "    


Andre knew that the other party was definitely not really impressed by him, but his expression still softened a little. He said, "Don't talk nonsense. Tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"    


"Hehe, Mr. Andre, you are so familiar with the government of San Diego. I believe you also know that San Diego has been in a panic these few years. Those CIA and the FBI are all outside disturbing us. " Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


"Of course I know about these things. They. . . Wait!" Andrew looked at Zhou Hao and Li Shuihan in shock. "I heard those cops are looking for two people. Could it be you guys?"    


Zhou Hao smiled and nodded. "Mr. Andrew is indeed wise and powerful. Haha, it is the two of us. Because we offended some high officials in Washington, we were hunted down like this. Mr. Andre is sorry. "    


Andrew sneered: "Condemned a high ranking official in Washington? Do you think I'm a country bumpkin who doesn't know anything? Those guys from the CIA are looking for spies from China. Some time ago, they caused chaos in San Diego. And you are the spies from China that they are looking for! "    


Zhou Hao did not feel embarrassed when his lie was exposed. The smile on his face became even wider. "Since Mr. Andre thinks so, we have nothing to say. Hehe, what we want from Mr. Andre is to send us away from San Diego. "    


"Impossible!" Andre immediately waved his hand: "Now they have strictly controlled the entrances and exits of San Diego, making it so that my 'trade' can't be done. I'm sorry, I can't help you with this "    


"Mr. Andre, you are being modest. As long as Andre wants to help, I believe that Mr. Andre will definitely be able to do it" Zhou Hao's smile suddenly became gloomy. "The only difference is whether you want to help or not. "    


Before Andrew could retort, Zhou Hao suddenly attacked. He tapped the acupoints of Andrew and Tres in the air, making them unable to move. He could not even speak. He continued, "I know that a hero like Mr. Andre, who is used to seeing big storms and waves, would not give in so easily. "    


After Zhou Hao finished speaking, Li Shuihan walked up from behind. She took out two syringes and inserted them into Andrea and Tres' arms. She also injected the light transparent liquid into their bodies.    


Fear gradually spread in Andrew and his daughter's eyes. Zhou Hao said, "You are right. These are poison, and you have seen it. We Chinese people know a lot of things that you have never seen or heard of. When you go to the hospital to examine this poison, you may find some abnormalities, but I can guarantee that. . . In the entire United States and even the entire world, except for me, no one else knows how to cure it. "    


After saying that, Zhou Hao took action to remove the acupoints of Andrew and Andrew, and Andrew knew that he had fallen into the other party's control. Thus, he tactfully did not shout and shout. Instead, he comforted his daughter, who was crying because of fear. After that, he glared at the two men with hatred. "Alright, I promise you. But after I send you out of San Diego, you have to give us the antidote!"    


"Don't be in such a hurry, Mr. Andre. In order to prevent you from hurting our interests, we will take your daughter and leave together. " Zhou Hao's smile was still as bright as before, but in the eyes of the father and daughter, it had become a devil's smile.    


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