The Treasure Chest System With Its Infinite Mysteries

C1195 Truth Complete

C1195 Truth Complete

0Su Jin chuckled and was about to walk towards the direction Xue Ye was pointing at.    


Xue Ye followed closely behind him under the snow.    


However, suddenly, Su Jin made a grabbing motion with his big hand. Powerful magic power suddenly enveloped Xue Ye who was under the snow.    


"What are you doing?"    


Xue Ye's expression changed slightly.    


Su Jin said with a faint smile, "Do you think I will find a way to conquer you and find a way to get that Treasure Chest upgrade shard from you?"    


Xue Ye said somewhat unnaturally, "What are you talking about?"    


"Stop pretending. Who exactly are you?"    


Su Jin sneered and looked at Xue Na coldly."    


"When did you find out?"    


"Xue Na!" A surprised expression appeared on her face.    


"I don't believe there's such a coincidence in this world"    


Su Jin said lightly, "It just so happens that the story of the Earth that I used to live on actually appeared in the outer universe."    


"Furthermore, the treasure chest fragment just happened to fall on you.    


"So that's how it is. It's impossible for you to see through it."    


"Snow!" She no longer disguised herself and chuckled lightly.    


After that.    


The surrounding world suddenly disappeared.    


The whole world turned into darkness.    


In Su Jin's dark world, he could only see a little bit of starlight flickering in the darkness.    


His face was expressionless, and he didn't make any rash moves.    


He had a premonition.    


As expected.    


He could sense the truth of the System.    


"Host of the Sixth Era, congratulations, you have obtained the key to the endless chaos, you have obtained all the authority of this system."    


"[What do you mean?]"    


Su Jin raised his eyebrows.    


Suddenly, endless information flowed into Su Jin's mind.    


He finally understood everything.    


The sixth era was a time unit that had been calculated since the birth of the universe in the endless chaos.    


Every era had billions of trillions of times of the universe's destruction.    


The universe that Su Jin was originally in, including the Heaven Realm, was just a tiny speck of dust in the endless chaos.    


The true infinite chaos was an incomparably wonderful and unbelievable world.    


As for the Treasure Chest System, it was created by the strongest civilization in the first era of the endless chaos.    


That civilization had truly unified the endless chaos, and it wanted to push the entire endless chaos to a whole new level.    


There was a saying on Earth.    


It was the evolution of dimensions.    


Unfortunately, the dimension upgrade failed.    


Since then, loopholes had appeared in the endless primordial chaos, and they were constantly being destroyed and cycled over and over again.    


Fortunately, the strongest civilization of the first era had left behind a backup plan.    


It was the Treasure Chest System.    


In the following few eras, this system had been looking for its host, accumulating energy and knowledge.    


When it accumulated enough energy and knowledge, it would be able to guide its new host to once again unify the entire Endless Chaos, allowing it to evolve once more.    


The Treasure Chest System had accumulated knowledge for several eras. Not only did it possess all the knowledge of the first era, but it also possessed the knowledge of countless civilizations later on.    


According to the system's calculations.    


The success rate of the Endless Chaos this time had reached 0. 9999...    


It was infinitely close to a 100% success rate.    


The only factor that could affect the upgrade was the host.    


Therefore, it chose the host and carried out all kinds of tests.    


Until it could meet its requirements.    


As for Su Jin, he had already met the requirements.    


He had met the requirements of the system's true host.    


Thus, he gave Su Jin all the authority.    


In an instant, Su Jin's strength had advanced to an unbelievable realm.    


At this moment, the Heavenly Dao of the Heaven Realm was in front of him.    


It was something that could be easily erased.    


The so-called Battle of Buried Immortals.    


The conspiracy of the Heaven Realm.    


At this moment, they were all so insignificant, not worth mentioning at all.    


Among the countless knowledge that Su Jin had inherited from the system.    


Such an epic war was not worth mentioning at all.    


"Host, this universe can no longer restrict you. Please begin your new journey."    


The system reminded Su Jin.    


It caused the endless chaos to rise.    


It's the dream of the strongest civilization in the first era.    


Once the evolution was successful, all intelligent creatures would no longer need to worry about survival.    


There would be no more wars, no more disputes, no more contradictions.    


All the beautiful things that intelligent creatures yearned for could be easily obtained.    


All creatures would become undying existences, no longer suffering any pain.    


That was a perfect world without any flaws.    


However, Su Jin felt that it was a world like this.    


It's not worth looking forward to.    


Or rather, it was not the world he was looking forward to.    




This word was used against flaws.    


Without an imperfection as a comparison, how could it be perfect?    


From the very beginning, he had thought that the strongest civilization in the first era had made a mistake.    


There was no mistake in looking forward to perfection.    


However, in this world, there was no such thing as perfection.    


Even if the success rate of the system's calculations was infinitely close to 100%.    


Su Jin did not want to try it now either.    


Perhaps one day, when Su Jin was really tired of this world, he would try to make the endless chaos evolve again.    


Therefore, he replied.    


"There's no rush."    


The System did not urge him anymore.    


Su Jin had obtained all the authority of the system.    


The system was only a tool.    


The one who made the decision was Su Jin.    


After that.    


Su Jin had a thought.    


He returned to his original universe.    


With a thought.    


In the universe he was in, countless Immortal Kings were all in a deep slumber.    


Their souls dispersed.    


All those who had once made Su Jin their enemy.    


All of them turned into powder all of a sudden. Under the astonished and disbelieving gazes of the people around them, they suddenly fell.    


After that.    


One after another, beautiful girls suddenly appeared around Su Jin.    


They saw Su Jin.    


Each of their faces was filled with surprise.    


However, when they saw so many devastatingly beautiful women around them, they all looked at Su Jin with the same expression.    


Instantly, their gazes turned hostile.    


"I only want to do one thing right now."    


A playful smile appeared on Su Jin's face.    


A boundless world was created out of thin air.    


The current Su Jin could be said to be omnipotent.    


Creating a world was just a piece of cake.    


And he had created a new world.    


It's a beautiful and undefeatable world.    


Birds sang and flowers bloomed. The scenery was mesmerizing.    


The most beautiful scenery of countless civilizations appeared in every corner.    


However, the entire world seemed very empty.    


After that, Su Jin and the red faces beside him appeared in this world.    


"What do you want to do?"    


Lau Lee stared at Su Jin in embarrassment and anger.    


She looked at all kinds of beds that were everywhere.    


There were also uniform after uniform that made people feel ashamed and resentful.    


He immediately saw through Su Jin's evil intentions.    


Su Jin chuckled.    


He hugged Lau Lee.    


"I'll exercise with you for an era first."    


Then, he ignored the embarrassment and anger of the red faces around him and Lau Lee's struggles.    


He walked towards a new journey.    


Maybe one day.    


Su Jin was really satisfied.    


Only then would he walk towards the endless chaos.    


Complete the wish of the first era.    


It was also possible that Su Jin would never be satisfied.    


But no matter what.    


Su Jin would never go against his own conscience.    


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