Supreme Stock God

C810 Shocking News

C810 Shocking News

Shocking news.    


As soon as Zhou Hao finished speaking, the door of the study rang. Zhou Hao thought, "It can't be Zhengning, right? Why is it so fast?"    


"Xiao Hao, Willie Worth said he has something to talk to you about. " It was Zhao Yuqin's voice.    


Zhou Hao was slightly surprised when he heard that it was Willie Worth. He then said to Zhao Yuqin, who had pushed open the door, "Sister, let him in. I also have something to ask him. "    


"Yes. " Zhao Yuqin nodded and brought Willie Worth, who had been waiting outside, into the study. Wang Xijun and Situ Jianying knew that Zhou Hao had important matters to discuss with Willie Worth, so they left the study to not disturb them.    


"Boss. " Willie Worth looked a little haggard and there were two black eye bags hanging on his face. Obviously, he had not slept well for a few days.    


Seeing Willie Worth like this, Zhou Hao's heart sank. Because from Willie Worth's appearance, there was indeed a problem with him!    


Zhou Hao didn't reveal his expression, and said to Willie Worth with a smile: "Take a seat. Have you not slept these few days? Although the work I gave you is important, your body is more important because if you collapse, I will lose a big arm. "    


"Boss. . . " Willie Worth looked at Zhou Hao with gratitude.    


In fact, he was really grateful to Zhou Hao because ever since he worked for Zhou Hao, he had been very grateful to Zhou Hao. His talent has been maximized. Willie Worth knew that his style in financial investment was unconventional. Although he could get a good return on investment, he had to take a lot of risks. In the past, when he worked in Wall Street and other European securities firms, his superiors didn't dare to use him because of his risky investment style. And they kept restricting him, limiting his performance.    


Because of this, before coming to Galaxy, Willie Worth had always felt a kind of depression and lack of talent. And after he got to work for Zhou Hao, Willie Worth found that Zhou Hao's investment strategy was more bold and ingenious than his. More importantly, Zhou Hao never restricted Willie Worth's pace. Sometimes, he even accused Willie Worth of not taking big steps and not being flexible enough.    


Working under Zhou Hao gave Willie Worth a carefree feeling. This was something he had never enjoyed before. He was also deeply impressed by Zhou Hao.    


"What's wrong? Did you encounter some difficulties at work?" Zhou Hao smiled gently and said, "Just tell me. As long as I can do it, I will definitely support you. Xue Yun also said that you are very capable in your work. With you around, Xue Yun and I will be able to relax a lot. "    


"Boss, it's not about work. " Willie Worth's voice was a little dry. "Boss, there are some things that I want to talk to you about?"    


Zhou Hao still smiled. "What is it? Could it be that other companies have taken a liking to you and want to poach you from me? That won't do. I can't let you go. "    


Willie Worth was also amused by Zhou Hao's words. However, he was more touched in his heart. He said," Boss, These few days, I felt like I was being watched. Although I didn't find any evidence or signs, my intuition tells me that I'm being watched. "    


Zhou Hao was shocked. He didn't expect Willie Worth to have such keen intuition. Or, it could be said that Willie Worth knew about his own problem. Because of his guilty conscience, he was suspicious. This time, it just so happened that he guessed the fact that he was being watched.    


"Who is it?" Zhou Hao asked calmly.    


Willie Worth sighed and said, "If I'm not wrong, it should be someone from Government of China. "    


Zhou Hao was shocked again and secretly sighed at Willie Worth's dexterity. Willie Worth saw a slight change in Zhou Hao's expression. He was even more sure of his guess. He said, "I don't know if you know those people, boss. But I know that this is actually very normal. After all, Boss, you have a close relationship with the central government of China. The central government will definitely send people to protect you and monitor the people in the Galaxy. Especially people like Song Jiahao and I who know a lot of your investment secrets. "    


Since Willie Worth had already guessed the truth, Zhou Hao would not hide it from him. Willie Worth, you are right. You, Jiahao, and the others in the company are all secretly monitored by our country. Because part of our investment is in cooperation with the country, and now I'm involved in the Hong Kong war. Thus, the Central Government is very concerned about my situation.    


However, the reason why I didn't reject their surveillance is because I believe in you. I believe that you won't betray me. "    


"Boss, thank you for your trust!" Willie Worth said sincerely," But Boss, I. . . I'm sorry, I really have something to hide from you. . . "    


He lowered his head deeply, his face was full of shame, as if he had something to hide from Zhou Hao, as if he had betrayed Zhou Hao.    


