Supreme Stock God

C512 For the Country and the People

C512 For the Country and the People

Emotionally speaking, being angry isn't annoying, but instead makes life a little more appreciative. After all, most of the angry young people loved their country. Their original intention was to change quickly because of their dissatisfaction with the current situation of society.    


Generally speaking, historical figures like Chairman Mao, Lenin, Napoleon, and even Hitler. . . What was different from ordinary people was that they changed their thoughts of wanting to change into reality and brought about changes in the entire society.    


However, because they were eager to change the social situation, many of the angry youths were impulsive, causing their actions to be reckless. Moreover, many of them were obsessed with their own views and did not consider the factors of reality.    


Now that He Xiangping proposed to depreciate the value of the yuan, it was an act that did not consider the real factors and unilateral requests to realize one's own thoughts. That was why Zhao Rixin evaluated his opinion as a scholar's opinion.    


The reason why China insisted on not depreciating the value of the yuan was not only to establish the image of a large country to prevent the expansion of the financial storm, but also to completely replace the Yen and become the most important currency in Asia, to become the leader of Asia's economy.    


He Xiangping had also said that the US government wanted to depreciate the value of the USD in order to reduce the value of China's foreign reserves.    


However, China insisted on not depreciating the currency because it wanted to become the leading power in Asia's economy. It wanted to expand the influence of the currency and become the currency system of the economic zone in the future, just like the euro in the future.    


When the influence of the yuan increased, it would naturally increase the strength to compete with the US Dollar. This was the only way. China is not afraid of the threats from the US and the economic sanctions that the US has implemented over and over again.    


This was a long way to go, and it was a long way to go. Even when Zhou Hao was killed in his previous life, the influence of RMB in the world was still far from that of USD.    


But Zhou Hao believed that as long as he followed this path, RMB would definitely become an international currency like USD.    


Because of this, how could the current China destroy this plan for the sake of small profits?    


Zhao Rixin said, "The two financial and economics experts that He Xiangping criticized in 'Finance Line' are members of our government's economic consultants.    


He Xiangping is very eloquent. Even our two experts can't refute him. "    


Zhao Yuqin also said, "Originally, it was not difficult to deal with He Xiangping.    


But now he has become a famous person in the country and is at the top of the wave. His every move will attract attention.    


Especially since He Xiangping had published a thesis in Financial Economics Magazine, which was an international and authoritative magazine, he had a certain degree of fame internationally.    


If the government really wanted to make a move on him, it would cause a lot of people to believe in him.    


Those people overseas who have ulterior motives will definitely say that China's financial market lacks freedom. At that time, it might affect the investment intention of foreign investors. "    


"Now we have decided that RMB will not depreciate.    


However, because of He Xiangping, the popularity of the domestic people is very high. We also have to bear a lot of pressure. "    


Zhao Rixin said, "Humph, humph, humph. This He Xiangping is very smart. He knows how to make things big on purpose. This way, the government can't touch him. Even if we use the crime of breaking public security to deal with him, it will definitely cause people to criticize us, saying that we can't tolerate voices outside of the government.    


Moreover, if he has any problems, I'm afraid that the blame will fall on our government. "    


Zhou Hao understood the meaning of the song and smiled. "If we can't use force on this guy, we can only use soft methods. "    


He knew that no matter what He Xiangping said, whether it was for the country or for himself, he had already stood on the opposite side of the central government. His fate was already decided.    


"Humph, humph, humph. This is the so-called 'harmony'. " Zhou Hao secretly laughed in his heart.    


However, 'harmony', He Xiangping, was a true 'harmony'. Unlike those civil grievances in his previous life, He Xiangping was really hindering the country's policies. He violated the interests of the entire country, not the personal interests of a high official.    


Zhao Rixin patted Zhou Hao on the shoulder. " Xiao Hao, didn't He Xiangping recommend a few shares to the public this time? "    


Zhou Hao was slightly shocked. The news of He Xiangping being interviewed by reporters at Peking University had already reached Zhao Rixin's ears during the meal. It could be seen that the country's intelligence agency. . . They were really not to be trifled with.    


Zhao Rixin sneered again. "We have found out. He Xiangping had colluded with a financial group.    


That financial group wants to be the leader of the circle, and He Xiangping is in charge of cheering for them.    


If nothing unexpected happens, those few shares will rise very soon. "    


Seeing Zhao Rixin looking at him, Zhou Hao immediately said," Godfather, I know what to do. "    


Zhao Rixin's meaning was very obvious. He wanted Zhou Hao to deal with He Xiangping from the stock market.    


