Supreme Stock God

C885 The Tiger's Mouth Was out of Danger

C885 The Tiger's Mouth Was out of Danger

He's out of danger.    


The escape of Taro caused Big Boss to cry out in pity. Unfortunately, he was tied up by a Biochemical Warrior, and was barely able to protect himself, let alone chase after Taro. Besides, if Taro wanted to escape, even if he was in his peak condition, he might not be able to catch up to him.    


After Zhou Hao failed to chase after Taro, he vented all his anger on the third Biochemical Warrior. This Biochemical Warrior was the one that Zhou Hao had taken off the medicine bottle. After losing the stimulation of the biochemical medicine, the Biochemical Warrior's strength had been reduced by a lot. Its life force was also rapidly dissipating. How could it be a match for this bloodthirsty and frenzied Zhou Hao? It was torn into two halves by Zhou Hao's waist in just a single exchange.    


Big Boss was still dealing with the ferocious attack of the Biochemical Warrior in front of him. He was also thinking in his heart, how many more "enhanced" Biochemical Warriors like this in the United States military? Or could it be mass produced?    


If the Merikan military could mass produce "enhanced" Biochemical Warriors, then their military strength would have an absolute advantage over the other countries. As long as they had ten of these Biochemical Warriors, coupled with other modern weapons, Then the American army could be said to be invincible on the land battlefield.    


What he did not know was that in the entire United States, there were only four "finished products" in stock. It was to guard him, the commander of the First Army, that he was called to the Nimitz.    


For these "improved Biochemical Warriors," even excluding the research and development costs and the "test subjects" that were sacrificed, the "cost" for each of them was around three billion USD. It was even more expensive than the cost of a B-2 bomber. Therefore, Zhou Hao killing three Biochemical Warriors in a few short minutes had caused the US military to lose over ten billion US Dollar.    


Receiving the heavy punch from the Biochemical Warriors, the chief head's internal injuries increased by a lot. According to his estimations, the physical strength of these Biochemical Warriors had already reached the level of Supreme Expert. If he was in his peak condition, it would take a lot of effort to kill them. Now, there was even less of a need to talk about it.    


Just as the Biochemical Warrior was about to attack Big Boss again, his movement froze for a moment. Then, Big Boss saw a bloody fist coming out of the Biochemical Warrior's chest. It was Zhou Hao!    


Zhou Hao's force suddenly erupted. The upper half of the two-meter tall Biochemical Warrior exploded. Blood and flesh splattered all over Big Boss's body.    


Seeing the blood-red Zhou Hao standing there with a cold expression, Big Boss was surprised by his incredible strength. At the same time, he was also worried about what kind of side effect the biochemical medicine would have on Zhou Hao. At this moment, he saw Zhou Hao suddenly approach Big Boss and raise his hand to slap him!    


"Zhou Hao, what are you doing?!" Big Boss was shocked. He guessed that Zhou Hao might have lost his mind due to the stimulation of the biochemical medicine and became a killing machine like those Zhou Haos. He hurriedly shouted and used the "Lion Roar" of Buddhism to awaken Zhou Hao's mind.    


Zhou Hao's hand stopped in the air. Big Boss saw a struggle in Zhou Hao's blood-red eyes. He quickly shouted at Zhou Hao with "Lion's Roar," "Stop! I am Big Boss! We still have to go back to the country alive, do you remember?"    


The blood red in Zhou Hao's eyes retreated a little. The strange red color on his skin also became fainter. However, blood began to seep out of Zhou Hao's eyes, ears, nose, and pores on his skin. It made Zhou Hao look even more terrifying!    


"Big. . . Big Boss. . . " Zhou Hao finally regained his consciousness, but because of the side effects of the biochemical medicine, his body instantly became weak. He could not stand stably and fell forward. Big Boss also quickly supported him.    


Feeling that Zhou Hao's breathing was very weak, Big Boss was worried, but at the same time, he did not have time to care about other things. He used his left hand to pick Zhou Hao up and ran out.    


Zhou Hao, who was picked up by Big Boss, saw Ulysses struggling to get up with injuries all over his body. He shouted weakly, "Ulysses, follow me!"    


Hearing Zhou Hao's voice, Ulysses, who was severely injured by Mohandas and the Biochemical Warrior, immediately caught up with them.    


Including Captain Swift, all the crew members on the Nimitz were in a coma because of the poison.    


As for how they did it, it was all Zhou Hao's plan. Before the incident, he had concocted a colorless, odorless, toxic powder from Shen Nong's Herbal Classics and injected it into his clothes.    


