Campus Beauty's Peerless Master

C378 Perturbation Information

C378 Perturbation Information

Zhang Yang was forcefully dragged away by Jian Mei and left the central plaza. After that, he drove the Flying Car and slipped away into the Fifth Column area.    


"Zhang Yang, you shouldn't have done that earlier." Jian Mei's eyes looked straight at him, her tone slightly complaining.    


"Shouldn't do it?" In the front passenger seat, Zhang Yang raised his eyes lazily and looked listless.    


"You shouldn't have said such vulgar words, and even more so, you shouldn't have disrespected War God." Jian Mei considered her words and thought for a moment. Then, she said sincerely, "There are many legends about War God …"    


Her tone was as if she was telling a story to a child that had not grown up. With her intelligence, Jian Mei felt more and more that the task the captain assigned to her was the same as a babysitter.    


Her words were cut off by a sneer, and she saw the strange expression in Zhang Yang's eyes.    


"I'm not a soldier, so why the hell should I care?" Zhang Yang said nonchalantly, "Damn it, civilization has advanced to such an extent, we still don't have freedom of speech."    


Without waiting for her to interrupt, he suddenly turned to Jian Mei, whose expression had slightly changed, and said with a faint smile, "You were … To coax little children? "    


"Isn't it?" Jian Mei looked at him angrily. "I feel like your mental age is only seven or eight."    


"Seven or eight years old?"    


Zhang Yang was stunned. The expression on his face became more and more strange. Then, he raised his head and laughed out loud. "Hahahaha …"    


He laughed brazenly, his voice piercing through gold and stone, slapping the armrest of his seat, and finally holding his stomach as he leaned against the seat, struggling to wipe away his tears.    


"You … Is it that funny? " As time passed, Jian Mei became increasingly confused and angry at the same time.    


"That's right. Haha, of course it's funny. I'm dying of laughter." It was as if he'd never laughed so heartily in hundreds of thousands of years. In Jian Mei's eyes, he was simply a lunatic.    


Just as she was about to retort, the military communication on her wrist rang. Seeing the number, Jian Mei immediately slowed down and pressed the button to connect the call.    


"Captain, it's Jian Mei."    




A moment later, the Flying Car passed through the public square of the fifth region and headed towards the northern end. About ten minutes later, a unique training center appeared in their field of vision.    


After parking the car, Zhang Yang followed Jian Mei lazily and walked into the training center.    


The hall was relatively spacious and empty. There were dozens of passageways that connected the various training subjects. However, there was not a single person in the hall.    


Jian Mei's expression became slightly excited. "This is the exclusive training center for the five divisions. In the future, the soldiers who enter here will be the strongest warriors."    


"Oh." Zhang Yang nodded without denying anything. He didn't even lift his eyes.    


"How can you be like this?"    




"Aren't you excited at all? Maybe I'll be able to see those elites after a while. "    


"I'm not a soldier, what does it have to do with me?"    


Jian Mei was immediately angered. She realized that this person was hopeless.    


The two of them went up to the second floor of the training center and took a few turns. Finally, Jian Mei and Zhang Yang knocked on the door and entered an office.    


The office was fully equipped. There were dozens of documents on the table, a large display screen hanging on the wall, and a digital simulation pod lying on the right corner of the room.    


Suddenly, the door of the suite was opened. Su Ling's tall figure walked out and came before the two of them.    


Without avoiding Jian Mei, Su Ling directly said, "This is your office for the time being. How is it? Are you satisfied?"    


"Whatever!" Zhang Yang replied indifferently, but raised his head and looked around.    


Su Ling didn't get angry. She continued, "Jian Mei, you can ask her any questions you have as an assistant in the future."    




Staring deeply at Zhang Yang's lazy face, Su Ling finally confirmed that he wasn't pretending. She slowly turned around and looked at the photos hanging on the wall. It was a picture of the Mystery Five participating in the Military Tournament.    


She asked half-jokingly, "Are you interested in the five mysteries?"    




Zhang Yang raised his head and looked at her in confusion.    


"What I mean is, are you interested in teaching the mysterious fifth division? If you're willing to come, I'll give you the position of main instructor." Su Ling turned her head around and stared at Zhang Yang.    


"Not interested."    


"Then forget it." Su Ling turned around. Her tone was neither salty nor indifferent, but her eyes were filled with disappointment.    


The two of them asked and answered each other as if they were chatting normally. However, Jian Mei, who was standing beside them, was completely stupefied.    


She didn't know how to describe her current mood. Her mind was in a mess, with only a few words repeatedly appearing in her head.    


Chief instructor!    


Give up!    


Not interested!    




This completely subverted her common sense. It subverted her judgment of Zhang Yang all afternoon, and subverted her self-confidence that she was able to control people's hearts.    


The captain actually let him be the head instructor?    


Was this a joke?    


What was even more infuriating to Jian Mei was that she did not hesitate to refuse a man whom she thought was only six or seven years old, and her tone was obviously dismissive.    


On the other hand, as Su Ling's confidential assistant, she could hear the sincerity in their captain's voice. It was the truth from the bottom of her heart, and there was even a hint of flattery in his tone.    