"Then now, are you going to confess to me?" Zhou Hao looked at him deeply.    


"Yes. " Willie Worth nodded slowly and said after a long time, "Boss, do you remember what I told you? I am a mixed German and American. "    


Zhou Hao nodded. "Well, so what? I am not a racist, so what does that matter?"    


"It's not that, boss. " Willie Worth shook his head and took a deep breath. "Actually, I did not tell you that my father was George Soros. "    


"George Soros?" Zhou Hao could not react for a moment. He thought Willie Worth's father was an ordinary person called George Soros, but he quickly came back to his senses. "Wh. . . What? Your father is Soros? Is he the George Soros who is fighting with us now?"    


Even though Zhou Hao had experienced many storms and waves, he could not help but be shocked and jump up from his chair. Because this matter was too serious. If Willie Worth was really George Soros's biological son, then Zhou Hao would be like a bomb placed beside him, especially when he was at the critical moment of the battle with Soros and the others.    


As long as Willie Worth leaked a little bit of information about Zhou Hao to Soros, it would cause Zhou Hao to suffer a crushing defeat!    


However, in his previous life, Zhou Hao had researched George Soros, Julian Robeson, and other famous economists as a specialized topic. He had collected a lot of information about them through various channels, but he had never heard of Soros having a son like Willie Worth.    


Unless, Willie Worth was an illegitimate child of Soros that no one knew about!    


"Boss, I'm sorry. . . " Willie Worth lowered his head and said.    


A hundred thoughts went through Zhou Hao's mind, and he finally sighed and said, "Why are you apologizing to me? It's not like you can decide whose son he is. Even if you are Soros's son, you have never leaked any information about me to Soros. Isn't that right? "    


"Boss, you mean, you. . . You don't blame me?" Willie Worth suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhou Hao.    


"Why should I blame you? Blame you for being Soros's illegitimate child?" Zhou Hao shook his head and smiled.    


Willie Worth was surprised. "Boss, do you know that I am Soros's illegitimate child?"    


"If you were not his illegitimate child, how could no one know about your relationship with him?" Zhou Hao said, "All of this is fine. The most important thing is what do you plan to do next? You have decided to confess to me about this matter. At the same time, have you decided to leave the Galaxy? "    


"Could it be that I can still stay?" Willie Worth laughed self-deprecatingly. "Even if you are willing to keep me, the Government of China will not allow this to happen. You people of China value your relationship very much. You will never put Soros's illegitimate son in your own camp. "    


Zhou Hao snorted. "Galaxy is my own company. Even the central government can't interfere with who I want to keep and who I want to chase away. I am confident about this! "    


He trusted Willie Worth. Or rather, he trusted his intuition. Up until now, he could not sense Willie Worth's threat to him. He could also feel that what Willie Worth said was the truth and not a lie.    


"Boss. . . " Willie Worth was extremely touched when he saw Zhou Hao's firm and stern expression.    


At this time, someone knocked on the door of the study again. Zhao Yuqin said from outside, "Xiao Hao, Zhengning came to find you. "    


Zhou Hao frowned. He was shocked by the fact that Willie Worth was Soros's illegitimate son. He almost forgot about Yu Zhengning's arrival. Now, it seemed like the problem that Yu Zhengning had mentioned about Willie Worth. . . Obviously, this was also the problem. Zhou Hao thought for a moment and pointed to a small room in the study that was separated by a bookshelf. He said to Willie Worth, "You go there first and stay silent. Don't come out even if I don't call you. "    


Willie Worth nodded and immediately got up to hide in the small room over there. Zhou Hao also said to Zhao Yuqin outside, "Sister, please come in, Zhengning. "    


Zhao Yuqin brought Yu Zhengning in, but she did not see Willie Worth who came in earlier. She looked at Zhou Hao in confusion. After seeing Zhou Hao secretly give her a look, Zhao Yuqin still had doubts in her heart, but she did not show it and left the study.    


"Zhengning, what is the problem with Willie Worth? Tell me quickly. " Zhou Hao deliberately showed a serious expression and asked.    


Yu Zhengning was really concerned about Zhou Hao. He immediately said, "Brother Zhou, when my men were watching Willie Worth, they found Soros's deputy, Christopher. Agins came to find Willie Worth, and after our secret investigation, that Willie Worth was actually Soros's illegitimate child!"    


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