Cultivating Farmer Conquers All Realms

C1286 Push the situation forward again

C1286 Push the situation forward again

"An Xin, at least I'm still a person." Ling Feiyu shrugged, "Don't test me with these boring things, it's boring. My purpose for coming here is very simple. I am concerned about my friend Nader's situation and am very worried about his safety. "    


Kevin squinted his eyes and asked, "It was indeed him, how did you know that he was taken away by our MIB?"    


"Nonsense!" If you find a missing cultivator in the Divine Region, wouldn't you think that you got rid of them in three rounds? I feel like you're insulting my IQ. " Ling Feiyu said snappily.    


"I'm sorry, it's my fault. Mr. Nader is living a good life under our protection. And according to what he revealed, he doesn't really want to see you anymore. After all, you refused to protect him, so he doesn't trust you anymore. "    


Hiding in the MIB can only confirm that Shylock's accusations against him are all true. If he wants to turn around, he has to go to the Fen Di Gong. "" What's going on? Ling Feiyu laughed, "It has to be said that the Church of White-headed Eagle Kingdom never independent, they are different from the Eastern Church of Fur Bear Country, they have always been under the jurisdiction of the Church."    


After saying that, he got up and left. The dishes had just been served.    


The transvestite asked curiously, "Mr. Ling left just like that? The dishes are just right, the rest will be served immediately. "    


"I've given these dishes to my two foreign friends. Goodbye." Ling Feiyu's figure, under their gaze, walked out of the door, turned around the pillar at the Chuan Long entrance and disappeared as if he had performed a magic trick.    


James immediately ran over, "Old thing, what did he say to you?"    


Kevin did not say anything, he only ate big mouthfuls of food, the Returning Pot meat that Divine State People used to cook was slightly salty, and if he ate too much it would cause him to panic, but this white skin did not seem to have any sense of taste, and he had truly used the Returning Pot as his main dish.    


After sweeping through everything, Kevin put down his chopsticks, "Go back to headquarters and report this to the head. Bring Nader out."    


James was shocked, "Sending him out at this time is not appropriate!"    


"It doesn't matter. He has a lot of information in his head. There is nothing to lose by giving him up now. The most important thing is the incident with the Church. This is not a joke." Only after he said it, did Kevin realize that he had leaked his mouth.    


James who was at the side had a face full of shock, "It really is the Holy See! Old thing, quickly tell me what Ling Feiyu said to you, you've probably been toyed with by him! "    


"I'm wide awake. Do as I say." Kevin left the money for the meal and a tip on the table, and quickly left with James.    


Nader was sent to his apartment in New York City an hour later. This was one of his many properties in the White-headed Eagle Kingdom, and at the same time, he was using his power to steal someone's power, proof of the trade!    


He was still in his bishop's robes, and did not know what was going on until the man who had brought him back closed the door behind him. Hearing that bang, Nader felt as if he had just awoken from a dream!    


"Old friend, we meet again." Ling Feiyu came out of the kitchen of the apartment sneakily.    


The doubt in Nader's eyes flashed, "Mr. Ling, when you instigated Shylock, I already suspected that you were the mastermind. But let me calm down and think about it. "    


"Why not? Maybe I was the one who pushed it all." Ling Feiyu blinked her eyes.    


Don't joke around. Someone who is able to do all this is definitely not a single person, but a group that is hiding in the dark. It is an organized organization and it has a lot of energy but it doesn't feel like it exists." "I've thought a lot about MIB," Nadel analyzed. "I've got a rough idea of what's going on.    


Ling Feiyu sat on the sofa with a curious look on her face.    


"Somehow ?" I felt as if there were an invisible net stretching out, trapping us all inside, trapping us all inside, unable to escape, unable to resist and unable to exert any strength. As the net tightened, the people inside killed each other under the unknowable control, and every time someone died, the person who cast this net out would secretly rejoice in the darkness. "I can feel it, I can definitely feel it ?"    


Nader was suddenly stunned, his forehead was covered in perspiration and he swallowed his saliva in embarrassment, but he did not have any saliva to swallow.    


"What do you feel, Mr. Nader? You aren't done yet." The curious expression on Ling Feiyu's face disappeared and was replaced with indifference.    


Nader slowly turned around and stared at Ling Feiyu as he whispered, "I can feel that person... This organization wants to overturn the Light Divine Cult and break the complete pattern and structure of the Light Divine Cult. "    


Ling Feiyu said as she replied, "That's a little crazy talk. Isn't that so, Light Divine Cult has a huge impact in the mortal world, even if an accident were to occur in the church, it would only result in the dispersal of the leading group. The foundation of Light Divine Cult is still there, with millions of worshippers.    


"Yes!" It is precisely because of this that this person is thinking of subversion, not destruction! " Nader no longer bothered to change his words, he directly said that the person behind the scenes was an individual, and not an organization that he had initially thought was an organization.    


This man opened his arms like a madman, "If you overturn the current leadership structure of the Church, this person can control the Church and slowly change the world's number one Light Divine Cult. Once you reach this step, no one can change this person's will ? Light Divine Cult will be reconstructed to look like what he wanted, or maybe it will quietly disappear. "    


Clap clap ?    


Ling Feiyu applauded calmly, "That's pretty good, you seem to know who he is."    


Nader's eyes revealed a terrified look, "No, I don't know, he is someone who has the ability to turn Shylock, who possesses the power of an angel, into a pawn. Even Archbishop Lei Nuo is under his control, I can't even imagine how many people's Light Divine Cult are under his control, how could I know of such a mysterious existence?"    


"Then what do you know? You have to know something." Ling Feiyu's words held a deep meaning.    


Nader's heart trembled, he lowered both his arms at his side, "If this person wants me as his chess piece, I would be very willing to do so."    


"You really dare to say that, I recorded your words. I will pass this recording to Shylock later." Ling Feiyu's words were shocking.    


Nader looked at him in shock, his expression seemed to say, "Aren't you the one behind this? Why are you pretending to be an outsider?    


He hesitated and said, "Mr. Ling you ?"    


"This recording will be sent to Shylock's phone at 12 o'clock tomorrow. What I'm talking about is the time of 12 o'clock tomorrow in the Divine Province. "Before that, you still have time to come to the Church and seek justice for them. You can decide for yourself." Ling Feiyu did not admit her identity, but by saying this, she had implicitly admitted that he was the person behind the scenes.    


Nader's eyelids jumped, "Mr. Ling, are you not afraid that I will reveal the truth in front of the Pope?"    


"Your words are so strange. Why should I be afraid? What's more, you don't know who's behind this, so you don't know what you just said."    


"I understand now ?" Nader sighed. If he were to calculate the time difference, he had less than a day's worth of time, so he had to hurry and take advantage of when Shylock was still searching for him in all of White-headed Eagle Kingdom. He had to rush to the Holy See to see the Pope to seek redress for his wrongdoings.    




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