Supreme Stock God

C445 Hand in Coca-cola

C445 Hand in Coca-cola

At night, Zhou Hao brought Liang Xiaobing to the Hongqiao Sheraton Pacific Hotel. Zhou Hao was still dressed in a casual suit, while Liang Xiaobing was wearing a light green chiffon shirt and a sky-blue dress. She looked very dignified.    


Following the waiter to the reserved room, Zhou Hao and Liang Xiaobing saw that there was already a man in a light grey suit waiting in the room. It was Dai Jiawen, who had been invited by Zhou Hao.    


"President Dai. Hello, hello. We are late. " Zhou Hao greeted him with a smile.    


"It's fine, it's fine. It's just that I came early. " Dai Jiawen immediately stood up and shook hands with Zhou Hao.    


Dai Jiawen was appointed as the chairman of the Coca-Cola Company in China two years ago, and he was only forty years old now. He was considered a very successful person. With Dai Jiawen's efforts, the Coca-Cola Company's sales in the China market had increased by 10% over the past two years. In many places, the state-owned beverage industry. . . Due to various shortcomings, they could not compete with the Coca-Cola Company. The share in the beverage market in China was getting smaller and smaller.    


At first, Dai Jiawen did not treat those state-owned beverage companies as real competitors. In his eyes, The only thing that could compete with Coca-Cola was only Coke. In fact, In recent years, the beverage market in China had become the battlefield of the two most famous beverage groups in the world. Both sides were fighting fiercely, creating a storm of blood on the beverage market.    


If Coca-Cola could unify the beverage market in China, Dai Jiayi would become the most powerful candidate to compete for the position of the CEO of Coca-Cola headquarters. From the day he became the CEO of China, Dai Jiayi had tried his best. This was also the main reason why Coca-Cola had been occupying more and more market share in the past two years.    


However, just as the fight between Coca-Cola and Pepsi was in full swing, The rise of "Tianhe" attracted the attention of both companies. In fact, before the launch of "Orange Fruit," the two companies had heard of "Sky River. " Because before "Oranges and Oranges," Zhao Yuqin had already followed Zhou Hao's plan and made the mineral water produced by "Sky River" become the designated drinking water for every sports competition in the country.    


Originally, Coca-Cola and Pepsi intended to publicize their products through the sports competitions in China. However, as soon as they arrived, Both companies did not implement this plan in time because of other promotional plans. Secondly, Promoting through sports competitions is not something that can be achieved with money. They also needed strong connections. In this aspect, even though the "spokesperson" of Coca-Cola and Pepsi in China was very powerful in politics, But compared to the Zhao Family, it was still a lot worse.    


In this way, Zhao Yuqin had already taken over most of the sports competitions that she had come to China this year. This made "Sky River" water become famous in the sports world first. It was also at this time that Coca-Cola and Coke heard the name "Sky River" for the first time.    


After that, the "orange fruits" swept across the entire China like an orange whirlwind, making "Sky River" brand even more popular throughout the country. Although fruit juice drinks were different from carbonated drinks, Coca-Cola and Pepsi had long been interested in the market for fruit juice drinks, so they attached great importance to the rise of "Sky River. "    


"Oranges and Oranges" successfully occupied more than half of the juice beverage market in China. Coca-Cola made a prompt decision and quickly sent people to negotiate with "Sky River" and proposed to buy "Sky River. " However, even though Dai Jiawen offered a very high price, "Sky River" still refused their offer.    


So, later on, when Dai Jiawen heard that the Fengshan Group had introduced "more than a dozen" fruits that were about the same size as "orange grains," He also sued "Heavenly River" for occupying their assets, and he even took pleasure in their misfortune. However, Although "fresh orange" had taken up a lot of the market that originally belonged to the orange and orange category, "orange" was still the most popular beverage in the current juice beverage market in China. Coca-Cola and Pepsi were all coveting it.    


"Mr Zhou, this is the Dead Happy champagne that has just been shipped from France. Try it. " A waiter immediately poured champagne into Zhou Hao and Liang Xiaobing's cups. The sweet taste of champagne immediately drifted in the air.    


Zhou Hao and Liang Xiaobing both picked up the cups. Zhou Hao smiled at Dai Jia and said, "President Dai, you are too polite. "    


After tasting the world-famous Dead Happy champagne, Dai Jia immediately smiled at Zhou Hao and said, "Mr Zhou, your Heavenly River has already rejected our proposal to buy it. Why did you invite me here this time? Did you change your mind?"    


