Supreme Stock God

C470 A Trip to Venice

C470 A Trip to Venice

Zhou Hao and Lao Shu did not give Liang Fengshan a chance to beg. After seeing Zhou Hao's look, Lao Shu decisively pulled the trigger, letting the bullet directly hit Liang Fengshan's head.    


Liang Fengshan's head instantly became a paste. It slowly flowed out of his eyes, nose, mouth, ears and other places. He also softly fell to Zhou Hao's feet like mud.    


Joukan Soutaku looked at Liang Fengshan's corpse. The huge rock that had been pressing on his heart for a long time had suddenly disappeared.    


He raised his head and looked at the starless night sky. He said in his heart, "Dad, Mom, your revenge has been avenged. Your souls in heaven can rest in peace now. "    


Ratty was also a little emotional. These days, he had been deliberately arranged by Zhou Hao to stay by Liang Fengshan's side. He had also witnessed Liang Fengshan's extravagant and extravagant life.    


In his opinion, if Liang Fengshan lived his life honestly, everything would be fine. However, he had to provoke someone like Zhou Hao. Why did he have to do this?    


When Zhou Hao found out that they were spies and controlled them with poison, Ratty and the others had a rough idea of Zhou Hao's plan. They had been mourning for Liang Fengshan at that time.    


The people on this fishing boat were all the criminals that Zhou Hao had hired. As for the "old fish" and the others that Liang Zhendang had arranged to meet Liang Fengshan, they had long been killed by these criminals.    


A few of them placed Liang Fengshan's corpse into a bag, and even placed a few heavy cement stones inside. Then, they threw him into the sea.    


Ratty gave the two hundred thousand dollars in cash to the criminals and returned to the white yacht with Zhou Hao and the others. The criminals were about to leave with the fishing boat.    


However, when Zhou Hao's yacht sailed a few hundred meters away from the sea, a person carried a rocket launcher and fired a powerful missile at the fishing boat.    


The people on the fishing boat didn't expect Zhou Hao to have such a move. Before they could jump into the sea to escape, the fishing boat was hit by the missile.    


After the huge explosion and the dazzling flames, the entire fishing boat was shattered into pieces. The outlaws who were used to seeing blood and gore had all become ownerless souls in the sea.    


The person who fired the missile put down the rocket launcher and respectfully said to Zhou Hao, "Reporting to the chief, the mission has been completed!"    


Zhou Hao nodded and did not say anything. He borrowed a few special forces soldiers from Zhao Dingzhou on this yacht.    


Of course, these special forces soldiers did not know about Liang Fengshan, nor did they know his identity. The less they knew, the better it would be for them.    


Joukan Soutaku also didn't think that Zhou Hao wouldn't let go of those desperate criminals. This was obviously killing them to silence them.    


However, he didn't have a knot in his heart. After all, those people on the fishing ship weren't good men and women. Each of them carried a life on their shoulders. It could be said that they deserved to die.    


It was just that Zhou Hao's ruthlessness shocked Joukan Soutaku.    


After that, Zhou Hao turned his head to look at Ratty and the Black Widow, and revealed a smile. "All of you did well this time. Don't worry, I will give you the antidote when we return. "    


"Thank you, Mr Zhou. " Ratty and the Black Widow quickly said.    


"However, what do you plan to do next? Continue to be a commercial spy?" Zhou Hao asked indifferently.    


The Black Widow hesitated, but Ratty took the lead and said, "If Mr Zhou does not mind, we want to follow you. "    


The Black Widow looked at Ratty in shock, while Zhou Hao revealed a satisfied smile.    


Seeing Zhou Hao's smile, the Black Widow immediately understood what Ratty meant.    


Although Zhou Hao had said that he would give them the antidote, seeing how Zhou Hao had killed off the criminals, the Black Widow could not guarantee that Zhou Hao would not really let her go. After all, they knew a lot about Liang Fengshan.    


Although Liang Shutang had been transferred away from the governor's position, his influence was still there. If he knew that his son had been killed by Zhou Hao, it was very likely that he would take revenge on Zhou Hao at all costs, which would cause quite a lot of trouble.    


Ratty understood this point, which was why he immediately surrendered to Zhou Hao. Moreover, the fact that he had killed Liang Fengshan so decisively just now was also a form of surrender.    


However, the Black Widow also felt that Ratty's decision was very appropriate. After all, being a commercial spy was not as dangerous as being a real spy. However, once they were exposed, the companies that were harmed would ruthlessly attack them.    


Zhou Hao had a lot of money, and his scheming was different from ordinary people. If he worked under Zhou Hao, he would have more assurance than before.    


Thus, the Black Widow also said to Zhou Hao, "We are all willing to follow you, Mr Zhou. "    


Zhou Hao nodded. "However, you are used to doing this. If I let you do something else, it would be a waste.    


How about this, you help my company set up a security department. Since you are excellent business spies, then your anti-spy abilities should be very strong. In the future, you will help me guard against the business spies sent by others.    


