Campus Beauty's Peerless Master

C397 Lu Pingyuan

C397 Lu Pingyuan

Almost all the soldiers present, from the high-ranking officers to the basic level, knew that there were five factions in the army. Each division was made up of one faction, and the backers of each division was one of the six vice presidents.    


Although the factions were known to be the main culprit in the army, this was inevitable. Therefore, every commander in charge had to be carefully selected and carefully assessed before being appointed.    


However, since Su Ling had taken over as the captain of the Fifth Main Company, this situation had finally been broken.    


She did not fall to any of the six deputies.    


Especially back when she was reorganizing the mysterious fifth division, nearly all the members of the committee strongly opposed her decision. If it wasn't for the commander's words, it would have been impossible for her to pass.    


It was also because of this that she had completely offended these vice heads, although War God Army Group had independent authority and these vice heads did not have actual authority, but if they did some small actions, it would still be easy.    


For example, every resource allocation, mission difficulty and enforceability, as well as the various reforms proposed by Su Ling, were jointly suppressed.    


In the past year, she had been unable to move an inch.    


At this very moment, in the meeting room of the Fifth Column Command building.    


On the left side of the oval table sat three elderly men and three middle-aged men.    


The old man sitting on the far left was the old man who had been pacified by Zhang Yang. Looking at his appearance, he seemed to only be in his seventies. To be more accurate, he could be considered to be middle-aged.    


Since the second transition of human genes, the average age of humans has been around 150. If a person breaks through to the star level, their life would be extended. If they were to break through to the world level, it would be considered the third transition of human genes.    


This gloomy old man was the Deputy Chief of Staff of War God Army Group, Lu Pingyuan. Note: Please do not equate with positions in reality.)    


At this moment, Lu Pingyuan's extremely benevolent eyes were fixed on Su Ling. The five people beside him were no exception. However, their gazes were not filled with undisguised hostility like Lu Pingyuan's. There were also complex emotions mixed within their curiosity.    


Su Ling sat upright on the chair. There was no expression on her delicate face, only a cold stare.    


"Captain Su, when you reorganized the mysterious 5 divisions, although we stood on different sides, we did it for the sake of the future and reputation of the legion, but this time, a Freedom Army suddenly appeared in your squadron and we, these bunch of old fellows, actually have no idea at all."    


Lu Pingyuan stared at Su Ling. First, he made his stand clear and then pulled the other chiefs of staff along without leaving a trace. When he saw that Su Ling did not respond, he sneered and said.    


"It's fine for you to reform the mysterious fifth division, but you have the Freedom Army to do so? I think it's not that you don't understand how important the military type of Freedom Army is, but you do even more understand how Freedom Army is produced. "    


Saying that, he looked around at the five people, raising his voice, "That was after the six lieutenant commanders and over a thousand high ranking officers discussed and dug up the information. How come you have such a person here, yet we don't even have a single bit of information?"    


"I know you're very busy, so I brought these old guys here personally to ask you about it. What is the purpose of you hiding such an unknown person?"    


With these words, the rest of the group looked at Su Ling, anticipating her answer.    


Although he did not have any authority nor could he mobilize the troops, he could still allocate any of the resources of the legion.    


Lu Pingyuan intentionally guided the topic, seemingly implying that since they usually suppressed Su Ling together, they should now be united against a common enemy.    


The corner of Su Ling's lips lifted slightly as she spoke without any emotion, "I've already told you. I've already reported this to the commander. If you have any questions, you can ask him."    




Lu Pingyuan sneered, "Don't pressure me with the commander. Even if the commander is appointed directly, he has to go through all the senior officers to pass the order. Otherwise, what are we old guys doing here? Bastard, are you waiting for death?"    


Su Ling looked straight at Lu Pingyuan and said lightly, "Are you questioning the commander?"    




Lu Pingyuan let out a wild laugh, "Young Captain Su, you don't have to pressure me with the commander again and again. I have never doubted him, but don't forget, this is an army, an army of the Federation …"    


His voice was cut off as Su Ling stood up and stared at him.    


"This is an army of the Federation, but don't forget that this is the War God Army Group. You have your own traditional War God Army Group, so in the end, you still don't understand the War God Army Group." This is an army of the Federation, but don't forget that this is the War God Army Group,    


"You …"    


Lu Pingyuan slammed his palm on the conference table. He looked so angry that even his body was trembling. He stood up abruptly and shouted, "This is slander. I will bring you before a military court at any time."    


"Whatever." Su Ling flew into a rage as well. She looked at the other five vice presidents who remained silent and said, "In the end, you still don't understand War God Army Group. Military courts are really useless here.    


Su Ling's seemingly calm tone made Lu Pingyuan more and more angry. He pointed at Su Ling and roared, "Captain Su, what are you trying to say!"    


"What you think I mean, that's what I mean."    


"Good, good, good!"    


