Martial God Conqueror



Elder Gu Qingyang had originally wanted to take the chance to take some benefits for his disciple. With his disciple's character, he had thought that Du Shaofu would not hold back at all.    


Who knew that this time, Du Shaofu had only brought up such a small request, which made Elder Gu Qingyang puzzled. Why did this disciple of his suddenly change personality?    


"Hehe, this disciple does not lack anything, this request is enough, I hope Senior Brother Suzerain can agree to it."    


Du Shaofu rubbed the back of his head and laughed. He had obtained a lot of benefits from the Sealed Land, that half magical equipment and a lot of high quality spirit medicine were all priceless.    


Especially since he obtained the Golden Wings of Great Roc, which was an absolute treasure, it was not good for him to ask for anything more.    


And choosing to reduce the amount of income the sect received from World Pavilion was not something Du Shaofu could casually say.    


Although his World Pavilion had not blossomed in the sect yet, Du Shaofu was still quite confident in his World Pavilion's future.    


Ancient Sky Sect was the territory of the entire Central Region, so Du Shaofu did not want to let go of that huge market.    


In front of such an opportunity, it would definitely be a good thing if he could obtain some of it in advance. If he were to fight for it in the future, it would likely be difficult.    


This is not a problem. How about this, how about this, your World Pavilion, in the future, you can only charge a fifth of your income. In addition, you can choose a larger store in the outer sect.    


Sima Taxing nodded, there was naturally nothing that could not agree to this request, compared to a few Dao Artifact, this kind of request was not even worth mentioning.    


However, Sima Taxing didn't know that before long, he would be extremely depressed for the sake of nodding his head right now. If he knew earlier, he wouldn't have agreed to Du Shaofu's seemingly insignificant request even if he was beaten to death.    


Who would have thought that the World Pavilion not long after would actually resound throughout the entire Central Region, causing the pill and cultivation resources within the World Pavilion to become crazily fighting over things.    


"Thank you, Senior Brother Suzerain."    


Seeing Sima Taxing nod his head, Du Shaofu immediately thanked him.    


After a while, when Du Shaofu and Elder Qing Yang left the great hall, the sky had unknowingly turned bright.    


"The World Pavilion seems a little familiar."    


Inside the great hall, Sima Taxing stood with his hands behind his back, and watched Du Shaofu's figure leave. He thought about what happened a while ago, and if there was anyone who mentioned World Pavilion in front of him, they wouldn't have minded it so much at the time.    


He had been worrying about the situation with Sealed Land these past few months, and couldn't remember who mentioned World Pavilion either. After that, his figure also left the hall.    


It was early in the morning, and the light of dawn was gradually spreading out. In the blink of an eye, the sun was rising from the east, and the colorful clouds covered all the peaks of the Ancient Sky Sect.    


Du Shaofu did not first go to the place where he lived. Under the instructions of his master, Elder Gu Qingyang, he cultivated properly, and then split up and went to the World Pavilion of the outer sect.    


It was early in the morning and the World Pavilion were all around. The large and small streets were much less noisy and had an extra sense of tranquility. Many stores were even closed.    


Within the World Pavilion, Gu Changyou was staring at shelves that were large and small with a worried face. The items that filled his eyes at the moment were extremely sparse, and basically did not sell anything at all.    


"Sigh, this is just too difficult for a woman to make a meal out of."    


Gu Changyou sighed, the recent situation of his World Pavilion was not bad, but the demand for cultivation resources was too great.    


If this continued, sooner or later, his World Pavilion reputation would plummet and at that time, it would be a lot harder to save his reputation.    


"What are you sighing for?"    


With that said, a figure soundlessly appeared beside Gu Changyou.    


Upon hearing this, Gu Changyou turned his head around, and looked at the person who spoke behind him. Dressed in a purple robe, with a purple Cloth Strip wide sword twined on his shoulder, and on his resolute face, his eyes clear and bright, it was none other than Du Shaofu.    


"President, you're here!"    


Seeing Du Shaofu's figure, Gu Changyou was extremely excited.    


"How are the Profound Vitality Pill doing?"    


Du Shaofu asked. He was also quite looking forward to the results of the Madness Pill he had refined since he had not personally tested them yet.    


"Profound Vitality Pill and Madness Pill have already been sold out."    


When he mentioned Profound Vitality Pill and Madness Pill, Gu Changyou's eyes immediately lit up. He told Du Shaofu about the Profound Vitality Pill and Madness Pill that within these three months, the black market in his Ancient Sky Sect had increased by more than ten times the original price.    


