I Am Overlord

C49 I Might as Well Buy a Piece of Tofu and Smash Myself to Death! 

C49 I Might as Well Buy a Piece of Tofu and Smash Myself to Death! 

Another day passed, and Zi Changhe appeared in the courtyard. He realized that Xiang Shaoyun was actually meditating and not practicing the combat skill. He thought to himself, "Could it be that this brat did not memorize my moves? Humph! Who asked you to be so proud and conceited!"    


"Shaoyun, isn't this second-grade combat skill tough to learn? I know that it's hard to practice. You do have the talent, but it's a pity that you're too arrogant!" Zi Changhe said in a sincere tone.    


He hoped that Xiang Shaoyun would become humble after this lesson and listen to his teachings to improve his abilities. He wanted to kill Xiang Shaoyun's arrogant and narcissistic attitude before it got him in any trouble.    


Xiang Shaoyun opened his eyes, and his gaze landed on Zi Changhe as he shouted, "Senior Brother, take this!"    


Following the end of Xiang Shaoyun's words, his figure charged out like a tiger. His aura surged with his momentum, his spear shot like a rainbow. With a purple flash, the spear seemingly teleported near Zi Changhe's chest.    


Lightning Spear!    


It was as fast as lightning and fierce like the thunder.    


The power of this spear was backed by the comprehension the user had of this skill.    


Zi Changhe's eyes widened as he yelled, "How dare you! Let's see what you've got!"    


Saying that he tilted his body and immediately dodged Xiang Shaoyun's attack!    


However, Xiang Shaoyun seemed to have already expected it, and his spear force changed direction and used its tail to attack his head. Since the change was so swift, dodging it would be hard.    


Zi Changhe revealed a surprised expression. To counter, he covered his palm with a faint light aura and blocked the spear directly.    




Xiang Shaoyun shouted and directed all his energy towards the spear. The spear moved non-stop as if hoping to pierce through his palm.    


Their spears collided with each other, and then it collided again, and then again, and then again... With an astonishing momentum, they clashed in an unyielding and undying manner. With each slash, the environment would be filled with purple streaks of lightning, resounding in the entire courtyard.    


Crackle! Crackle!    


The purple lighting dragons emitted loud crackling sounds. It was just a testament to the fact that every single strike was stronger than the last.    


However, no matter how hard Xiang Shaoyun tried, he couldn't break through Zi Changhe's defense. With a single hand, he was able to block all his attacks.    


But even though Zi Changhe looked relaxed, the truth was that his heart was already in turmoil.    


"He actually comprehended 30% in a single day? No, it does feel like the Lightning Spear, but the power behind it is way stronger!" Zi Changhe exclaimed in his heart.    


After a long while, Xiang Shaoyun stopped and revealed a dejected look, "I'm too weak!"    


A single first-grade Astral Force Stage cultivator against an Astral Transformation Stage was simply a deathmatch as the difference between them was like heaven and earth.    


Seeing Xiang Shaoyun dejected, Zi Changhe couldn't help but console him and said, "You have a five star talent, so you can catch up to me within ten years. So, work hard!"    


"Ten years for just this much strength? I might as well buy a piece of tofu and smash myself to death! " Xiang Shaoyun revealed an exaggerated expression. It conveyed one message: reaching Zi Changhe's level in ten years was a humiliating task.    


Zi Changhe's original good mood was ruined by a single expression from him.    


"Since you're so confident, I'll give you two more days. Within these two days, I want you to reach seventy percent comprehension. If you can't do it, then I'll show you how weak I am!" Zi Changhe said with a darkened face.    


"Seventy percent? No problem at all! However, if I couldn't reach seventy percent, you will punish me. But what if I could? What will I get then?" Xiang Shaoyun stated.    


Just as Xiang Shaoyun finished speaking, a set of inner armor appeared in Zi Changhe's hands. "This is your reward— a third-grade inner armor. It can protect you from all the grade three and below weapons."    


Xiang Shaoyun took it and thought about it, then sighed, "Ah, yes. Something like this would be valuable here!"    


Xiang Shaoyun only thought that in his heart and didn't say it out loud. "Thank you, Senior Brother. Since your title is Purple Lightning Marquis, you must cultivate using the purple energy from the stars. I can teach you a fourth-grade combat skill related to that. It'll increase your strength by leaps and bounds!"    


Just as he finished speaking, Zi Changhe raised his middle finger and said, "Will you die if you stop bragging? If there's nothing important, don't go out. The brothers from the Wu Family had announced that they will come for you."    


After speaking, he didn't stay any longer and just left.    


"And here I was afraid they will wuss out!" Xiang Shaoyun said a brutal glint passed his eyes.    


Since the Wu Family wanted to deal with him, he wouldn't be sitting duck for them.    


It was another early morning. After Xiang Shaoyun absorbed the purple energy, he felt was quite close to the bottleneck of the second stage of the Astral Force Stage. All he needed was to focus, but he suppressed the breakthrough. After suppressing the breakthrough energy, he diverted it towards his Quasar Sea.    


Right now, his priority was to expand his Quasar Sea. He urgently needed it to store treasures and gains without other's knowledge.    


After Xiang Shaoyun finished meditating, he stood up and walked out of Zi Changhe's courtyard. He wanted to return to his own courtyard and deal with all the gains from this trip. After that, he would go see Lu Xiaoqing, that little girl.    


The place Zi Changhe lived in was a courtyard exclusive to elders. The environment here was quiet and serene. It was surrounded by forests, pavilions, small bridges, and beautiful demonic beasts. One would find it increasingly attractive with each step they took.    


However, in the eyes of a young master like Xiang Shaoyun, who used to be a rich young lord, it was mediocrity at best.    


"The Elders' Courtyard is so simple and crude." Xiang Shaoyun stood by the lakeside and shook his head.    


When a person's vision was higher, the feeling they would experience would be completely different! People with high (stuck-up) vision always had thoughts distinctive from the common masses.    


"Who dares to speak such arrogant words here!" An extremely dissatisfied voice sounded out in alarm.    


Xiang Shaoyun secretly thought in his heart, "Damn, this mouth. Always getting me in trouble!"    


He turned his head to look at the person who had spoken. His gaze immediately darkened as he shouted, "It's you, little bitch!"    


"Insolence! Who are you? You dare to call me that! You're courting death!" The lady who reprimanded Xiang Shaoyun cursed and a long whip flew towards Xiang Shaoyun like a snake.    


This woman's attack was fierce as it was enveloped in star energy. If it struck someone, it would leave a lifelong mark.    


Fortunately, Xiang Shaoyun was not as weak as he was before. With the help of his Insight skill, he could clearly see the whip's trajectory.    


"Let do it!" Xiang Shaoyun bellowed as he channeled energy into his arm and forcibly pulled the long whip over.    


The other party did not expect Xiang Shaoyun to react so quickly. Stunned, she couldn't stop her whip from leaving her hand. Moreover, due to the sudden resistance, she lost her balance and staggered.    


Thump! Thump!    


The woman lost her balance and fell directly into the lake. She tried to regain her balance but ended up falling in the lake instead.    


"Haha, you evil girl, finally there's retribution!" Xiang Shaoyun laughed unbridled.    


This evil girl was none other than Lee Hong'er, the girl who whipped his face in the past.    


When he saw her in misery, Xiang Shaoyun couldn't help but feel at ease.    


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