Supreme Stock God

C710 The Green Giant

C710 The Green Giant

Although there was no sign of a country on the squad that suddenly appeared, Dong Chunlin immediately determined that these people were American combat troops and that they were here to rescue William. Rashid.    


The mysterious organization that had been monitoring William with Dong Chunlin and the others, although none of its members had their faces covered, almost all of them included yellow, white, black, and many other races.    


Furthermore, they spoke in English, so it was very difficult to determine which country they belonged to.    


Below, when William saw the rapidly approaching combat unit, he smiled and mocked the person who had injured him. "See, I told you not to be too naive. "    


"Take him away. You must send him to Sir!" One of the members of the Mysterious Organization said.    


Immediately, two people stepped forward and placed a syringe on William's neck. The syringe should have contained a strong sedative. William immediately fainted, allowing the two people to carry him up and stuff him into the car that was originally driven by William.    


The two of them also moved Jonathan, who was sitting in the front seat, to the back seat with William. One of them started the car and quickly retreated, wanting to leave Sunflower Pond.    


The other people immediately opened fire at the combat unit. The members of this organization were all elites who had experienced hundreds of battles. They were naturally incomparable to Mr. Ouyang's subordinates. The bullets that were shot out were almost empty. Most of them hit the special forces soldiers who had their heads covered.    


However, those special forces soldiers were not good men and women. Not only were they agile and fast, they were also wearing bulletproof vests. Ordinary bullets could not hurt them at all.    


"They are wearing bulletproof vests. Aim at their heads!" The people from the mysterious organization shouted.    


However, just as they finished speaking, the special forces soldier threw a few things over. They gave off a strong light and also released a very pungent smell. The moment they smelled it, their entire body went limp and their vision became blurry.    


The people from the mysterious organization immediately shouted, "It's the biochemical poison! Everyone, be careful!"    


"Pew, pew, pew, pew! Pew, pew, pew, pew!"    


The special forces did not plan to let them go. The automatic rifles in their hands kept shooting out yellow flames. Bullets hit the members of the mysterious organization one after another.    


The members of the mysterious organization also wore bulletproof vests. However, when they were hit by the bullets, blood immediately splashed out from their bodies. There were many casualties.    


When Dong Chunlin saw this, he immediately said in surprise, "Those Americans use special steel core bullets! However, the people in that organization also use steel core bullets. Why can't they penetrate the American devils' bulletproof vests?"    


After a few words, the battle below was almost over. The people left behind by the mysterious organization were all wiped out by the American special forces soldiers. The car that William wanted to leave the dock earlier was also hit by the tire and lost its ability to move.    


The two people in the car were probably no match for the American side. It was only a matter of time before they were killed.    


As for the mysterious organization, there was still a small number of people at Sunflower Surge Pier. However, whether it was in terms of numbers or equipment, they were no match for those special forces soldiers in the United States, so they did not dare to act rashly.    




In the blink of an eye, the mysterious organization's people in the driver's seat were killed by the special forces in the United States. There was only one person left in the car. At this time, there were already four special forces soldiers surrounding them. It was impossible for him to leave with William.    


In the container, Dong Chunlin looked at Zhou Hao. "Chief, it's time. "    


Zhou Hao nodded. "Brothers, do you have confidence in dealing with those Americans? Those Americans are very aggressive. "    


"No problem. My brothers are equipped with level three bulletproof vests. Even the steel core bullets are not that easy to penetrate. Furthermore, my brothers' strength is not inferior to those Americans.    


Besides, they are in the open and we are in the dark. The situation is advantageous to our side. " Dong Chunlin said confidently.    


"Alright, let's do it. " Zhou Hao also smiled.    


Dong Chunlin immediately gave orders to his men who were lying in ambush at every corner of the dock through the walkie-talkie. "Attention to all units. Kill that special forces unit. Use long-range shooting. Try not to engage in close combat with them. Also, they are all wearing high-level bulletproof vests, so do not waste bullets. Attack their heads directly.    


I repeat, attack the enemy's head! "    


After giving the orders, Zhou Hao saw that the American special forces unit, which was supposed to win, was immediately attacked from three different directions. Ge Pingan and the others also deployed snipers. They used the Steyr SG-Type non-automatic sniper rifle, although they could not fire it continuously.    


But the accuracy of non-automatic sniper rifles was very high, and Ge Pingan and the other snipers were also very powerful, so in the blink of an eye, three American special forces soldiers were headshot and fell to the ground.    