Furthermore, Gu Changyou had also told Du Shaofu in detail about the situation with the World Pavilion. It wouldn't be long before there was nothing to sell within the World Pavilion.    


Hearing Gu Changyou's words, Du Shaofu frowned, looking at the large and small counters in the World Pavilion, his clear eyes moved slightly, after a moment, he said to Gu Changyou: "The World Pavilion will close for a month."    


"Close for one month?"    


Hearing this, Gu Changyou was immediately stunned, he was extremely confused, there was nothing to sell, and in the end, he was afraid that it would close.    


At that time, it would definitely have a huge impact on his reputation in the World Pavilion.    


"Close the door for one month, let's change to a bigger shop."    


smiled, previously, Senior Brother Suzerain had promised him that he could choose a slightly larger shop, and she didn't even need to take any rent, as she told Gu Changyou of this matter.    


"If you change to a bigger shop, the sect will not charge you rent!"    


Hearing Du Shaofu's words, Gu Changyou was stunned, then his face was filled with shock, and finally, he smiled.    


"In this one month's time, you should go and renovate the new shop, and this way, it should not affect your World Pavilion reputation. At the same time, you should spread the news, that after a month, there will be Profound Vitality Pill s and Madness Pill s for sale." Du Shaofu laughed.    


"Alright, I understand."    


Gu Changyou nodded, and renovated the new shop. He would open it after a month, and with the sales of Madness Pill s and Profound Vitality Pill s, it would definitely not affect his reputation anymore, and would also resolve the predicament of having almost nothing to sell in his recent World Pavilion.    


"President, in a month's time, where are we going to find cultivation resources? We've thought of all the ways we can think of."    


Gu Changyou was still worried that, even after a month, there would still be no cultivation resources available for sale in the World Pavilion.    


In this period of time, most of the pill, Spirit Artifact, and spirit medicines that the World Gang disciples did not use had been brought over and sold.    


"I will think of a way, but in these few days, let all the disciples of World Gang go out and search for spirit medicine. No matter what they think of, the package is a variety of spirit medicine from other shops.    


Du Shaofu said to Gu Changyou.    


"President, buying spirit medicine requires a large amount of expenditure. The cultivation resources sold by the World Pavilion during this period of time are all from the World Gang disciples, and after selling, most of them will belong to the World Pavilion disciples. As for the rest, they still need to be operated and paid for.    


Although he could be considered to be in control of the entire World Pavilion now, in reality, his World Pavilion was still in his pocket.    


"I have some on me."    


After that, he said to Gu Changyou: "I will first borrow some of the other disciples from the World Gang. In my name, after a month, I will return the favor and pay you the interest at the same time."    


"This method is not bad, I will go and try it. However, many inner sect disciples are currently cultivating in seclusion within the Ancient Copper Space. I'm afraid that outer sect disciples do not have too much money on them." Gu Changyou said.    


"It should be enough, I don't need too much for now."    


Du Shaofu nodded his head. Although the cultivation strength of the outer sect disciples was not as good as the inner sect disciples, the amount of money they had was not necessarily less than the inner sect disciples.    


"I-I'll do it right away."    


Gu Changyou nodded, then raised his head and looked at Du Shaofu, and said: "President, the price of Profound Vitality Pill and Madness Pill have already risen to more than ten times, in a month's time, won't the price of our sales increase a little?"    


Du Shaofu's eyes moved, he thought for a while, then smiled, looked at Gu Changyou and said: "There is no need, but let me know, one month later, the quantity of Profound Vitality Pill and Madness Pill that are to be sold is limited, only the honored guests of World Pavilion can purchase them first."    


"Honorable guest?"    


Gu Changyou looked at Du Shaofu, his expression changing slightly, his eyes flashing, he asked: "President, do you mean to say that you want to develop our World Pavilion to become a VIP?"    


Du Shaofu nodded his head, and laughed: "From today onwards, as long as you become a VIP of the World Pavilion, you will be able to enjoy many benefits and convenience of the World Pavilion. The more items I buy in the World Pavilion, the higher the grade of the distinguished guest, and the more discount and convenience I enjoy.    


"I understand what the president means."    


Gu Changyou's face was filled with excitement, he immediately understood what Du Shaofu meant, it was clearly using Profound Vitality Pill s and cultivation resources within the World Pavilion to be tied up.    


If he wanted to buy Profound Vitality Pill and Madness Pill, then he could only become a VIP at World Pavilion. That was the same as buying cultivation resources in the future, and he could only buy them within World Pavilion.    


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