The Wealthy Son-in-law Is Back

C441 Blade's End

C441 Blade's End

"Is your retirement fake?"    


Cen Jin pointed at Xiao Tian, his face full of fear.    


"You are not stupid!"    


"I'll give you two choices! First, hand over the things in your pocket, and I'll give you a chance to confess, and I'll spare your life. Second, die now!"    


Xiao Tian's voice was very soft, but when it entered Cen Jin's ears, it was the sound of a death sentence.    


"You... I..."    


He still wanted to argue, but Xiao Tian was impatient. He coldly snorted, and the originally warm camp instantly turned cold. Cen Jin felt goosebumps all over his body.    


In the next moment, a powerful Qi locked onto him, followed by a huge pressure coming from all directions.    


"Plop!" Cen Jin fell to his knees.    


Under the pressure, his knees sank into the ground.    




This kneel directly shattered his kneecaps!    


"You... How is this possible!"    


Cen Jin's hands were on the ground, and his body couldn't help but tremble.    




The pressure on his body was getting heavier and heavier, as if there was a huge mountain pressing down on his body. He couldn't bear it any longer, and his entire body was lying on the ground. Even the ground had caved in.    


He was extremely shocked in his heart. No matter how weak he was, he was still an existence at the peak of the third level. Could it be that the fourth level was so powerful?    


No... No, that's not right. The pressure that Xiao Tian gave him was much greater than before.    


At least, with the momentum from his body, it was impossible for him to suppress him. He didn't even have the strength to resist.    


"You... Could it be that you... broke through..."    


"Your eyes are not bad. That's right, I have indeed broken through to the fifth realm!"    


Xiao Tian stood there with his hands behind his back. The human body had broken through the fifth chain, breaking through the shackles of the human body. With just a casual punch, he had a strength of ten thousand Jin.    


He could control every inch of his muscles in his body. In addition to the endless Qi in his body, he should be able to kill an elephant with a single punch!    


Fifth realm, supreme stage!    


Cen Jin's heart fell to the bottom of the valley. Fifth realm... How was this possible!    


It had been hundreds of years since anyone broke through to the supreme stage. That was the legendary peak of humanity.    


He didn't want to believe it, but Xiao Tian had suppressed him with just a glance. This was clearly the legendary realm of breaking through to the supreme stage.    


In this domain, Xiao Tian was a god. No one could defy him!    


For example, the current him could only struggle at death's door, and he even had difficulty breathing!    


It's over, it's all over now!    


All of this was a scheme designed by Xiao Tian. The Northern Alliance and the three million strong army were nothing in front of Xiao Tian.    


In front of absolute strength, they were just a dish.    


"I... I..."    




Before he could finish his words, the pressure on his body suddenly increased tenfold. All the bones, meridians, and even internal organs in his body were crushed!    


His entire body sank into the ground, and blood seeped out from all the pores on his body. He was already dead beyond belief.    


This god-like method made everyone in the tent shiver in fear, especially those who were lying on the ground.    


The baldy and the others had fanatical expressions on their faces.    


Supreme stage, this was supreme stage!    


In the past, he didn't believe that there was a god in this world, but today, he believed it!    


Gods in this world were just people who cultivated to the extreme.    


Qin Ming walked over and took out a small bamboo tube from Jin Cen's pocket. There was a piece of white paper hidden in it.    


He smiled and walked to the side. He picked up the tea on the chopping board and poured it on it.    


A magical scene happened. Rows of fine female runes appeared on the paper.    


He took a look and translated the content. Indeed, it was a message to Dragon City.    


He wanted to take advantage of the situation before Xiao Tian returned to take down the city gate.    


Xiao Tian said, "We'll play the game. Tonight, we'll cut off one of their arms!"    


"Yes, Mr Tian!"    


Qin Ming hurriedly called over the imitation experts of Death Camp to imitate Jin Cen's notes. Then, he pried out the key message from Shi Guku's mouth and used the messenger eagle to send the message.    


In less than an hour, the people in Dragon City received fake news from Xiao Tian and the others.    


After doing all this, Xiao Tian said to Zhang Qiubai, "Continue to collect the net. Don't miss out on any of them!"    


"Yes, War God!"    


Then he left with the bald man and the others.    


"Let's go and take a look at the other side!"    


After saying that, he led Qin Ming to another military camp.    




"Father, why are you here?"    


Blade rushed over!    


Dragon King came to Blade's camp alone without a follower!    


"I came to chat with you!"    


The Dragon King laughed heartily. The old man was over 70 years old, and his body was still very tough. He had to eat two jin of beef for a meal, which was quite like Lianpo's style.    


