Supreme Stock God

C845 The Beauty Has a Request

C845 The Beauty Has a Request

The beauty has a request.    


Under the moonlight, Zhou Hao and Li Shuihan leaned against each other on the rattan chair on the balcony. They felt very relaxed and relaxed. There was not a single strand of light on their bodies. They just bathed in the soft and hazy moonlight.    


Especially Li Shuihan's white and delicate skin. Under the bright moonlight, it emitted a pink glow. It was like white jade that people could not help but love. First of all, Zhou Hao could not bear to part with her. His hands kept swimming around her body, memorizing every part of her body in his heart.    


Because she had been practicing martial arts since she was young, Li Shuihan's body was very flexible. She did not have any fat on her body, but she was not as angular as those who were passionate about bodybuilding. Instead, he gave off a gentle and tough feeling. In addition, Li Shuihan was tall and long, and she was the tallest woman Zhou Hao knew. Therefore, the battle just now had been really enjoyable for Zhou Hao. In particular, Li Shuihan had a strong temper. When she was in Indonesia, even if she was half-pushed and half-pushed, Zhou Hao would still violate her. She had protected her body with all her might, only letting Zhou Hao attack the back. Now, she took the initiative to give her flower path to Zhou Hao, which she had never encountered before. This made Zhou Hao very satisfied.    


Zhou Hao was happy and comfortable, but Li Shuihan had been tortured quite badly. No matter how powerful her martial arts and physique were, she had been developed by Zhou Hao in the past. But this time, she still suffered a lot of pain. Now, she did not dare to move at all. Because if her legs moved lightly, they would rub against the wound on her lower body. The pain forced her to be careful.    


She reached out and gently wiped the sweat off Li Shuihan's forehead and face. Zhou Hao said lovingly, "Does it still hurt?"    


Li Shuihan glared at him unhappily. "What do you think? Didn't I tell you to lighten up a little? Yet you are so stubborn. Humph!" After saying that, she even pounded Zhou Hao's chest.    


Li Shuihan, who had a tough and stubborn personality, rarely showed such a weak side in front of Zhou Hao. That unique style made Zhou Hao love her even more in his heart. He could not help but kiss her forehead, eyes, nose, and cherry lips. Li Shuihan seemed to enjoy Zhou Hao's love very much. Although she was a little coquettish, it was also partly because of Zhou Hao.    


"Why did you suddenly decide to give me your body?" Zhou Hao hugged Li Shuihan and asked, "Did you fall in love with me after that time in Indonesia? Or were you touched by my meal just now? Hehe, a meal for a beauty, I earned it. "    


However, Li Shuihan's face flashed with a complicated expression, and she bit her lips with an expression of wanting to say something but wanting to say something. After a long time, she looked at Zhou Hao and said slowly, "Zhou Hao, there is something I need your help with. "    


Zhou Hao's face changed. He sat up slightly and held Li Shuihan's shoulder. "Wait, let's make things clear first. You took the initiative to give me your body. Don't tell me you want me to help you with that?"    


Li Shuihan bit her lips. She really wanted to tell Zhou Hao "no," but when the words were about to come out of her mouth, she said, "Yes. "    


A chill immediately appeared on Zhou Hao's face. He looked at Li Shuihan with a cold smile and asked while gnashing his teeth. "To think that I thought that you really fell in love with me and gave your body to me. So it turns out that Fourth Boss is doing this for an 'equal exchange'?"    


"Zhou Hao, what do you mean by that?" Li Shuihan said with a cold face. "What kind of woman do you think I am? Do you think I am a shameless woman who relies on my body to get benefits?" Zhou Hao asked.    


"It's not what I think. " Zhou Hao said seriously, "You said it yourself. You just said you gave me your body to ask me for help. "    


At this moment, Zhou Hao felt as if someone had cut off a piece of his body. He originally thought that Li Shuihan gave him her body out of true feelings, but in the end, she did it because she wanted him to help. At this moment, Zhou Hao had a self-deprecating feeling of "I originally had my heart set on the bright moon, but the bright moon illuminated the ditches. "    


"So it was all my wishful thinking. " Zhou Hao said with a self-deprecating smile, his expression incomparably desolate.    


Seeing Zhou Hao's expression, Li Shuihan's anger just now seemed to have been extinguished by a basin of cold water. In her heart, Zhou Hao had always been an extremely strong man. Back in Indonesia, he had not been afraid of the powerful regular army. He had single-handedly defeated the Indonesian army. Then they calmly operated the plan against Indonesia's economy, allowing the Central Government's secret plan to proceed smoothly.    


During this period of time, Zhou Hao had also repelled Soros Group in one fell swoop, defended Hong Kong's economy, and became famous throughout the world in one battle. It was such a peerless man, but now he showed such a lonely expression in front of Li Shuihan, which greatly touched Li Shuihan.    


She knew that Zhou Hao was originally troubled by Zhao Yuqin's matter. She was originally his consolation, but now she hurt his heart so much, which caused Zhou Hao to feel emotional and fragile in an instant.    


