Supreme Stock God

C729 A Historic Encounter

C729 A Historic Encounter

In the balcony restaurant of the Hong Kong Peninsula Hotel, two foreigner were sitting there enjoying the delicious food. From here, one could see the mesmerizing night view of the entire Tsui Sha Tsui.    


However, these two foreigner could tell at first glance that they were not ordinary people, because there were more than ten burly men standing around their table. They were paying attention to their surroundings vigilantly and did not allow anyone to get close to the two foreigner.    


One of them, a man in his sixties, was a Jewish man. He was not very attractive, but he was in good spirits. His whole body was smiling, giving people a very peaceful feeling.    


Sitting opposite him was a man in his forties. He had deep eyes and a high nose bridge. He had a strong aggression.    


If there were people who knew about international finance present, they would definitely be shocked to see these two men.    


These two foreigner were the famous number one head of the Quantum Fund, George Soros, and the second hand of the Quantum Fund, Christopher Agins, who served as George Soros's deputy.    


Since the beginning of the 1990s, George Soros's Quantum Fund and Julian. Robert's Tiger Fund was the strongest and most famous hedging fund on Wall Street in the United States. It was also the object of worship for people in the global financial world.    


"Agins, how is it? Is the taste of the Chinese food alright?" Soros used his silver fork to put a fat piece of roast goose meat into his mouth. At the same time, he faced Christopher opposite him. Agins said with a smile.    


Christopher Agins. Agins nodded slightly. "It's really not much. No wonder everyone says that living in a British house, eating Chinese food, and marrying a Japanese wife is one of the three greatest pleasures in life.    


This makes sense. " As he spoke, he put the fresh meat of the steamed grouper in front of him into his mouth and chewed carefully.    


Soros smiled and said, "China has thousands of years of history. The so-called Four Great Civilizations, in fact, the other three countries are incomparable to China.    


The real civilization has always been China. We are unable to fully understand her culture. It is truly worthy of the words' extensive and profound '. "    


"Mr. George, you have set your eyes on Hong Kong this time. You must be curious about the culture of China. " Agins smiled.    


"Indeed, I have always been interested in the culture of China. But when it comes to business, Hehe, I have never liked to mix my personal feelings with others. "    


Soros picked up the glass of old Maotai in front of him and took a sip. Then he closed his eyes and leaned back against the chair with a look of enjoyment. "In business, in business, the only things that can affect my decisions are profits and losses. "    


Looking at Agins, Soros asked, "Is everything ready?"    


Agins also took a sip of Maotai and nodded. "Almost. Conservatively speaking, the total amount of tourists from all the countries following us this time has at least broken through the 100 billion mark.    


Other than the few banks that agreed to be our financial back-up, the other major forces are mostly those Fund organizations that want to get a share of the profits.    


Moreover, based on my estimations, there must be quite a number of people from China in those Fund organizations. These guys know how to make money when the country is in trouble. "    


Soros laughed when he heard that. "China has never lacked traitors. In terms of solidarity, they are not as good as us Jews. "    


Agins did not show any signs of surprise, but he sneered at Soros's words in his heart. Speaking of traitors, you Jews are not much better than the Chinese. God knows how many Jews were killed by your own compatriots in the Nazi territory.    


However, Soros was his boss, so Agins would not say these words out loud.    


Agins said, I heard you say that. " George, are you and Mr. Julian really that confident?    


One should know that China and Hong Kong have the second and third most foreign reserves in the world. Our previous attack was just a test, and we have never stepped on their bottom line. That's why they did not make any big moves.    


However, if we launch a large scale attack, China and Hong Kong will probably fight back.    


China's economic strength is not comparable to England's in the past. Can we still win that easily?"    


Soros took out a cigar. The bodyguard beside him also lit it up.    


Soros took two sips of the cigar in enjoyment, and a wisp of smoke came out of his nose.    


He said, "Although China has a civilized history from a few years ago, when it comes to the history of capital and finance, they are much shorter than us.    


Their financial market's order is still very backward. If we don't take advantage of this opportunity to kill them, do we really have to wait for their financial order to be perfected before making a move?    