The reason why He Xiangping could cause so many people's reactions in the country was not only because of his words, but also because of his ability to predict the stock market.    


As long as he could break his "prophecy" in the stock market, his reputation would naturally be erased.    


Furthermore, whether it was the government or Zhou Hao, they would definitely not show mercy. They would definitely cause He Xiangping to lose his reputation.    


Because if He Xiangping's name stinks, all of his comments would turn into bullshit.    


His influence on the issue of the depreciation of RMB would also disappear without a trace.    


At that time, the government will find some professionals to tell the public the meaning of not depreciating RMB, and this storm will be settled.    


This is the so-called direction of public opinion.    


Zhou Hao sneered in his heart, "He Xiangping, this time it's not just a personal grudge between you and me. I am helping the country get rid of a heretic like you for the people. Humph, I am doing this for the country and the people! "    


Furthermore, He Xiangping had already become the mouthpiece of those bankers. Zhou Hao did not need to be polite to him anymore.    


But at this time, he showed a hesitant look to Zhao Rixin. "But Godfather, there is a problem.    


Since so many people believe in He Xiangping now, then there will definitely be a lot of people who will listen to him and invest in those few shares. With my interference, many people will be trapped. I can't bear to see that happen. "    


"Stinking brat, you are still pretending to be good after taking advantage of me. "    


Zhao Rixin deliberately put on a stern face. "Don't think that I don't know what you are meddling in the matter between the Construction Bank and the Industrial Bank last time. Although that matter is more beneficial to the country than harmful, if Old Zhu finds out that you are meddling in it.    


Humph, with Old Zhu's temperament, even if he admires you, he would be afraid to teach you a lesson. "    


The "Old Zhu" that Zhao Rixin was talking about was the Prime Minister that he had met with Zhou Hao before. Zhou Hao knew that the Prime Minister's iron fist means were famous.    


In the last operation, there were also many shareholders who were trapped and suffered heavy losses.    


However, Zhou Hao did not feel guilty or guilty at all, because he knew that the stock market was a risky investment. Unless someone cheated like him, no one could guarantee a steady profit.    


Since he wanted to get profits, he had to be prepared to face risks at the same time.    


"Also, because of Indonesia's plan, we have already given you 50 billion, so the funds you need this time, you can go and settle it yourself. " Zhao Rixin said with a smile.    


"Ah, it can't be, right? Then, how much money will the financial group that He Xiangping colluded with invest?"    


Since they wanted to deal with the financial group behind He Xiangping, they had to invest at least the same amount as them.    


Currently, most of Zhou Hao's funds had already been invested in Indonesia. Therefore, there were not many that could be transferred.    


Zhao Rixin said, "According to our estimates, it is about 3 billion RMB. "    


Zhou Hao thought for a while. He could still take out the money.    


The country had given Zhou Hao 50 billion yuan because of Indonesia's plan. Zhou Hao could not take a single cent for himself, but he still had to return the 50 billion yuan to the country. Zhou Hao could get countless benefits from it.    


For example, he could buy some shares of Indonesia National Oil Company with the support of the country. Even if he could not take the majority of the shares, oil was more precious than gold nowadays.    


In China, resources were always controlled by the country, and very few people were able to participate in private projects. But this time, due to Zhou Hao's contribution, And Indonesia was not a country. Therefore, even if he took some shares, the country would still acquiesce.    


This time, dealing with He Xiangping was different from what happened in Indonesia. Zhou Hao had to provide the funds himself, and not let the outside world know about it.    


However, after this matter was settled, even if the government owed Zhou Hao a favor, and with Zhao Rixin's mediation, Zhou Hao would naturally be able to compensate from other places in the future.    


Besides, even without the government, Zhou Hao would still have to deal with He Xiangping. Now, it was just a favor for the government, and it was a profit for Zhou Hao.    


After chatting with Zhao Rixin about some other things, he saw Yan Xinning return.    


As soon as she entered the door, she walked straight to Zhou Hao. She looked at Zhou Hao with a serious expression, which made Zhou Hao's hair stand on end. "Godmother, what, what's wrong? What's on my face?"    


Yan Xinning asked, "Xiao Hao, Were you having lunch with a girl?"    


Zhou Hao's heart skipped a beat, but he did not deny it. He nodded and said, "Yes, that's my friend. "    


Yan Xinning smiled. Friend? I think it's a girlfriend. Hehe, I was just having dinner with my friend, but you were focusing on that girl. How could you see us old hags? "    


Zhou Hao was secretly glad, "I didn't expect my godmother and her friends to be there too. Luckily I didn't do anything intimate with Jiabao, or else we would have been there. "    


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