Unparalleled Talisman God



According to Xiao Yu's knowledge, the Red Scale King had always been living within the Fallen Wind Mountain Range, but at that place, there weren't any strong Odd Beast. This was because the strong Odd Beast all knew how to find places with dense natural energy in order to cultivate even faster.    


In Fallen Wind Mountain Range, although there are many Odd Beast, level two and above Odd Beast are already extremely rare. Red Scale King, as a great King of Beasts, being buried in that place, is not very reasonable.    


At this time, finally understood the reason for his visit to the Heavenly Abyss after hearing from the Red Scale King.    


Red Scale King was actually heavily injured.    


According to him, he had fought a great battle with someone many years ago, and after being injured, he had not yet recovered. In desperation, he entered the Fallen Wind Mountain Range and hid there.    


And after many years had passed, not only did the injuries on his body not heal, they became even more severe. If he wasn't treated well again, it was likely he wouldn't be able to live for long.    


As a result, the Heavenly Abyss were scattered and after the Red Scale King received the news, he took a risk to come here. He felt that there might be something in this place that could cure the injuries on his body.    


After listening to what he had to say, Xiao Yu also checked his injuries. A King's injury is extremely difficult to treat, and Red Scale King had been injured for many years.    


It seemed like the Red Scale King had said that he could only seek opportunities within the Heavenly Abyss; otherwise, the injuries on his body would simply be impossible to treat.    


"Then how did you fight against Stone Flame King previously?" Fang Hao had been listening at the side, and only now did he step forward to ask.    


"When I entered this place, I met several kings. They felt that my aura was unstable and knew that I was injured. They wanted to kill me and take away my flesh." The Red Scale King did not hide either.    


The flesh of a Beast King was way too useful to the Homo Clan. For Odd Beast of this level, the value of a drop of blood and an inch of skin was unimaginable.    


Since he met an injured beast king, it was no wonder that the Stone Flame King could not help but attack.    


"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. Right now, there are more than just kings here. I'm guessing they've already discovered something. Otherwise, they wouldn't have gathered here. We have to move faster."    


Xiao Yu and Red Scale King continued to search the area together.    


In this place, Xiao Yu's strength was not weaker than those Ruler Armaments. If the three of them were to travel together, it would simply be too intimidating.    


What a joke! These were three kings, who would dare to provoke them?    


Although Xiao Yu had yet to reach King Stage, others thought that for him to be able to reach this place meant that he was definitely not below the King, and was thus treated as a King.    




On this day, the pressure here suddenly went berserk, and the pressure that had always been unstable suddenly increased. The surrounding areas all fell into a season of chaos, as if a violent storm was blowing.    


"What happened?" Fang Hao's face changed, he could not even stand steadily.    


One had to know that he was a King's Realm character. However, at this moment, his face was covered in sweat. His body was being plundered by the immense pressure, and even his bones were letting out a crisp sound.    


The Red Scale King was also like that. As a Beast Race, his Beast Race's physical body should have been stronger than his Homo Clan in the first place. Furthermore, his original body was a Scarlet Dragon;    


If the two great King were acting in such a manner, it was obvious how Xiao Yu would feel right now.    


Although he could regulate his own divine power, and achieve the fusion of Heavenly Abyss and pressure, to minimize the impact, at this moment, his entire body's bones were almost crushed by the helpless pressure, it was extremely painful!    


"The source of the chaos seems to be over there!"    


Red Scale King gazed at another direction.    


"Let's go!"    


The three of them bore the heavy pressure and walked over, but due to the sudden chaos, their speed was extremely slow. Every step they took seemed to require all their strength.    


"What level has this young person reached?" Red Scale King looked at Xiao Yu, his eyes filled with shock.    


As a great beast king, although he was injured, his physical strength was still there. In this situation, every step he took was difficult for him. This youth did not fall behind him, following closely behind him.    


In his eyes, Xiao Yu's strength was even stronger than his. No matter how shocking Xiao Yu's performance was, he would not be surprised.    


It was extremely difficult for the three of them to move. Their movement speed was slower than a snail's, unlike some king level character.    


Under this heavy pressure, the three of them walked out an extremely long distance. When they saw the center of the chaos, their figures all shook.    


"This is ?"    


From the cave entrance, strange undulations were emitted. It was precisely because of the spread of these undulations that caused the pressure within the Heavenly Abyss to suddenly become chaotic.    


However, there was a strange fight. The field was chaotic and the pressure increased in different places, but inside the cave, it was very peaceful. Except for some fluctuations coming from time to time, it was just a normal area and there didn't seem to be that kind of pressure.    


"Since this cave entrance can cause chaos in the Heavenly Abyss Domain, it must not be simple at all. Also, the pressure in various places has greatly increased, so if we take one wrong step, we would be smashed to smithereens. Therefore, no matter what's strange about this cave entrance, it seems that we can only probe!"    


Red Scale King looked at Xiao Yu and Yue Shan, although he said it like that, he was also asking for their agreement.    


"In that case, let's go!" Fang Hao was also a very decisive person, upon hearing that, he nodded his head, then walked forward with difficulty towards the deep cave entrance.    


At this point, it was even more difficult for Xiao Yu to take a step forward. With every step he took, both of his legs seemed to be directly crushed by the heavy pressure.    


Fortunately, his body was not weak. Moreover, he grasped the unique frequency of the pressure and was able to adjust his divine power to match it. Otherwise, he would have already been crushed into pieces by the pressure in this place.    


The three of them were only dozens of steps away from the mouth of the cave. However, these tens of steps nearly took their lives. Finally, they stepped into the cave.    


"This place is really strange!" Red Scale King's expression turned cold, he did not dare be careless.    


Xiao Yu also felt it. When they arrived here in three steps, all the pressure immediately disappeared without a trace. The core of the storm was actually the calmest.    


"Red Scale King, how much of your strength can you display here?" Fang Hao's face turned ugly as he suddenly asked Red Scale King.    


"Less than ten percent has been suppressed by a Zongshi realm expert!" Red Scale King immediately tried to mobilize his divine power, but he discovered that although this place was calm and there wasn't the powerful pressure from the outside world, his cultivation was firmly suppressed.    


The strength that he could unleash now wasn't even ten percent of his original strength. He was still a step away from becoming an ordinary grandmaster.    


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