Supreme Stock God

C515 Wu Sangui Was also a Realm

C515 Wu Sangui Was also a Realm

"You, how can you do this? We signed the contract!" He Xiangping shouted into the phone.    


Although he didn't know who the boss behind the scenes was, to be on the safe side, He Xiangping still asked both parties to sign a contract.    


The other party sent a small sum of money as a representative and signed a contract with He Xiangping in his personal name. He requested that He Xiangping be paid 30 million RMB during the appointed period.    


However, Xiao Qian's sinister laughter came from the phone. He Xiangping's heart sank when he heard it. Finally, Xiao Qian said, "I signed that contract with you in my personal name. Without the boss's permission, I don't have the ability to pay 30 million RMB at all.    


You can sue me. But, hehe, we've been in the capital for so many years. We're not to be trifled with. It's not like we haven't done things like letting people die without seeing their corpses.    


Professor He, you are a cultured man. Do you want to fall out with us? You should weigh the pros and cons. Don't be impulsive and lose yourself. "    


He Xiangping, who had never come into contact with the dark side of things, couldn't help but shiver when he heard Xiao Qian say those words in a calm tone.    


He was a man of nature. Since he had the ability to earn money in the business, it must have something to do with the people in the underworld. If the other party were to be ruthless, he wouldn't be able to live a good life.    


Xiao Qian also said, "Besides, Professor He, I know you also invested in our shares. Hehe, the few million you invested in the past has now risen to more than 100 million.    


Why don't you give me some patience? When the share price rises to 30 dollars, you will have 200 million. "    


"200 million, Professor He. You won't be able to earn that much even if you study in Peking University for the rest of your life. " The voice of the little money was full of magic. It made He Xiangping feel like he saw piles of colorful bills.    


How could He Xiangping not know that he had more than 100 million yuan in the stock market? It was because of this that he wanted Xiao Qian and the others to stop.    


He knew that many gamblers had won money, but because they were unwilling to leave, they ended up losing all their money. He did not want to end up like this. What he wanted was to keep his money safe.    


However, Xiao Qian was right. If the share price broke through 30 dollars, he would have 200 million.    


200 million, even though with the current conditions, He Xiangping did not have to worry about his life anymore. But no one would complain about having too much money.    


Especially when he thought that if Yang Jiabao knew that he had two hundred million, she would probably cry and throw herself into his arms.    


When he thought about how Yang Jiabao ignored him these few days, He Xiangping's heart was filled with anger.    


If he could make Yang Jiabao kneel on the ground and beg him to accept her, how satisfying would that be?    


"Let's see if you still dare to flirt with that Zhou Hao. When I'm tired of playing with you, I'll kick you away and see if you can still be proud of yourself!" He Xiangping thought fiercely in his heart.    


As he imagined Yang Jiabao throwing herself into his arms, He Xiangping's rationality was instantly drowned out.    


He asked Xiao Qian again: "Can you really guarantee that nothing will happen to you?"    


Hearing He Xiangping's question, Xiao Qian's lips curled up.    


Because he knew that Rabbit had already fallen into the trap. "Don't worry Professor He, your reputation is very important to us. Even if there is no friendship between us, You are still useful to us. No?    


Although it was somewhat unreasonable to say that, But think about it, do you think we'll lose our jobs?"    


He Xiangping then gritted his teeth. "Alright, I promise you. "    


At the same time, Zhou Hao was in the room that Zhao Yuqin had booked for a long time in Wang Fujing Hotel.    


At the moment, he was lying comfortably on Zhao Yuqin's soft and plump thighs. Zhao Yuqin carefully peeled the grape skin and fed the grape meat into Zhou Hao's mouth.    


Not only did Zhou Hao eat the grape meat, but he also held Zhao Yuqin's finger. He used his teeth to lightly nibble on it, causing Zhao Yuqin to roll her eyes at him.    


"Hey, those few shares that He Xiangping mentioned have already been pulled to more than 20 RMB. Are you still not going to stop?"    


Zhao Yuqin took her fingers out of Zhou Hao's mouth, picked up another grape and started peeling it. "This time it is different from the last time you plotted against the Construction Bank and Construction Bank. The last few companies did not have many people paying attention to them. Even if they were tortured to death by you, they would not make a sound.    


But this time, because of He Xiangping, many people have invested money. I guess many people will be imprisoned. You really have the heart. "    


"I didn't do anything. It was all done by Qi Wen and the others. " Zhou Hao had a very aggrieved look on his face.    


Seeing Zhao Yuqin glare at him, Zhou Hao shrugged and said, "Sister, do you know that in terms of financial management, it is neither moral nor moral? To put it bluntly, this was a kind of operation.    


