Supreme Stock God

C629 You're Looking down on Me

C629 You're Looking down on Me

The next day, Zhou Hao, who was hugging Wang Xijun who was like cotton and sleeping very comfortably, was woken up by the ringing of a phone.    


It was Song Jiahao. "Boss, I have already found the Zhou Qiyao you asked me to investigate. I have sent the detailed information to your email. "    


"En, right. I have made an investment plan. I will send it to you as well. You and Willie Worth, study it carefully. That plan has my prediction of Hong Kong's financial market for the next few months. Find me if you have any problems after reading it. "    


Zhou Hao carefully put Wang Xijun, who was resting on his arm, on the bed. He then got up and turned on the computer. He also saw the email sent by Song Jiahao.    


The information also included photos of Zhou Qiyao and his family. In the photos, Zhou Qiyao's hair was white but meticulously combed. There were a few old spots on his loose skin and face. His eye bags were very big.    


Just like that, he looked like an ordinary 70-year-old man. However, the expensive suit he wore made him look very rich.    


According to the information sent by Song Jiahao, Zhou Qiyao immigrated to Hong Kong in 1962. At first, he worked as a handyman in a foreign business. After some hard work, he slowly climbed to the position of manager. However, that foreign business just happened to close down due to bad management.    


Therefore, Zhou Qiyao used all his savings to open a small garment factory. After a few years of hard work, Zhou Qiyao's factory expanded several times and became the first batch of wealthy people in Hong Kong.    


At the same time, the thirty-five-year-old Zhou Qiyao married Guan Zhicai, the young lady from Hong Kong, and gave birth to his only son, Zhou Lipo.    


After that, Zhou Qiyao predicted that the light industry in Hong Kong would develop rapidly. From clothing processing to toy production, it would be sold to Southeast Asia and even Europe. It would gradually become a giant in the toy industry in Hong Kong. Now, he had accumulated two billion HKD worth of wealth.    


Zhou Qiyao did not have any similarities with Zhou Qiliang in Zhou Hao's impression. If he did not know the inside story, no one would have thought that Zhou Qiliang would have such a rich younger brother.    


He also had a 17-year-old grandson called Zhou Zhiyi. From the information he had, Although this Zhou Zhiyi, who was born with a gold key, was not a hedonistic young master, he was still a typical pampered son of a rich family.    


When Zhou Hao thought about how Zhou Qiyao had been living a prosperous life, and how his grandfather, who had lived a poor life, had died of illness due to work, he felt extremely unbalanced in his heart.    


Back then, even if Zhou Qiyao had given Zhou Qiliang some help, perhaps Zhou Qiliang would not have ended up like that.    


Therefore, Zhou Hao planned to have a meal with Zhou Qiyao after he arrived to show the courtesy of a junior. Although the other party was ruthless, he could not be rude. However, after being polite, the river would no longer violate the well. Zhou Hao had no interest in them.    


Of course, if Zhou Qiyao came for the Tongguang Food Company, Zhou Hao wouldn't be able to avoid teaching him a lesson.    


When he returned to school with Wang Xijun, Zhou Hao's mood was lifted when he saw the lively and verdant campus.    


Now he was more and more harmonized with the school. After entering high school, Zhou Hao did not have half a semester to go to school.    


He came to school today purely because he wanted to take a vacation. On the other hand, it was also to relive his youth life. In his previous life, he only cared about studying and was basically a study machine. He did not have the free time to enjoy real school life.    


As usual, Situ Jianying had been waiting for him and Wang Xijun at the school gate early in the morning. Then the three of them went in together and took a big stroll around the campus before returning to the classroom.    


Zhou Hao had already done the ideological work for Situ Jianying and Wang Xijun previously. Wang Xijun liked literature and was not good at science subjects. Situ Jianying loved art and was not interested in other subjects. If it was an ordinary student, such a serious deviation would be very dangerous.    


However, with Zhou Hao's ability, he could totally let them fulfill their dreams and study in the direction that they liked. It was not difficult for the two girls at all.    


Therefore, Wang Xijun did not have to worry about her specialties anymore. She followed her interests to learn literature knowledge, and Situ Jianying did not have to worry about it. As soon as class started, she held the manga book and read it with great interest.    


Zhou Hao had also informed the school, so no one forced Wang Xijun and Situ Jianying to do so because of the problem of their grades.    


"Alright, quiet down. Today is the day the midterm exam results are announced. " Li Ruolan, the form teacher, said as she stood on the stage. She glanced at Zhou Hao and the other two in the back of the classroom and showed a look of reproach.    


When they heard that the midterm exam results were going to be announced today, the students below howled in grief. Liu Shichao, who was sitting in front of Zhou Hao, also said with a bitter face, "It's so bad. My physics this time is very bad. I don't know how many points I can get. "    


Luo Hui, who was beside him, glared at him. "You know it's bad, right? I told you to study hard. It's better now. "    


Looking at the pair of happy enemies in front of him, Zhou Hao secretly laughed. He felt that Liu Shichao and Luo Hui were really a match. Liu Shichao was not afraid of anyone. He was only afraid of Luo Hui, this little chili.    


