Supreme Stock God

C848 He Has Finally Arrived in the United States

C848 He Has Finally Arrived in the United States

We're finally in America.    


Judging from the size of the United States, there were not many people in the United States, but the population ratio of immigrants in the United States was very large. There were many people entering and exiting the country every year, whether through normal legal means or other illegal means.    


As there had yet to be a "9. 11" incident in the United States, the United States authorities were not as strict and crazy as Zhou Hao in his previous life. This gave many special agents with the United States as their target an opportunity. However, due to the recent incident with Dr. Li Wenhe and Big Boss, the CIA and other intelligence agencies in the United States had a very strict monitoring of the people entering and leaving the country.    


This was the border between the United States and Mexico, which was San Diego, California, and Mexico's Tijuana. This was also one of the busiest border regions in the world, with more than two million people entering and leaving the United States and Mexico every year.    


However, San Diego and Tijuana's city scenery were completely different. San Diego was spacious and spacious, and the layout of the city looked very comfortable. On Tijuana's side, there were numerous residential buildings densely packed, like a crowded village.    


At this time, a large container truck was speeding from Tijuana to San Diego. On the container was the words "Andrea Logistics Company. " The driver in charge of driving in front of the truck was also a white American. He had a cigarette in his mouth and listened to the rock and roll music coming from the player with a leisurely expression.    


Not far ahead was the entrance to San Diego. The driver slowed down and let the container truck slowly drive into the checkpoint. The person in charge of the checkpoint was a black man in his forties. When he saw the driver in the driver's seat, he laughed and said, "Hey, Steve. Did you deliver the goods so early today?"    


The driver named Steve nodded and smiled. "Yes, Mr. Dientte. The owner of the goods is in a hurry this time. The company has given the order, so we can only start the morning shift. "    


At this time, only Steve's car had crossed the border, so the other on-duty staff at the checkpoint were relatively free. Moreover, the person in charge of the checkpoint, Dean, was here to deal with Steve. They were also happy to be idle, so they walked away to have a sweet circle and a cup of coffee.    


"Mr. Diente, is your wife and child doing well recently? I wonder if you like the apple pie that I gave you last time?" Steve smiled and handed his ID to Dean.    


Dientte chuckled. "Very good, we all like it. "    


"As long as you like it, that's good. Mr. Dean, I'm in a hurry, you guys go ahead and check. "    


Dean nodded and personally walked out of the checkpoint. He walked around Steve's container truck and then waved at Steve: "Okay, no problem, let's go. "    


So Steve started the car and drove into America's territory, heading straight to San Diego.    


After another 30 minutes, the container truck stopped outside a warehouse in the suburbs of San Diego. Steve got off the truck and walked to the back of the truck. He opened the door of the container and saw a few big boxes in front of the door, blocking his sight.    


"Okay, come out, come out. You're not dead yet, so come out. " Steve shouted at the container.    


The few large boxes at the entrance of the container were pushed out. They saw that there were dozens of people hiding in the container. Among them were people from South America, Africa, and Asia. They formed this smuggler army.    


At this moment, another two pickup trucks drove over. A few burly men walked down from above with pistols in their hands!    


With these burly armed men, the dozens of illegal immigrants did not dare to act rashly. Under Steve's scolding, they rushed into a warehouse. Then Steve took a speaker and said to them, "Okay, now you are in America. According to our original price, besides the one thousand dollars deposit you paid previously, After paying the remaining one thousand USD, you can leave. Of course, if you want to find a job here in the United States, We can also arrange it for you, but the cost is different. "    


The crowd immediately became restless, and those people said one after another, "You still need to pay a thousand dollars? Didn't we agree that it would be a total of fifteen thousand dollars? Why is it increasing by five hundred now? "    


Steve said impatiently," If anyone is not satisfied with the price, I will immediately send him to the Immigration Department! "    


No one dared to make a sound after Steve said that. Because they had gone through so much trouble to come to the "heaven" of "gold everywhere in the United States," they were most afraid of being deported. Thus, when faced with this sudden rise in price, they could only silently take out their wallets.    