When he was transferred to the Nimitz, Zhou Hao circulated his inner energy to increase his body temperature. From there, the poisonous powder on his clothes was released. Although he was in the secret chamber at that time, the ventilation system of the secret chamber was connected to the entire "Nimitz. " Therefore, the poisonous powder was transmitted to the Nimitz through the ventilation system, and Cui Shiming and the others were poisoned through the polluted air.    


Big Boss ran along the corridor of the Nimiz with Zhou Hao in his arms. He was familiar with the structure of the Nimiz. Therefore, his speed was extremely fast. When he saw the fallen American army, he was surprised by Zhou Hao's extraordinary abilities. He also felt that this kid was brave and resourceful. He was a great talent who had achieved great things. A relieved smile appeared on his face.    


"Hao, Big Boss, I am on the front deck of the Nimitz. I have rescued the other intelligence officers. " Li Shuihan's voice was heard again on the radio. "If you hear me, come over immediately. The other cruisers have sent people over. If you don't come soon. . . I. . . I want. . . "    


At the end of her sentence, Li Shuihan's firm voice had already started to cry. Because Zhou Hao and Big Boss were the most important people to her. But she could not leave those intelligence personnel who had sacrificed a lot for the country here. She had to bring them back to the country. Therefore, if Zhou Hao and Big Boss really could not come out, Then she would have to leave first.    


Big Boss held Zhou Hao, and Ulysses followed behind. The three of them soon arrived on the deck of the Nimitz. They also saw a few other cruisers that belonged to the same fleet as the Nimitz were quickly approaching them. They must have noticed something unusual about the Nimitz.    


Big Boss and the others also saw a medium-sized transport aircraft parked on the runway of the Nimitz. It was starting to start the engine. It was Li Shuihan and the others!    


Li Shuihan, who was on the transport, also saw Big Boss and the others. She immediately opened the hatch of the transport.    


Big Boss held Zhou Hao and ran over at the fastest speed. Ulysses did not fall behind. The transport plane also started moving on the runway, because there were already helicopters flying over from the few cruisers.    


The transport planes were getting faster and faster on the runway. Big Boss and the others were exhausted and could not catch up with them.    


"Big Boss, quick!"    


A thin man with a haggard face appeared at the cabin door. He was a member of the First Army. He should have been rescued by Li Shuihan from the Nimitz. At this moment, he reached out his hand to Big Boss, who was running after the transport.    


Big Boss gritted his teeth and threw Zhou Hao into the cabin. The man on the transport plane caught him quickly. Big Boss jumped with all his strength and grabbed the man's hand with his left hand. At the same time, he stretched out his right foot and let Ulysses catch him.    


Just like that, the three of them finally completed the "boarding" movement smoothly.    


After they successfully received Zhou Hao and the others, the transport immediately closed the cabin door and climbed up at full speed. The few American helicopters were not as fast as the transport aircraft, and the machine-operated cannons on both sides of the transport aircraft were controlled by the members of First Army. After a round of shooting, the helicopters did not dare to catch up.    


On the transport plane. However, someone saw through the window that the cannons of the few cruisers were aimed at him. The missile launchers on the deck were also fired, and he shouted, "Be careful, they want to shoot us down!"    


Li Shuihan, who was in charge of controlling the transport in the control room, heard him and snorted. She picked up a small remote control from the side and pressed the button on the remote control without hesitation.    




A very violent explosion occurred in the cabin in the middle of the Nimitz, which caused the entire Nimitz to jump and then break from the middle. The shockwave of the explosion also spread out in all directions, shaking the nearby warships. They were no longer able to aim at Zhou Hao and the others who had flown far away.    


After that, the people on the transport saw the broken Nimitz slowly sink into the sea.    


At this time, Big Boss arrived at the driver's seat of the transport and saw a young and beautiful woman sitting there. He frowned and said, "You are Shui Han?"    


If the director of the CIA, Tenet, was present, he would definitely recognize that the beautiful black woman was the messenger of the "Fourth Division" - Jessica.    


"Jessica" turned around to look at Big Boss and said with a smile: " Welcome back, Big Boss. "    


She spoke Mandarin. And it was clearly Li Shuihan's voice.    


It turned out that Zhou Hao and Li Shuihan, one pretended to be captured alive, and the other disguised as Jessica, snuck into the Nimitz under the "escort" of the "Fourth Sub-Bureau. ," with the protection of Smith and Ulysses, no one suspected Zhou Hao and Li Shuihan at all.    


With Smith's trust and desire for "Jessica," Li Shuihan learned where those China intelligence agents were imprisoned and successfully rescued them.    


As for Smith, he had long been killed by Li Shuihan after getting all the information.    


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