Supreme Stock God

C744 The Horn Was Blown

C744 The Horn Was Blown

Zhou Hao had discussed with Wang Zhongjun, Wang Zhonglei, and Su Lin about the positions of the entertainment companies under the banner of 'Northern Pole Star', including the Asia Television Limited and Galaxy Television.    


Zhou Hao had also mentioned that as a private media company, "North Pole Star" could not be reduced to a tool of the government and lose its independence and principles. At the same time, it could not go against the government for personal gain.    


As a result, communication between 'North Pole Star' and the government was of utmost importance.    


Zhou Hao had Wang Zhongjun, Wang Zhonglei, and the others personally lead a professional and outstanding public relations team to be in charge of this area. Su Lin was also in charge of the Asia Television Limited in this area.    


It was very difficult for other media companies to balance out the intention of the government and their independence. However, Zhou Hao had the powerful background of the Zhao Family, so he had a strong backing for the "North Pole Star. "    


Moreover, the North Pole Star had also achieved very good results. The central government had already intended to support the North Pole Star and establish an objective and rigorous media image in the country that did not lose its personality.    


It was also good to block those countries or media outlets who often clamored that China did not have freedom of speech.    


"But Mr Zhou, if we really get into a fight with other media outlets, I'm afraid we will be isolated by them. " Xian Zhiwei reminded Zhou Hao worriedly. "Especially now that Hong Kong has returned not long ago.    


A large portion of Hong Kong's citizens were very worried about whether Hong Kong's freedom could be maintained, so they were especially sensitive to such matters.    


Furthermore, I'm afraid that the wireless side will not let go of this opportunity. They will even encourage some of the citizens to boycott our Asia Television Limited. "    


Zhou Hao waved his hand. "We have to consider the interests of the Hong Kong audiences. However, we also have to take the initiative. We have to decide the direction of the Asia Television Limited's development and strategy. "    


Looking at Xian Zhiwei, Zhou Hao continued, "The reason why you care so much about the emotions of the Hong Kong audience and even use their preferences as the key to our position and strategy. That's because your vision is too narrow. It's so narrow that it's only limited to a small place like Hong Kong. "    


Xian Zhiwei was shocked by Zhou Hao's words again. Although he knew that many people in the country thought Hong Kong was just a small port, such words came out of Zhou Hao's mouth.    


The shock he received was different, because he had brought the Asia Television Limited out of the swamp and turned the tables in one fell swoop. The person who had been suppressed by the Wireless Television Limited for a long time was Zhou Hao. All the higher ups in the Asia Television Limited who knew about this had great admiration for him.    


From the people he admired, Xian Zhiwei could tell that Hong Kong was just a small place. He couldn't help but wonder if Hong Kong's status was really not as high as he had imagined.    


Zhou Hao continued, "Before I acquired the Asia Television Limited, why couldn't the Asia Television Limited get rid of the shadow of wireless after so many years? Every time I lose in the competition for the viewership?    


Although there was a reason why Wi-Fi was so powerful, at the bottom of it all, it was because you had been focusing on the shackles of Hong Kong. In order to seize the viewership of six million people, you had to fight to the death.    


Not to mention other places in Asia, just Guangzhou alone has a population of more than ten million people, not to mention Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Thailand. "    


Xian Zhiwei looked at Zhou Hao in a daze. Zhou Hao crossed his fingers and supported his chin. His gaze suddenly became very sharp. "I have never thought of pressing the Asia Television Limited here in Hong Kong, just for the sake of the six million people in Hong Kong. Since it is called the 'Asia Television Limited'.    


Then it must be called the 'Asia Television Limited'. In fact, it will bloom and bear fruit in all of Asia. It might even charge out of Asia and point its sword at the whole world!    


From the beginning, Galaxy Satellite TV network and Asia Television Limited had always been like this. Hong Kong is just a springboard for Asia Television Limited's development, and it's not the end of Asia Television Limited's development. "    


"But. . . But Wireless has already opened up the overseas market. They are the real leaders in the overseas Huangs' television industry.    


We have just started to expand the external market. Will we lose the initiative? "    


Zhou Hao shook his head and sneered. " Wireless? You mean to build a small branch in some foreign regions and regularly broadcast some television dramas to the local people?    


Do you think this is the so-called opening up of the overseas market? "    


Without waiting for Xian Zhiwei's reply, Zhou Hao said," I won't be so small-scale. My goal is to make my television station one of the mainstream television stations in those regions. I want to see it the moment I turn on the television. "    


Zhou Hao was also very clear about how difficult it was to achieve this goal, but there had to be a goal for all career development. As long as they worked hard and worked hard to expand, there would be a day when they would be able to achieve it.    


