Unparalleled Talisman God



Xiao Yu completely ignored the rest of his matters. He entered the deep hole and walked forward, his face gradually revealing a strange expression.    


At this point, he felt as if the blood in his body had started to boil and flow faster than usual. It was as if he had felt something and became excited.    


Although he did not know what kind of place this was, Xiao Yu knew that Xiao Hongyuan had let him enter this place for some reason.    


After a short while, a huge platform appeared before them. Around the platform was a pool, but that pool seemed very special because half of it was flowing magma that emitted terrifying heat, and the other half was icy water that emitted cold mist.    


"This is the so-called Fire and Ice Cave?"    


Xiao Yu had vaguely heard the names of the Xiao Family youths earlier, so he now understood. This place seemed to be a place that could be used for cultivation.    


But, would Xiao Family have such good intentions, and purposely leave such a place of cultivation to him?    


Xiao Yu could not believe it, but he still walked up to the center of the stage and sat down.    




As soon as he sat down, he frowned.    


He hadn't felt much when he had been watching from the side. Now that he was sitting on the center of the platform, he realized that the two were completely different. The extreme temperature of each type was very obvious at this moment.    


The current him only felt the surrounding temperature become incomparably hot and cold at the same time, as if he was still in a furnace. In the next moment, he was suddenly engulfed by a ten thousand year old Cold Ice.    


The changes in this heat and chill were irregular. As the two extremes continued to change, it gave people a huge feeling of torture. Ordinary people would not be able to endure this kind of pain even if they wanted to sit down.    


Even if he could bear it, he would have to pay a heavy price.    


"Could it be that the people from the Xiao Family are using this method to cultivate?"    


Xiao Yu more or less understood why these people with Ancient Clan would be stronger than ordinary people. With such a place, there would definitely be enormous benefits for cultivation.    


Cultivating in such a harsh environment would allow one's physical body to grow rapidly, and the speed at which one cultivated would naturally increase.    


However, to the current him, such an environment was completely useless because his physical body was already unimaginably strong. The alternating coldness was like tickling and did not have the effect of strengthening his physical body.    


"It looks like the way Xiao Family appraises their clan is to cultivate in this place for as long as I can. However, this kind of place is completely useless to me!"    


Xiao Yu shook his head and stood up, he did not plan to waste his time here.    




When he stood up, he suddenly frowned, just now he wanted to feel the power of the fire and ice, he had absorbed a portion of the spirit energy, and now, he felt that after the spirit energy entered his body, it was quickly swallowed by the Damnation Power.    


However, at the same time, there was a mysterious power remaining in his body that quickly entered his blood.    


This thing was like a poison that was corroding Xiao Yu's blood. Little by little, it seemed to want to completely seep into his blood.    




Xiao Yu's face sunk, he felt that this thing was very strange, it was not a good item, but a strong feeling of rejection.    


Against his expectations, this thing was extremely tenacious. Even though he had used the Indestructible Yin-yang Scripture, he had still spent some time to completely understand this thing.    


"What is this?" It does not seem like the power of the two extremes of coldness! "    


Xiao Yu frowned in deep thought. This kind of thing gave him an extremely bad feeling, making him feel extremely disgusted, as if someone was deliberately leaving behind this disaster, as if they were plotting something.    


However, this thing had plotted against him and found the wrong person.    


"It's most likely due to the help of the Xiao Family. Since you all aren't taking my clansmen, then I don't need to keep any face!"    


Xiao Yu did not intend to do anything to this place, but that strange power had enraged him.    


He returned to the center of the platform and sat down. At the same time, he activated the Indestructible Yin-yang Scripture, sending out a powerful divine intent into the surroundings, entering deep into the magma and ice water.    


Indeed, just as he expected, it was not for no reason that these two items existed at the same time, but because they originated from different sources.    


Deep within the lava and ice water, there were two kinds of strange substances. They had similar natures, but one was cold while the other was hot. These two substances were at opposite ends of each other, thus forming this unique place.    




Xiao Yu muttered as he channeled the power of the Indestructible Yin-yang Scripture, taking out these two substances and refining them with the Indestructible Yin-yang Scripture, fusing them with the two stars of yin and yang.    


Water and fire, cold and hot, were also included in Yin and Yang, so this thing could completely fuse with the two stars. Although it could only increase its power by a little, it was still very rare, after all, there weren't many things that could strengthen the two stars.    


After finishing all of these tasks, Xiao Yu took less than the time it took to make a cup of tea to drink.    


Although he could continue to stay here and wait for the record Xiao Chen had left behind, even the source of the lava and ice water had already been taken away by him and it would only be a waste of time to stay here.    




Outside the cave, Xiao Hongyuan was still waiting. Seeing that Xiao Yu had just entered, and then walked out, he frowned slightly.    


"They're coming out so soon?"    


"It can't be, this Unfilial Son can't even last a day? This is too useless! "    


"I am very suspicious, has he really defeated Huangfu Ji before? Just this little bit of strength? "    


Seeing Xiao Yu appear, the disciples from the Xiao Family were all very surprised. After that, when had come out so quickly, everyone looked at him with a wave of contempt, revealing undisguised ridicule.    


Looking at Xiao Yu, Xiao Hongyuan also shook his head, his face had a mocking expression, then he took out a book and wrote: Xiao Yu, not good.    


Other than Xiao Yu, there were many other names written on the book. Behind the name, there were some words like "good", "excellent", "excellent", "excellent", "excellent", and so on.    


And the most eye-catching one among them, was Xiao Chen.    


"Hehe, he came out in the time it takes to make a cup of tea. Has this Unfilial Son broken the shortest record?"    


"Not only that, his record is the shortest. It can be said that he created a new height, and I don't think anyone will be able to break it in a very long time."    


The Xiao Family youth discussed, his tone filled with ridicule.    


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