Supreme Stock God

C750 In the Financial World Tiger

C750 In the Financial World Tiger

"Cheers!" In the office of Galaxy Investment Company in the central square, Zhou Hao, He Xueyun, Song Jiahao and Willie Worth all raised the champagne in their hands. Their faces were full of excitement. They were celebrating the victory of the two-day battle.    


The Government of Hong Kong, led by Zeng Yingquan, listened to Zhou Hao's suggestion. They used billions of USD from the Foreign Exchange Fund to sell Quantum Fund, Tiger Fund, and other HKD. They managed to stabilize the HKD interest rate and exchange rate, which made Soros and Julian suffer a loss.    


As the main force in this battle, the Government of Hong Kong and Soros did not make any profit. The biggest gain was stabilizing the exchange rate system, while the latter lost more than 3 billion HKD in terms of Hong Kong currency and interest rates. The snipe and the clam fought. The fisherman who benefited in the end was Zhou Hao, who earned more than 3 billion HKD. It was not much different from Soros and the others' losses.    


"Ding, ding, ding. " Zhou Hao used a small spoon to lightly tap on the edge of the glass, attracting the employees' attention. The originally excited employees immediately knew that the boss had something to say, so they automatically calmed down.    


"Everyone, this short-term transaction only lasted for two days. Our Galaxy has a total of 3. 35 billion HKD income. To be honest, this number is nothing in the history of our trade. "    


The employees below all laughed. Indeed, compared to the past financial transactions of the Galaxy, the profit of more than 3 billion HKD was not much.    


Zhou Hao raised his hand and pressed down, then smiled and said, "But the symbolic meaning this time is very exciting, because the ones who fought with us were very excited. It was George Soros who led the Quantum Fund, and Julian. The Tiger Fund controlled by Robeson, the two financial tycoons that occupied Wall Street, we defeated them! "    


"Yay!" All the employees, regardless of whether they were male or female, screamed in excitement. Their blood was boiling, and they wished they could really charge into the battlefield and kill the enemy to make meritorious contributions.    


Although they had only won a small victory this time, and the Government of Hong Kong had contributed a lot, it was indisputable that they had won in a clean and decisive fight with the Quantum Fund and the Tiger Fund.    


Up until now, those who could stay in Galaxy Investment or be selected from other places were all top financial talents. These people naturally knew Soros and Julian's position in the financial market. It was a fascinating legend. It was even a kind of belief. It was also the idol of many of them when they studied finance and economics. What could be more exciting than defeating their own idol?    


Under Zhou Hao's lead, they actually fought and won against their idol. This was even happier than them earning a fortune.    


"But, ladies and gentlemen, don't be so happy yet. " Zhou Hao said seriously, "Because this is only the beginning. Next, we will be facing an even more intense and lasting financial war. It involves the stock market, stock market, future market, and even property market. The investment will be greater and the risk will be greater.    


I want to ask everyone, do you have the confidence to win? "    


"Yes!" Everyone shouted without hesitation.    


"Very good!" Zhou Hao smiled. "What I want to tell everyone is that in the upcoming battle, whether we win or lose, we will leave a deep mark in the financial history of the world. We will become George Soros and Julian. Robeson, the person who created history and wrote history!    


Come, cheers for the history that we have created! "    


" Cheers! " Everyone shouted as they gulped down the wine in their hands.    


"In order to prepare for the upcoming battle, I will give you all a vacation these two days. In these two days, I hope that you will try your best not to come into contact with anything related to finance. Instead, you can relax and play as much as you want, so that you can completely relax for once, okay?"    




When he returned to the office, Zhou Hao immediately sat on the big chair and sighed. "It seems that I really don't have the potential to be a leader. Well, I can't do that after talking for a while. "    


He Xueyun stood behind him and gently massaged his forehead. She smiled and said: "You still say that you don't have the potential to be a leader? Look, those employees in the company have been instigated by you. It's as if they have been injected with stimulants. I think you're not just a leader. You can even be a cult leader. "    


Zhou Hao smiled bitterly and waved his hand. He recalled how the employees below had been shouting excitedly at him just now. It really did seem like a cult.    


Opposite him, Song Jiahao also smiled and said: "Manager, you don't know. The employees below worship the boss the most. If the boss really created a cult for them to join, I think they will not hesitate. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and no longer paid attention to this guy's joke. Instead, he looked at Willie Worth. Because Willie Worth drank so much that his face was red. This was completely different from his usual style. If it was during normal times, Willie Worth was silent and did not like to drink either. Even in the company's large-scale celebration, tasting a few mouthfuls was already the limit. Just now, he drank five or six glasses of champagne in a row. The excitement in his eyes was completely different from the usual silence.    