The financial market has its own game rules. As for me, I'm only following these rules, so I don't feel guilty or responsible. "    


This was what George Soros said after pushing the financial storm in Asia. Zhou Hao agreed with his point of view.    


"But many shareholders invest their savings in it. Those are their blood and sweat. "    


Zhou Hao was also a little emotional. "There are risks in the financial market. If anyone can make money in it, it will become a bubble economy.    


It was precisely because that money was their blood and sweat that they should not easily invest in the unpredictable stock market.    


Based on what I said, stocks are not something that ordinary people can play with. For the current China people, I more agree that they should work on the ground and not blindly throw money into the stock market just because they want to earn big money and make quick money. "    


In his previous life, Zhou Hao was also a very outstanding financial talent. He knew a lot about finance, but even a person like him did not dare to throw money into the stock market, let alone those Rising Dou citizens who did not even understand the K Line Map.    


"People nowadays are restless. Many of them dream of getting rich overnight. " Zhao Yuqin sighed.    


"So now I am going to teach them a bloody lesson and let them wake up. " Zhou Hao said.    


The shareholders of China believed in the so-called "general trend" time and time again, and let foreign capitalists rob a large amount of wealth. This made Zhou Hao very angry.    


So now, before foreign capitals invaded China's financial market, Zhou Hao wanted to use this matter to let the shareholders see the financial market's crisis clearly. He did not want to rush into the stock market like he did in his previous life.    


Furthermore, the central government also wanted to use this matter to properly reorganize Central TV and regulate the public opinion and ethics of the domestic media.    


Zhou Hao thought to himself that if the effect was significant, then the incident of Zhang Wuben being incited by the media due to disregarding public opinion and morality in his previous life would also be much less.    


Zhou Hao naturally would not be so reckless as to try to influence the entire country with his own strength, but he also wanted to do his best to seek a clear conscience.    


Most importantly, Zhou Hao's character was still like a businessman who could not get up early without any benefits. If it was not for the fact that he could crush He Xiangping, that fellow who did not know what was good for him, he would not have gotten up early.    


However, Zhou Hao would not take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take over the matter if he could gain enough benefits from this manor and make the government owe him a favor.    


He smiled at Zhao Yuqin and said, "Sister, this is not like you. You know the rules of the market yourself. Why did you suddenly pity those shareholders? As the saying goes, rape is not forced to gamble. No one forced them to throw money into the sea. "    


Zhao Yuqin pouted and pinched Zhou Hao's nose. "You little rascal, why are you so rude?"    


She also imagined that those shareholders would suffer heavy losses soon. So she could not bear it and at the same time, she did not want Zhou Hao to become the kind of person who would do anything for the sake of profit.    


However, Zhou Hao was right. The high risk of stocks was indeed not something that the small citizens of China could casually play with. This time, it was not a bad idea to teach them a lesson.    


"Anyway, I will only recognize him for my entire life. Whatever he wants, I will let him be. " Zhao Yuqin stared at Zhou Hao's tough face. Her heart was soft.    


"Oh right. How much did you invest this time?" Zhao Yuqin asked curiously.    


Zhou Hao thought for a while and said, "I gave Qi Qiwen more than 4 billion. I asked him to increase the share prices of a few shares as much as possible. I didn't expect him to be so capable to push the share prices to this extent. "    


"Then when do you plan to stop?"    


"En, I heard Qi Qiwen say that after breaking through 30 yuan, it will be about time.    


Right, That He Xiangping seems to have thrown his money in as well. He wants to earn a good sum of money. " Zhou Hao smiled and said, "This time, he will lose everything. "    


Suddenly, Zhao Yuqin pouted and said, "I only have some thoughts about your Jiabao. You did not hesitate to use billions to deal with her and even pulled in many innocent citizens. You are even worse than Wu Sangui. "    


"Humph, humph, humph. . . In my opinion, Wu Sangui is also a realm. He was furious for the sake of the beauty and even sacrificed the entire world. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and said, "Anyway, my woman is my reverse scale. Whoever touches her will die. If it were you, sister, not to mention a few billion yuan, I would not hesitate to take out all my ten billion yuan. "    


There was nothing more sweet in Zhao Yuqin's heart than hearing Zhou Hao's words. She blushed and said, "You are glib-tongued. "    


Zhou Hao smiled and hooked Zhao Yuqin's neck. He made her lower her body and smiled. "Sister, then you can have a taste of Xiao Hao's glib tongue. " After saying that, he slightly raised his head and pressed it against Zhao Yuqin's lips.    


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