The Wealthy Son-in-law Is Back

C434 325 Planted after the Previous Flower

C434 325 Planted after the Previous Flower

In the blink of an eye, it's time to get off work.    


Xiao Tian drove over to the sanatorium.    


Because of Chen Qiang, the old lady was the center of attention in the sanatorium.    


Because of the sanatorium's service, many wealthy people in Cloud City favored her.    


As a result, the accommodation rate in the sanatorium became higher and higher.    


Those who lived in the sanatorium were either rich people's parents or grandparents.    


Chen Qiang had invested a lot of money into the sanatorium, making it one of the best sanatorium in Y Province and even in the entire country.    


The old man could find something meaningful here, and he could enjoy his old age here.    


The old lady of Chen family had lived a comfortable life for almost half a year.    


Although she could not walk freely due to a stroke, her complexion was not bad. Her face was rosy. It was said that there was an old man chasing after her!    


The old lady from the Chen family had never expected that she would have a second spring when she was old.    


Chen Qiang also knew about this matter and did not stop her. The son of this old man was the father of a high-ranking official in Y Province. When he was young, he had also been on the battlefield. He was honest and honest, so he did not have to worry about him being bad to the old lady.    


However, Xiao Tian and Chen Mengyao did not know, especially when the old man pushed the old lady out and introduced her to the two of them. Both of them were stunned!    


They could not speak!    


"You are Mengyao, right?"    


The old man was dressed in Zhongshan clothing. Although he was old, he was in good spirits. "I often hear about you from Feng Lan!"    


"Hello, old man!"    


Chen Mengyao greeted him somewhat unnaturally.    


"You are Xiao Tian?"    


The old man turned to look at Xiao Tian again and nodded approvingly. "Not bad, you are a capable young man!"    


Xiao Tian just smiled and did not say anything.    


"Mengyao, why did you come to find me today?"    


The old lady from the Chen family asked.    


"Grandma, it will be the New Year in a few days. I want to bring you home for the New Year!"    


Chen Mengyao said.    


Hearing this, the eyes of the old lady from the Chen family instantly turned red, "Good child, what a good child!"    


"Grandma thanks you!"    


The old lady was so excited that her hands and feet trembled. The most wrong thing she had done in her life was not to treat Chen Qiang and his family well!    


She did not expect that she would end up well in the end. She even thought that Chen Qiang would leave her in a corner and let her rot.    


However, not only did he not do that, he even let her stay in the best sanatorium. He even came over every few days to chat with her. Every time she talked about the past, the old lady was filled with regret.    


And Chen Qiang would always say something to comfort her!    


The more Chen Qiang did this, the more ashamed the old lady became. In the past, she prayed to herself that she could live a long life.    


But now, she prayed to Chen Qiang and his family, praying that they would live a happy life, and that they would not be sick or ill.    


"Grandma, we are a family. The past is the past."    


Chen Mengya's eyes also turned red. In the past, the old lady used to love her. If it wasn't for Chen Wenchao's interference and constantly sowing discord between them, perhaps she wouldn't be like this.    


The old lady of Chen family held Chen Mengyao's hand and said, "Grandma knows that you are kind and kind, but Grandma can't forgive herself for what she did to you in the past. She is also very grateful that you came to invite me home for the New Year!"    


"I have been living very well in the sanatorium. I have also gained a lot of friends. I even... even know your Grandpa Guan!"    


At this point, the old lady's face turned red. "I am a sinner. It is better for me not to go back and dampen your spirits. I also do not want to make Yulian difficult. Yulian did not take issue with me. That is because she is magnanimous, but it does not mean that she forgives me!"    


No matter what, the old lady had the power to control the Chen family for several decades. This was something that she could still think of.    


Being able to be so happy in her later years had already greatly exceeded her expectations. She did not want to make Qin Yulian sad, nor did she want to face her... or rather, face the unbearable self of the past.    


"Don't worry about me. Your father often comes to visit me. The people in the sanatorium are very kind and take care of me. Especially your grandfather Guan, he is also very considerate!"    


The old lady continued, "This year, all the old men and old ladies in the sanatorium are not going home. We have held a Red Lunar New Year Gathering. No one wants to go back and cause trouble for their children!"    