"Willie Worth, this time he has the upper hand in the fight with Soros and Julian. You must be very happy. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Don't let your guard down. This time, we did not plan in advance. But from now on, I think Soros and the others have more or less noticed our existence. We will also be more cautious in our actions, and our attacks will be more ferocious. "    


Willie Worth nodded solemnly, but the excitement that came from the bottom of his heart did not diminish.    


"Hao, the Galaxy has already registered with the BVD. They are just waiting for us to transfer ownership over. " He Xueyun said.    


Zhou Hao nodded. "We can't wait for this matter. Jia Hao, Willie Worth, you have to be careful about this matter. "    


"Galaxy" was initially a securities company that Zhao Yuqin registered in Xiang City. Later, in order to cooperate with Zhou Hao's investment activities, He then moved over to Hong Kong for the offshore registration, and the ownership of the company belonged to Zhou Hao alone. The company that was registered offshore was a very special existence. It could avoid all kinds of taxes to a large extent, and the supervision it received would also be much more relaxed.    


If it was an ordinary financial investment, the Galaxy registered in Hong Kong could deal with all kinds of situations. However, as Zhou Hao's business grew bigger and bigger. . . It even involved the political struggle between Indonesia and Russia. "The relationship between Galaxy and Hong Kong was no longer suitable to stay in Hong Kong. It did not matter if it was to avoid arousing suspicion or to make future investments more flexible and flexible. "The relationship between the Galaxy and Hong Kong was not suitable to stay in Hong Kong anymore.    


Zhou Hao originally wanted to register the company because in his previous life, he knew that the policy of the company to register offshore companies was very lenient. Most of the taxes were not paid, but the management fee was a little more expensive every year. However, they allowed a single shareholder of the company to keep the information of the shareholders confidential. They also did not have strict regulations on the company. It was really the first choice to avoid tax.    


However, Zhou Hao later found out that it would take more than two years for the company to start the housing and financial policies. So after discussing with Zhao Yuqin, He Xueyun, and Willie Worth, Zhou Hao could only take a step back and choose the British Viking Islands, which was the BVI. That place could also avoid most of the tax. The other policies were also largely similar to the policy of BVI, except that it was a little far away.    


He Xueyun said, "After registering at BVI, 'Galaxy' also officially transitioned into an investment fund. "    


Zhou Hao smiled. "Hehe, it seems that in the future, outside of the Quantum Fund and Tiger Fund, we will have to add another Galaxy Fund. "    


Willie Worth said excitedly. "It is not far from here. Boss, I believe that our Galaxy can definitely become comparable to, no, our Galaxy can definitely surpass the Quantum Fund and the Tiger Fund and become the most famous fund in the financial world!"    


"You are quite attentive. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "But I don't care about this name. After all, the more famous you are, the easier it will be for you to become the target of public criticism. "    


"Don't worry, boss. Even if you become famous. . . We can also very well maintain the secrecy of the fund. " Willie Worth said confidently, "Quantum funds are registered offshore funds. They are not under the supervision of the United States at all. Other than knowing the reputation of Quantum Fund, unless the people inside the Quantum Fund come out and expose themselves, Otherwise, it's very hard to know the real situation inside. "    


Zhou Hao waved his hand, because these things were not what he cared about the most. At the current stage, what he cared about the most was the battle that had already begun. He said to Song Jiahao and Willie Worth, "You two can also have a vacation, but you can't be like the employees below and not be involved in financial matters. After all, if there is any news, you will need to come and pass it on. "    


Zhou Hao and the others rarely had time during the two days off the market. Therefore, Zhou Hao wanted to let his subordinates take advantage of this rare opportunity to relax so that they could better welcome the upcoming bitter battle.    


He Xueyun handed each of them a check. "Here is 100,000 USD. Consider it your spending these two days. "    


"Thank you, manager. " Song Jiahao and Willie Worth smiled.    


His employees were on vacation, so Zhou Hao and He Xueyun, the two big bosses, naturally also needed to rest for a while. After leaving the office, He Xueyun pulled Zhou Hao to the shopping mall below to help him buy some daily necessities.    


But when they took the elevator to the fifth floor, a 50-60 year old foreign man walked in and caught the attention of Zhou Hao and He Xueyun.    


Although this foreign man was just an ordinary old man in the eyes of ordinary people, Zhou Hao and He Xueyun recognized him because he was Julian, the "tiger" in the financial world. Robeson!    


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