Unparalleled Talisman God



Nether Mountain, this place was originally a forbidden ground, no strangers are allowed to enter. The reason so many people appeared here this time, was entirely because of a mysterious power that attracted so many young people to this place.    


And now, listening to Qing Er's words, his Nether Mountain would close, and all living things in the mountain would have to leave. Otherwise, he would have no chance of leaving, and would be trapped here forever.    


Although Xiao Yu did not know why his Nether Mountain was suddenly sealed, he felt that Qing Er was not lying. Otherwise, if Jun Xie possessed such killing intent towards him, he would not have left so easily.    




The two of them walked forward. Suddenly, a cold light slashed down, aimed straight at Xiao Yu's forehead, its killing intent was extremely sharp, as though it wanted to kill him in one strike.    


It was a very terrifying attack, without a sound or warning, it suddenly attacked and its power was extremely terrifying, causing Xiao Yu to feel a strong sense of danger!    


"Get out of the way!"    


He pushed Qing Er aside and took the initiative to face him. Five stars in his body flew out at the same time, and the two stars and three great Five-element Star rotated, radiating an indescribable force.    




The Five-element Power was paired with the Yin Yang Rotation, its power was astonishing. That streak of cold light was immediately sealed by Xiao Yu's power and stopped right in front of him, unable to advance even an inch.    


"It's you! You haven't left!"    


Qing Er saw the face of the person who attacked and immediately exclaimed, as he was extremely shocked.    


This person looked extremely young, in his early twenties, with a stern look on his face and ice-cold killing intent in his eyes. Right now, his finger was like a ray of light, aimed straight at Xiao Yu's forehead, and that streak of cold light just now had come from his fingertip.    


"He is Jun Xie?" Xiao Yu immediately guessed the identity of the man. The one who had such killing intent towards him was most likely the only Jun Xie out of everyone in the Nether Mountain.    


"I thought he had already left. I didn't expect him to not hesitate to take the risk in order to kill you!" Qing Er nodded from the side with a heavy expression. He was obviously fearful of this person's strength.    


"He did leave." Xiao Yu nodded, stared at the person in front of him and said: "This is only a Divine Shadow in his body, his true body has long gone."    


"You can actually see through it?" Jun Xie spoke up front. This person had an evil feeling, and coldly said: "However, it's useless. I said before, the day you leave the Divine Phoenix's cave would be the day you die!"    


This man's killing intent towards Xiao Yu was too strong, even after leaving, he had actually left behind a Divine Shadow, wanting to kill Xiao Yu here.    


From this, it could be seen that this person was extremely powerful. Although the Divine Shadow s in an ordinary person's body could be summoned, they could not leave their true body too far behind, and if this person's true body left behind a Divine Shadow, it would also be extremely powerful.    


"Is that so?" With regards to the people who wanted to kill him, Xiao Yu had nothing to say.    


Coincidentally, his cultivation had broken through, forming two Divine Shadow, and he had succeeded in using them as talismans, so he wanted to borrow them to examine the current Dao Fruit.    


"Kill!" Jun Xie carried a demonic temperament as he coldly spat out a word.    


In the center of his brows, there was an ancient symbol that looked like an Dao Pattern. This Dao Pattern released a sinister light that made his entire being look even more demonic, and at the same time, a terrifying energy permeated out from his body, enveloping Xiao Yu.    




Xiao Yu was not afraid either. If he could not even deal with a mere incarnation, he did not have to come to the Nether Mountain. In order to break through, he had to bitterly search for the Purple Star Sand.    




He had five stars to protect his body. As he punched forward, he had the momentum of advancing forward unstoppably, devouring the heavens and earth with his energy.    


Jun Xie's avatar was also extremely powerful, and was not much weaker than the previous Jun Kuang.    


The two of them were both geniuses at the peak of the Ten Prefectures. When they made their moves at this moment, the situation changed and both of them were shockingly strong, so strong that even their Nether Mountain was trembling for them.    


Xiao Yu used his body as a talisman to cultivate. This was a completely new path, even he did not know if this path was the right one, but now, there was an opponent fighting against him, which allowed him to use this as a test to see if this path was the correct one.    


He did not use the six imprints, nor did he use those few stars, but only relied on the transformations brought about by his cultivation base turning into a Talisman to fight.    


With his status as a talisman, even though he had successfully formed three Divine Shadow, in reality, the talismans these Divine Shadow were hiding within his body did not change his own cultivation by much.    


It was the heart, and the current him could be said to be instigating a Talisman to fight against Jun Xie's incarnation.    


"Clang clang clang!"    


Jun Xie's incarnation was also extremely strong, his body was like iron, and was unshakable. When Xiao Yu's fists struck his body, it was as if he was hitting steel, and it emitted a metallic sound.    


"Indestructible Bright Monarch Curse!"    


Jun Xie bellowed, the Ancient Rune on his forehead became even more strange, suddenly releasing a ray of blood red light.    


This light beam seemed to have come from the depths of hell, bringing with it a terrifying aura that firmly locked onto Xiao Yu. Where this light beam went, space would distort, time would change, and everything would be annihilated, no longer exist.    


"Be careful!" Qing Er reminded at the side. Jun Xie was simply too strong, and this Arcane Arts was even more so extremely dangerous.    




However, Xiao Yu was extremely calm as he pointed ahead.    


On the tip of his finger, a mark flew out. It was the Heaven Seal, the previous body of the seal was a talisman, and now, Xiao Yu was a Talisman.    


This imprint transformed into a gigantic Talisman Imprint in the sky. Instantly, space and time condensed, and even time froze for a short moment. It was the same for Jun Xie's ray of light.    


Talisman Dao s originally required Talisman Stone s, Talisman Imprint s, and blood of living creatures to be combined to form a talisman, but now that Xiao Yu had used his own talisman, he himself was already a Talisman.    


In the past, he still needed to create talismans instantly in order to release the different kinds of Talisman's effects, but now that he succeeded, he did not even need to inscribe them. Once the Heaven Seal was released, it could directly form talismans and release the different kinds of Talisman's effects.    


At the moment, this Talisman Imprint was called the Space Chaotic Rune. It could produce spatial and spatial chaos, and could even control space and time, but Xiao Yu's current cultivation was insufficient, so it could only cause time to freeze for a short while.    




At the same time, the Fire Element Star flew forward at Xiao Yu's side. The primordial star mark lit up, and the terrifying power of the Phoenix Pattern's fire shot out, engulfing Jun Xie.    




As the terrifying flames leaked out, Jun Xie's incarnation was immediately engulfed by the phoenix flames and turned into a fiery man.    


"This ?" Qing Er was stunned, Xiao Yu had really defeated Jun Xie! Although it was just an avatar, but it was still very strong, and the result was still a surprise to her.    


"This is just an incarnation. Moreover, his true body has already left. This incarnation won't be able to last long. He won't have much strength left after my great battle." Xiao Yu saw Qing Er's shock and said.    


Although he had taken care of Jun Xie's avatar, it was nothing to him, because he could be sure that the real Jun Xie was a hundred times stronger than this one!    


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