I Am Overlord

C17 This Whip, I'll Remember!

C17 This Whip, I'll Remember!

Despite breaking through the seventh grade, not a single trace of happiness could be found on Xiang Shayun's face.    


From his point of view, this level of strength was too low. He had lofty goals, and he believed his current success was nothing compared to his goals.    


Blazing Air Fist!    


Xiang Shaoyun stood up and rushed forward. He swung his fist like he was throwing something, while in reality, his own fist was akin to a rock.    


The might behind his fist was so great that even the air around his began burning. This strength, without a doubt, wasn't something that a mere seventh grade could produce.    


While swinging his other fist, a feeble alien energy began mingling with his own energy. The alien energy hybrid flowing through his meridians further reinforced the punch.    


"Come out!" Xiang Shaoyun shouted. The nine great stars in his body began shining, his acupoints began overflowing with energy. His meridians were being flooded with raw power. Right now, every cell in his body was saturated with power.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


In one breath, Xiang Shaoyun threw out three punches. These punches were the peak of his strength and power. The moment the fourth punch was thrown, a stream of energy flowed out along the meridians in his arm.    


The energy behind the punch was veiled in a mist. But no one could deny the strength behind it.    




The ground shook a bit due to the sheer intensity behind the punch.    


The ability to convert star power into energy was something only an Astral Force Stage cultivator had.    


He seemed to be in a berserk state, throwing out more than ten punches in a row. The punches were filled with energy, causing the air to explode with a series of muffled sounds. A sturdy old tree nearby was hit by the energy from his punch, and within seconds, cracks began appearing on it.    


After throwing multiple punches, Xiang Shaoyun decided to stop. He was so exhausted that his body refused to move. Sunlight reflected off the layer of sweat that had formed on his face while he was breathing laboriously.    


"Great, this is just great! Haha!" Xiang Shaoyun laughed like a maniac while facing the sky.    


He had just broken through the seventh grade of the Martial Entering Stage, and he was already capable of energy attacks. The path that he was on... defied the heavens itself.    


Within the boundaries of the Dark Town, or even the entirety of the Cloud Edge City, it could be said that no one had ever done such a heaven-defying feat.    


Even Xiang Shayun, a guy who wasn't easily pleased, couldn't help but feel proud.    


"My energy can only travel half a meter, but it's enough for me to sweep through everyone in the Martial Entering Stage. Once I reach the peak of the Martial Entering Stage, even cultivators of the Astral Force Stage would cower before me," thought Xiang Shaoyun. "It's time to train with weapons!"    


The next day, Xiang Shaoyun absorbed Purple Sun Qi as usual. This time, instead of incorporating a single strand, he decided to double the amount. It was one of the reasons why his cultivation was increasing by leaps and bounds.    


The strands of the purple qi were effortlessly assimilated by the nine stars.    


Those nine stars seemed to form a bottomless abyss. Regardless of the amount, they could easily assimilate any kind of energy. Who knew how long it would take to fill them?    


Xiang Shaoyun left the courtyard and went straight to the Hall of Ordnance.    


As an outer court disciple, entering any hall he wanted would have been an impossible task. However, he wasn't an ordinary outer disciple. He was a genius who had spent three days in the Hall of Limits without breaking a sweat. Not all disciples were aware of his feat. But, the martial instructors of the outer court were all aware of his incredible achievement.    


Xiang Shaoyun no longer had to stay in the outer court to cultivate. It was a special privilege he obtained due to his top 10 status.    


As for his battle with Wu Mingliang, he had long thrown it in the back of his mind.    


In his eyes, Wu Mingliang was just a clown, not even worth mentioning!    


The Hall of Ordnance was located in the inner court of the Hall of Martial Arts. It was a gathering spot for many inner court disciples.    


The outer court and the inner court were nothing alike. The outer court had nothing but desolate grounds and basic pieces of equipment. Whereas the inner court had independent training rooms for each and every disciple to train in, massive training areas, and every piece of equipment possible.    


Inner disciples were allowed to leave and enter the hall at their convenience, so the inner disciples were more often outside the hall rather than inside the hall.    


Xiang Shaoyun stepped into the inner court and saw gallant disciples riding their demonic beasts and moving about freely.    


"Even if I get a chance, I must suppress myself and subjugate a strong mount. Only then would I be able to draw the limelight!" Xiang Shaoyun schemed.    


Suddenly, Xiang Shaoyun saw a young lady in fiery red robes riding an inferno cat and rushing towards him.    


"Get out of the way!" The lady in red shouted at Xiang Shaoyun, who was standing there in a daze.    


The inner courtyard's entrance was huge. It could easily give passage to dozens of riders simultaneously. Yet, the lady in red rushed towards Xiang Shaoyun's position. It was like he was a speck of dirt in her eyes.    


Xiang Shaoyun didn't have time to dodge at all. The inferno cat's speed was too fast. With a blink, it was in front of him.    


"Oh, no!" Xiang Shaoyun exclaimed.    


At the critical moment, the lady in red halted the inferno cat and leaped to the side. Had she been a second late, she would have to witness Xiang Shaoyun being mauled.    


"Bastard, how dare you block my way!" The lady in red was also shocked. Seething with misplaced rage, she swung the long whip in her hand towards him.    




The whip was akin to lightning—swift and deadly. Within a flash, it landed on Xiang Shaoyun's face.    


His skin tore open as a deep flesh wound appeared on his face. Blood came gushing and began dropping on the ground.    


Pain—the simplest emotion of all took root in his heart.    


For the first time in his life, Xiang Shaoyun's body and neural system were introduced to the thing called pain.    


Right now, the pain was secondary to him. The humiliation he was feeling right now came first. He knew his unblemished handsome face was now scarred.    


"This will teach you a lesson. This will let you know how to be a good dog. Humph!" The lady in red was called Lee Hong'er by numerous inner disciples. With a snort, she held the inferno cat's reins and left the inner court.    


"Bitch, stop right now!" Xiang Shaoyun came back to his senses and shouted at Lee Hong'er, who had already left.    


He was ready for a fight. How dare she damage his angel-like handsome face? This was simply touching his reverse scale!    


It was a pity that she was already far away. He couldn't even chase after them as he could never catch up to a mid-ranked demonic beast.    


"This whip, I'll remember." Xiang Shaoyun said as he stared at the lady in red.    


"Do you not know who she is? She is Lee Hong'er—daughter of the thirteenth elder! You still dare to take revenge on her?" An inner disciple who was passing by asked in surprise.    


Xiang Shaoyun shook his head and said, "I'm new here and don't know who she is. Senior brother, please tell me about her."    


"She is thirteenth elder Lee Xiemeng's daughter. If you dare to go against her, The thirteenth elder will kick you out of the Hall of Martial Arts." After saying that, the inner court disciple quickly left.    


"The daughter of the thirteenth elder? No wonder she acted so arrogantly!" Xiang Shaoyun muttered to himself. Then, his eyes revealed a stern look as he said, "Even if it was the Hallmaster's daughter slapping me in the face, she would still get a death sentence."    


Xiang Shaoyun, who originally wanted to go to the Hall of Weapons, had no choice but to go to the Hall of Elixirs. He had to find some herbs to heal his wounds.    


The Hall of Elixirs wasn't too far away from the Hall of Ordnance, and the instant he walked over, a medicinal fragrance wafted out.    


Xiang Shaoyun walked in and asked the elder in charge, "Elder, do you have any Blood Clotting Grass?"    


"Blood Clotting Grass? Are you kidding, brat? That is a superior-grade herb!" The elder shouted in shock.    


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