However, many people had already spent most of their money to smuggle into the United States. 500 dollars was simply not enough.    


"If you can't afford five hundred dollars, come work at our place for the time being. You can leave when you've paid the money back!" Steve said again.    


Soon, the "fee" and the illegal immigrants who could not pay up immediately were divided into two groups. Those who could not make up the money had to pay with their labor. At this moment, two tall people walked out of the group of people who were able to pay the "fee" immediately and walked towards Steve.    


They saw that these two people had tanned skin and distinct facial features. They looked to be two rather handsome Eastern men. One of them handed a small stack of US dollars to Steve and said in a muffled voice, "This is 2,000 US dollars. Then we can leave this place. "    


Steve took the 2,000 US dollars and reached out his hand to stop the two people who were about to leave. He laughed and said, "You two, you went through so much trouble to come to our country. Isn't it just to find a job that can support a family? Hehehehe, I can arrange this job for you two. "    


One of them frowned and said, "Didn't you just say that arranging a job requires another fee? We don't have any money left. " Then he pushed Steve's hand away and left.    


"Hey, hey, hey. It's free. I won't charge you two. " Steve walked to the two of them and stopped them with his hand open. "Don't worry. The pay for the job I arranged for you is absolutely attractive and safe!"    


The face of the person who paid Steve just now darkened. The companion beside him pulled his hand and asked Steve, "What kind of work do you want to arrange for us?"    


Steve smiled and said, "Let's go to my office and discuss it in detail. This way, please. "    


The two men looked at each other and thought for a while before nodding. They followed Steve to a simple office on the second floor of the warehouse. Steve went straight to the point and said to them, "You two, during this period of time, We are lacking manpower here, and I think both of your conditions meet our requirements. So I wanted to invite you two to work for us. "    


The two of them suddenly frowned, because Steve's Andrea Logistics Company was not a regular logistics company at all. Instead, it was a group that used a logistics company as a disguise to smuggle into the Z-private group. It specialized in smuggling human snakes or Z-controlled goods from Mexico.    


Steve said he wanted to hire the two of them, but in reality, he wanted them to be hired thugs.    


"Sorry, we are not interested in this job. If there is nothing else, we will excuse ourselves. " One of them said coldly and turned to leave.    


Two burly men in the office immediately pulled out their pistols and pointed at the two of them. After that, Steve revealed his true face and said with a hideous sneer, "Do you think this is Disney Amusement Park? Do you think you can come and go as you please? You have to do it even if you want to. You have to do it even if you don't want to!    


If you want to listen to painting, then I can consider you thanking me for the reward. Otherwise, hehe. . . You don't have an ID here. Even if I kill you, no one will know. "    


Steve thought that the two of them would submit to his coercion and become his henchmen. Unexpectedly, there was no panic or fear on their faces. They were very calm. One of them said to the other, "It seems that this guy's hands are not clean. It should be fine to kill them. "    


The other person nodded. "Fine. Anyway, there is some risk in keeping him alive. Besides, who knows how many people have been squeezed by him and even killed by him in a year. Such a person deserves to die. "    


However, the two of them used Mandarin, so Steve could not understand them at all. He said angrily: "What kind of bird language are you talking about? Let me tell you, I am very familiar with the immigration department in San Diego. Even if I don't kill you, I can still see you rushing back to Mexico, a place where birds don't lay eggs!"    


One of the two men waved his right hand and a black gun appeared in his hand. The gun was aimed at Steve. Steve was shocked. The two burly men on the opposite side had pulled out their guns and were about to pull the trigger.    


But before they could do anything, their vision blurred and the gun in their hands disappeared. It actually appeared in the hands of the oriental man on the opposite side.    


"Bang! Bang!" The man from the east did not hesitate. He aimed at the two burly men and fired at the same time. Both of them hit the center of their brows and killed them on the spot.    


"Spare me, spare me!" Steve reacted quickly and immediately knelt down.    


The man ignored him and pulled his gun with a "chirp. " He also killed Steve on the spot.    


After getting rid of the three people in the office, The two oriental men looked at each other. One of them smiled and said: "We've finally arrived in America. "    


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