Supreme Stock God

C401 You've Ruined My Mother's Life

C401 You've Ruined My Mother's Life

"Ah Tong, you. . . " Zhou Liren looked at Yan Tong, who had changed drastically, and could not speak for a long time.    


Yan Tong was very surprised that Zhou Liren suddenly came back to Xiang City. She was also stunned for a moment and her heart was filled with mixed feelings.    


Yan Tong also could not tell whether she loved or hated Zhou Liren, or both.    


However, seeing that Zhou Liren was even more down and out compared to the last time she left home, she felt very uncomfortable in her heart.    


At this moment, Zhou Hao spoke, "Alright, let's go. "    


Zhou Liren and Yan Tong were stunned and said in unison, "Where to?"    


Zhou Hao did not answer directly. He only said to Yan Tong, "Mom, take your ID card with you too. "    


Then he walked to the door. Yan Tong did not know where Zhou Hao was going, but after looking at Zhou Liren in the hall, she also followed him.    


Zhou Liren frowned. He seemed to be thinking of something. He got up and followed her out.    


Yan Tong drove the Mercedes-Benz back, so after she went to the parking lot, Zhou Hao opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat. When Zhou Liren saw the black Mercedes-Benz, he was stunned again, but he also sat in the backseat with Yan Tong.    


Zhou Hao did not say a word and started the car and left Lake View Manor. Yan Tong and Zhou Liren sat in the backseat. However, they were far away from each other.    


Zhou Liren looked at Zhou Hao who was sitting in the driver's seat in the front and could not help but ask Yan Tong, "Ah Tong, what happened? Why did you move here and buy a Mercedes-Benz?"    


Yan Tong glanced at Zhou Liren, then glanced at Zhou Hao. Seeing that Zhou Hao did not have any reaction, she said to Zhou Liren, "That time you took away Xiao Hao's school fees. Our family does not have much money left, so we borrowed money from uncle. "    


At this moment, Zhou Hao snorted lightly in front of her. Yan Tong looked at him and said, "That time, Xiao Hao took twenty thousand dollars from big uncle. Except for the money for the tuition fees, he used all of it to buy stocks.    


Later, Xiao Hao won another five million from the lottery. Adding the money we earned from buying shares, we opened a restaurant.    


The restaurant's business was very good, and there were more and more branches. After that, we opened a cake shop. Until now, we have already set up a Tongguang Food Limited Company. Furthermore, Xiao Hao is also doing some investment business. "    


Zhou Liren was stunned when he heard this. "So you guys have earned a lot of money now, so you moved here and bought cars?"    


Yan Tong frowned when she saw the unusual glint in Zhou Liren's eyes, but she still nodded and replied, "Yes, you can say that. "    


"But didn't Xiao Hao just go to high school this year? How can he do investment business?" Zhou Liren asked.    


Yan Tong was about to answer when she heard Zhou Hao in front of her say coldly, "This has nothing to do with you. "    


Perhaps it was because the current Zhou Hao's appearance and temperament were too different from before, and he would even give off a faintly discernible Qi when he spoke. Zhou Liren couldn't help but shrink his neck, not daring to speak anymore.    


Yan Tong looked at the father and son pair. Although she didn't say anything, she shook her head in her heart.    


Not long after, Zhou Hao drove the car to the front of a building. Yan Tong and Zhou Liren saw through the window that there was a sign hanging in front of the door of the building, "Guangdong Province Xiang City Civil Affairs Bureau. "    


Yan Tong was still confused, but Zhou Liren's face changed. Zhou Hao had driven the car straight to the yard of the building. After getting out of the car, he took Yan Tong and Zhou Liren to the Civil Affairs Bureau office upstairs.    


"Sir, may I ask if there is anything I can help you with?" There was a man and a woman on duty in the office. The woman politely asked when she saw Zhou Hao and the other two coming in.    


Zhou Hao pointed to Yan Tong and Zhou Liren behind him and said indifferently, "Help the two of them settle the divorce procedures. "    


The two people in the office were slightly stunned. Usually, the ones who came to settle the divorce procedures were husband and wife. They rarely brought a third person over.    


When Yan Tong heard Zhou Hao's words, her expression also changed. She grabbed Zhou Hao's arm and said, "Xiao Hao, you. . . "    


Zhou Hao turned around and looked at Yan Tong. "Mom, he said. No need to say anymore. Divorce with him. From now on, he has nothing to do with our family. "    


"But. . . " Yan Tong still wanted to say.    


Zhou Hao interrupted her and said, "Mom, think about it. For so many years, has he ever done his duty as a husband and beautifully did his duty as a father?"    


"Enough!" At this moment, Zhou Liren finally could not help but roar, "Zhou Hao, do you still think I am your father?!"    


Zhou Liren's roar stunned Yan Tong and the two staff members in the office.    