Lu Pingyuan said three good words in a row. Since both sides had broken off all decorum, then there was nothing much to say.    


"Three days later, I will use my status as the Permanent Vice General Staff to convene a general meeting of officers. All the officers above the rank of major will attend, and then, we will discuss this matter regarding Freedom Army with unknown origins."    


The moment she said that, Su Ling's expression changed. Just as she was about to retort, Lu Pingyuan's roar came again.    


"You don't need to use the commander to pressure me. Since you're talking about traditions and rules with me, then we'll follow our War God Army Group's rules. If we can pass the Freedom Army's quota, I won't have anything to say. On the other hand, I hope Captain Su can give all of us officers an explanation."    


With that, he turned around and left.    


The remaining five men also stood up, but one of the elders still turned to look at Su Ling. With a serious expression, he asked, "Captain Su, you said just now that the commander knew about this, is that true?"    


Su Ling smiled and nodded. "Of course it's true. How could I take this as a joke?"    


Hearing this, the remaining five people looked at each other with a complicated expression on their faces. After nodding slightly, they left one after another.    


The meeting room fell into silence. Su Ling let out a long breath, but she wasn't complacent. On the contrary, she had a feeling that something was off.    


Although War God Army Group had its own traditions, after all, several hundred years had passed, and other than a few main positions, many of the higher ups were not from the army.    


For example, Lu Pingyuan, he originally held the position of vice minister of defense, but ten years ago, he entered the War God Army Group and stayed in his current position.    


Even the deputy commanders of several columns were also drawn in from outside. For example, the vice captain of the fourth column, the Army and Navy.    


Obviously, when all the high-ranking officers realized the special nature of Freedom Army, no one would be willing to place a sharp blade above their own head.    


And Lu Pingyuan was using this opportunity to target Su Ling. Perhaps, through this meeting, his position in the hearts of the military officers would increase by leaps and bounds.    


Zhang Yang and himself were the enemies of everyone, and they were victims as well.    


This was not a conspiracy, but an open and aboveboard conspiracy!    


Su Ling was well aware that this old fellow was extremely crafty, especially since she had personally entered the War God Army Group.    


Also, for the past two years, Captain would occasionally appear in the projection and almost never show his face. Obviously, Lu Pingyuan must have obtained some inside news and was coveting the position of Captain.    


Suddenly, Su Ling was startled. Her facial expression changed as she thought of an extremely terrifying possibility.    


Was the commander in chief in danger?    


She immediately rejected this idea.    


Just then, another urgent notification rang out. Su Ling pressed the button to connect the call. "Hello!"    


"Captain, Lu Tianfeng is back."    


Lu Tianfeng?    


Su Ling frowned slightly. Not long ago, she specifically sent Lu Tianfeng on a mission to the moon. She didn't expect to be back so soon.    


"Got it."    


"Captain, I meant that Lu Tianfeng went to the Mystic Five."    




Su Ling quickly hung up the phone and rushed out of the office with a livid expression.    




Standing in the yard, Zhang Yang took a glance at Old Sun, who was still emitting his heat with great care, and shook his head. He couldn't help but yawn, but between his brows, he was extremely satisfied.    


Zhang Yang was a very casual and simple person with nothing special about the food and clothing shop. Very quickly, he found a three-bedroom apartment in this town, and it was very close to the tasty Snack Bar.    


Lighting a cigarette, Zhang Yang wobbled out of the courtyard and walked towards the [Delicious] Snack Bar.    


However, he suddenly changed his direction halfway through the journey. He stopped when he came to an alleyway where there were barely any people. He squinted his eyes and smiled at a man who was following them from behind.    


This was a woman whose age couldn't be determined, and an extremely beautiful one at that!    


The peak of the twin peaks were upright, they were incomparably full, and with each grasp of her slender waist, it was as if she was kneading a willow in the wind, her butt was perfectly round, her long and slender legs were straight and sexy, and her body had a curvature and curvature that could be described as extremely infuriating.    


Her perfect face matched her proud appearance. Even a clay figurine would be tempted by her.    


"Yo!" I didn't expect that he would be so vigilant. Little handsome brother, are you interested in talking about the ideals of life? "    


The woman's voice was very smooth and charming. Her almond eyes were curved like a crescent moon, as if she could hook away one's soul at any time.    


"You can't be too cautious." Zhang Yang smiled as he sized her up, "I'm guessing that the person hiding behind your Ling Guang mask is a serious person."    


Looking at the woman's slightly changed expression, Zhang Yang seemed to be talking to himself, "Your walking posture has a strong rhythm and your legs have hidden steps, you should be someone from the army, but …"    


Zhang Yang looked at her and seemed very curious. "Last time, you made yourself into a big and sturdy man, and now you're using a Ling Guang Mask to pretend to be a coquettish woman. You …" Could he be a yin yang person? "    


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