Be the Deliveryman in Overall World

C399 Our Boss Is Looking for You!

C399 Our Boss Is Looking for You!

At this point, Chu Feng once again used his control.    


Chu Feng ordered: "Make the venom unable to lie to me, if he violates this order, he will automatically be destroyed."    




The venom that was attached to Chu Feng's body was instantly stunned.    


At this time, Chu Feng continued to ask, "Let me ask you again, is there really no other way to hide the picture on the back of my hand other than real symbiosis?"    


Hearing Chu Feng's question, the venom still did not dare to be negligent and replied in Chu Feng's mind.    


"Master really has no other way, I really have no way to deceive you!"    


Hearing this, Chu Feng also knew that the venom really didn't lie to him. After all, he had just placed restrictions on the venom, if the venom dared to lie to him, they would probably be in mortal destruction by now.    


At this moment, the venom felt wronged.    


He thought to himself:    


Why did I leave Ai Di's body and follow him here?    


Now, not only did he lose his status as a symbiont, he even lost his dignity and became Chu Feng's servant.    


If the other symbiont on his planet were to find out about this, they would definitely be pinned on the sham.    


Thinking about it, the regret in venom's heart started to flood like an ocean. This was definitely the stupidest choice he had ever made in his life.    


However, the venom did not know that in the future, he would be extremely grateful to the day he became Chu Feng's servant.    


When Chu Feng reached the peak of the plane, he returned to his hometown and returned to his original planet. At the same time, he overcame all the weakness of the symbiont and became the strongest symbiont on the planet.    


It was a hundred times stronger than the riots from before. It was so strong that no symbiont could stop it.    


He, venom, became the strongest existence in the history of the symbiont, the symbiont without weakness, the king of the symbiont planet.    


The symbiont that bullied him became his most loyal dogs and slaves.    


In the future, whenever he stood at the peak of the symbiont and looked down at the planet, he would feel a sense of loneliness and defeat whenever he encountered any symbiont.    


At the same time, he was secretly rejoicing and could not help but roar.    


"F * ck you, my choice from the beginning was too wise! Long live my master!"    


His cry shook the earth like an earthquake.    


And those symbiont who had bullied him before, were all crawling at his feet, looking at the venom with an envious expression.    


That's great!    


If only we had known earlier that we went to Earth too, we might have had the chance to be that lord's servants.    


Of course, all of this would come later.    


At this time, the venom was still in deep regret and distress.    


After getting the venom's confirmation, Chu Feng knew that the picture on the back of his hand would not disappear.    


It was impossible to live together with the venom. At the beginning, Chu Feng did not plan to do this, and now was even less.    


Chu Feng took a glance at the pattern on the back of his hand.    


"Forget it, I still need a watch to decorate my hands. I'll buy a watch to make it up to you then!"    


"Luckily, this pattern is not that big and is harmless."    


Saying that, Chu Feng once again revealed a calm smile.    


After putting away the venom's battle clothes, Chu Feng walked towards the delivery Company. After all, they were only a few hundred meters away from their destination. With Chu Feng's speed, they should be able to reach it in a second.    


However, when Chu Feng arrived at the gate of the Company, he suddenly saw four to five luxury cars parked in front of them.    


The people in the car had all come out. They stood beside the car and looked around. It was unknown what they were doing, but it was very suspicious.    


However …    


Security, who was guarding the door, kneeled down in front of the suspicious looking men. He had a smile on his face and looked like he was trying to curry favor with them.    


At first, Chu Feng was also stunned, but he quickly understood. These people were driving a black limousine, so their background was obviously extraordinary. How could Security dare to offend them?    


If they couldn't offend them, then they would start to try their best to curry favor with them.    


Seeing this, Chu Feng did not have any plans to care about it anymore. After all, this had nothing to do with him. He quickly went in to retrieve a piece, then came out to deliver it.    


Thinking about this, Chu Feng walked up and prepared to enter the entrance of Company.    


However, when the men standing beside the black car saw Chu Feng appear, their expressions couldn't help but change and they started to whisper to each other.    


After a few seconds of simple discussion, they quickly came to an answer.    


One of them stepped forward and stopped Chu Feng.    


"Wait, sir, our boss is looking for you."    


"Looking for me?"    


After being stopped, Chu Feng raised his eyebrows and replied.    


"I don't think I've ever seen you before! "Who's your boss?"    


One of the guards standing at the door immediately opened his eyes wide with a surprised expression on his face when he saw Chu Feng.    


Initially, Chu Feng drove a Lamborghini into the Company and stopped Chu Feng's car. He thought Chu Feng was from a rich second generation and wanted to show off by letting him pass.    


However …    


Even in his dreams, he would never have thought that Chu Feng, whom he thought was a fuerdai, would casually give him Deliverer's work permit.    


At that time, Ye Zichen had nearly scared him silly, since when did rich people like this sort of atmosphere?    


The incident that day had shocked him so much that he couldn't sleep well for a few days.    


Half an hour ago, a group of people had come to guard the entrance.    


As a gatekeeper, they naturally had to take care of this matter. However, what made them helpless was that these people seemed to have a long history!    


One after another, luxury car s arrived. Standing guard at the door, it was obvious that they were no ordinary characters. How could ordinary people like them afford to offend them?    


Thus, they decisively gave Chief Manager a beating.    


In the end, when Chief Manager heard about it, he just reminded him to ignore everything and just watch from the side.    




That guard understood, these people had greeted the people above. Their origins were huge, and they were probably even older than Manager.    


Thinking up to here, the guards didn't dare to waste any more words. They just watched from the side, occasionally fawning on her.    


After all, these were all important figures. If they were happy, they would be able to achieve great things.    


Chu Feng only saw such a scene because he held such a thought in his mind.    


At this time, the guard who saw Chu Feng that day was also shocked.    


So this group of people were looking for him?    


As expected, a big shot should be looking for a big shot. Could the background of this man who owned hundreds of millions of sports car be ordinary?    


Looking at Chu Feng, the guard suddenly thought of the rich and powerful essay that he had read these few days. The male lead said that he would rather send a courier than inherit the family's trillions of dollars.    


Could it be that the handsome guy who drove the sports car to deliver the goods was the same as well?    


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