Supreme Stock God

C897 Love and Hate Interweaved

C897 Love and Hate Interweaved

Love and hate intertwine.    


The weather was clear, and the warm sunlight shone in from outside, brightening the room.    


This was a typical Japanese courtyard. There were dark green bamboos, and a clear fish pond. The room was also decorated very elegantly. There was also a wisp of smoke from the incense burner over there, making the room filled with a refreshing and refreshing feeling.    


Zhou Hao was lying peacefully on the bedding in the center of the house. Ever since the plane crashed and fell into the sea that day, he had never woken up. Although his life was not in danger, his body was still very weak. As Claude had said before, even though Zhou Hao had extraordinary recovery and regenerative abilities, he still needed to rest and recuperate for about a week before he could perform the craniotomy.    


In the corridor outside, a young girl wearing red kimono was quietly kneeling there. Her sitting posture was even more dignified than the daughters of traditional Japanese families. This young girl was Shinji. She was following Nanami Kaoru's orders to guard this place.    


Her full name was Mizuki Shinji. When she was 11 years old, she had already started to follow by Nanami Kaoru's side and was very loyal to Nanami Kaoru.    


Mizuki Shinji sat there and quietly looked at Zhou Hao, who was sleeping peacefully. She carefully looked at the lines on Zhou Hao's face and his eyelashes that occasionally trembled.    


Mizuki Shinji knew nothing about this handsome young man except that he was the main culprit behind Nanami Kaoru and Jinguukyou Shirou's failed Hong Kong trip.    


However, she was very curious about this young man. On one hand, Nanami Kaoru, who had always been good at strategizing and planning, actually failed in front of him. On the other hand, the person Nanami Kaoru liked was obviously him. Mizuki Shinji was very curious about what kind of man could make Nanami Kaoru, whom she admired and cared about the most, fall in love with him.    


"I heard from Mr Jinguu that your martial arts is very powerful. Even he is no match for you. I wonder who made you so embarrassed?" Mizuki Shinji looked at Zhou Hao and said to herself, "But that person is dead for sure. Our wife hates him to death. If he is found by her, then. . . I'm afraid he will really beg for death. "    


He paused for a moment. Her voice became softer: "I wonder what happened between you and your wife? I have never seen Madam so nervous and caring about a person. At this time, she is also personally brewing medicine for you. "    


Just as she finished speaking, the sound of light footsteps came from the corridor. It was Nanami Kaoru who was holding a bowl of steaming hot medicinal soup as she walked over. Behind her were two maids.    


Mizuki Shinji quickly stood up and bowed deeply to Nanami Kaoru, "Madam. "    


"How is he? He still hasn't woken up, right?" Nanami Kaoru walked straight into the room and saw Zhou Hao who was still sleeping there. Her expression also became much gentler.    


"Yes, he is sleeping very soundly. " Mizuki Shinji said softly.    


Nanami Kaoru sat beside Zhou Hao and stared deeply at his quiet face. She said with a smile, "I did not expect him to be so obedient when he is sleeping. He did not even snore. Come, Shinji, help me help him up. I want to feed him medicine. "    


So Mizuki Shinji went to the other side of Zhou Hao and carefully helped him up. Nanami Kaoru picked up the bowl of hot medicine and used a spoon to scoop some to Zhou Hao's mouth.    


When he smelled the strong medicinal smell, although Zhou Hao did not have any consciousness, he still instinctively frowned and his lips were tightly shut. He really looked like that spoiled child who refused to drink medicine.    


Nanami Kaoru looked at him and smiled. She gently said to him, "Be good and drink the medicine. This is the Ginseng Velvet Five Flavorings Soup. I brewed it for more than six hours. After you drink it, your body will recover as soon as possible. "    


Perhaps it was because he heard Nanami Kaoru's gentle voice, or perhaps it was because he knew that the medicine was beneficial to him, Zhou Hao slightly opened his mouth. Nanami Kaoru also took the opportunity to feed the hot soup into his mouth.    


"En, so obedient. Come, open your mouth. Ah -"    


Just like that, Nanami Kaoru fed the medicinal soup to Zhou Hao one spoon at a time. On the other side, Mizuki Shinji saw Nanami Kaoru feeding Zhou Hao the medicinal soup like she was coaxing a child. For a moment, she felt it was funny and also surprised by Nanami Kaoru's tender and water-like appearance at this time.    


After feeding the medicine, Nanami Kaoru was very considerate as she used a handkerchief to wipe away the water stains on Zhou Hao's mouth. Only then did she let Mizuki Shinji gently put Zhou Hao down and help Zhou Hao with the blanket. She was like a wife who did her best to serve her husband.    


After the maid took the empty bowl away, Nanami Kaoru let them withdraw and only let Mizuki Shinji stay here.    


Nanami Kaoru could be seen sitting beside Zhou Hao just like that, silently staring at Zhou Hao's quiet face, with an indescribable gentleness between her brows. If the other people of Tokugawa Family saw Nanami Kaoru's current appearance, they would never believe that this woman, who had always been cruel and merciless, actually had such a 'humane' side to her.    


