I Am Overlord

C5 A Beauty has Appeared!

C5 A Beauty has Appeared!

In one of the Hall of Martial Arts’ elder residences, an old man was feeling unreconciled and spat, “A five star talent! That Changhe brat actually snatched away a five star talent from me!”    


This elder was the thirteenth Elder, Lee Xiemeng, who had always been on bad terms with Zi Changhe. He was an elder with a lot of experience, yet he suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Zi Changhe. Ever since then, he had been looking for ways to suppress Zi Changhe.    


Now that Zi Changhee had accepted a five star talent, he was extremely unhappy!    


And since Zi Changhe had taken in a disciple with a five star talent, he was more unhappy than ever.    


"Since I can't take him in as a disciple, then I'll destroy him. I must eliminate him before he could mature and make full use of his potential!" Lee Xiemeng thought to himself as a sinister expression crept on his face.    


In the outskirts of Dark Town, several experts had witnessed the Five Stars Brilliant Blue Sky phenomenon. One of them lived inside the most luxurious residence in Wu Town, an old expert.    


"Find out who triggered the five star phenomenon in the sky. Immediately!" The old expert rasped.    


"Father, this was triggered somewhere inside the territory of Hall of Martial Arts!" A middle-aged man replied to the old man.    


"Hall of Martial Arts? Only that little girl can accomplish this; however, her evaluation was a year ago. Sadly, she was taken in as a direct disciple by her hall master. It seems like it was a new disciple who caused the phenomenon. Quickly go find out who caused it!" The old man said to the middle-aged man, his face dripping with greed.    


"As you command, father." The middle-aged man did not dare to hesitate.    


“Hehe, this old man has waited a very long time for this. I never imagined that I would come across such a genius before the end of my lifespan. When I get hold of him, I will be able to refine him into a Yang Body Sculpting Pill. Not only will I be able to extend my lifespan by ten years, but I will also be able to escape from this prison!” the old man maniacally laughed.    




Xiang Shaoyun didn't know that the strange phenomenon he attracted had been noticed by the two big shots.    


At this moment, Xiang Shaoyun behaving the same as the other outer sect disciples—working hard to increase his cultivation!    


He had initially thought that by following this senior brother Zi Changhe, he would have some form of special care and guidance. Never had he imagined that Zi Changhe would only pass him a simple cultivation method before throwing him to the outer court!    


Back then, Xiang Shaoyun had complained, “How can you make me cultivate with all these outer court disciples? All things considered, I’m still the junior brother of an elder, which makes me half an elder too! I don’t really care for all this status and fame thing but aren't you embarrassed?"    


Sadly, Xiang Shaoyun’s complaint resulted in Zi Changhe cold rebuff, “You dare to call yourself a half elder when you’re a mere Martial Entering Cultivator? Don't you dare show yourself in front of me before reaching the Astral Transformation Stage within half a hear! If you can’t even accomplish such a simple task, then you really are a disappointment, a disgrace to your five star talent!” (E/N:- Satoru Gojo, anyone?)    


Xiang Shaoyun couldn't beat Zi Changhee, so he could only submit obediently!    


"Half a year? Huh! I will it in three months!" Xiang Shaoyun made up his mind.    


It had to be said that even though Xiang Shaoyun was a grade one narcissist, he worked harder than anyone else when it came to cultivation.    


Right now, one could see him madly sprinting while carrying a 400-pound rock on his back. (E/N:- About 200 kilograms)    


Every cultivation realm was split into nine grades of proficiency. Xiang Shaoyun, with the strength of a third grade Martial Entering Stage, could initially lift a weight of 300 pounds. However, after he pulled the five stars, all of his impurities were cleansed by the star force; he directly broke through and became a fifth grade Martial Entering Stage cultivator. Now he could easily support 500 pounds, let alone 400 pounds.     


Many outer sect disciples did not know that Xiang Shaoyun had already stepped into the fifth grade of Martial Entering Stage. They still thought that he was a third grade Martial Entering Stage cultivator.    


"As expected of someone with a five star talent. He’s able to do what a fourth grade Martial Entering Stage cultivator can do at merely the third stage, truly amazing!" A disciple said in a sour tone.    


“Talents are determined by the heavens. Although he has a five star talent, his cultivation is lower than ours, despite being older than us. He’s nothing much,” another disciple nearby said.    


The outer disciples at the Hall of Martial Arts were mostly between 13 and 15 years of age, so some disciples were much younger than Xiang Shaoyun. That being said, all of the disciples had cultivations at the fifth grade of Martial Entering Stage, which was the minimum standard to become a disciple at Martial Hall Palace.    


Xiang Shaoyun didn't take their words to heart; instead concentrated on moving the rocks while running at full speed!    


Two hours later, he threw down the 400-pound rock and walked over to the 450-pound rock.    


“He can’t be trying to lift a heavier weight, right? Is he trying to break through the fourth grade of Martial Entering Stage?” somebody whispered.    


“That is a definite possibility. With the Purple Lightning Marquis’s capabilities, breaking through several minor grades might not be a challenge,” the disciples speculated.    


Paying no attention to them, Xiang Shaoyun lifted the 450-pound rock onto his back and continued sprinting until noontime.    


His hands, which were once fair as snow, were now covered with cuts and bruises from carrying the rock. Spreading his arms, he shook his head, and mockingly said, “I am too used to living life comfortably; just exerting this bit of effort gets me injured.” After a short pause, he faced the heavens and lightly exclaimed, “Ten years! I am willing to wait ten years before going after those so-called geniuses. My words are my future! Those two bastards... just you wait. The day this young master returns will be the day you will lose your dog heads!”    


A vicious glint flashed across Xiang Shaoyun’s eyes, a stark contrast to the cheerful simpleton that he usually was.     


A youngster with a story for the world was what he was.    


"Hey, what are you still standing there for? Hurry up; go to the cafeteria and get some food! If you keep dilly-dallying, there won’t be anything left for you!" A melodious voice sounded beside Xiang Shaoyun's ear!    


Xiang Shaoyun came back to his senses and looked towards the person who spoke. His eyes momentarily flashed as he abruptly said, "What a beautiful girl!"    


"Yo-you are not a good person!" The young girl who passed by Xiang Shaoyun scolded him with a blushing face.    


Immediately afterward, her slender figure turned away and furiously stomped off.    


She was Lu Xiaoqing—the number one beauty among the outer court's top 10 great beauties. Her graceful appearance had charmed many males of the outer court. Furthermore, her talents were just as spectacular as her beauty. Able to attract the power of four stars, her future was destined to be a bright one. She was also about to become an inner court disciple soon as she had caught the eye of the eleventh elder, He Yinghua.    


Lu Xiaoqing did not approach Xiang Shaoyun because she had fallen for him. Rather, she had noticed his vicious eyes as she passed by and couldn’t help but call out to him.     


She never imagined that Xiang Shaoyun would flirt with her at the first opportunity he got; it caused her impression of him to drop straight down.    


Xiang Shaoyun stared at her round buttocks swinging as she walked. He lightly touched his lower chin as he laughed, “This young master was only speaking his mind. Is complimenting someone a crime? ”    


"Bro, stop looking! If you keep looking, you just might commit a crime!" Another voice sounded beside Xiang Shaoyun.    


This time, it was a youth with average looks. A sly glint danced in his eyes. With a single glance, one could tell that he was a wretched person!    


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