Supreme Stock God

C611 Between Factions

C611 Between Factions

Zhou Hao sat in the car and looked through the window at the red building that looked ordinary from the outside. He could not help but feel a little emotional. This modern wine pool and meat forest, many Fujian and even the high officials in the capital had fallen here and become the gateway to hell.    


After the Yuan Hua case ended, this "red building" had even been open to the public for a period of time, as a typical material for the anti-corruption and infamy.    


After returning to the Shengde House, Zhou Hao immediately called Zhao Yuqin.    


"What's wrong, little bad guy? Why are you looking for sister at this late hour?" Zhao Yuqin's voice sounded very lazy. She should have climbed up from the bed to answer his call. Zhou Hao could imagine that she was half lying on the bed. Her jade body was so attractive that his heart could not help but heat up.    


At this time, there was no woman by his side. In order not to make it hard for him to sleep alone at night, Zhou Hao quickly suppressed the fire in his heart and said to Zhao Yuqin, "Sister, I saw that person. Do you know 'Red Building'?"    


"En? You mean the 'Red Building' of Lai Chang Xing, Xiamen? Where did you go? " Zhao Yuqin raised her voice a little. " Little pervert, hurry up and call for Big Sister. Did you do anything bad there? "    


Zhou Hao's forehead instantly broke out in sweat. It seemed that Zhao Yuqin also knew what kind of place the "red building" was, but her attention was obviously focused on whether she had done anything bad in the "red building. "    


He smiled and said. "Of course not. The woman inside was not clean. Why would Xiao Hao do this to himself?    


Besides, even if they are as pure as ice, they are not comparable to you, sister.    


Hehe, if there is someone who is prettier than you, I might be tempted. But up until now, I have never seen such a person. "    


Zhao Yuqin, who was experienced and knowledgeable, was still delighted by Zhou Hao's sweet words. Bad guy, say all kinds of comforting words. No wonder Ruolan and the others' chastity is ruined by you. "    


Zhou Hao felt wronged in his heart. He thought to himself, Why did you make me sound like a flower picker?    


Shaking his head, he threw away these distracting thoughts and returned to the main topic with Zhao Yuqin. Zhao Yuqin asked, "The person who asked to meet you is related to Lai Changxing?"    


Zhou Hao said, " Yes, that person is Old Mister Ji's son, General Ji of the Second Division of General Staff Department. "    


Zhao Yuqin immediately frowned, "It's him? Why would he look for you? Our Zhao Family has nothing to do with the Ji Family. "    


Zhou Hao knew what Zhao Yuqin meant when she said that the Zhao Family had nothing to do with the Ji Family. After all, Zhao Rixin and that old mister Ji were from the same generation. They were both contributors to the establishment of the Republic, so it was impossible that they had nothing to do with each other.    


The so-called 'no relationship' referred to the fact that the Zhao Family and the Ji Family weren't on the same side.    


The Zhao Family had formed their own faction in the country. It was a powerful political group. Apart from Zhao Rixin and Zhao Dingzhou, there was also the general commander of the Nanjing military, Zhu Yongquan, and the current commander of the Liberation Army, Lu Zhenwu, who belonged to the faction of the Zhao Family.    


In the government, not only did they want to rise in power and live a peaceful life, they also needed to "stand on the side. " That was to join a faction. Otherwise, a lone person without a backer could easily become the political sacrifice of others.    


In the current country, Zhao Family could be considered one of the top three political groups in the country. The first two were. . . Naturally, they were the first and second chiefs.    


However, compared to Chief No. 1 and No. 2, the Zhao Family seemed to be more stable. Firstly, the Zhao Family had taken root very early on. Not to mention the fact that they had assisted the great men during the founding period, it was during the turbulent period of the 60s and 70s.    


Zhao Rixin, who was now a high-ranking military officer, was smart enough to ask him to step down from the top of the wave. He used the excuse of dismissal as a reason to retreat to the back line and hide his strength.    


Moreover, Zhao Rixin, who was a master of craftsmanship, had already noticed that Deng Gonggong, who was in a difficult situation, would not fall, so he secretly helped Deng Gonggong a lot.    


The reason why Deng Gonggong was able to survive that period of time without being harmed by the villains was because Zhao Rixin had contributed a lot.    


Therefore, after Deng Gong rose up, Zhao Rixin also made a comeback and used his own strength in the military to provide stable support for Deng Gong. Edited by: Lifer, Fingerfox Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio    


Therefore, Zhao Family had truly developed at that time.    


Another thing was that Zhao Rixin didn't have any ambition for the position of Chief No. 1. Instead, he had always helped Chief No. 1 stabilize the military. Not only would it not arouse suspicion, it would also play a great role in Chief No. 1's governance of the country.    


With this, after a few changes in leadership, Chief No. 1 would try to rope in Zhao Family in advance, just like the current Boss Hu.    


Just because Zhao Rixin had no intention of becoming the "emperor," it had a great effect on the previous leaders. Therefore, after a few changes, the factions of the previous leaders gradually declined, but the Zhao Family became more and more stable and powerful.    