Even Mizuki Shinji was somewhat jealous of Zhou Hao. He was actually able to obtain Nanami Kaoru's gentleness.    


Suddenly, Nanami Kaoru stretched out her hand and carefully touched Zhou Hao's face. After that, her white and delicate fingers gently slid across Zhou Hao's face. After that, she repeatedly touched it and even greedily caressed it again and again, as if she wanted to engrave the lines on Zhou Hao's face into her heart.    


However, when she saw Zhou Hao's brows slightly moving, she was shocked and immediately withdrew her hand, afraid that it would wake Zhou Hao up.    


"Madam, he. . . " Mizuki Shinji suddenly wanted to ask about Zhou Hao. She wanted to see what kind of three heads and six arms could make the madam care about him so much.    


Nanami Kaoru's gaze remained on Zhou Hao's face, as if she would never be willing to leave. The corner of her mouth curled up slightly. She smiled and said, "Shinji, did you know? I have never seen him sleep like this. You don't know. When I met him in the past, This guy is very active. Sometimes, his face is filled with anger. Sometimes, he was gentle and sweet. "    


Nanami Kaoru remembered every detail of her relationship with Zhou Hao. When she thought about how Zhou Hao could not control himself when he disguised himself as "Hai Qixun," and when he restored his identity as "Mrs Tokugawa," Nanami Kaoru could not control her anger. She could not help but be lost in thought.    


"Madam? Madam?"    


"Oh, what is it?" Nanami Kaoru came back to her senses. She looked down at Zhou Hao again and smiled. "Didn't you often say that Jinguukyou Shirou's martial arts is very high? Hehehe. If you could see Zhou Hao using his martial arts, you would be shocked. Jinguukyou Shirou claimed to be one of the three great martial arts masters in Japan. But in front of Zhou Hao, he couldn't even withstand twenty moves. "    


She looked up and said to Mizuki Shinji: "When I was in Hong Kong, didn't Tokugawa Gennama send someone to assassinate me? At that time, Jinguukyou Shirou was seriously injured by Zhou Hao. When faced with those assassins, Jinguukyou Shirou did not have any strength to resist. "    


Mizuki Shinji only knew that Nanami Kaoru had encountered an assassination in Hong Kong. At that time, Nanami Kaoru had never mentioned Zhou Hao, so Mizuki Shinji had always thought that it was Jinguukyou Shirou who eliminated those assassins who tried to assassinate Nanami Kaoru.    


But now it seemed that the situation at that time was completely different.    


Nanami Kaoru said, "Just when I was about to die under the hands of those assassins sent by Tokugawa Gennama, Zhou Hao went back and killed all those assassins in less than a minute. "    


Mizuki Shinji thought, So Zhou Hao saved my wife. It seems that he and my wife are not enemies.    


"But that time, he told me that he would never want to see me again. If we meet again next time, he would kill me without hesitation. " Nanami Kaoru's voice was full of melancholy.    


"What? He still wants to kill you, madam?" Mizuki Shinji was shocked and looked at Zhou Hao with killing intent. A small knife with cold light appeared in her hand. "Madam, she said, he wants to kill you. Since this guy wants to kill you, let's kill him while he's unconscious. "    




Nanami Kaoru immediately gave Mizuki Shinji a slap, causing Mizuki Shinji to be stunned.    


"Husband. . . Madam. . . " Mizuki Shinji looked at Nanami Kaoru in a daze, the small katana in her hand also fell to the ground.    


Nanami Kaoru could be seen staring at Mizuki Shinji with a cold expression and said word by word, "Shinji, you must remember that there will not be a next time. If you let me know that you want to harm him again, I will kill you first! Did you hear that?! "    


Feeling the cold killing intent from Nanami Kaoru's body, Mizuki Shinji shivered violently. Tears also flowed out from her eyes and her heart felt a tearing pain. Because the person she cared about the most was Nanami Kaoru and in all these years, Nanami Kaoru had never used such a cold tone to blame her.    


"Madam, I am sorry. . . Shinji will not be like this anymore. . . " Mizuki Shinji bent down and placed her forehead on the ground as she solemnly promised Nanami Kaoru.    


Nanami Kaoru's expression eased up a little and when she saw Mizuki Shinji's tear-stained face, her heart softened a little as she said, "Shinji, I am sorry. However, I will not allow anyone to harm him. If anyone dares to harm him, I will completely kill him and make him die without a burial ground. "    


" Madam, Shinji knows that Shinji will protect him like she protected you. She will not allow anyone to harm him! "    


"Thank you, Shinji. " Nanami Kaoru beckoned Mizuki Shinji over to her side and used a handkerchief to wipe away the tears on her face. She then touched Mizuki Shinji's face that she had hit and asked, "Does it hurt?"    


Mizuki Shinji shook her head and leaned into Nanami Kaoru's embrace and faintly asked, "Madam, is he really that important to you?"    


"Yes, he is much more important than my own life. " Nanami Kaoru's tone was calm and decisive.    


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