Li Shuihan's heart also softened. She grabbed Zhou Hao's hand and said softly, "Zhou Hao, I. . . What I said just now was not true. I am. I really like you. That is why I am like that. "    


Zhou Hao glanced at Li Shuihan. "If you had said that from the beginning, I would be very happy. But, should I trust you now? "    


In fact, with Zhou Hao's intuition, he knew that Li Shuihan did not lie to him, but he did not want the union between him and Li Shuihan to be mixed with any other factors. He hated this kind of impure existence.    


"What do you want me to do to make you believe me?" Li Shuihan sighed. She had always been stronger than a man, but now she was at her wits' end. After all, she had hurt Zhou Hao's heart just now. If she did not remedy it in time, there would always be this knot between her and Zhou Hao.    


"Say that you love me. " Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


"I, I. . . You. . . " Li Shuihan panicked. If he wanted her to assassinate a political figure or collect information, she was an insider. She could agree to Zhou Hao without hesitation or even make her self-destroy her martial arts. She could also make a decision. However, she did not know what to do with the attitude of a little girl. She felt very uncomfortable.    


Zhou Hao immediately asked, "Didn't you say that you gave your body to me because you liked me? I'm not asking you to lie. What's there to be troubled about?"    


Li Shuihan frowned and was very hesitant. Logically speaking, it should be easier for a girl to say such gentle words than a boy. However, Li Shuihan's character had been very strong since she was young and was even more tenacious than a man. Furthermore, if Zhou Hao had not violated her last time in Indonesia, she would not have been able to recognize her gender.    


In other words, if Zhou Hao had not attacked her forcefully, Li Shuihan would not have found a man for the rest of her life. Because before this, the only man who could make her fall in love was Big Boss. He was also moved by the affection she had for her father.    


So making her act like a little girl was much more difficult than assassinating a small country's head of state.    


However, Li Shuihan also understood that if she did not obey Zhou Hao now, it would be very difficult to save her relationship with Zhou Hao in the future.    


Therefore, after hesitating for a long time, she finally stared at Zhou Hao and slowly said, "Zhou Hao, I love you. "    


Seeing Li Shuihan's serious expression as if she was swearing loyalty to the flag, Zhou Hao felt a little funny in his heart, but he was also very touched, because this was, after all, the way Li Shuihan expressed her feelings. Moreover, Li Shuihan's "loyalty" method was much more reliable than those ordinary women's mountain and sea oath.    


Zhou Hao came close to Li Shuihan's ear and whispered in an extremely gentle tone, "Fourth Boss, I love you too. "    


"Hmm. . . " Li Shuihan's heart suddenly felt weak. She trembled and fell into Zhou Hao's arms. It was as if the legendary "Ten Fragrance Soft Tendons Powder" could not get up.    


Only then did Zhou Hao realize that Fourth Boss's body was not only "sensitive," even her feelings were "sensitive. " She could not endure his teasing, but Zhou Hao really loved this characteristic of hers. He also liked to see her lose her composure when she was in love.    


Looking at Li Shuihan's blushing face in his arms, Zhou Hao thought, "Could it be that Fourth Boss, this kind of woman, is the tsundere that is mentioned on the internet?"    


The beauty in his arms revealed her true feelings and Zhou Hao also became restless. That devil hand also touched Li Shuihan's chest and slid to Li Shuihan's butt. Sometimes it was light and sometimes it was heavy as it rubbed and caressed.    


He felt Zhou Hao's high-spirited thing once again. Li Shuihan's face changed. She quickly said, "Zhou Hao, I, I can't do it anymore. "    


"I just can't do it in the front. Isn't there still the back?" Zhou Hao smiled ambiguously and said, "Didn't we always do that in the past? Your back makes me feel even more intimate. "    


After saying that, Zhou Hao did not wait for Li Shuihan to object. He took advantage of her weak body to turn her over and pressed himself against her.    


"Wu. . . " Li Shuihan knew that it was useless for her to resist, but just like what Zhou Hao said, that swelling feeling from behind her butt really made her feel a sense of intimacy.    


This second round of battle lasted for a long time. Li Shuihan, who had a strong martial arts body and outstanding physique, finally felt weak all over and could not move in Zhou Hao's arms. Zhou Hao also asked at this time, "Alright. Now you can tell me what kind of help you need from me to make such a sacrifice. "    


"I have already said that I am like you because I like you. Otherwise, who can make me, Li Shuihan, do such a thing?" Li Shuihan lied in Zhou Hao's arms and panted.    


"I know, I know, but it is definitely not a small matter for Fourth Boss to take the initiative to ask for help. Hurry up and say it. " Zhou Hao patted Li Shuihan's shoulder.    


Indeed, Li Shuihan had a strong personality. Whenever she encountered a problem, she would solve it by herself. She would never ask for help. Now that she asked Zhou Hao for help, it was obvious that she had encountered a situation that she could not solve by herself.    


Li Shuihan said seriously, "Zhou Hao, I want to ask you to save Big Boss. "    


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