Also, help me inquire about some business information when necessary. Of course, I won't treat you unfairly. "    


" Thank you, Mr Zhou. " Rat and Black Widow said at the same time.    


Joukan Soutaku was also a smart person. He naturally understood that if Ratty and the Black Widow refused, there would not be any good results.    


Therefore, he was even more respectful towards Zhou Hao, a man whose scheming and age did not match.    


After walking around the public sea, Zhou Hao, Joukan Soutaku and the rest returned to Shanghai.    


After returning to Shanghai, Zhou Hao handed a new ID card and the letter of appointment of the vice president to Joukan Soutaku. "The name does not change, and the place of origin does not change, but it turns out that Joukan Soutaku, who had committed financial fraud, had died in prison.    


You are now the new vice president of the Heavenly River Drink Group. "    


Joukan Soutaku took the ID card in surprise. This ID card was real, not fake.    


However, Joukan Soutaku thought that Zhou Hao would use the identity of the prisoner to control him like Liang Fengshan did before.    


Now that Joukan Soutaku had a new identity, Zhou Hao could no longer threaten him. Although Zhou Hao could use many other ways to deal with him, it was still much better than Liang Fengshan.    


"You are different from Lao Shu and the others. " Zhou Hao smiled at Joukan Soutaku and said, "But I also hope that you will not disappoint me. "    


At this moment, Joukan Soutaku was deeply grateful to Zhou Hao. For the first time, he felt sincere about working for Zhou Hao.    


Then he heard Zhou Hao say, "I have already bought back the Heavenly River and the assets of the Fengshan Group. As for the integration and dealing with the media, I will leave it to you. "    


After saying that, Zhou Hao handed a proposal to Joukan Soutaku. "This is the future development plan of Heavenly River. Take a look. You can ask Dai Zhanwang and Yuan Shuying to do the specific tasks.    


Also, the Technology Development Department is the most important department of Tianhe. Part of it: You have to manage them well. "    


Joukan Soutaku flipped through the plan. The more he read, the more serious his expression became. It was a long time before he looked up at Zhou Hao. "Boss, this one. This is the new drink of Sky River? "    


Zhou Hao nodded. "That's right. As long as this product is released, Sky River will be able to sweep away the decline of the industry and regain the leading position in the domestic beverage industry. Even Coca-Cola and Pepsi will not be able to bear the brunt of it. "    


"No wonder you are willing to sell 'orange fruits' to Coca-Cola without any reluctance. Compared to such a new product, the value of 'orange fruits' is much lower. "    


Joukan Soutaku said confidently. "Don't worry, boss. I will make good work of Tianhe. I will not let you down!"    


Zhou Hao had provided Joukan Soutaku with a broad stage. From now on, Joukan Soutaku would be able to show off his abilities to his heart's content.    


After discussing with Joukan Soutaku, Zhou Hao returned to the hotel.    


Liang Xiaobing, Wang Weiwen, Wang Zhonglei, and other people from the "North Pole Star" had already left Shanghai. They were going all over the country to hold concert tours. They must make Liang Xiaobing the most popular singer in the country.    


Zhou Hao had also sent Zhang Daniu to protect Liang Xiaobing, to prevent people like Wu Shihua who coveted her from doing anything bad.    


Therefore, Zhao Yuqin was the only one who stayed in Shanghai to accompany Zhou Hao.    


As soon as he entered the room, Zhou Hao saw Zhao Yuqin sitting on the sofa with the floor-to-ceiling window, reading a book. The book was called Art of Love.    


At this moment, Zhao Yuqin was wearing a milky-white satin nightdress. The collar of the deep V collar was. . . Her proud breasts were displayed very well. The deep gully in the middle could suck in any man's soul.    


Her right leg was straightened and her left leg was bent, showing an extremely attractive curve. The silk nightdress naturally slid down to her bottom, exposing his long, snow-white, and delicate legs in front of Zhou Hao. He could also see the lace side of her white underpants under the skirt.    


At the same time, her long hair casually fell down, slightly covering half of her face, giving people a kind of faintly discernible beauty.    


Seeing such a stunning beauty, any man had no choice but to be moved. When he came back from outside and saw Zhao Yuqin, Zhou Hao felt that his originally restless heart could also calm down. This was a kind of warmth that came from home.    


When Zhao Yuqin saw Zhou Hao come back, she gently put down the book, walked over, and thoughtfully helped him take off his coat.    


Being so close to Zhao Yuqin, Zhou Hao could smell the delicate fragrance on her body.    


"It's all solved?" Zhao Yuqin asked gently.    


"Yes. " Zhou Hao nodded. His hands naturally wrapped around Zhao Yuqin's slender waist. "Previously, because of Liang Fengshan, our journey to Venice was forced to delay. Now that all the problems have been solved, we can set off at any time. "    


Zhao Yuqin naturally knew that the journey to Venice with Zhou Hao this time would definitely be filled with countless charming scenes. Her cheeks could not help but turn red, causing Zhou Hao's heart to boil.    


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