Supreme Stock God

C522 Insatiable Greed

C522 Insatiable Greed

In fact, the retired special forces led by Lei Hu were all employed in a security company specially set up by Zhou Hao. Their salaries and subsidies were also distributed through this security company.    


Zhou Hao's security company was called "Pluto Security Company. "    


And Lei Hu was the general manager of "Pluto Security Company. "    


Of course, Lei Hu was only responsible for the allocation of the various security personnel in the company. He gave out tasks according to Zhou Hao's instructions.    


Lei Hu had received strict commander training during his military service. He had a lot of experience in assigning tasks. However, Pluto was operated in the form of an enterprise, unlike the management of special forces.    


For example, the financial work of the company could torture Lei Hu to the point that he wished he was dead.    


Therefore, under Zhao Dingzhou's lead, Zhou Hao found a few people who were proficient in management in some military enterprises to help manage Pluto Security Company.    


Therefore, Lei Hu only had the title of general manager. It was not a matter of manager. Instead, he would personally go to the frontlines to carry out tasks from time to time.    


In the Pluto Security Company, other than the over 100 retired special forces soldiers led by Lei Hu, there were also key personnel.    


There were also nearly a thousand retired soldiers from the ordinary army as ordinary employees. They were responsible for the safety of Zhou Hao's Heavenly River Drink Group, the Northern Pole Star Media Group, and Yan Tong's Tongguang Food Company.    


This protection company cost Zhou Hao close to a hundred million yuan annually, and there was no profit at all.    


However, Zhou Hao did not feel that it was a pity at all. Instead, he continued to recruit retired special forces soldiers.    


Just like what he had previously thought, with the rapid development of the various companies under his command, it would definitely attract the covetous eyes of others. Although Zhou Hao had the Zhao Family as his backing, there were some things that he did not want to do openly. He still needed some "professionals" to do it.    


Most of the people in the special forces had the experience of carrying out secret missions, so they were naturally the best candidates.    


As for the woman beside Zhou Hao, Zhao Yuqin was the daughter of Zhao Family, and she was specially protected by the logistics staff of the Ministry of National Security. Yang Jiabao's martial arts was not weak either. She had the ability to protect herself.    


Other than the two of them, Li Ruolan and Yan Qingqing each had three female soldiers protecting them in secret.    


The three female soldiers protected them 24 / 7. If there was an emergency, they would immediately notify the headquarters of Pluto and ask their companions nearby to provide assistance.    


Some female soldiers would even integrate into their lives to better protect them. For example, one of the female soldiers in charge of protecting Li Ruolan became one of the physical education teachers in Yining Middle School not long ago.    


Li Ruolan and the others naturally did not know about these things. Firstly, Zhou Hao did not want them to think that he was spying on them. Secondly, he did not want them to worry.    


The female soldier who reported to Lei Hu that Li Ruolan had been bullied by someone else was the female sports teacher.    


"What is going on? Why is she being bullied?" Zhou Hao sat in the backseat and asked Lei Hu.    


Lei Hu, with his sharp spiritual sense, could feel the faint anger on Zhou Hao's body. He knew that his boss was an unfathomable expert. Back then, he had used all his strength to only survive two moves from Zhou Hao.    


Therefore, Lei Hu, who usually only made people feel scared, felt that Zhou Hao was actually the scariest.    


He said, "Boss, this is what happened.    


Teacher Li was kind. In the past six months, she had donated close to ten million RMB to the Xiang City Children's Welfare Institute.    


But recently, she realized that the money she donated was not much in the Welfare Institute. The children in the Welfare Institute did not get many benefits either.    


All of this money had been used by the Civil Affairs Bureau to be used for corruption. "    


Lei Hu's tone was also indignant. In the past, when he was serving in the military, he was part of the system and knew a lot about certain things.    


Many times, some of the donations in society had gone through layers of strict peeling. In the end, there were not many donations that could actually be implemented. It made those who wanted to do good shrink back.    


Zhou Hao was not surprised by such a situation. Even during the national disaster in his previous life, there were people who dared to donate money from all walks of life to the disaster areas. This could be seen that some people's greed had reached a monstrous level.    


What surprised Zhou Hao was that Li Ruolan actually donated so much money.    


Actually, it was not only Li Ruolan, Zhao Yuqin and Su Lin who helped Zhou Hao manage the company. Not to mention, even Yan Qingqing, Wang Xijun, Situ Jianying and the other girls had a secret account that Zhou Hao had opened for them. There were tens of millions of yuan in it.    


Although these girls did not fall in love with Zhou Hao because of money, Zhou Hao believed that since he had the ability, he must make the people he cared about live a better life.    


As for this money, their parents did not know about it, in order to avoid scaring them.    


Li Ruolan's father, Li Chufan, was the supervisor of the technical development department of the Tianhe Drink Group. With the explosive market ice tea beverages, Li Chufan's bonus this year was a few million.    