"So, Mengyao... Thank you. The greatest fortune of grandma's life is to have a son like your father, a daughter-in-law like your mother, and a granddaughter like you. "    


Speaking up to this point, she paused and looked at Xiao Tian. She sighed with emotion and said, "The things that I have done wrong in my life were misjudged. Xiao Tian, you are a capable person. In the past, Grandma had done something wrong. I hope you don't take the past into account and leave Mengyao to you... "    


Fate was really playing tricks on people. Who would have thought that the tyrannical and selfish old lady in the past would one day apologize to him for Chen Qiang's family?    


But this is a good thing after all!    


"Grandma, don't worry. What happened in the past has already passed. I can't remember it anymore!"    


Xiao Tian smiled. To be honest, he would never take such a small matter seriously.    


A few months was neither long nor short. He suddenly remembered that it seemed to be yesterday.    


However, it had been a long time since yesterday. He realized that his plan to leave Northgard had been fulfilled.    


"If that's the case, then I'm relieved!"    


The old lady looked deeply at Xiao Tian.    


Just like what she had said, if she could discover Xiao Tian's true identity and ability earlier, would the Chen family still be reduced to such a state?    


It was a pity. One wrong step, one wrong step at a time. The past could no longer be salvaged.    


But this was also good. At the very least, it allowed her to recognize who was the true filial son and who was the true ingrate.    


"Go back, grandma will bless you all!"    


This was what the old lady said to the two of them before they left.    


Walking in the sanatorium, he watched the old couple walk hand in hand by the lake. Xiao Tian said, "When we are old, we will move out of the house. We will find a sanatorium... No, we will go down and build a small villa! We will reclaim a few acres of land in front of the villa. Plant flowers!"    


Chen Mengyao was surprised and said," I thought you would say plant vegetables! "    


" Planting vegetables is fine too! "    


Xiao Tian said, "I can plant vegetables in the backyard of the villa!"    


"This way, the front yard is filled with fresh flowers of the four seasons. When you wake up every day, you can see the blooming flowers. When that happens, we will be old and our teeth will fall. If you can't eat meat anymore, I will plant vegetables of the four seasons for you. Fruits, this way, whatever you want to eat, I'll plant them for you! "    


Chen Mengyao listened to Xiao Tian's words and imagined that scene in her mind. Her face revealed a look of yearning, "Hearing what you said, I want to retire early!"    


"Haha, it's not impossible to retire early!"    


Xiao Tian said, "Anyway, the money that we are earning now is something that our family will not be able to use up for a hundred lifetimes. No matter how much money we have, it is just a number!"    


"If you do not know how to enjoy life, what difference is there between that miser and you?"    


"Are you indirectly calling me a miser?"    


Chen Mengyao reacted and spat, "It's still you, the heartless boss. You squeeze your wife every day. It's fine if you squeeze her in the company, but you still have to squeeze her when you go home!"    


Thinking of the ridiculous things that she had done these days, Chen Mengyao's face turned red.    


"The capable ones work more, the capable ones work more!"    


Xiao Tian chuckled and held Chen Mengyao's hand as he walked like those old men and old ladies!    


For a moment, Xiao Tian really hoped that this moment would never end. He held Chen Mengyao's hand and continued walking!    


But soon, he would come back to his senses.    


The situation in Northgard was precarious. If he did not get rid of the internal and external problems, how could he have the face to rest?    


When he thought of his brothers, who he believed in for glory, how could he bear to let them be his corpse?    


Seemingly seeing that Xiao Tian had something on his mind, Chen Mengyao said, "Why did you suddenly stop talking? What's wrong?"    


"No... Nothing much!"    


Xiao Tian shook his head with a smile. Forget it, it was better not to tell her that he was leaving in the future.    


When he left, it would be three months and a year later. The two of them were in a relationship. When they were mixing oil in honey, they separated for such a long time. He was afraid that Chen Mengyao would not be able to take it.    


Furthermore, his return to Northgard this time was also filled with danger. He could not say that he was absolutely safe.    


Facing millions of extremely poor and fierce enemies, even he did not dare to be careless!    


"You're lying! You clearly have something on your mind!"    


Chen Mengyao said, "Every time you speak, your eyes unconsciously look to the side! You do not dare to look into my eyes!"    


"If you are really alright, then look into my eyes!"    


As they spoke, their gazes met. A trace of helplessness flashed across Xiao Tian's eyes. Although he really did not want to lie to her, this time... he was going to be the bad guy!    


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