Then he heard Li Ruolan announce the results according to the ranking, "The third place in the class is Zhou Hao. He is ranked 28 in the entire grade. "    




The class was in an uproar because Zhou Hao only came back to school two days before the midterm exam. Then he went to take the midterm exam as usual, and he actually got such a good result.    


Seeing that the classmates in the class admired and envied Zhou Hao, Li Ruolan's lips curled up on the stage and she felt proud in her heart.    


But when she saw Situ Jianying and Wang Xijun doing small things with Zhou Hao behind her, she secretly cursed in her heart, "Gargoyle. "    


In the end, the results of the entire class were announced. Liu Shichao was in the middle, which was already very good. After all, Yining Middle School was the best key high school in Xiang City, and it was also a key high school in the province. Almost all the top students in the city were gathered here.    


Although Wang Xijun did not have good science subjects, she could still maintain her ranking in the middle by relying on her advantage. Situ Jianying was in a worse situation. Because art was not a compulsory course and would not be included in the midterm exam results. This time, she was ranked fifth from the bottom of the class.    


"Is there still justice?" Situ Jianying held Zhou Hao's arm and said indignantly, "I have been revising for a week, but you only came to school after you had enough fun. It is not fair to be ranked third after reading some books. "    


Wang Xijun also looked at him pitifully because she had also seriously revised.    


Zhou Hao smiled noncommittally. To him, the exam at this level was not difficult at all.    


At this moment, Zhou Hao's pocket vibrated. He took out his phone and found that it was Zhou Lichang's number.    


"Xiao Hao, are you free now?" Zhou Lichang said on the phone, "Your granduncle is here. Ah Tong has told you about it.    


It was like this. Second Uncle wants to have a meal with our family. Ah Ren and Ah Tong are not in Xiang City, so I want you to come and meet him. What do you think? "    


After Zhou Hao's warning, Zhou Lichang no longer dared to put on airs with Zhou Hao.    


"I'll go after school. " Zhou Hao replied faintly.    


After school, Zhou Hao went home and changed his clothes. He drove to the Tianbin Hotel he had promised Zhou Lichang.    


When he arrived at the luxurious suite on the top floor, Zhou Hao saw a table full of people waiting for him. In addition to Zhou Lichang's family, there were three men and one woman.    


The one with white hair and brown spots on his eyes and forehead was Zhou Qiyao. The other young man was about 16 or 17 years old, and his face was filled with impatience. He was the grandson of Zhou Qiyao, Zhou Zhiyi.    


There was also the woman sitting beside Zhou Zhiyi, who would occasionally add drinks and peel peanuts for him. She looked to be in her thirties. She had tanned skin and high bones. She was actually a Filipino maid.    


Lastly, there was a middle-aged man in his fifties with a "Mediterranean" hairstyle. His belly was also big, but Zhou Hao did not recognize him.    


After Zhou Hao came in, Zhou Lichang and Xu Yongwei quickly stood up and greeted Zhou Hao. They smiled warmly and said, "Xiao Hao, you are here?"    


"Uncle, aunt. " Zhou Hao nodded at the two of them.    


Zhou Qiyao and the others were still sitting there. Their eyes swept across Zhou Hao. Although they did not say anything, their faces were full of arrogance.    


Zhou Hao didn't like the way Zhou Qiyao looked at him. This was because when Zhou Hao's family was still suffering from poverty, Zhou Lichang and Xu Yongwei had used this kind of gaze to look at him and Yan Tong. It was a typical example of looking down on others.    


But the current Zhou Hao was no longer the same as in the past. After experiencing so many things, he had become much more mature in treating others. He was even more mature than in his previous life.    


Therefore, in the face of Zhou Qiyao's eyes that clearly looked down on him, Zhou Hao didn't show any signs of surprise on his face. He walked straight to Zhou Qiyao and said in a neither servile nor overbearing manner: "Hello, Great Uncle. "    


"You are the son of Ah Ren, Zhou Hao?" Zhou Qiyao raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhou Hao.    


"Yes, I am. "    


Zhou Qiyao suddenly slammed the table. He said coldly: "Is this how your mother taught you to treat your elders?    


As your uncle, it's fine if Ah Ren and Ah Tong are not here, but as a junior, it's fine if Ah Ren and Ah Tong are not here. You have the nerve to make so many of us wait for you?    


Aren't you being too arrogant? "    


Zhou Hao frowned, but he didn't show any fear. He said calmly," I'm sorry, because I can only come after school. If there is anything wrong, please forgive me. "    


"It's so rare for me to come here. Can't you take a leave?" Zhou Qiyao snorted. "It's true that there is no such thing as father and son!"    


Initially, he did not intend to lower himself to his level. However, when he heard these words, his expression changed dramatically.    


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