Unparalleled Talisman God





When Xiao Yu reached the Second World, a zither note rang out at the right time.    


Yue Yaoqin was the head of the eight great Forbidden Artifact back then.    


Now, as Xiao Yu fought from the Nine Realms to the second realm, the Moon God was naturally well aware of the path Xiao Yu was taking. She directly brought out the Moon Jade Zither, using the zither music to show Xiao Yu her path of life.    


"Ding dong!"    


The zither music was like a spring, the Moon God's music was filled with music, causing people from all walks of life to be obsessed with it. The music contained a very profound dao intent that directly entered one's soul.    


In that moment, all living things in the Second World began to radiate shocking life force. The dried up plants and trees sprouted again, and the water in the river that had stopped flowing once more became clear.    


The endless mountains and rivers, as well as the endless number of living creatures, all seemed to have received some sort of nourishment at this moment. They were all glowing with boundless vitality.    


This zither contained all of the Dao of Moon God. Without holding anything back, she revealed all of herself in front of Xiao Yu.    


After the song ended, there was complete silence. Moon God kept his zither, standing on top of the bright moon through the Infinite Void, he said to Xiao Yu softly, "I will be here, waiting for your return!"    


Without any more words, everything was already in the tune.    


Xiao Yu looked at him from afar, the Moon God had already revealed everything to him, his body was currently glowing with a divine light, and after the Moon God's heavenly music, his own Dao was approaching perfection.    


"When I return to the Sun-moon Palace and retrieve the items from the past, and finish the fruits from the past, I will return. Wait for me here!"    


He spoke softly to the Moon God from the air, bringing the people behind him and turning around, he broke through the void.    


With this step, he stepped over a boundary. Above the void, a divine palace appeared out of nowhere. It was dazzling and resplendent, as if it had existed since ancient times.    


"Star Lord has finally reached the First Realm!"    


"Sun-moon God Monarch, Ninth Heaven Star Lord, this master and disciple duo, are they going to fight in the end?"    


"This divine palace, will its name, from now on, be Sun-moon Palace or Tianchen Palace?"    


At this moment, all the top-notch beings, including the supreme beings who had lost to Xiao Yu in the beginning, all cast their gazes towards this world, as they awaited the final result.    


Having fought with Nine Realms, Xiao Yu's strength had become greatly different from his previous life. Even though he had not truly Transcended, he had no choice now and had no choice but to face Mo Shang.    


Taking a step forward, he walked toward the Sun-moon Palace in the air and said: "My good disciple, Master has already arrived.    


His voice was so loud that it shook the nine heavens. This time, his steps were firm. When he came to the Sun-moon Palace again, he did not have the kind of hesitation he had the last time he came here.    


"Congratulations Master, you have fought for nine days and have obtained the title of 'Invincible'. This disciple has been waiting for a long time."    


From within the Sun-moon Palace, Mo Shang's voice came out. He sounded very calm, and wasn't surprised by Xiao Yu's arrival.    


"Since you've been waiting for a long time, why don't you show yourself and welcome me back?" Xiao Yu's footsteps did not stop. Every step he took was steady and heavy, and the imposing manner exuded from his body, became astonishing with each step he took.    


"Disciple is in the palace, quietly waiting for Master to arrive!" Mo Shang still did not have the intention to appear, and only his loud voice came out from the Sun-moon Palace.    


"Since that's the case, it doesn't matter. So what if I see you again?" Xiao Yu didn't stop his steps. The light and aura around his body had already risen to a terrifying level as he walked forward.    


He was like a blazing sun, so bright that not even supreme experts would be able to look at him directly.    


Following his footsteps toward the Sun-moon Palace, the five great disciples behind him also followed closely behind, not moving an inch away.    


The feelings of the five of them were all somewhat complicated. Everyone clenched their teeth and did not say a word, but their eyes were filled with determination as they followed Xiao Yu.    




When Xiao Yu approached, a bright light shone from within the Sun-moon Palace. The Inhibition s in the palace activated and countless Dao Pattern appeared. They firmly protected the palace, while emitting shocking vibrations.    


"What is it? Aren't you planning to accept me as your disciple after my arrival? " Xiao Yu's gaze turned slightly cold. With a single glance, he could tell that the Inhibition of this palace had been altered. They were no longer the Inhibition he had left behind back then.    


"Master's cultivation is unrivaled, her battle power is unrivaled, a mere few levels of Inhibition, how can they stop you? It's just that this disciple wants to ask Master for guidance, to see if this Inhibition has any shortcomings. " Mo Shang's voice came out from the palace, sounding as calm and collected as ever.    


"Is that so? Since that's the case, then why don't I come and take a look? " Xiao Yu chuckled as he walked forward towards the Sun-moon Palace.    


"Master, why don't you let this disciple go!"    


Ling Xu stepped forward, looking worried. More and more, he felt that this Junior Brother was too unfathomable, afraid that this Inhibition was lying to him, and didn't want Xiao Yu to be in danger.    


This is the Inhibition that your little Master created. Master also wants to see how much your Junior Brother has grown in these past few years. Xiao Yu waved his hand and told the disciples to retreat while he himself continued to advance.    


He came to the front of the Inhibition and stopped there, then extended his hand out and touched the Inhibition.    


As soon as he touched it, his expression darkened.    


"How is it? Master, compared to the Inhibition that you left behind back then, is it possible that this Inhibition of mine can go up on stage? " Mo Shang's voice came out, carrying a bit of playfulness in it.    




A few disciples saw that Xiao Yu's expression was not right, and all rushed forward, touching the Inhibition.    


Upon touching the Inhibition, the faces of several people changed at the same time. Ling Xu said angrily: "You actually used the Primordial Spirit of everyone in the palace as the Inhibition!"    


The other disciples also had ugly expressions.    


Inside the Inhibition, Mo Shang had merged with the Primordial Spirit of everyone in the palace. If he were to forcefully break it open, then everyone in the palace would have to die!    


He obviously knew that no Inhibition could stop the current Xiao Yu, so he had fused with all the living beings in the palace, the Primordial Spirit!    


Sun-moon Palace, this was also the Tianchen Palace of the past. Every single person within the palace had always followed Xiao Yu, and if Xiao Yu were to forcefully break through, it would be equivalent to killing everyone within the palace.    


At that time, even if he breaks through Sun-moon Palace and reoccupies this place, it would still be an empty palace and all the people in the palace who had followed him before would die in his hands!    


"Seniors, it has been a long time. Why don't you all come with Master to comment on it? How's the arrangement of my Inhibition?" Mo Shang's voice once again came out from the palace.    


"Star Lord, break the formation, all these people in the palace, since they chose to follow Mo Shang, it means they have betrayed you, there is no need to keep them!" Yuan Kuang and the rest flew up, their eyes filled with hatred.    


"You can't!" Feng Qingyun advised: "Those people did not know the reason back then, and some of them may not have been able to take it lying down. Back then, they all followed Star Lord.    


"When Mo Shang spread the rumors earlier, he wanted to ruin Star Lord's reputation and create momentum for him. Now, he also wants to force the Star Lord to make a move on his own seniors, so once the Star Lord makes a move, it will definitely cause endless curses, and the force he creates will be even greater!" The lightning silkworm looked rough on the outside, but its mind was meticulous and it was able to see through the crux of the matter.    


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