Cultivating Farmer Conquers All Realms

C1254 The old man go away and come back

C1254 The old man go away and come back

Zhang Qianjin raised his head and saw that there was a layer of water vapor on the windscreen that covered his vision. It was just like the water vapor on his phone.    


How is this a fog? I'm afraid it's not the bathroom!    


"It's him!" Without even thinking about it, Zhang Qianjin jumped down from the carriage, took the opportunity and took out the flying sword to surround him, to guard against any attacks that might appear in the mist.    


His spiritual sense was like a person trapped in a quagmire. Only when one exerted a great amount of strength could they make the slightest movement, but to break through the quagmire, that was absolutely impossible!    


"How dare you! You actually dare to turn back! " Zhang Qianjin bellowed, at the same time, he flipped his palm and retrieved a few talismans from the storage bag and continuously threw them. The explosive explosion of the yellow talisman caused a whirlwind, at the same time, he wanted to blow away the monsters in the car park.    


The fog got thicker and thicker, until it was so thick that it could affect one's breathing! Zhang Qianjin's hair was hung with crystal clear water droplets, his entire body was as wet as if he had been inside a sauna.    


His words didn't get a response, and the other party didn't attack him either. It seemed like they only wanted to trap him, that was all.    


'This fellow knows that I'm from the third round and he's afraid of the third round so he doesn't dare to attack me. If that's the case, then what is the reason why he revealed himself ? No, he hasn't been exposed yet. I don't know where he is. '    


Zhang Qianjin's mind raced, suddenly he thought of something, and pounced towards the direction of the carriage using his memories. Just now, because the window was open, the car was also filled with water vapor, and the surface of the seat was covered with a layer of water.    


He reached for the dashboard. The sealed bag with the ring was still there, but the ring was gone!    


"I've fallen into his trap!" Zhang Qianjin instantly understood that the other party's target was not him, but the storage ring. If the ring was in Ling Feiyu's hands, it would be placed in a safe deposit box, and would definitely not be retrieved.    


But it was much easier with Zhang Qianjin, since his cultivation level was high enough, he would be able to see through the mist. As long as he took the ring away, Zhang Qianjin would lose any clues that might be able to track him.    


The fog in the parking lot dispersed quickly. Strangely, only his car seemed to have just been fished out of the water.    


Zhang Qianjin angrily hit the steering wheel, the ear-piercing sound startled all the people who were driving.    


"Gu Wu, you did not fulfill your promise. That woman is not dead." Wu Yan was secretly furious. The Sa Man who never failed in the past had actually failed this time. He wanted a reasonable explanation.    


Gu Wu held onto a ring, he melted the ring away using the True Fire, and the bright diamond actually turned into powder like red blood essence!    


"She has the help of an important person, but unfortunately, that person will not help him for the rest of his life. I still have a chance, so you have to learn how to be patient." Gu Wu laughed sinisterly.    


Wu Yan folded his hands under his chin, and looked at his through the lens of his glasses with a sinister and terrifying gaze, "No, I'm about to lose my patience with you, Gu Wu, you seem to have forgotten yourself recently."    


Gu Wu laughed coldly, "Boss Wu, you must remember, I am not your subordinate, we only have interests in each other."    


"Then after you take my money, you should help me out, not keep giving me headaches, right? If you can't do it, maybe I can find someone to replace you. I mean completely. " Wu Yan's words seemed to have some sort of hidden meaning.    


A cold light shot out from Gu Wu's eyes. He looked at Wu Yan for a few seconds, then smiled again: "Rest assured, I can do it." After Sa Man left the office, Wu Yan went into a daze for a while, picked up the phone and dialed a number.    


The beep on the phone suddenly stopped, and when Wu Yan heard the silence over there, he softly said, "Gu Wu is about to lose control, and he alerted the people from the three rounds, and seemed to have provoked an expert. If you help me get rid of him, the five million I promised would belong to you, and you can help me find out who helped that bitch Wang Qianying."    


The person on the other end of the phone did not reply, but just hung up.    


When Gu Wu came to the riverside where he had agreed to meet Jin Sanyue, the malevolent looking man was already impatient. He squinted his eyes to confirm that the skinny old man who came in the dark of the night was the person he wanted to meet.    


"You came too late, where is the money I wanted?!" Jin Sanyue said impatiently.    


Gu Wu said coldly, "What money?"    


"Stop playing dumb with me! We made a deal, I'll help you give that ring to Qianyin, and you'll give me the money to save my family's business. " Jin Sanyue bellowed in anger, he did not even dare make a sound, because there were people running in the night on the small path beside him.    


Gu Wu exclaimed, "But I was unable to kill Wang Qianying."    


Jin Sanyue could not suppress his emotions and shouted loudly, "That has nothing to do with me! Our deal is just to help you give her the ring! What does what you do after this have anything to do with me! If you do not fulfill your promise, I will look for the captain of some third round and tell him your identity! "    


"Do you really think this is a good time to threaten me? "Idiot, you are really stupid." Gu Wu turned to look at the people who were running past.    


Jin Sanyue took out his phone and coldly said, "That's right, I am threatening you. I know you have a strange ability, so it is easy to silence me, but I do not think you will be that reckless. I have a recording of all the conversations between us. As long as I press this green colored circle, the recording will be sent to Wang Qianying, she will definitely give the recording as evidence to the other three sets, and your identity will definitely be exposed. "    


Gu Wu's aura suddenly became gloomy and cold, the runners running past the river felt that there was a chilly wind blowing, they could not help but change their route, and the people that passed by became fewer and fewer.    


"Don't come over, I'm not trying to scare you. As long as I press Send, you're done for!" Jin Sanyue had a bad premonition, he had no idea how much of a threat he was making, but he did not have the strength.    


"Then press it. Don't hesitate, quickly press it. Otherwise, you won't have another chance." Gu Wu approached him step by step as he retreated step by step. When he was about to send the message, he was shocked to find that his fingers were stiff and unable to move!    


It was as if his thumb was frozen, and could not be bent at all!    


"What did you do to me!" Jin Sanyue screamed in fear.    


"Shh, don't cry out. If you shout out loud, you will attract people who aren't related to you. I have already planned for your death, so you should be silent and humble. " Gu Wu's smile and his words were just as cold, making people feel as if they were in a cave of ice, from head to toe!    


Jin Sanyue gasped for breath in despair. He wanted to shout for help, but his throat felt like it was being held tightly, making him unable to make a sound. He could only watch helplessly as Gu Wu walked up to him, lightly pushed him, and he fell into the water.    


This splash was the last sound Jin Sanyue would make when he fell into the water.    


Gu Wu said indifferently, "Your biggest mistake was to underestimate the strength of the person you offended."    


"Yes, but it's not only young people who think they are. It's the same for you." Suddenly, a taunting voice came from the darkness. It was unclear where it was coming from and how far it was from. The voice seemed to ring from the bottom of his heart!    




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