Unparalleled Talisman God



"Do you know where she is?" When he arrived at the Xiao Family, he was far too passive. Now, he finally had some news about Lin Yurou.    


"Actually, I don't know much about it either!" Xiao Zi shook her head, and said: "It's just that, when Aunt Lin just came back, I've seen her a few times, and I haven't seen her since!"    


This answer greatly disappointed Xiao Yu, and also made his expression unsightly.    


Even Xiao Zi, with his identity as one of the ten great heaven's pride experts in Xiao Family, did not know where Lin Yurou was. It was clear that the way Xiao Family treated Lin Yurou, was even more excessive than when he treated him.    


Even though he was isolated from the Xiao Family people, it still wasn't enough to restrict their movement. But Lin Yurou, and even Xiao Zi didn't know where she was, had most likely been arranged to be in a completely isolated place, and was even possible to be imprisoned.    


"Why are you looking for Aunt Lin?" Xiao Zi was suspicious, but then he suddenly realised something, "That's right, I'm really stupid, Aunt Lin is your mother, no wonder you're looking for her!"    


Xiao Yu laughed bitterly. It seemed that many people within the Xiao Family knew that Lin Yurou was his mother, but he did not know why he was called Unfilial Son or what the relationship between them was.    


"Hehe, how about this, I'll secretly help you find Aunt Lin's whereabouts. If I help you find her, then tell me all the questions I asked you before. How about it?" Xiao Zi's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had thought of something interesting.    


"You'll help me find it?" Xiao Yu's heart was also moved.    


Although Xiao Zi was not very old, it was possible for her to have such a high status in the Xiao Family. It was very clear that her mother's contact with the rest of the clan was not allowed under her Xiao Family, but with Xiao Zi's help in enquiring, perhaps there would really be a result.    


"Then it's a deal, after I find Aunt Lin, I'll definitely come back and tell you!" Xiao Zi spoke his own words. He did not wait for Xiao Yu's reply and assumed that he agreed.    


As she spoke, she skipped away with an innocent smile on her face. Her appearance was like a child who had found a toy.    


When Xiao Zi left, Xiao Yu let her go, at least someone helped him look for Lin Yurou's whereabouts, so that he wouldn't be in such a passive position.    


Returning to the small hut, he continued to concentrate on imprinting Heaven Seal on the Five-spirit Stone for a few days. Although the progress was extremely slow, it was still better than not doing anything at all.    


In these few days, Xiao Zi had nothing to do, so she ran over to him and asked him about everything. She had a curious look towards him, but fortunately, Xiao Yu had gotten used to her personality and did not take it seriously.    


"Today, I heard that the clan's elders seem to have already made a decision to send you into the Holy Mountain. Now, if I want to find you in the future, there's no need to run down the mountain anymore!" On this day, Xiao Zi came running over with a joyous expression, as if he was taking credit for this news.    


"Send me into the Holy Mountain?" In his heart, Xiao Yu didn't know whether to be happy or worry.    


He was overjoyed because if Xiao Family wanted to send him into the Holy Mountain, at least in their eyes, his value shouldn't be any less than the ten geniuses within the Xiao Family. Worried because they felt that this might not necessarily be a good thing, and it might even be of great disadvantage for him.    


"However, you have to be careful." Xiao Zi reminded him again, "It wasn't without reason that Xiao Feng was so against you before. He probably knew that sooner or later, you would also be sent to Holy Mountain, which was why he held resentment against you."    


According to Xiao Zi, Xiao Feng could be considered outstanding amongst the Xiao Family's younger generation. Ordinary people were unable to compare with him, but he was still a little lacking when compared to the ten people within the Xiao Family.    


Therefore, he had always been extremely concerned about not being selected by the clan to enter Holy Mountain to cultivate, and had always wanted this opportunity. That way, he would no longer have to fear anyone within the clan.    


However, this opportunity did not land on him, but instead landed on Xiao Yu, the Unfilial Son that was suddenly found by his clan. That was the reason why he felt resentment towards Xiao Yu, and felt that the opportunity had originally belonged to him, but was snatched away by Xiao Yu.    


"Xiao Feng is nothing, but that grandfather of his is very troublesome. Not only is he strong, it is said that he has done great deeds for the family back then and has a very high position in the family. Otherwise, I would have helped you teach Xiao Feng a lesson so that he wouldn't dare to offend you again."    


As he finished speaking, Xiao Zi added.    


If someone with her identity was able to say that grandfather Xiao Feng was in trouble, then it could be seen that he was definitely an extraordinary person within the Xiao Family.    


However, Xiao Yu was too lazy to bother with all these, he had never been afraid of anyone who offended him, even if they were king level entities, he would never be able to scare him.    


"Xiao Yu, Master Xiao Hongyuan has summoned us!"    


After a few more days, the person under Xiao Hongyuan's name had come again to summon Xiao Yu, which also made Xiao Yu feel that the day to enter Holy Mountain was about to come.    


He did not ask any further, and got up to leave with this servant. As he expected, this servant directly brought him to a mountain range, and if nothing unexpected happened, this place should be the so called Holy Mountain.    


In front of these mountains, not only did Xiao Yu see Xiao Hongyuan, he also saw many Xiao Family elders, as well as many younger generations.    


"You're here?" Xiao Zi giggled, and paid no heed to the eyes of the people around him, as he arrived in front of Xiao Yu and said: "No need to be strange, every time someone wants to enter the Holy Mountain for the first time, they will attract a lot of people. Because the performance of entering the Holy Mountain for the first time, represents how far that person can walk in it!"    


Seeing Xiao Zi coming forward to converse with Xiao Yu, the group of people from Xiao Family were all extremely surprised, and even Xiao Hongyuan had a deep frown on his forehead.    


Xiao Zi's status in the Xiao Family was definitely not ordinary. How did she end up being together with this Unfilial Son?    


In the bottom of Xiao Hongyuan's heart, he was still a little worried about Xiao Yu. After all, Xiao Yu was a Unfilial Son of the Xiao Family, if they were to allow Xiao Zi to get too close to him, he did not know what the consequences would be.    


"How far is your Holy Mountain?" Xiao Yu thought that there was another kind of accident with the Holy Mountain, and it was not as simple as selecting a few outstanding people and sending them inside to cultivate.    


"That's right!" Xiao Zi nodded, as if he had already expected that Xiao Yu wouldn't be knowledgeable about everything in the clan, and so he could only explain: "The so-called Holy Mountain isn't one mountain, but ninety-nine mountain peaks. Each of these ninety-nine mountain peaks all possess mysterious power, and it is said that they were originally one entity."    


"The people who enter the Holy Mountain to cultivate are not people who only stay on a certain mountain to cultivate, but they constantly change their forms. Every additional mountain, they would be able to obtain a type of mysterious power, and their strength would also be able to increase by a huge amount, so the more mountain peaks they stay on, the stronger they will become."    


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