According to Zhao Rixin's age and situation, he could only work for another batch at most. In the end, he would retire with Boss Hu's batch.    


But this was no longer important. Because even if he retired, Zhao Rixin's influence would still remain for a long period of time. Moreover, the second generation core of Zhao Family, Zhao Dingzhou, had already stabilized his position. Within ten years, he would definitely be able to enter the center.    


Besides Zhao Dingzhou, Zhou Hao knew that Big Boss of the First Army, Zhong Zuren, also belonged to the Zhao Family.    


Although it was not confirmed yet, Zhou Hao estimated that Big Boss was at least a lieutenant general. In terms of status, Big Boss was only higher than Zhao Dingzhou, the commander of the military.    


After Big Boss retired from the position of commander of First Army, he was afraid that Big Boss's power in the center would not be inferior to Zhao Dingzhou.    


Overall, the Zhao Family was a faction. Although it wasn't the number one family in the country, it was an indispensable help to the leaders of all the major powers. It was also the target that all the major powers were trying their best to recruit.    


The reason why Dong Qishan pursued Zhao Yuqin so passionately back then was because the Dong Family wanted to use the marriage alliance with the Zhao Family to develop themselves. Unfortunately, this wish was ruined by Zhou Hao in the end.    


Compared to the Zhao Family, Although the Ji Family was a faction that couldn't be underestimated, Old Man Ji had a lot of connections. Almost everyone in the old generation was his old comrades.    


However, the power and influence of the Ji Family was still much weaker than the Zhao Family.    


General Ji also seemed to have boarded the ship of the Zhao Family. Initially, the Zhao Family also wanted to take in the help of the Zhao Family, but because Big Boss, who was in charge of the First Army, was already a member of the Zhao Family.    


If General Ji, a sensitive person who controlled the Second Division of General Staff Department, joined Zhao Family, then Zhao Family would become a big tree and attract the attention of the leaders.    


The Zhao Family was also very particular about their mediocrity. They would not blindly expand their strength to avoid attracting the attention of the leaders. This was also the reason why the Zhao Family was able to stay in the center for a long time.    


Not only General Ji, but those people who were in critical positions in the General Staff Department and the General Office of Communication were not from the Zhao Family.    


Therefore, not only did the Zhao Family not accept General Ji, they even deliberately distanced themselves from him.    


After understanding this point, Zhou Hao felt a lot more relieved. The Zhao Family deliberately distanced themselves from the Ji Family in order to balance the situation. This was exactly what Zhou Hao wanted. Otherwise, when General Ji was captured and all of the Ji Family members were defeated, the Zhao Family would have to suffer the unexpected calamity.    


"Sister, do you know what General Ji and Lai Changxing did?" Zhou Hao asked a critical question.    


"Of course I do. That Lai Changxing was able to monopolize the smuggling business in the southeast coast because his boats were all equipped with the General Staff Department's special credentials. No one dared to stop him. " Zhao Yuqin sneered.    


Zhou Hao said again, "Sister, I heard that Big Brother also does business in this area. What is the specific situation?"    


Zhao Yuqin answered truthfully, "There's nothing strange about this. In fact, not only some of the people in Zhao Family, but many people from other factions in the military are involved in this.    


Furthermore, a small number of them were acquiesced by the higher-ups. Because, in order to not let other countries catch evidence, our country has a lot of weapons. All of them need to be sold through this method. "    


Zhou Hao frowned. He knew very well that the Yuan Hua case in his previous life was not only cleaned up by Lai Chang Xing and Fu Jian.    


The whole country had also blown up a strong wind of smuggling. The earthquake had spread from the top of the central government all the way to various places. The entire country had been affected, and both the military and the political world had not been spared.    


He was afraid that Zhao Family would also be affected by this storm. He asked Zhao Yuqin, "Did Big Brother work with Lai Changxing and the others?"    


"No, his business mainly lies in Hong Kong and Hainan. He has never been in Fu Jian's business before, and there is no water that doesn't mix with Lai Changxing's business. "    


Zhou Hao heaved a sigh of relief. As long as Lai Changxing did not pull him onto the pirate ship, the situation would not be so fast.    


He said again, "Sister, I feel that the smuggling activities in the country have been rampant recently. I'm afraid the central government will take action soon.    


How about we try to persuade big brother to restrain that business for a bit? "    


Zhao Yuqin was silent for a moment and said, "Actually, I tried to persuade him in the past. However, Father did not seem to have asked Big Brother to shrink his' business'. During this period of time, Big Brother had expanded it by quite a bit.    


Because this is Father's intention, I don't dare to persuade him anymore. "    


Although Zhao Rixin doted on Zhao Yuqin, in terms of proper business, once Zhao Rixin made a decision, even Zhao Dingzhou and Zhao Yuqin would not be able to change it.    


When Zhou Hao heard Zhao Yuqin's words, the first reaction he had was that Zhao Rixin and Lai Changxing had already gotten in touch, but after thinking about it, he denied this guess.    


If that was the case, Lai Changxing and the others wouldn't need to rope him in like before. As long as Zhao Rixin said a word, he would have to help them unconditionally.    


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