Seeing that Xian Zhiwei still wanted to say something, Zhou Hao waved his hand. "We don't have to bother with the comments outside. We just need to do our own thing. Time will be our best witness. "    


He could feel the strong confidence radiating from Zhou Hao's body. This was because he had been working under Zhou Hao for a long time now.    


He had already developed a strong confidence in Zhou Hao, and was confident that under Zhou Hao's leadership, he would be able to shine even brighter.    


Actually, the reason why Zhou Hao told Xian Zhiwei these words was because he wanted to use him to communicate with the other core members, so that his will could be conveyed to the rest of the core members. He also wanted to make sure that the people below didn't focus on him.    


The next morning, Zhou Hao woke up from his bed and saw the warm sunlight outside the window.    


"En. . . "    


The jade man in his arms murmured and turned around to let himself lie comfortably in Zhou Hao's arms.    


Feeling the warm and fragrant jade in his arms, the corner of Zhou Hao's mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly, revealing a thick smile.    


The one in his arms was Wang Xijun. Although she was now a slim and beautiful girl, compared to the other girls around Zhou Hao, her body was still young and inexperienced. At the same time, she was full of youthful vigor.    


Until now, Zhou Hao had not really done anything to Wang Xijun, because Wang Xijun was still too delicate. She would at least be eighteen years old next year.    


And with Zhou Hao's "scale," it would probably be hard for Wang Xijun to bear it after she turned eighteen.    


So last night, Zhou Hao only gently hugged Wang Xijun the whole night, and did not do anything else. Although having a beauty in his arms made Zhou Hao inevitably have an impulse, but out of love for Wang Xijun, Zhou Hao could only suppress his desire.    


Now seeing Wang Xijun leaning on his chest like a kitten, her quiet and snow white face made her look like a porcelain person that was lovable.    


She was currently wearing a thin vest. It was slightly looser, but one could also see her increasingly exquisite figure. From above, one could see a slight rise and fall of the peaks, and there was a hint of pink in the snow white.    


Below was a pair of grey hot pants, which just happened to wrap around her little butt. A pair of snow white thighs were curled up together.    


Witnessing such a beautiful spring scene, Zhou Hao couldn't help but take a whiff of her extremely elastic face. He felt that this girl's face was as soft and smooth as ice, making him unable to help but kiss her again and again.    


"En. . . Itch. . . " Wang Xijun was talking in her sleep, then under Zhou Hao's harassment, she slowly opened her eyes. Under her trembling eyelashes, a pair of eyes that were as bright as stars revealed, as if it could suck people into it.    


"Hao. " It was Wang Xijun's happiest thing to wake up and see Zhou Hao. Her two arms wrapped around Zhou Hao's neck. She slightly raised her face, and her small cherry-like mouth slightly pouted. Her red cheeks were also very eye-catching.    


This beautiful face, in the future, could be described as "cute. " How could Zhou Hao defend it? He immediately held the cherry-like sweet lips and tasted it fiercely.    


When the hair on their ears was torn apart, their bodies would naturally be tightly entangled together. Although Zhou Hao would not really break Wang Xijun's body, his hands would never be obedient. In a short while, Wang Xijun's small vest slid to her waist, revealing a touch of greasy and fragrant pink spring light.    


The phone rang at an inappropriate time at this moment, but Zhou Hao ignored it and continued to wreak havoc on Wang Xijun's young and attractive body.    


It was Wang Xijun who pushed Zhou Hao away and said with a red face: "Hao, there is a phone call. Quickly listen to it. There might be something important. "    


Zhou Hao was helpless and could only pick up the phone at the bedside. His tone was somewhat impatient. "Who is it?"    


"Boss, it's me. " It was Willie Worth's voice. "When the supermarket opened this morning, there were people selling Hong Kong and Heng Sheng index futures in large quantities. So far, the total value has exceeded 1 billion HKD!    


Our people have also found out that there are several European and American investment banks and hedging funds with large amounts of cash flow. Quantum funds are also among them! "    


Upon hearing Willie Worth's words, Zhou Hao subconsciously looked at the electronic clock on the bed. The date displayed on it was July 29th, 1998.    


He immediately broke out in a cold sweat because the Quantum Fund and those few European and American investment banks were selling large amounts of Hong Kong Dollars and Permanent Finger Futures. This action was basically launching an official attack on Hong Kong.    


But in the original history, Soros and the rest were officially recruited on August 5th. This meant that the history of this financial war had undergone a major change and would not develop like Zhou Hao in his previous life!    


This meant that there would be many unknown factors in this war, and it would affect the final outcome of the war!    


However, Zhou Hao, who had regained his senses, did not have the time to care about these space-time contradictions. He was most concerned about the reactions in Hong Kong, so he immediately asked Willie Worth, "What are the reactions of the Hong Kong Special District government and the Financial Management Bureau?"    


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