Matrilocal Son-in-law Is Supreme

C393 Attack Black Shark Organization 2

C393 Attack Black Shark Organization 2

It was precisely by using these karst cave tunnels that Que De could easily enter and exit Black Shark Organization. It was impossible for the Black Shark Organization to send people to guard all the caves, nor would they think that someone would be able to pass through these complicated tunnels and enter through the other side of the mountain.    


After figuring out the situation, Que De returned to the outer city of Yanhua City. He went to the company and pulled out Shen Lang, who was in a daze from his room.    


"The ancestral tombs of the Sikong Family Clan have several organizations guarding them. One of them is called the Black Shark. Black Shark's boss has Level 8 of True Rank s, two assistants at the seventh level of True Rank, ten captains with strength at the middle stage of True Rank, and fifty to sixty members with Source Power Level s. There are more than two hundred members in Common Rank s. " Que De said, "In these two days, let's go get the Black Shark Organization."    


"You actually found the Sikong Family's ancestral ground so quickly?" Shen Lang was very surprised by Que De's efficiency.    


"How could he be so fast?" Que De took out a map of Yushan Mountains and said, "Black Shark Organization is just the first step. Grey Cat told me that there are a total of five or six forces like this one that guard the road to the ancestral tomb of Sikong Family. They only knew of this one. As for the other powers, they didn't know either. So we have to do something. Attacking Black Shark Organization? Aiyah, just using the words "attacking" is too kind of us, since that's the meaning of it. If Black Shark Organization were to face the danger of getting wiped out, they would definitely seek help. The gangs that would rush over to help them, in addition to the few organizations they were on good terms with, would most certainly be their own people. We just need to remember the gangs to help them, and then -- "    


Que De gestured on the map and said: "Strings and lines of those gangs that helped Black Shark Organization, Sikong Family's ancestral grave, must be on one of these lines. In less than two days, we will be able to find the location of the ancestral grave. I've also checked. There haven't been any experts of the Divine King Realm or above in the Sikong Family ancestors, or there might be some kind of iron-clad relationship between them. Therefore, it was impossible for their ancestral tombs to be in an independent space. They could only hide their traces through the rune formations. And in order for the formation runes to take effect, they had to continuously absorb the Origin Energy floating in the air. By using this point, they could lock onto the location of the Sikong Family's ancestral tomb. The first reason is because the rune array requires source energy as a driving force, the second reason is because the rune array is continuously absorbing source energy from the air, which may cause the surrounding source energy concentration to decrease, which is the most likely to happen in these two areas. "    


Shen Lang nodded and said: "There is another possibility. Didn't we previously find out that a portion of the Source Energy in the Sikong Family's refining plant will be sent to their ancestral land? Then it's very possible that those Source Energy s are there to provide energy to the rune array formation that is concealing the Ancestral Land. "    


"He even forgot about that." Que De scratched his head and said, "In that case, it will be even harder to find."    


"I still don't know the exact surroundings of the Sikong Family's ancestral grounds. When I go there and take a look, it might be easier to find." Shen Lang said, "You've worked hard for these past few days, you should rest for a few days. After you've rested and rested, we'll go and take down the Black Shark Organization first."    


"I don't need to rest." Que De said, "We will start tonight. Now that everything is ready, I can't wait anymore. It's just that I don't know if I'll be able to meet a few tough guys, but I feel like I'm breaking through. After fighting a few times, I can try to break through my Paleo Rank. "    


"I don't think it's possible tonight." Shen Lang said, "There is already almost no one in the True Rank realm who can be your opponent. If you want to meet a strong opponent, you have to find the Sikong Family's ancestral ground first. There will definitely be old monsters guarding the tomb in the Ancestral Land. It wouldn't be strange for those old monsters to have the strength of Paleo Rank. "    


Tonight, take down your Black Shark Organization, and see if there are any valuable things in their treasury. In the past two days, in order to investigate them, I spent another few hundred million in Grey Cat company. " Que De said, "We have to return some tonight. We also need the five billion to hire the bodyguards. We must get them all from Sikong Family."    


That afternoon, Shen Lang and Que De left the Yanhua City and entered it together. They found a cave and waited until late at night. While they were waiting, Shen Lang was still wholeheartedly studying the magical equipment. Que De was bored, so he could only play on his phone to pass the time.    


The moon was high in the sky, Que De was leading the way, leading Shen Lang through a winding path. After more than an hour, they finally arrived at a mountain full of holes.    


"Let's go." Que De randomly found a karst cave and drilled into it. Shen Lang followed closely behind.    


There were big and small caves, the big ones were over four to five meters tall, while the small ones were about a meter tall.    


Half an hour later, Shen Lang directly turned the circle, but Que De was still walking slowly inside, saying, "There's still 10 minutes, and then he'll be out."    


"This sense of direction of yours is truly invincible." Shen Lang admired Que De from the bottom of his heart.    


Back in the ancient forest, when they went to the Black Wind Hole, Shen Lang and Fu Pingtao had to rely on Que De to lead the way in order to successfully reach there. With just Fu Pingtao and himself, they would probably die in the forest.    


"We're here." Que De said.    


Shen Lang also saw the corner in front of them, and a bit of night light shone in.    


Standing at the entrance of the karst cave, Shen Lang found that there was a 100 meters distance between them and the ground, which was located on a protrusion of the mountain. On the other side of the mountain, he could see patches of light and many shadows walking around.    


"It just so happens that I can test the power of this Fire Drake Rod." Que De removed the Fire Drake Rod from his waist and put it on his left hand, "The one who makes this thing must be left-handed. This one can only wear the left hand."    


As the scarlet-gold flames shot into the Fire Drake Rod, the eyes of the Flood Dragon instantly lit up, turning into two dots of red light.    


"The distance should be around 500 meters. It's not easy to aim at. Let's just use the Bullet Mode." Que De muttered as he continued channeling Origin Energy into the Fire Drake Rod.    


"You even gave me a name?" Shen Lang asked.    


"Such a cool weapon. It definitely has to have a name. Otherwise, it would be useless." Que De said.    


"Big brother, do you think it's cool to call it Italian Cannon?" Shen Lang was speechless.    


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