Supreme Stock God

C816 Undercover?

C816 Undercover?

Thank you again for the CxC2015 and all the other readers who supported me.    




Liu Mingwei was jealous and hated Zhou Hao, especially when he saw Wang Xijun holding Zhou Hao's hand tightly. This jealousy seemed to burn his entire heart.    


He thought that with his identity as the young master of the Liu family, he would be able to inherit Liu Luanhong's assets worth tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars in the future. This kind of capital was enough for him to get any woman he wanted. However, after spending a long time in the flowers, he met Wang Xijun, a pure girl who did not seem to belong to the human world. He was moved, but he could not get it.    


Initially, he thought that everything he had was better than Zhou Hao. However, the more he dug, the more he found out that Zhou Hao was unfathomable. In the end, he found out that Zhou Hao was actually the super expert in the stock market who led the Hong Kong Government to fight against Soros Group. Even Liu Luanhong, whom he respected and feared the most, was defeated by Zhou Hao. Now, he even had to hold a banquet like this to invite Zhou Hao.    


This made Liu Mingwei's heart unable to balance. But no matter how dissatisfied and angry he was, Liu Mingwei couldn't express it in front of Wang Xijun's pure and kind smile. On the contrary, he was a little timid, because after his knee bone was broken by "Sang Gou," he became a cripple.    


Liu Mingwei could still maintain his normal behavior when facing others, but in front of Wang Xijun, the girl he really liked, Liu Mingwei had a deep inferiority complex. So when Wang Xijun greeted him, his expression was a little unnatural. "Xijun, you, hello. It has been a long time since we last met. "    


"Yes, long time no see. " Wang Xijun did not notice Liu Mingwei's strange behavior and still made friends with him normally. She smiled and said, "Brother Mingwei, since the last time, why didn't you look for us? Hao also said that he wanted you to be our tour guide and take us around to play. "    


Liu Mingwei narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhou Hao. He saw Zhou Hao smiling brightly and said, "Yes, we are not locals of Hong Kong. We don't know where many underground tunnels are located. But Young Master Liu, you are busy with affairs, so you don't have to worry about us small fries. "    


Looking at Zhou Hao's bright smile, Liu Mingwei felt that it was very eye-piercing. Especially since the moment he came in, Zhou Hao and Wang Xijun's hands had never been separated. This made Liu Mingwei have the urge to chop Zhou Hao's hands off.    


Although Liu Luanhong could see that his son did not have a good impression of Zhou Hao, he only thought that it was because Zhou Hao had attacked "Beauty and Grow," which made Liu Mingwei angry. He never thought that the reason was because of the charming young girl beside Zhou Hao.    


Liu Luanhong also liked beautiful women. Otherwise, he would not have hung out with Li Family's Xin and other female celebrities. Wang Xijun, who was becoming more and more graceful and elegant, could also make Liu Luanhong's heart move. If Wang Xijun was just an ordinary family, he would use some means to fight for her. However, when he saw how close Wang Xijun was with Zhou Hao, he knew that she was Zhou Hao's woman.    


On the surface, Zhou Hao did not seem to be angry, but he was able to make Soros, Julian, and Liu Luanhong suffer losses one after another. He had also heard about the grudge between Zhou Hao and He Hongsen. He Hongsen was famous in Hong Kong, Macao, and even in Asia. He was worthy of being called the black and white duo. However, Zhou Hao dared to kidnap He Hongsen's daughter, and even Xu Jianming and Xu Jinsheng had fallen. It could be seen that Zhou Hao was also a very powerful person.    


"Mr Zhou, I have been able to see you on TV all this time, but I never had the chance to meet you. Today, I finally got what I wanted. It is really exciting!" Liu Luanhong's deputy Ma Shijun respectfully poured tea for Zhou Hao and Wang Xijun and complimented them.    


"Manager Ma, you flatter me. I was only chased to the top by others. I could only do it blindly. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if I do it blindly, but I still do it for the sake of others. I don't have any income at all. I am not like CEO Liu. No matter what, it is my own business. This nature is different. "    


Zhou Hao smiled at Liu Luanhong and said, "It's widely known in Hong Kong. In fact, CEO Liu's economic strength is enough to be included in the top ten tycoons of Hong Kong. Only two Li Family, one Guo Family, and one Dong Family can win against CEO Liu. "    


"Don't say that. Compared to those real tycoons. . . I'm still far from that. " Liu Luanhong smiled and said, "I'm just a small-minded person who gambles on horses and plays with women. It's hard to compare with them. It's you, Mr Zhou. Even if you don't have any assets or jobs right now, after this. . . You have done a great deed for the country. With the care of the central government, Are you still afraid that you won't have a chance to make a fortune? "    


Liu Luanhong would not believe that Zhou Hao would say that he was unproductive and unemployed. When they met for the first time at Shao Yifu's charity banquet, Liu Luanhong saw that the CEO of 'North Pole Star', Wang Zhongjun, treated Zhou Hao with the attitude of a servant to a master. Moreover, Shao Yifu was even more afraid of Zhou Hao than Wang Zhongjun. At that time, Liu Luanhong had already guessed that the big boss behind "North Pole Star" was Zhou Hao.    