Li Ruolan's own salary was also enough for her to spend. So Zhou Hao saved it for her. She didn't use much of the tens of millions.    


Lei Hu continued, "Teacher Li knew that she would be very angry in the future, so she went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to argue, but was chased out by the Civil Affairs Bureau.    


I heard from Xia Qing that the director of the Civil Affairs Bureau was rude to Teacher Li and said, Teacher Li is just an ordinary middle school teacher, but she was able to donate close to ten million yuan to the welfare institute. Those were clearly illegal money.    


He also said that if Teacher Li dares to continue pestering, he will send Teacher Li to jail. "    


The Xia Qing that he was talking about should be the female soldier protecting Li Ruolan.    


Although Zhou Hao did not say anything, Lei Hu felt that the pressure emitted from his body was even stronger, as if there was a tiger sitting behind him and staring at him.    


"Teacher Li later went to the municipal government to file a complaint, but the Civil Affairs Director seemed to have some background, so the people in the municipal government did not accept it.    


Xia Qing said that because of this matter, Teacher Li had been very depressed during this period of time. " Lei Hu said.    


Zhou Hao was very emotional. When he was talking on the phone with Li Ruolan previously, Li Ruolan did not mention this matter at all. Her tone did not have the slightest bit of sadness. Now it seemed that she probably did not want him to worry anymore.    


Lei Hu said, "Xia Qing and the others originally wanted to teach that Civil Affairs Bureau a lesson.    


But I think that although that guy is detestable, he is still a member of the government. If he is not handled properly, he might even implicate Teacher Li. That's why I wanted to tell you about this matter first. "    


Zhou Hao nodded. "Since the director even dared to cheat on donations, he said. Then he must not be an official.    


Investigate carefully and bring back all the evidence of his illegal actions.    


Weren't you good at investigating before? This matter should be as easy as flipping your hand. "    


" Boss, even if our 'skills' are strong, But we are no longer active soldiers after all, and the other party is an official. Indecent, indecent, This, this isn't good. " Lei Hu said hesitantly.    


"Pah, don't put on an act for me!" Zhou Hao glared at him. "Not an active soldier. Then how did you get someone to kill that punk last time?"    


A hoodlum who did not know what was good for him wanted to do something bad to a dancer in "North Pole Star," which was discovered by the security personnel of "Pluto. "    


After reporting to Lei Hu, who happened to be on a business trip there, Lei Hu immediately asked his subordinates to beat the hoodlum to death.    


They were all professionals in that area, and after doing what they did, they didn't leave any traces behind.    


The death of the thug was still a case that had been suspended in the local area. The local Public Security Bureau had not investigated it for a long time and had no results.    


"Investigate this thoroughly. That guy, how many mistresses he has, how much money he has received, investigate all of them. If anything happens, I'll take responsibility for it. " Zhou Hao said with a sneer.    


Lei Hu stood up and said respectfully, "I know, Chief!"    


Even the chairman and the prime minister had seen him. A mere director of the municipal civil affairs bureau was nothing in Zhou Hao's eyes.    


Very quickly, Zhou Hao returned to the house of Lakeview Manor. But unexpectedly, Yan Tong, Yan Qingqing, and Wang Xijun's family were not here. The two houses were empty.    


Puzzled, Zhou Hao called Yan Tong's handphone and heard her say on the phone, "Xiao Hao, why did you go back to Xiang City? We thought you would come back after the Lantern Festival.    


Xijun and her family went to her hometown for the New Year. Qingqing and I also came back to Huayu Village. I reckon it will be the sixth day of the New Year before we go back. "    


Zhou Hao was really helpless. Zhao Yuqin did not come back with him in Beijing. Yang Jiabao went back to Guangxi. Su Lin and Liang Xiaobing were both in Hong Kong. Situ Jianying went to her mother's hometown, Shanghai. Gao Jingyi was also in America.    


This way, he would be the only one left in Xiang City.    


"If I knew this would happen, I would have stayed in Beijing to accompany elder sister. " Zhou Hao wanted to cry but had no tears.    


He then called Li Ruolan. "Sister Lan, where are you?"    


"Me? I'm in Xiang City. I'm with my parents. I'm in Wanluo District. " Li Ruolan said on the phone.    


The Wanluo Community was the house Zhou Hao bought for Li Chufan and his wife. However, Li Chufan usually did research and development at the Heavenly River Factory in Huayu Village. He must have come back to reunite with Li Ruolan and her daughter during the Spring Festival.    


"I'll go there immediately. I haven't seen father-in-law and mother-in-law for a long time. " Zhou Hao smiled.    


"Who is your father-in-law and mother-in-law? You don't know shame. " Li Ruolan said shyly on the phone, but her voice was also filled with excitement. After all, she also missed Zhou Hao very much.    


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