Be the Deliveryman in Overall World

C594 On the Application of Male Pig Hormone!

C594 On the Application of Male Pig Hormone!

After hearing the words from the Telephone, Ai De's face immediately turned pale and filled with fear.    


He knew that the people he sent out had all failed, so he had no way to threaten Chu Feng.    


Thinking of this, Ai De plopped down on his knees. With great difficulty, he raised his head and looked at Chu Feng.    


"Don't kill me, I'm not dead yet!"    


At this moment, Ai De's eyes were filled with fear. Dignity and such, all of them had gone to hell.    


Chu Feng, who just saw this, did not have a shred of pity in his eyes. He casually snapped his fingers.    


The Lava Magic Dragon beside Chu Feng immediately moved, clawing towards Ai De.    




Accompanied by a scream, Ai De was directly smacked into the deep pit on the ground. Even though he had a strong body like a dinosaur, his body was still distorted and he died on the spot.    


After doing all of this, Chu Feng looked around and muttered.    


"Looks like I've already cleaned up all these spicy chickens. Now, it's time to pack up and go home."    


Saying that, Chu Feng took out his mobile and gave it to Li Zhentian.    


"Hey, Li Zhentian, you did well this time. I've basically eliminated the danger."    


"However, you should leave behind more powerful members to protect Chu Rou while hiding in the shadows. Call the weaker members back and finish your work."    


Logically speaking, the current Tiger Gang, as a first-rate power in the Kyoto, it was very unreasonable to send so many experts to protect a single person.    


You have to understand that even as the Sect Master of the Tiger Gang, Li Zhentian had never received such high treatment.    


However, Li Zhentian from the Telephone replied right away without any hesitation.    


"Ok, I'll make the arrangements right away. Is there anything else?"    


Li Zhentian didn't sound dissatisfied at all because he clearly knew that everything that he had was given to him by Chu Feng.    


If it wasn't for Chu Feng, Ye Zichen reckoned that Chu Feng would be extremely happy in a small place like this in front of Small hun hun's boss.    


Li Zhentian clearly knew that with Chu Feng's ability, as long as he worked for him seriously, he would receive even more benefits in the future.    


Many years later, when he was escorted by dozens of luxury car on his journey and even the Wealthy Classes in China had to call him Brother Tian when they saw him, he would be incomparably glad to have such foresight.    


Although he did not have much ability, his appearance was not very handsome, and his aptitude was mediocre, there was one thing that made him quite outstanding. He possessed foresight, and he hugged the right thigh.    


He became Chu Feng's first group of lackeys!    


"It's nothing. You just need to be careful of my sister's safety. If anything happens, inform me immediately."    


"Milord, I understand."    


With that, Chu Feng hung up the Telephone. He squinted his eyes and started to think about the future.    


"This mysterious organization is really huge. The technology they possess can't even be compared with the big countries of the world."    


"Until now, I haven't been able to figure out the background of this mysterious organization. It's really troublesome. I wonder how many experts there are."    


However, the key problem now is that Rou Er's safety needs to be guaranteed, and the strength of Li Zhentian and the others are still far from the strength of the mysterious organization. It seems that I have to find a way to further improve their overall strength as soon as possible.    


Chu Feng thought about it in his mind. After a moment, he shook his head and did not think any further. Then, he waved his large hand.    


"man-eating flower, come out!"    


Chu Feng gave the order!    


Instantly, one black hole after another appeared around him.    


The man-eating flower emerged from the cave. They were as tall as Chu Feng, with a huge mouth on the stamen, sharp sawteeth on the mouth, and special yellow liquid secreting from the mouth. They looked terrifying.    


This was the man-eating flower of the primitive world!    


Chu Feng ordered, "Clean up all the surrounding corpses for me!"    


Hearing Chu Feng's order, the surrounding dozens of man-eating flower began to move. They opened their huge mouths and started to swallow the corpses under them.    


After about 10 minutes, other than the ruins of the villa, there were no more corpses on the ground. Even the bloodstains were all gone.    


After doing all of this, Chu Feng called the man-eating flower back to the primitive world and glanced around, nodding his head in satisfaction as he spoke.    


"These man-eating flower, they are really natural cleaners, a good hand at destroying corpses and erasing evidence!"    


"Every time I let them clean up the scene, I feel much less worried."    


Chu Feng couldn't help but sigh and then went back to where he parked the car before driving away.    


The arrangement of this mysterious organization in the Kyoto was considered completely finished.    


They definitely wouldn't have thought that it was because they had offended such a person that their organization suffered such a huge loss.    


On a deserted island at the border of China, a few large buildings were situated there. They were well-equipped and the interior of the buildings were luxurious, it was completely unimaginable that this was a deserted island.    


Nearby these buildings were a large number of outposts. Many armed men were stationed here, and their security was extremely tight.    


This place was a laboratory owned by the mysterious organization. A few years ago, they came to this island and built this laboratory, which was mainly for the development of new weapons. Some of the new weapons used by the shadow guards came from this laboratory.    


At this moment, from within a few buildings, a woman wearing a white coat walked out from the laboratory area.    


She muttered with an excited smile on her face.    


"Great, I finally had a breakthrough on the topic of 'Questions on the Application of Hormone in Pigs'."    


"I estimate that within half a year, I will be able to extract the male hormones that are suitable for humans from the boars. My invention will definitely shock the world."    


"Because this can be applied to human males, improving their abilities, and benefiting the world."    


As she spoke, the woman became more and more excited. She was panting heavily with a silly look on her face.    


A man wearing a similar white coat came out with her. After seeing the infatuation on her face, he frowned, his eyes revealing traces of fear.    


Not for any other reason, this woman who was laughing maniacally was none other than his wife.    


As a man, he was still very interested in the topic of this research. This was related to a man's dignity.    


However …    


At the same time that he was interested, he was extremely worried that his wife would use this kind of drug that was successfully developed on him.    


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