Liu Luanhong was also an expert with the title of "stock sniper. " Now, Zhou Hao could make the central government take charge of this battle in Hong Kong. Liu Luanhong knew that Zhou Hao must have an outstanding talent in the financial market, and the fact proved that Zhou Hao was so capable that even Soros and Julian did not dare to take him lightly. Liu Luanhong did not believe that Zhou Hao did not have a securities firm or something like that.    


"Oh right, during this period of time, the battle between us and Soros's group has become more intense. I believe you are also very busy. I just don't know why you suddenly asked me to come here. Is there anything I can help you with?" Zhou Hao didn't waste any time talking nonsense with Liu Luanhong and went straight to the point.    


After listening to Zhou Hao's words, Liu Luanhong understood that he had cooperated with Soros and the others. Sure enough, Zhou Hao knew about it very well, but he was also quite thick-skinned. He laughed and said, "Mr Zhou, actually I have no choice but to work with Soros and Julian. "    


"Oh?" Zhou Hao was interested now. He wanted to hear what kind of "no choice" Liu Luanhong had.    


Liu Luanhong said with a heavy face, "Soros and Julian's group not only want to destroy Hong Kong's economy for profit, but also the shadow of the American government. They want to destroy Hong Kong's economy to destroy China's economic development. They are really ambitious. "    


"Since General Manager Liu knows the pros and cons, he should not collude with them. " Zhou Hao laughed and said, "You should know that. Those who are not of my race will have different intentions. It is reasonable for those foreigner to conspire to harm the interests of our country. But they are also people of China, and they actually went to help those fellows raise their flag and shout. That is what the traitors want, for generations to come, their backbone will be stabbed and their saliva will be spat out. Don't you agree, Chief Liu? "    


Two streaks of tears appeared on Liu Luanhong's face. With tears streaming down his face, he said, "You're right. But, but I, Liu Luanhong, really have my reasons. I really don't have the intention to harm the interests of the country. This sun and moon can be seen! "    


Seeing Zhou Hao's indifferent expression, Liu Luanhong directly explained, "Mr Zhou, Actually, I was undercover at Soros's place. I never had the thought of betraying the interests of the country. I always thought about how to repay the kindness of our country. "    


"A spy? What does CEO Liu mean? Could it be that you colluded with Soros and the others to bear the humiliation? " Zhou Hao pretended to be shocked.    


Liu Luanhong nodded. "Yes, I am a dignified Chinaman. How can I be disinclined to associate myself with someone as ambitious as Soros? The reason I took the initiative to join them was to find out their plans and movements so that I could help the country to crush their schemes. Now, with Mr Zhou leading the Hong Kong Prefecture to fight Soros and the others, I have finally found someone I can rely on! "    


"If Director Liu is an undercover agent, then why didn't you discuss with Chief Executive Dong and Secretary Zeng before this? I believe they will definitely cooperate and help you when they find out about your patriotism. " Zhou Hao said with a smile.    


He was sure that Liu Luanhong was an "undercover agent. " Even the Government of Hong Kong and the central government did not know about it. Otherwise, Zhou Hao would have been notified by the central government.    


Liu Luanhong explained, "It's like this. Soros and the others are all cunning and cunning people. If they are not careful, they will be exposed. My personal interests are a small matter, but it will be a huge sin for it to affect the country. And if you want to deceive your enemies, you have to deceive your own people first. It is because of this that I did not contact Chief Executive Dong and the others. "    


"Oh, so that's the case. " Zhou Hao deliberately showed a look of realization and said, "Then CEO Liu, you want to meet my little brother now because you want to share the information about Soros and the others with us, right?"    


Liu Luanhong showed a righteous expression and nodded solemnly. "That's right. Mr Zhou, the day of the final battle is getting closer and closer. The battle between you and Soros is getting more and more intense, so I want to tell you the information about them as soon as possible so that you can have more opportunities. "    


After a pause, he said again, "First of all, I don't know if you have discovered it. Willie Worth on your side, actually, Soros has planted spies on your side. Now, they have returned to Soros's place and sold out a large amount of information on your side. The reason why you have been losing battles with Soros's group these two days is because of Willie Worth! "    


"What!?" Zhou Hao's expression finally changed. He stared at Liu Luanhong and said, "You said that Willie Worth is a spy sent by Soros?"    


After gritting his teeth for a while, Zhou Hao clenched his fists and said. "Damn it. No wonder he suddenly disappeared these two days. So he is the lackey of Soros!"    


He grabbed Liu Luanhong's hand and said with a grateful expression. "Director Liu, thank you for telling me this news!"    


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