Especially not long after Hong Kong returns, China will definitely not let Hong Kong's economy collapse. This kind of situation, in the language of China, is akin to a 'restraining fear'. "    


He looked at the curling smoke that he spat out, as if he was talking to himself, "Besides, this operation is not a private operation of the people.    


Behind us is the United States Federal Reserve Bank. Compared to the Federal Reserve Bank, China and Hong Kong's foreign exchange reserves are nothing"    


Agins nodded and agreed with Soros's point of view.    


Looking at the ferocious lion who was puffing smoke and looking at the night view outside, Agins thought to himself, This lion is going to come out to hunt again. Hong Kong is going to welcome a bloody storm.    


"Oh right, I heard that Young Master Ling also works in a financial investment company in Hong Kong. " Agins suddenly said.    


The person he was talking about was not Soros's well-known sons. He was an illegitimate child that only a few people knew about.    


Like many other successful men, Soros was also a dissolute man. Plus, he was indeed talented. Therefore, whether it was before or after marriage, he had more than one woman by his side.    


However, other than the few children with legal identities, Soros only had one illegitimate child. He was born with a female singer when he was forty years old.    


At that time, Soros also wanted to bring his son back home, but that female singer wanted Soros to divorce his wife and be with him. Because Soros did not agree, she left without saying goodbye. Even if Soros found her later, she still refused to go back with Soros.    


Helpless, Soros could only go and see their mother and son every once in a while, and satisfy all of their material needs.    


Compared to his legitimate sons, Soros liked his illegitimate son because his illegitimate son was a genius in financial management like him. He had almost obtained all of Soros's teachings.    


However, he didn't know if it was because of his mother or his own opinion. He never liked Soros and didn't even admit that Soros was his father.    


After graduating from university, he didn't accept Soros's invitation to work at the Quantum Fund. Instead, he went on his own way to explore the outside world. Besides knowing his general whereabouts, Soros didn't see him for a year.    


The existence of this illegitimate child, other than Soros's best friend and confidantes like Agins, did not even know about his wife and children. It could be seen that he was secretive.    


Seeing Agins mention it, Soros shook his head and sighed. "I haven't seen him for a whole year. I only know that he came to Hong Kong from the year before and worked in a financial investment company. "    


"There doesn't seem to be any large-scale investments in Hong Kong, right? It's just a regional branch of some investment companies. "    


Agins said, "Young Master Ling is very talented. He shouldn't be submitting to the local companies in Hong Kong, right? If it was another multinational investment company, with his talent, he shouldn't have stayed in the regional branch. "    


"Sigh, I don't know either. " Speaking of this illegitimate son of his, Soros had a headache. Not only did this illegitimate son of his have talent that wasn't inferior to his in the financial aspect, he also had talent that wasn't inferior to his own.    


Back then, didn't he also reject his father's request to inherit the family business and come out to explore? They were all the same stubborn.    


He said, "But with his eyes, even if that investment company is not famous now, it definitely has outstanding development potential. Otherwise, how could he stay there for a long time?"    


Agins probed. "Now, we are about to launch an attack on Hong Kong's stock market. As a financial investment company, the company that Ling Gongzi belongs to will definitely be affected. Do you want us to remind him? In case he. . . "    


Soros waved his hand. "No need. He chose the path himself. Since he chose this path, he should be responsible for his own choice.    


I told you before that you shouldn't mix your personal feelings into your business, otherwise it would be very easy for something bad to happen. Besides. . .    


This will be his training. Only by flying in the storm and sailing against the waves will he be able to survive in this financial market. Even my son is no exception. "    


Although Soros said it in a dignified manner, Agins knew in his heart that Soros was actually trying to make his son suffer a setback on purpose.    


When he was badly battered and had nowhere to go, he would naturally return to Soros's side. No matter how powerful Soros was, he was still a father. In the end, it was inevitable that he would become vulgar.    


"Hmm? What's going on? Why aren't you letting us go? "    


At this moment, Soros and Agins heard a young male voice. "If you don't want to be disturbed, then just take care of the entire restaurant. Otherwise, you don't seem to have the right to stop us from spending here. "    


Soros looked over and saw a handsome young man from the east arguing with his bodyguard.    


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