Be the Deliveryman in Overall World

C690 Today Is the Day You Die!

C690 Today Is the Day You Die!

"Who's hiding in the dark and sneaking around? Come out! Are you afraid of me, Evil Sword Immortal, hiding in there and not daring to come out?"    


Evil Sword Immortal laughed mockingly, his tone full of ridicule. His arrogant speech was completely for the sake of bringing out this unknown existence, which was the System.    


However …    


Evil Sword Immortal's act of thinking that he was smart angered the System.    


"Detected inappropriate comments from the target, upgraded Attack Mode, modified attack Mode against Evil Sword Immortal successfully, discovered 50% increase in power."    


When Evil Sword Immortal heard about the system prompting sound, he had a bad premonition.    


At his level, this feeling was usually very accurate, like a kind of prelude.    


At this moment, Evil Sword Immortal had the intention to give up on Chu Feng's body. After all, Chu Feng's body was very strong, but that also meant he had to ensure his safety. After losing to Chu Feng last time, he had become a lot more conservative and no longer as arrogant as before.    


Now that he was in danger, his first reaction was to leave the space of consciousness, but he didn't have the time to act.    




A dignified golden light appeared around him, along with a lethal aura.    


"What is this?"    


Evil Sword Immortal shouted in fear as he looked around at the golden light.    


Because he could clearly feel a fatal aura emanating from this golden light. Without a doubt, this golden light could kill him.    


In the next moment, this golden light suddenly gathered and formed golden longsword, the tips of their swords all pointing at Evil Sword Immortal.    


They were surrounded by a dense cluster of golden longsword, making one feel fear just by looking at them.    


"Attack now." The electronic voice of the system resounded in the surroundings.    


Following that, the floating golden longsword shot towards Evil Sword Immortal.    


Evil Sword Immortal shouted in shock and anger when he saw the scene in front of him.    


"Damn it. Don't think that you can kill me just like that. I, Evil Sword Immortal, am not a pushover either."    


Evil Sword Immortal's expression was ferocious, at the same time, a dense black fog appeared from his body, forming shields one after another, planning to block the attack.    


However, how could the attack set by the system that was specifically aimed at him, Evil Sword Immortal, be so easily blocked?    


The densely packed golden longsword shot towards Evil Sword Immortal, and the shields that Evil Sword Immortal prepared were as fragile as paper. The golden longsword seemed to not be hindered at all, and directly shot through the black shield, towards the inside.    


"Ahh …    




Shrill screams came from the inside. After this wave of attacks, Evil Sword Immortal flew up with all his might.    


His body was in tatters, completely different from his previous high-spirited state. At this moment, he was in a sorry state.    


"Chu Feng wouldn't count just like that, you're amazing in the space of consciousness. I don't want your body anymore, I'll destroy you outside."    


Evil Sword Immortal shouted in anger and shock, and then desperately escaped from Chu Feng's space of consciousness.    


Behind him, another golden longsword was formed. However, Evil Sword Immortal only wanted to escape, and with this speed, he quickly escaped from the space of consciousness.    


At this moment, Chu Feng instantly opened his eyes.    


After he regained consciousness, he heard Evil Sword Immortal let out a miserable scream and his body exploded backwards.    


At this time, the black fog that was trapping Chu Feng also gradually dispersed.    


Qingwei Dao Long and the others outside quickly noticed the commotion and quickly retreated a few steps back. Everyone's face was filled with shock.    


It was because they actually saw Evil Sword Immortal scream and fly away miserably.    


"Junior brother, I'm not blind. I actually sent Evil Sword Immortal flying, he seems to be in quite a miserable state."    


"Haha, Senior Brother, you didn't see wrong. That Evil Sword Immortal is in a miserable state, it's so damn funny."    


"Can Chu Brothers really deal with Evil Sword Immortal?"    


"Look, Chu Brothers came out of that group of black fog."    


One of the clan elders of the Mount Shu pointed to a figure that was rushing out of the black fog and immediately said.    


After Chu Feng rushed out of the black fog, he steadily landed on the ground and looked at Evil Sword Immortal in front of him.    


"Big Brother Chu, are you alright?" Not far away, Long Kui finally couldn't hold back his emotions anymore and shouted loudly after seeing Wu Tie.    


After hearing the shout, Chu Feng turned his head to look at Long Kui and said with a smile.    


"Don't worry, that Evil Sword Immortal can't kill me."    


As he said that, Chu Feng turned his attention back to Evil Sword Immortal, who was not far away.    


"Evil Sword Immortal, my body isn't that easy to take away. I just reminded you that you wouldn't listen to me, now you're regretting it, right?"    


When Chu Feng knew that Evil Sword Immortal wanted to take away his body, he wanted to laugh. It was not difficult for Evil Sword Immortal to take away an ordinary person's or even an almighty's body.    


However …    


Inside his body, there was a system, Evil Sword Immortal, that had invaded the system. Chu Feng did not think that the system would just sit back and do nothing, and as he expected, Evil Sword Immortal had indeed suffered a huge loss after entering the system.    


After Chu Feng finished speaking, Evil Sword Immortal rushed out again. However, the current him seemed to be in a very sorry state and his entire body was in tatters.    


"Damn it, I didn't expect you to have this kind of ability. I was almost tricked to death by you."    


"However, since I am unable to take away your body, I will completely destroy you."    


Evil Sword Immortal laughed out crazily and then the black fog around his body started to surge. His broken body instantly recovered.    


Seeing that, Chu Feng's eyes squinted as a hint of seriousness appeared in his eyes.    


He had thought that the System would deal him quite a bit of damage, but why did it suddenly recover?    


As Chu Feng was thinking this, the system's prompting sound suddenly appeared in his mind.    


"According to the system analysis, Evil Sword Immortal's injuries haven't completely recovered, they're only recovered to 80%. But in this kind of resentful environment, Evil Sword Immortal's body can soon fully recover."    


Listening to the analysis of the system, Chu Feng's face became more and more serious. This meant that no matter how he fought, it would be difficult to defeat him.    


"I didn't think that Evil Sword Immortal would be able to heal himself. How are we supposed to fight him?"    


Thinking this way, Chu Feng subconsciously glanced at Long Kui, who was not far away, and prepared to take her and run away.    


As for Evil Sword Immortal's words, he would wait until he became stronger before coming back to take care of him.    


However, Evil Sword Immortal sensed Chu Feng's thoughts and instantly let out a sinister laugh.    


"Want to run?" "It won't be that easy, just stay here for me."    


"Because today is the day you die!"    


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