However, after the three special forces soldiers were sacrificed, they immediately discovered Ge Pingan and the others' existence, and immediately scattered to search for the sniper's position. Because of their dexterity.    


So even if the sniper on Ge Pingan's side fired a few shots, he could only kill two more special forces soldiers.    


After being discovered, the sniper immediately left his original position to avoid being attacked. At the same time, the team members deployed in other positions were also attacking the special forces soldiers, increasing the number of kills and covering the sniper.    


"Pooh, poof, poof, poof!"    


The special forces soldiers' combat ability was also very strong. They quickly determined the ambush location of a few of the enemies and quickly launched a cruel attack. A few of Zhou Hao's brothers were instantly hit by the American special forces soldiers and were heavily injured.    


Dong Chunlin immediately said, "Those American soldiers did not use infrared night vision, but thermal imaging! We were all exposed!    


Immediately send people to withdraw the wounded. The units at the high ground, immediately use your firepower to suppress those Americans. The rest of you, quickly go and get William. Bring Rashid back. We can't let him get out of here! "    


The people deployed at the high ground immediately used their powerful firepower to suppress the troops below. The others quickly approached William's car under the cover of their comrades.    


At the same time, the mysterious organization that originally did not dare to act rashly also joined the battle. They joined forces with Zhou Hao's side to attack the American combat forces, causing them to temporarily lose the ability to attack. They could only dodge and defend.    


Very quickly, three people from Zhou Hao's side went to William's car. The American special forces soldiers who surrounded the car were also forced to retreat to the back of a container in the distance by the high ground firepower and were unable to come forward.    


Zhou Hao opened the rear door and wanted to pull William out. However, the survivors from the mysterious organization in front immediately took out their guns and pointed at one of Zhou Hao's men. They said in English, "This is our target. Don't think about snatching it away!"    


The three of them looked at each other. They knew that this mysterious organization was not an intelligence agency in the United States. Although they did not know which country they belonged to, they were working together with them to fight against the combat force in the United States, so it was inappropriate to have a fierce conflict with them.    


However, William was the person Zhou Hao wanted to take down, so they were determined to get William.    


The man in front cut the back of the man's neck at lightning speed. Then, he said to the other two brothers, "Ignore him. Let's bring the target back first. "    


After saying that, he pulled William, who was unconscious in the backseat, out of the car. Jonathan, who was trembling with fear, suddenly crawled out of the car and hugged one of the men's feet. He cried, "Help! Please save me! I can give you money. Please save me!"    


The person who was held by Zhou Hao shook his leg hard, but he could not shake off the hysterical Jonathan. Just as he was about to knock Jonathan out, he suddenly heard Zhou Hao's voice from the walkie-talkie. "Get out of there!"    


Zhou Hao, who was above, saw a few special forces soldiers fiddling around the back of their necks under the suppression of the firepower. Then, their bodies strangely became taller.    


Even their black battle uniform was torn, revealing bulging veins and muscles. It was as if they had transformed into green giants.    


Finally, the few "transformed" special forces soldiers expanded into giants that were more than two meters tall. Their skin was a strange purple-black color, and their faces were also very hideous. Their pupils enlarged and their eyes were filled with violence.    


After "transformed," these special soldiers were actually no longer afraid of bullets. Although the steel core bullets could penetrate their bodies, the damage they caused was very limited.    


Moreover, the intense pain also aroused their ferocity. Their beast-like eyes became even redder.    


They braved the rain of bullets and rushed towards William. Their speed was much faster than ordinary people, and they were able to reach him in a few moments.    


Zhou Hao knew that his three subordinates could not deal with those "green giants," and they would not sacrifice themselves for nothing, so he immediately ordered them to leave through the walkie-talkie.    


However, Zhou Hao's order was a little late. When the three brothers saw the "green giants" that suddenly appeared in front of them, they were all shocked. They subconsciously took out their guns to shoot them, but they could not cause any harm to them.    


One of the 'green giants' furiously punched out, sending the person in front of them flying. The dull sound of impact was mixed with the sound of bones breaking.    


That person was sent flying more than 20 meters and fell to the ground like mud. It was unknown whether he was alive or dead, and he could not get up again.    


The other two people immediately put down William and took out the trident and sawtooth saber respectively. Seeing their comrades being sent flying, they were all very angry and wanted to fight these "green giants" in close combat.    


"Hurry up and leave that place. You are not a match for those guys!" Zhou Hao's voice came again.    


"Damn it! What kind of monsters are those?" Zhou Hao threw away the walkie-talkie in his hand, pushed open the door of the container, and rushed out.    


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