This was simply unbelievable.    


Next, she saw an even more inconceivable scene.    


"Which building is your captain staying at?" Zhang Yang suddenly asked.    


"Here …" Su Ling suddenly raised her head to look at him. "What are you doing?"    


"I'll go find him." Zhang Yang finally showed an angry expression and cursed loudly, "I'll ask him how did he become a captain. That crappy statue was too ugly, Pei Donglai wasn't like that at all …"    


Pei Donglai? Statue? Why did it sound so familiar?    


Su Ling cast a questioning gaze at Jian Mei.    


Jian Mei was on the verge of tears. She opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.    


"But it's hard to say." Zhang Yang's voice sounded as if he was talking to himself, "After so many years, his appearance will naturally change. Isn't Wei Nan's face just a wretched look? Tsk tsk, he's actually the commander of the troop."    


Alright, Jian Mei had already become completely numb to his mysterious speech. At this moment, she looked at Su Ling for help instead. Her gaze was as pitiful as it could be.    


For the past dozens of years, no one dared to curse the commander of the troop loudly at War God Army Group, let alone open their mouth to threaten him.    


No one would dare to do such a thing. Absolutely!    


Then... While the two of them were still stunned, Zhang Yang slammed the door and left.    


"Jian Mei, tell me in detail what happened on the way here." Su Ling said solemnly after she recovered from her shock.    


As for whether Zhang Yang really went to look for the commander, Su Ling didn't care. On the contrary, she even had a faint sense of anticipation.    


"Sir, it's like this …"    


Jian Mei's face was sullen. From the moment she saw Zhang Yang, to the moment she returned to the core plaza and saw Ye Qiu's statue, as well as his reaction, she told Su Ling everything.    


A long time later.    


Su Ling's frowning brows relaxed slightly, while her mind raced.    


She suddenly thought of a possibility. If not for what happened just now, it was very possible that she would have forgotten about it.    


Su Ling remembered the three moves that Zhang Yang and Hu Yong used when they were fighting on the warship.    


Level 5 increase in speed!    


Phantom Shadow!    


And then there was an over frequency movement that she couldn't recognize even when she slowed down after the playback.    


In the past hundred years, there had only been one person who could control the speed of the mecha – Phantom Shadow. In the past hundred years, only one person could clearly create a hundred afterimages.    


The third movement, though uncertain, was something only one person could do.    


And this person's name is... Pei Donglai!    


Could it be … Was he really related to Undefeated War God?    


The more she thought about it, the clearer Su Ling's thoughts became. In fact, she was certain that only such an expert would be able to bring up such a young genius.    


If Zhang Yang knew about her thoughts, he would definitely laugh for three days and applaud her.    


Initially, she had only hoped that Zhang Yang could guide the members of the mysterious 5 divisions. However, after being rejected, she didn't want to pester him anymore. However, now that she thought about it, she made up her mind.    


Zhang Yang naturally didn't know what she was thinking. In fact, he didn't necessarily want to argue with that Legion Commander. Instead, he suddenly felt irritated and didn't want to get entangled with Su Ling anymore.    


The reason for his annoyance was simple.    


He suddenly thought of a possibility … The appearance of those mutated monsters, the second gene transition of humans, and the combination of modern technology and runes … It was most likely related to him.    


Zhang Yang thought of a word... Disturbance Information!    


This was not a good phenomenon, but a cause and effect of the circulation of order. No matter what happened in the future, he would have to bear this burden … And in the end, it was bound to be another set of Order Trial!    


"Damn." He raised his head and looked at the scorching sun, "Looks like I have to recover my strength as soon as possible."    


Wandering aimlessly, Zhang Yang walked forward with his hands behind his back, unknowingly arriving at the public square in District 5. There weren't many people on the square, only a few teams were training under the roars of the instructors.    


Following his gaze, Zhang Yang occasionally saw soldiers coming into a public training center on the right side. After pondering for a moment, he also walked towards the center.    


Perhaps there were some apparatus inside that could help him regain his strength.    




Han Guoer stretched lazily in the green woods to the north of the public square. Her full chest was seduced by her military blue shirt.    


"Sister Guoer, tomorrow we will be entering the mysterious fifth division. I heard that four instructors will give us special training. Do you think it will be difficult?"    


The one who spoke was a girl sitting beside her. Her short black hair fluttered slightly, and her large eyes were filled with curiosity and intelligence.    


Her name was Ye Liner, and she had graduated from the same military academy as Han Guoer. She had also been selected to enter the mysterious division 5 this time.    


"To be exact, they are all five instructors. The four colonels we saw that day were all assistant colonels. The real main instructor was Captain Su Ling." Han Guoer yawned lazily.    


"Wow!" Ye Liner exclaimed, her big eyes twinkling with excitement. "Captain Su Ling is so outstanding. When will I be able to attain her level?"    


Sneering, Han Guoer couldn't be bothered with her.    


"Sister Han Guoer …" "Zhou Wenlve is here!"    


"Ye Liner!" Ye Liner exclaimed. Han Guoer sat up straight, and her expression changed.    


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