Supreme Stock God

C743 Which Was More Important

C743 Which Was More Important

Listening to what Zhou Hao asked about the shooting, Song Qianyun answered honestly. The makeup artist stylist and some filming crew were very cooperative. The atmosphere of the conversation was quite lively. There was no restraint between superiors and subordinates at all.    


In terms of filming, Asia Television Limited also paid a lot of attention to it. They would not implement "three shifts" like the Wireless Television Limited did, allowing the actors to produce it day and night.    


On the Asia Television Limited's side, the actors and staff usually worked six hours a day. Even if they had to work overtime because they were in a hurry, they could not work more than ten hours a day.    


In this aspect, the actors on the wireless were very envious.    


Very soon, Song Qianyun and the other staff members had a good impression of Zhou Hao. Although Xian Zhiwei said that Zhou Hao was one of the shareholders of the company, and that he was their boss, Zhou Hao did not have the mischievous personality of a rich kid.    


He also would not casually point fingers and interfere with the work of the television station. Instead, he was very concerned about the needs of the staff and the issues of their lives. He appeared to be very humane.    


Looking at how she chatted happily with the other employees, Song Qianyun remembered that she had thought that Zhou Hao wanted to pester her just now. She couldn't help but feel that it was a little funny. Now, it seemed like a young, golden-haired, and good-natured man like Zhou Hao.    


Even if he didn't say it himself, there were probably countless women in the company who wanted to throw themselves at him. Moreover, Wang Xijun and Situ Jianying, one pure and lively, were better than him. How could Zhou Hao take a fancy to him?    


At this time, the stylist behind her moved closer to Song Qianyun's ear and said, "Qianyun, don't you think Mr Zhou's face is a little familiar?"    


After the stylist mentioned it, Song Qianyun looked at Zhou Hao again and felt the same way.    


She heard the hairdresser say again: "Like I said, I felt very familiar with him the first time I saw him, as if I had seen him somewhere before. Now I finally remember.    


Mr Zhou, it's that 'Z Sovereign'! "    


" What? " Song Qianyun called out softly. Before she was chosen to be an actor, she had heard "Z Jun's" song in China. She was also touched by his song.    


After carefully looking at Zhou Hao for a few more times, Song Qianyun could not help walking towards Zhou Hao and said shyly, "Mr Zhou, can you help me sign?"    


Zhou Hao and Xian Zhiwei were both stunned. Zhou Hao smiled and said, "What's wrong? So I have become a celebrity too?"    


Xian Zhiwei immediately reacted. "Who says so? Looks like they all recognized you as' Z Sovereign '. "    


Indeed, it wasn't just Song Qianyun. The surrounding male and female employees were also looking at her with eyes full of stars. If it wasn't for the fact that she was the boss, they would have swarmed over.    


Song Qianyun, who was standing in front of Zhou Hao, also looked at him expectantly. "Mr Zhou, I really like your song. I have collected every song of yours, especially the song 'Tears of Venice' recently. Every time I listen to it, I will be very touched. "    


Zhou Hao smiled bitterly. In fact, every time he played and sang by himself, it was for the girl beside him. The first time was for Zhao Yuqin, followed by Wang Xijun, followed by Yang Jiabao, and finally He Xueyun.    


Because of this, Zhou Hao became a special existence in the domestic music industry. The more he kept a low profile, the more curious people were about him, and the more they chased after him. This reminded Zhou Hao of the "Saber Man" from his previous life.    


Of course, Zhou Hao did not have any intention of becoming an artist.    


After signing Song Qianyun's name, he smiled and nodded at the staff members around him who looked forward to it. Those people immediately surrounded Zhou Hao. Zhou Hao did not feel annoyed and signed with them one by one. After all, they were his employees, so he had to treat them better.    


On the other hand, Wang Xijun and Situ Jianying who were outside were gloating over Zhou Hao's misfortune. They could not help but feel amused when they saw their idol also treat Zhou Hao as his idol.    


Finally, after getting out of the enthusiastic employees, Zhou Hao and Xian Zhiwei went to the office. Song Qianyun temporarily acted as the tour guide for Wang Xijun and Situ Jianying and continued to show them around. It was rare to be together with an idol. Situ Jianying and Situ Jianying were very excited.    


Receiving a commentary from Xian Zhiwei, Zhou Hao could not help but smile. This rather professional report described some changes in the Asia Television Limited.    


He had made a very high evaluation of the Asia Television Limited, who had turned the Wireless Television Limited upside down in Hong Kong over the past year. He also said that the Asia Television Limited had found a boss who truly understood the media and economy.    


On the other hand, the newspaper had also made comments about the political standpoints that the Asia Television Limited had slowly shown.    