"Take a seat!"    


The Dragon King sat on the seat of honor, and Knife hurriedly poured tea for the Dragon King!    


"Father you drink tea!"    


The Dragon King smiled and took the teacup. Just as he was about to put it into his mouth, he sighed and put down the teacup. "Do you blame me?"    


Blade was stunned. "Father, what did you say?"    


"Are you blaming me for not letting you be the vanguard?"    


Dragon King repeated again.    


Blade smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Father, how would I dare to blame you."    


"It is not that I do not dare, but it is strange!"    


Dragon King said, "Blade, are you angry?"    


Knife hurriedly shook his head, "Father, I..."    


Dragon King waved his hand to interrupt him, "In total, you have been my foster son for almost thirty years. I know your character very well."    


"I am old and will not have many years to live. My only wish now is that Northgard will not have any worries. The country will be peaceful and the people will be safe. I don't know if I can see that day!"    


"It would be great if Xiao Tian did not leave!"    


He sighed.    


When Xiao Tian was mentioned, Blade looked angry. "Father, teach him martial arts and bring him into the army. This kid is proud of his results. You are over 70 years old and you are still in the army. What right does he have to leave? "    


"Didn't he leave? Do those dogs dare to work together?"    


Blade's words were full of blame. From the very beginning, he had been at odds with Xiao Tian. The reason was very simple. As the foster son of the Dragon King, Northgard would sooner or later belong to him.    


However, he never would have thought that a Xiao Tian would appear from behind and steal all of his limelight, causing him to become mediocre from being the heir of Northgard.    


He had worked hard for thirty years, killed many enemies, and became the blade of Northgard for many years. He had no regrets.    


Although he said that he hated Xiao Tian for leaving, he was very happy in his heart. Since Xiao Tian had left Northgard, Northgard would belong to him sooner or later.    


"Father, I have something to say. I don't know if I should say it or not."    


The Dragon King said, "Go ahead!"    


"I am willing to share the burden of the Northgard with you.    


His words exposed all of his ambitions.    


Hearing this, the Dragon King revealed a hesitant expression and then sighed heavily," It's not that I am unwilling, but you said it too late! "    


Blade frowned, not understanding what Dragon King meant.    


"Father, please enlighten me!"    


"If you had told me earlier, I would have promised you, but Xiao Tian will return to Northgard tomorrow!"    


Dragon King said, "This time, Xiongnu and Hou Jin have joined forces. The alliance is three million, and Northgard is hard to defend. So I invited Xiao Tian back!"    


Blade lowered his head. There was shock and a trace of resentment in his eyes.    


This old fool was really biased. At this critical moment, the first person he thought of was Xiao Tian. What right did he have? What right did he have?    


He, Xiao Tian, had already retired. Even his position had been removed. This was something he had given up. Why did he come back whenever he wanted? Why did he get a high position when he came back?    


Knife's jealousy exploded in her heart. Even if this was the case, she still did not have the right to be the successor of Northgard.    


It seemed like what they said was right. Those who are not of my race must have different intentions!    


In the eyes of outsiders, he is the foster son of Dragon King, but Blade understood in his heart that he is a dog under Dragon King's feet. The foster son is just a pleasant sounding word to say.    


The Blade Battalion that he led was merely to promote the Dragon King's magnanimity and a large number of positive teaching materials. In fact, it was extremely hypocritical.    


Since you are heartless, then don't blame him for being unjust!    


Thinking up to here, Knife said, "This is indeed the most reliable method. Xiao Tian's prestige is high and his strength is strong. He even suppressed many tribes with his own strength. To the north of Beiliang River, Xiao Tian's name can stop children from crying at night!"    


He spoke with confidence and confidence, and there was not a trace of complaint in his words.    


The Dragon King nodded his head in relief. "I am very pleased that you can think like this. Wait until one day I am no longer here. I hope that you, as the elder brother, can assist him well. Help him defend Northgard, and make the strong enemies not dare to invade!"    


"Yes, Father. Don't worry, I will do my best to defend the Northgard."    


Blade stood up straight with a determined look in his eyes.    


Dragon King laughed and picked up the teacup to drink tea.    


Blade's pupils shrank, "Drink it, quickly drink it... After drinking this cup of tea, you can go and meet the King of Hell!"    


Seeing that the teacup was about to touch his lips, Dragon King poured the tea on the table at this time.    


"Father, what are you doing?"    


Blade felt a chill in his heart and quickly said, "Do you feel that the tea is cold? I will pour you another cup!"    


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