Zhou Hao's expression did not change at all. Instead, he asked the female staff member, "May I ask if there is an independent room here? We need to unanimously agree. "    


"Yes, there is. " The woman said, "It's right next door. I'll bring you there. "    


So, the woman brought Zhou Hao and the other two to a guest room next door. She poured tea for them and quickly left to avoid hindering the discussion between the three families.    


After sitting down, Yan Tong said to Zhou Hao, "Xiao Hao, don't be like this, okay? Mom, Mom never thought of getting a divorce. "    


Zhou Hao glanced at Zhou Liren opposite him. "Mom, do you think he is qualified to be your husband and my father?"    


Just as Zhou Liren was about to speak, Zhou Hao stared at him and said coldly, "You can ask yourself. For so many years, how many days have you stayed at home? Have you ever cared about my mother? Have you ever cared about me? Ask yourself if you have the right to stay in this house! "    


"Xiao Hao. " Yan Tong pushed Zhou Hao.    


Zhou Hao ignored her and continued staring at Zhou Liren, whose face was getting uglier and uglier. "Let me tell you, with my mother's condition back then. . . If it wasn't for you deceiving my mother's feelings. . . If it wasn't for you deceiving my mother's body, perhaps my mother would have lived a peaceful and happy life a long time ago! It was you who ruined my mother's life!"    


The more he spoke, the more his emotions rose and fell. The resentment he had for Zhou Liren over the years had also been expressed. In her previous life, Yan Tong was suppressed by life because of Zhou Liren. In the end, she died from liver cancer.    


Therefore, even though Zhou Hao had changed her and Yan Tong's lives a lot, it was not an exaggeration to say that Zhou Liren had ruined Yan Tong's life.    


Listening to Zhou Hao's words, Zhou Liren clenched his fists tightly. His face turned green and white for a moment. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said to Zhou Hao, "But no matter what, I am still your father. How can you treat your father like this? Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?"    


"I have already shown mercy to you. " Zhou Hao wasn't as agitated as Zhou Liren, but the calmer he was, the colder he was. "To tell you the truth, I have always thought that I have no father, because the one who gave birth to me was always my mother. In my world, there is no father!"    


Zhou Liren was so angry that he gasped for air, and his chest heaved up and down. After a long time, he said, "You want me to divorce your mother? Alright, but according to the law, if we divorce, I can get half of your mother's property. You guys can take it. Then I'll agree to divorce your mother! "    


Yan Tong was stunned when she heard this. Zhou Hao, on the other hand, did not get angry. Instead, he smiled and said to Zhou Liren, "Zhou Liren, you are really shameless. I have to admire you.    


But. . . "The smile on his face faded," I am not afraid to tell you. As long as I am willing, I can make you divorce my mother. And you will not get a single cent! "    


Indeed, if Zhou Hao used his power, it would not be difficult for Yan Tong and Zhou Liren to get a divorce. The court would not give Zhou Liren any property, not to mention that Zhou Liren did not do his duty as a husband or a father. He did not have the right to get any property.    


Zhou Hao said, "But you are my father after all. I will only have me if I have you. Although I can't cut off my flesh and bones like Nezha in ancient times to repay you for giving birth. But I think I don't have to owe you anything anymore. Let's talk about money.    


How about this, you divorce my mother. Then I'll give you five million. This should be enough for you to spend your entire life. "    


When Zhou Liren heard this, his eyelids twitched slightly, but he still didn't say anything.    


Zhou Hao smiled, "Eight million?"    


Zhou Liren's expression changed slightly, but he still didn't say anything.    


"How about ten million?" Zhou Hao asked again.    


"Xiao Hao, that's enough!" Zhou Liren did not speak, but Yan Tong, who was beside Zhou Hao, spoke.    


At this moment, she already had tears streaming down her face. Although Zhou Liren didn't treat Zhou Hao well, Zhou Liren and Zhou Hao were still father and son. Yan Tong didn't want to see them fall into such a situation.    


When Zhou Hao saw Yan Tong cry, his expression immediately changed. That kind of cold and ruthless expression also disappeared, "Mom. . . "    


"He is still your father. " Yan Tong said in a deep voice, "Even if he is not, you are still his son. As a son, you cannot treat your father like this!"    


Yan Tong's concept was very traditional. Even if Zhou Liren did not do it right, Zhou Hao was still his son, so she could not treat Zhou Liren like this.    


Zhou Hao also knew Yan Tong's traditional personality. Because of this, in her previous life, Yan Tong was not willing to divorce Zhou Liren until the moment she died. She always maintained the identity of "Madam Zhou. "    


"But, Mom. . . " Zhou Hao still wanted to persuade Yan Tong.    


But Yan Tong did not wait for him to finish speaking and said firmly, "If you want me to divorce your dad, if you don't want to acknowledge your dad, then even I, as your mother, won't acknowledge him. "    


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