Recently, Asia Television Limited was getting closer to China in terms of political standpoints. Sometimes, they would even applaud the Central Government for some proposals regarding Hong Kong's governance. It was like most of the media in the country had become the mouthpiece of the Party and the government.    


Hong Kong, which was in a very deep westernized state, was very averse to many policies in the country, especially the policies and cultures that the central government had shown. Hong Kong was especially sensitive in Hong Kong and always felt that the central government was interfering with their 'democracy and freedom'.    


Many of the domestic television stations, magazines, and newspapers in Hong Kong criticized the lack of independent freedom of speech. To a certain extent, they despised the domestic media, thinking that they had lost the style of protecting the freedom of speech that the media should have.    


Because of this, even if they had obtained some secret support from the Central Government, they did not dare to show any signs of currying favor with the domestic government, fearing that they would become targets for the public and media to criticize.    


Therefore, the Asia Television Limited had been attacked by a lot of public opinion. Not only Hong Kong, but also some foreign media outlets with ulterior motives criticized the Government of China for interfering with the freedom of speech and attacking the media.    


It was also a good thing that those classic TV series, which could cause a lot of attention, were continuously launched in the Asia Television Limited. Although the Hong Kong audiences were discussing the matter of the Asia Television Limited getting close to the local government, they were still taking care of the TV series.    


Therefore, Asia Television Limited was not like Zhou Hao in his previous life. Because of this, it caused a large number of local audiences to leave the country.    


Xian Zhiwei said, "Mr Zhou, although the comments of the newspapers and magazines outside aren't official, Right now, many of our peers are accusing us of currying favor with the government and losing the backbone of the media. "    


Zhou Hao put down the serious and objective article, but it pointed straight to the comments of the Asia Television Limited.    


He glanced at Xian Zhiwei indifferently and said with a smile: "Courage? What is spendthrift? He blindly fawned over the audience and gave up his own ideas in order to keep watching.    


Even to cater to the so-called industry rules, he did not hesitate to give up on guiding the masses through public opinion, this true media principle, is backbone?"    


Xian Zhiwei was stunned when he heard the mocking tone in Zhou Hao's words. This was because he had a different opinion of the Asia Television Limited's approach to the central government. After all, he was a native who was deeply influenced by Hong Kong's culture.    


"It's true that many media outlets in the country blindly listen to the local government. It's inappropriate to report good news without reporting bad news and completely lose their stance. "    


Zhou Hao said, "However, while maintaining our position, we still need to give affirmation and publicize some policies that are beneficial to society and the people.    


What is the so-called freedom of speech? What is the so-called heavenly position of media? I believe that a qualified media must serve the country for the stable development of society. "    


Zhou Hao stared intently at Xian Zhiwei and said word by word: "If this so-called freedom of speech will bring instability to society and the country, then I would rather give up this freedom!"    


Xian Zhiwei was completely stunned by Zhou Hao's words. At the same time, he knew very well that if Zhou Hao's words were to spread out, no one knew how big of a storm it would cause.    


Zhou Hao leaned back against the chair and closed his eyes to let out a sigh. "Which of the western media groups that claim to be free to speak is not controlled by those vested interest groups?"    


He knocked on the comment on the table. "The freedom of speech mentioned in this report. Do they know how big of a conflict it will cause if they completely release the monitoring of public opinion?    


For such a gimmick, do they know how big of a disturbance their actions will bring to the stability of society? "    


In fact, in his previous life, Zhou Hao did not care about the domestic media's way of obeying the government, but what he saw and heard in his previous life could not be compared to what he had seen and heard in his previous life.    


Especially after he had come into contact with the upper echelons of the government due to his relationship with the Zhao Family, his view of things slowly changed.    


It was as if he used to look at things from the perspective of the people. He used to look up to the government with a sense of unwillingness and dissatisfaction.    


Now, he was looking at things from a higher point of view. He could see things clearer and further. To be honest, he knew how to look at the big picture. Fang Qi knew that he was the one who was at a loss.    


Although the government's monitoring of public opinion had its pros and cons, it was definitely more beneficial than its cons. The "North Pole Star" in Zhou Hao's hands was different from most of the media in China.    


It was to speak out their voices for the most ordinary people, express the wishes of the people to the government, and also to promote some proactive policies that the government had launched. It also had a different opinion on the existing problems and deficiencies in the policies.    


In terms of political theory, the current 'North Pole Star' was carrying out the responsibility of media with an objective and critical attitude.    


This was also because Zhou Hao had the strong support of the Zhao Family, which was why he dared to do things that ordinary media did not dare to do or even dare to think about, to explore and even lead a true flow of public opinion.    


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