Actually, when Dai Jiawen found out that the owner of the Heavenly River was a young man less than 20 years old, he was surprised for a long time. However, after he asked around and found out that Zhou Hao was Zhao Rixin's godson, he felt relieved. Because in China, there were indeed some high level leaders' sons and daughters who were doing business. After all, they had a powerful political power as their backing. It was much easier to achieve commercial success than ordinary people.    


Zhou Hao shook his head and said with a smile, "I don't intend to sell the Sky River. At least not at this stage. "    


"Mr Zhou, the reason you asked me to come here is. . . " Dai Jia was confused. " Do you want to work with our company?"    


"You can say that too. " Zhou Hao said, "Although I don't plan to sell the Sky River, I plan to sell the orange fruit formula. "    


Zhou Hao's words shocked Dai Jiawen. He frowned and said, "Mr Zhou, you want to sell the orange fruit formula?"    


"Yes. " Zhou Hao said, "To be honest, the reason why you Coca-Cola wanted to buy my Heavenly River was because you wanted the orange formula. Now, I might as well sell the formula of the orange and orange fruits to you. Isn't it just as you wish? "    


Zhou Hao's decision did tempt Dai Jiawen, because after Tianhe rejected their offer, In order to get the formula of the orange fruit, they sent a commercial spy organization to sneak into Tianhe and steal the formula of the orange fruit. In other words, it was the Black Widow and Rat. However, up until now, the Black Widow and the others had yet to steal the 'Orange Fruit' formula. This caused the Coca-Cola side to become very anxious.    


"President Dai, what do you mean?" Zhou Hao urged.    


Dai Jia thought for a moment and said, "Then if you want to sell the orange formula, what is the price?"    


Zhou Hao stretched out four fingers and said indifferently, "4 billion. "    


Dai Jiawen's expression changed, and he immediately shook his head and said, "Impossible. "    


"President Dai, don't reject it yet. I'm not talking about USD, I'm talking about RMB. " Zhou Hao smiled.    


Dai Jiawu glanced at Zhou Hao and thought, Of course it wasn't USD. 4 billion USD could buy four to five companies on the scale of "Sky River. "    


Zhou Hao smiled again and said, "As the saying goes, if President Dai is not satisfied with the price, he will return the money on the spot. You can just tell us the number that you think is appropriate, so that we can have a room to negotiate. "    


"At most one billion. " Dai Jiawen thought for a bit and said.    


"President Dai, you are too insincere. " The smile on Zhou Hao's face faded, "Our profits from 'orange fruits' in a year is also not just this amount. "    


Dai Jiawen said with a bitter smile, "Mr Zhou, you have to understand the hardships of our company. Although our Coca-Cola Company is a global company, But the turnover of each fund is very strict. Furthermore, the Fengshan Group in Jiangsu has also launched the same orange juice as the orange fruit. Although you won this lawsuit, Even if we buy the orange juice formula, we still have to compete with the Fengshan Group. We need to invest more money. "    


Zhou Hao was silent for a while. Liang Xiaobing, who was beside him, helped him add some wine.    


"President Dai, you are also from China. Do you know what kind of people think the strongest in China?" Zhou Hao suddenly asked.    


Dai Jiawen was stunned for a moment. He thought of the reason Zhou Hao asked him to come this time and said tentatively: "You mean, the concept of first impressions?"    


Zhou Hao was very impressed by Dai Jiawen's agility. He smiled and said, "President Dai, you are right. The concept of first impressions in China is very strong. This is especially true when it comes to spending money. Although 'fresh orange' is the same type of product as our 'orange and orange' products, since our 'orange and orange' products are very well publicized when we promote them to the market, In a short period of time, we have occupied most of the juice beverage market, so we know that so far. . . 'orange' is still the most popular product in the domestic juice beverage market. "    


Without waiting for Dai Jiawen to speak, Zhou Hao said again, "You know, the Wireless Television Limited in Hong Kong What? Before Dai Jiawen could speak, Zhou Hao asked again, Do you know why the Wireless Television Limited in Hong Kong has been able to suppress the Asia Television Limited for so many years? This was something the Asia Television Limited could not compare with. If it wasn't for the fact that the Wireless Television Limited made the wrong decision, I believe it wouldn't have been so easy for the Asia Television Limited to rise up. "    


Hearing Zhou Hao's words, Dai Jiawen couldn't help but nod his head. In his heart, he agreed with Zhou Hao's opinion.    


However, if Dai Jiawen knew that the Asia Television Limited was also under Zhou Hao's banner, he didn't know how he would react.    


At this moment, Dai Jiawen thought of another question and asked Zhou Hao, "Mr Zhou, since your 'orange fruits' are so competitive, why are you selling them to us?"    


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